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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #178

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #178

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Edgar Cayce and the Bible

March 3, 2001


Edgar Cayce did TWO very unusual things during his most recent incarnation in this earth plane.

One was that he was able to emanate words that produced vast amounts of  never heard before knowledge while his mind was in an altered state of consciousness.

He did not even know what was said until he was brought out of his induced hypnotic state of mind and reviewed his own recorded words.

He did this, not just once, but more than 14,000 times to help others with their physical, mental, and spiritual well being...,

...never really knowing for sure that he would come out of this altered sleep state of consciousness.

The other was that he read the King James Bible, not once, but 67 times during the 67 years that he lived.

Both of these things that he did were very unusual.

The big question is...

...Is there a DIRECT connection between these two very unusual things that he did.

The answer absolutely, positively, yes.


Because of the knowledge that unfolds as the mind reviews the Readings.  

The most important and ultimate STATED goal of the A.R.E. is the Ideal to help individuals manifest the Christ Consciousness.

The Pattern for the mind to do just that is contained in the Bible that Edgar Cayce read 67 times.

Just one of the important tidbits of knowledge that the mind will find is ...

...the law that is EVER presents is... attracts like; like begets like.

His altered conscious mind, became AS LIKE the mind set of the Pattern of Jesus in the Bible.

And what was that?

According to the Readings. the Pattern is in Jesus.

What is in Jesus?

Jesus said the Father was in Jesus.

According to the Readings, the Father is the Creative FORCE within every created living human body...,

...that under certain conditions of attunement by the mind, IT may speak from WITHIN and THROUGH the body and altered mind.

Whats the common connection?

Words were spoken THROUGH the Pattern IN Jesus whose mind was connected.

Likes attract likes.

Words were spoken THROUGH Edgar Cayce whose conscious mind was atered and connected.

So here is the Pattern in Jesus as far as the Bible and the mind is concerned.

The beginning starts with the Spirit of God and ends with the Spirit of God.

That SPIRIT was the Word with God and was God in the beginning, and that Word took on flesh as Adam.

Adam then took that, Word, the  Spirit of God as His OWN, to develop his SELF conscious mind...,. 

...and SEVERED the connection with the Spirit as he took His  words and His letters as his OWN by the use of his free will mind.

That Spirit of Adam then reincarnated as Jesus, as the Word made flesh.

According to the Readings, Adam reincarnated as Jesus who was, again, as one with the Father..., the mind could know the Personality of God.

When Jesus, the Word made flesh died..., 
...he was One with the Father again as He was in the beginning as Adam.

In essence, that is the SAME Pattern that every mind is destined to follow, unless the mind absolutely decides forever it is not going to do the will of the Father.

According to the Readings, the Father will never abandon the soul, and only the will of the mind may cause the soul to be lost forever.

That is why it is important to know a little about Genesis, and a little about the New Testament that describes the Personality of God that is IN Jesus, and a little about Revelation that is written from the point of view of His Spirit as the Word made flesh that was with God in the very beginning.

"I AM Alpha and Omega"--Remember?*

* The Words of Revelation 1:8 were only mentioned 4 times in the Book of Revelation.

According to the Readings ALL souls were created at the same time and will eventually return to our Creator, our Maker, Our Father, IF the mind is willing.

According to the Readings, how many times can the mind defy the will of the Father?

So the Pattern that the mind is destined to follow..., the Spirit entering within Adam and from within Adam to within Jesus and from within Jesus back to the Father with the bon again attuned mind that is willing.

The Spirit of the Creator is the Force that exists in every living human created body that the mind with free will may attune itself to.

It was always within Adam as it is with everyone that enters the earth plane, except Adam's mind severed the direct connection, and every mind is born today with that same severed connection.

That it is why the born MIND must be born again to re-cord the severed cord.

Jesus, returning as the reincarnated Adam made the Revelation, through remembrance in His mind, that there WAS a connection that He could re-connect.., the mind is the builder..., the Father within Him.

That is the Pattern that He presented and that every mind may follow.

No organized religion ever presented this kind of knowledge.

That is WHY Edgar Cayce entered this earth plane.

By Reading the Bible 67 times. his mind brought forth the Pattern in Jesus that is presented in the Readings.

Not for himself, but for you and me.

He had already made the re-connection.

So the Words in the Bible and Words that emanated from within Edgar Cayce are LIKES and they witness each other in truth.

When the mind makes the connection with these two sets of Words..., will be doing something that has never yet been done in the history of the human race.

It will be the beginning of the unfolding of the Christ consciousness exactly as was predicted by the Readings..., 

...and time frame for that to begin to happen is NOW.

Why? Because just now there is another truth to witness the truth that was the Pattern in Jesus.

The Words in the King James Bible no longer stand alone.

Blessings to those who see this right NOW as very unusually window of opportunity,


Re: Edgar Cayce and the Bible.

