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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #175

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #175

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The Pattern---"I AM the Way" 

March 27, 2001


"He said, I AM the VOICE of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.** 

*John 1;23 

"I AM the WAY, the truth, and the life: no man come unto the Father, but by me. 
If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from hence forth ye know him, and have seen him."* 

*John 14:7 


Sound a little difficult to understand? 

Even the disciples with Him had a rather difficult time understanding these Words. 

The Words are not difficult to understand 
IF the mind has gained the knowledge that emanated THROUGH the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce. 

First re-read John 1:23 

Who is that VOICE, and where is the wilderness that VOICE is emanating from? 

According to the Readings..., 

...that VOICE is the VOICE of the Father, the Creative Force, WITHIN ever living human created body (the wilderness)..., 

...that built and maintains the living created body that houses every human mind and soul that enters this earth plane. 
Allow the mind to ask itself this question. 
Who or what really heals the human body..., it the surgeon who cuts the body open and makes a repair that is an adjustment, or is it the Force WITHIN the body that THEN heals and re-news itself? 

Think that this intelligent Force does not have the ability to speak? 

If so, the mind may want to re-consider. 

"Make straight the WAY of the Lord." 

What is that all about? 

According to the Readings..., is the mind, itself that can make straight the Way WITHIN the created body for the Force, the Lord, to move along the Way WITHIN the created body to be manifested from WITHIN. 

According to the Readings, THAT manifestation into the physical world..., called the Universal Christ Consciousness. 

It is the mind that must alter itself to open itself AND the created body so that the manifestation may be made. 

How does the mind do that? 

Now re-read John 1:23 

According to the Bible itself, the Words Jesus spoke were not His..., 

...but were Spirit, and were of the Father WITHIN Him. 

According to those Spiritual Words, the mind of Jesus and the Father, the Creative Force, were One. 

According to the Readings, WHEN the mind alters, and attunes itself to that SAME Pattern of manifestation that Jesus established..., 

...the re-union of the mind, as the active force, and that Force as One Force is called Christ.

The Son, the mind, returns to the Father, the Lord, the Creative Force. That is the Pattern established in Jesus. 

That is WHY the mind of Jesus AND the Force, the Father, that Spoke THROUGH the opened mind and opened created body of Jesus said.., 

..."I AM the Way." 

According to the Readings, The Pattern was in the mind and created body of Jesus that was duly recorded in the Bible. 

That is very likely WHY Edgar Cayce read the Bible 67 times during his lifetime. 

According to the Readings..., 

...the mind may turn within, and can tune into the vibrations of the Father, the Creative Force, and then manifest those vibrations back through its open mind and opened created body into the physical world. 

In effect, the mind learns to do the will of the Creative Force, and not "my" will.., 

...for the active force of the mind has altered itself into attunement with the Creative Force. 

In essence, the little force called will power may attune itself to the awesome power of the Will of the Creative Force.., 

...and THEN the manifestation of those two united Forces of is called..., 


The Readings even state that the Pattern is in Jesus and Christ is the Power.* 

*Reading 2533-7 

According to the Readings.., 

...because of the One Atonement established by Jesus, the Pattern..., 

...EVERY mind may follow that Atonement and make attunement. 

According to the Readings..., 

...when the mind makes the attunement for the Atonement..., 

...the mind, the active force, is..., 

...At-onement with the Creative Force, the Father. 

In order for the mind to attune itself, it must alter itself, or set its conscious Self aside, or lay down itself.... 

...not for the sake of the mind itself, but for the sake of its closest neighbor, and constant companion, its soul. 

Jesus did just that to establish the Pattern. 

Edgar Cayce did just that to confirm the Pattern. 

According to the Readings..., 

...there are several ways that the mind may alter itself into attunement with the Father. 

According to the Readings..., 

...every mind may begin right NOW by looking around and begin to use what is at hand in its own mind right NOW. 

That decision matches His Pattern of stop what you are doing and follow Him right NOW. 

Music and meditation were mentioned as possibilities. 

This writer's mind has neither of these abilities at hand, but is able to  use what it has at hand right NOW.

Those are the letters symbols of my own alphabet, A to Z. 

I just just set them into His Pattern that is imprinted in the Bible, and then move them a little to make attunement. 

Here is a little example. 

Here is a word I have at hand using my own letter symbols...the 

I mentally give those letters to the Pattern.., 

...for I do believe the Pattern was the Word made flesh. 

Then I simply move the letters into His Pattern like this...., becomes...(t)he..., 

which is a perfect symbol match that "he" went to the cross (t) as atonement so our minds could make attunement. 

This method of attunement is pretty elementary, not Ph.D. level, but does seem to produce His signs along the Way. 