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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #172

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #172

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Reincarnations-Thomas Jefferson Davis and Charles Thomas Cayce

March 13, 2001


"Ye must be born again"...,

... certainly seems to hold true as far the words that emanated from within the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce are concerned.

Take a look.

"Perfection is not possible in a material body until you have at least entered some thirty times."*

*Reading 2982-2

Here is the primary reason why there is such a thing as reincarnation.

"The Father has not willed that any soul should perish, and is thus mindful that each soul has again--and yet again--the opportunity for making its paths straight."*

*Reading 2021-1

Q-If a soul fails to improve itself, what becomes of it? 
A-"That's why the reincarnation, why it reincarnates, that it may have the opportunity. Can the will of man continue to defy its Maker?"*

*Reading 826-8

Thomas Jefferson Davis and Charles Thomas Cayce both have had Edgar Cayce Life Readings that revealed past incarnations..., 

...and are duly recorded in the Edgar Cayce Readings which have been made available to all who are willing to seek...,

...NOT out of curiosity...,

...but to help advance the validity of reincarnation..., 

...and the vital role it plays in the destiny of the soul.  

First, again allow the mind to consider that the Readings state---"nothing is by chance."

It is not by chance that these two men are with us today.

With that in mind consider the words of these Readings.

"WHY does one not recall more often those (past life) experiences? The same may be asked as to WHY there is not the remembering of the time when two and two to the entity became four, when CAT spelled cat." 

"It always did! You only became aware of this as it became necessary for you to make practical application of it."*

*Reading 2301-4 
Both of the men mentioned above became aware of THEIR previous incarnations...,

...and so have we. 

The application should therefore include ALL who have become aware.

Now allow the mind to consider the words of this Readings.

(Many incarnations) are not well even to be known by self, thus have they been blotted from the book of remembrance even as He blots them from the book of God's remembrance--IF ye love one another.

IF these LIFE remembrances were not intended to be remembered by each man, then they never would have been made.., 

...and, most certainly, would never have been recorded for all to see.

They were intended to be remembered and for all to see.


Because the Readings state that Adam reincarnated as Jesus, remember?

 And reincarnation is a most essential part of the Pattern in Jesus that we all may follow to return our Father, our Maker.

"...for through self man will understand its Maker, and it will understand that through itself, and THAT understanding is the knowledge as is given here in this state."*

*Reading 3744-4

What is truly remarkable is that the past recorded lives of these two men are part and parcel of that knowledge given..,

..and are living among us in this earth plane today. 

The are in a very unique position to possibly shed additional light on reincarnation because of their knowledge of their OWN past reincarnations...,


...their minds are willing to share that knowledge that obviously is intended for us all.


What makes Thomas Jefferson Davis and Charles Thomas Cayce so unique is that they have no way claimed their past lives themselves...,

...Edgar Cayce, known as America's greatest psychic, made the claims through their Life Readings, that they, personally, didn't even ask for...

...but that Edgar Cayce, evidently, thought their reincarnations to be important enough to bestow upon them...,

...and us.. 



Moving Outside The Box

March 15, 2001


The Edgar Cayce Readings have often stated that in order to enter within and make attunement to the Creative Force within..,

...the mind must set itself aside.

It is rather obvious that the mind of Edgar Cayce knew how to do it.

He was able to move outside the box of his self conscious mind in order to tap into the universal consciousness that resides in every living human created body that is universally the same.

Edgar Cayce moved outside the box by setting his self conscious mind aside through hypnosis.

Everyone has the ability to do the same thing, and some may learn to do it even better than did Edgar Cayce.

However, there is just one condition the mind must meet before so doing by hypnosis or some other way.

What's that?

IF the mind is going to leave the comforts and habits of its OWN self conscious mind, it better know IN ADVANCE where it is going.

That is the crucial difference between simple hypnosis and hypnosis that leads to the universal consciousness.

HOW did Edgar Cayce know in advance where he was going when he left the box?

He ALREADY had the Pattern of the Way imprinted on his mind.

In his own Life Reading, it revealed a past life of Lucius, a man who actually wrote the Gospel of Luke.

Therefore, Edgar Cayce, by reading the Bible many times while still a young man, was awakening that imprinted Pattern established by Jesus in his own mind.

THEN when his mind left the box, all it had to do was to follow that, already, imprinted Pattern.

Take a look at this.

Q-Should the Christ Consciousness be described as the awareness WITHIN each soul...

...IMPRINTED IN PATTERN on the mind...,

...and waiting to be awaken by the will of the soul's oneness with God.

A-correct. That's the idea exactly.*

*Reading 5749-14 on page 228 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 

IMPRINTED IN PATTERN by the will of the mind.

Think not that the entity THEN known as Lucius, using the active force of his mind,
imprinted the Pattern established by Jesus on his mind?

Think not that this SAME entity most recently known as Edgar Cayce...,

...awakened that imprinted Pattern by reading the Bible many, many times by the time he was a young man?

The entity most recently known as Edgar Cayce not only re-called the Pattern by re-viewing the Bible many times..,

..this entity actually helped established the Pattern that Jesus set.

One might say that the IMPRINTED PATTERN was very well established in Edgar Cayce's mind BEFORE he ever left the box of his self conscious mind.

Can ever mind do the same?

Absolutely. In fact, that is the natural thing for the mind to do.

The A.R.E., itself, has stated that the Christ Consciousness is the Ideal that the members and the organization is to reach for.

The only problem with the A.R.E. is their UNWILLINGNESS to consider the Pattern in Jesus that needs to be imprinted in order to achieve that goal.


The A.R.E., ITSELF, cannot leave the box because it must sell many OTHER books in order to survive as a physical enterprise.

In order to sell many books it must try to direct the mind AWAY from the Pattern to sell those books.

As a young man, Edgar Cayce, worked in a bookstore. He had access to all kinds of books.

Yet, the Bible was his most favorite book.., 

...and the ONE Book the Readings recommend that the mind should study.

Now that the mind has heard the rest of the story, is it now FIRST ready, willing, and able to imprint His Pattern that will direct the mind AS it leaves the box?