April 4, 2001


Although Edgar Cayce read the Kings James Bible 67 times, that is only part of the story.

Although the knowledge that Adam reincarnated as Jesus, is only a part of the story that unfolds through the Readings.

The Pattern of the Adam/Jesus reincarnation merely sets the stage for all sorts of Biblical reincarnations that had taken place during this past century that are revealed in the Readings.

Remember that law that is ever present?:

Like attracts like; like begets like.*

*Reading 541-1 

Here are just a few things that you are going to see in the Readings.

Although Edgar Cayce had other outstanding reincarnations, one life experience came around the time of Jesus.

His name was Lucius, the nephew of luke, and apparently wrote the Gospel of Luke that was attributed to his Uncle Luke.

Now, the Readings get better than a television documentary.

According to the Readings, guess who Uncle Luke reincarnated as?

None other than his own grandson, Charles Thomas Cayce, who is now the CEO of the ARE.

Now hang on, guess who Andrew, the disciple in the Bible who got so excited about the teachings of Jesus, that he and his brother, Peter, and number of others  began following Jesus?

According to the Readings, Andrew reincarnated as  none other than Hugh Lynn Cayce, Edgar Cayce's first born son and the Father of Charles Thomas Cayce who is with us today.

Guess who went out and promoted the Readings as if there was no tomorrow?

None other than Andrew/Hugh Lynn Cayce. 

Like sort of begets like?

Now, to complicate things even further in this drama that unfolds..., 

...according to the Readings. Edgar Cayce's beloved grandfather, Thomas Jefferson Cayce reincarnated as Charles Thomas Cayce.

In essence, one could easily say that Charles Thomas Cayce is partly named after himself!

Just as some dramas can get a little confusing. Here is a little re-run.

Edgar Cayce's own beloved grandfather, who Edgar Cayce saw die from a fall from a horse when Edgar Cayce was about four years old...,

...reincarnated as his own grandson in 1942.

The grandson, was the focus of a LIFE Reading requested by his parents when CTC was just 4 months old that revealed his Luke, and grandfather connection.

Edgar Cayce passed away in 1945 when the grandson, CTC, was about 3 or 4 years old. 

I mention this information because not only because it is so interesting in itself, but seems to agree with the law stated in the Readings that is EVER present....,

...that like DOES attract like, and like DOES beget Like.

So perhaps every mind should maybe re-think again about, who is who, in their very own genealogy, as likes DO seem to beget likes. 

According to the Readings..,

.,,there are tons more recent reincarnations of entities who experienced a lifetime in connection with the life of Jesus when you begin to examine the actual Readings themselves.


If you are somehow drawn to the Readings, then you too, probably are connected in someway..,

...according to the ever present law.

Somehow, someway, this group is going to access and begin reviewing those actual Readings and bring it all together.

I have not yet heard from the ARE regarding this proposed Bible oriented on-line group study of the Readings. 

But support from you would be helpful. 

Here is the email address and telephone number of the A,R.E. representative that I contacted Monday. If you feel the urge within you, contact may be helpful.

Mary Miller.

Toll Free:  877 428 2734 Ext. 7187. 


Blessing to all those minds that would like to take part in this first of a kind study that will definitely provide a gain for its companion, the soul.


Past CD-Rom Price

April 4. 2001


Here are some excerpts from a drkoop editorial and a little background on the ARE

The Edgar Cayce Tradition

Sept. 2, 2000 

Several organizations have grown up around Edger Cayce's work. 

The headquarters of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), which occupies an entire city block in Virginia Beach, is home to four of them: 

Atlantic University, The Harold J. Reilly School of Massotherapy, The Edgar Cayce Foundation, and A.R.E., Inc. 

Edgar Cayce centers also exist in England, Japan and Ecuador. 

The Edgar Cayce Foundation, chartered in 1948, was formed to preserve the Cayce readings and documentation. 

The A.R.E., co-founded by Hugh Lynn Cayce in 1931, functions as an eclectic New Age nerve center, from which emanates a steady flow of seminars and publications. 

A 1991 brochure describes it as "a living network of people who are finding a deeper meaning in life through the psychic work of Edgar Cayce." 

In 1976, Hugh Lynn became board chairman and his son, Charles Thomas Cayce, became president. A.R.E. headquarters, a modern three-story building in Virginia Beach, includes a visitor/conference center, a library and the A.R.E. bookstore. 

It receives more than 40,000 visitors and conference attendees annually. With more than 50,000 volumes, the library has one of the world's largest collections of parapsychological and metaphysical literature. 

Standard A.R.E. membership costs $30 per year, but nine-month "introductory" memberships are available for $15 or $20. 
Members receive the bimonthly Venture Inward and can borrow books from the A.R.E. Library, join a study group and attend or send their children to the A.R.E.'s summer camp in the Appalachian foothills. They also may obtain referrals to over 400 practitioners who use the Cayce approach. 

 "The main commitment of A.R.E. as a research organization is to encourage you to test concepts in the Cayce readings and to look for -- and expect -- results." 

 The A.R.E. bookstore, which sells direct and by mail, features many books by or about Cayce, including "The Complete Edgar Cayce Readings" on CD-ROM, priced at $500.

Since the publication of this editorial, the membership fees have risen somewhat and the price of CD-ROM has dropped significantly.



The Guardian of the Readings

April 4,2001


Here is an interesting web site on Jeanette M. Thomas, charged with the safe keeping of the Edgar Cayce Readings.

What is quite interesting is that 500 of the 6000 individuals who received Readings from Edgar Cayce are still with us today.

We already know two of them and their very unusual past lives.

It would really be helpful if they would all come forward with their reactions to the Readings so we could all learn.

Here is the web site.



"In OTHER Words..."

April 6, 2001


Edgar Cayce, the world's greatest psychic. was the most Christian oriented person that one could probably ever meet.

He read the King James Bible 67 times!

He taught Sunday School most of his adult life!

In today's world, how many people do we know right now that did that?

Maybe a few, if any.

"You must be born again" is certainly a cornerstone phrase tied to organized Christian religion.

It is part of His Pattern that the mind is to imprint, according to the Readings.

Here is that part of His Pattern echoed by the Voice of the Father that spoke THROUGH the Son, Jesus.

Remember, the Pattern is...,

...the Words Jesus Spoke were not His, but of the Father WITHIN Him.

"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."*

*John 3:3

"Except a man be born again of water and of Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God."

John 3:5

"Ye must be born again"

*John 3:7

Did you get all that? 

Nicodemus, one of the greatest religious leaders of the day, had a tough time with these Words spoken to him THROUGH Jesus Himself.

How in the world are we supposed to understand them any better than Nicodemus did?

The organized Christian religions have tried and tried to come up with logical explanations for the above Words and ALL have fallen short because what THEY preach with their OWN self conscious minds..

.Each religious authority keeps changing the meaning of the words to suit themselves by saying.., 

..." in OTHER words..."

Enter Edgar Cayce, a man who read those exact Words of the Father at least 67 times.

67 times. Most people, maybe a couple of times at that.., 

..and then most even have some doubts of exactly what they mean.

Again, enter Edgar Cayce who taught in Sunday School ...,

...the traditional way of organized religion his whole adult life.

Then again, enter Edgar Cayce, a man through a series of events that just happened, had learned how to alter the consciousness of his mind.., literally answer questions that NO organized religion has EVER been able to answer.

In his altered state of consciousness he was able to answer questions, like those below, and they made sense to the conscious minds of those fortunate enough to see or hear the words that he spoke.

The next time you go to your favorite place of worship, ask these questions of religious authority there.

Why do I exist---Why am I here---When I die is it all over---Can I really be born again physically, or is it a mind sort of thing that I have to do right now or else maybe spend eternity in hell

Is there a hell--- Where is hell--- Who WAS God--- Who IS God---Where IS God---Can I SEE God---Can I be WITH God.

Does God have a personality--- Can God really talk WITH me--- Can I really talk WITH God---Oh, You pray--- "My Father who art in heaven" Again, WHERE is heaven--- "thy will be done".
How do I know His will, I don't even know who or where He is?

And for God's sake, please don't listen if the person quotes scripture...,

... then immediately says "in OTHER words...",

Unbelievable but that happens every single day with new meanings all the time.

No wonder the mind seems to wander and wonder in a desert of "In OTHER words."

As Edgar Cayce developed his awesome psychic altered conscious talent in the 1920's and 1930's...

...a few Search For God groups were formed, with no more than 12 in a group, to ask him these very same type of  questions while he was in an altered state of consciousness...,

..rather than the Self conscious mind that speaks "in OTHER words". 

No religious authority born on this planet could give the no nonsense logical answers that he revealed for those groups.

In essence, the Search for God as been virtually completed and the knowledge of that understanding of God is given in the Readings to everyone that is willing to seek it.  

Before the computer and the internet, the access to that knowledge has been limited to only those that could physically travel to Virginia Beach where the Readings are stored...,

...or accessed bits and pieces through the hundreds of books that were written around the Readings. 

The time has come to experience the "Real Thing" just as the original Search For God study groups did years ago.

There is nothing like it on this planet earth.

Any mind that wants to by pass those that speak in "OTHER words" of a self conscious centered mind need to look no further.

The no nonsense Truth is as close to you as your finger tips.

The Readings have left the darkness of the vault at Virginia Beach..., 

...and the no nonsense Truth is as close to you as your finger tips.

Both the CD-Rom, itself, and on-line access of the complete Edgar Cayce Readings is now available.

Click here for details on accessing the remarkable knowledge that leads to understanding of God that no self conscious mind could ever convey.

Blessing to those that are willing to seek God.

As God will not force His will on any mind, it is the mind that must be willing to seek. God has never left the mind. it is the mind that has left God.