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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #170

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #170

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Jesus, Reincarnation, and the Pattern

February 27, 2001


According to the Edgar cayce Readings...,

...Jesus is the reincarnation of Adam.

According to the Readings...,

...God, our Father, is a force..., the Creative Force that built and maintains the created bodies that provides the living housing for every mind and its companion, the soul.

That One Creative Force is within every living human created body.

Just as that Force, which is Spirit, stated through the mind and body of Jesus...,

...that the Force cannot be seen, but it is IN Jesus...,

...and Jesus is In the Force. 

The created body of Jesus was immaculately conceived..,

..and His mind was connected to the Force even at birth.

Adam was also directly created and connected to the Force even at birth.

Adam severed that connection with the Father by his own free will.

Adam // Jesus became aware of His re-connection at a very early age,..,

..and even at the age of twelve..., 

He was telling people that He was about His Father's business, remember?

His Pattern for us all..., that the soul, through its companion, the mind...,, 

...may directly connect or attune to the Force within its given created body...,

...for according to the Readings...,

...the mind is the active force, and the builder, that IS ABLE to make the attunement through its free will...,

...IF that mind is willing.

And it often takes many lifetimes before the mind IS actually willing to make the connection THROUGH its given created body formed from mother earth.

The problem is that mother earth, from which the created body is derived, will not last forever..., 

...but the Words of the Force will last forever.

Our Father wills that every mind and soul will return to Him by attunement through its GIVEN created body.

The number of those opportunities for the mind and soul to incarnate will probably depend on health of mother earth.



The Real Role of Will Power

February 28, 2001


Every mind knows about will power. It is where the mind is really determined and focused to try to do a certain thing.
Sometimes it succeeds and sometimes it fails.

That is what the mind has been taught that will power to do. But is that what will power is designed to do?

Maybe not.

Again, consider the Edgar Cayce Readings There are two major forces that the Readings refer to.

The active force of the mind, and the Creative Force that built and maintains the created human body.

The Creative Force is basically a conversion factory. It takes in all kinds of things like food, water, an air, and then converts them, many times again, into things that the body needs.

Here is what the mind should consider.
Will power, as a force by itself, is not very powerful.

When will power goes up against a force like craving, it often gets beat up pretty bad. The craving force has literally brought some of the world's greatest minds to its knees.

Here is a secret of will power that may have long been forgotten.

The real role and real strength of will power is NOT its limited force, but its uncanny ability to CONVERT forces to turn on themselves.

The real power of the will is its conversion abilities, just like the Creative Force has conversion abilities.

Here is an example of how the little force of will power can actually destroy the tremendous power of craving with the cravings very own force.

Most minds try to use direct will power to fight a force it cannot even see. When the craving force strikes, the mind either fights, or just gives in.

But can it fight something it cannot see?


Most minds slam doors, run around the block, put something else in there mouth, and will do just about everything to get its mind off this attack. 

In essence the mind is trying to run from the craving force because it knows that its own will power is not much of a match.

Now allow the mind to consider a very powerful force that the mind and body may team up together that may easily released it a specific target from within the mind and created body.

That force is called anger.

Probably all minds have experience the release of anger to some degree or another.

Again, anger is a combination of the force of the mind and the force of the body that can be readily released from the created mind and body.

Now, allow the mind to consider an attack of the incoming force of craving.
This time, instead of running from the force...,

...the mind addresses that force "head" on and immediately converts that force into an equal force of anger...,

...and directs that anger directly back to the source from which the craving originated.

In essence, will power has the ability to convert each force it comes up against and turn that force right back to it origin.

You see, most craving forces originate from sources that have a body but lack a mind and therefore have no power of conversion.

This writer had smoked cigarettes for thirty years and used this ability of will power, ten years ago, to kill off that was trying to kill him with its very own power.

It really is a mind over matter, BUT using  the will power to kick the tar out of the craving force, with the craving's very own force, and no pun is intended.

Here is a little web page this writer did on the subject because it work so well for him, it might work for others on all kinds of cravings that originate from inanimate objects like cigarettes.

Next, after two days of fishing, how the mind's will power may convert its very own force. Until then, here is hoping for tight lines and blessings to you all.


alt. prophecies.cayce

Re:TJ and C.T.C.

February 29, 2001


Then maybe TJ would be one that could really help the case for reincarnation.

Thomas Jefferson is very well documented.

I have heard through the grapevine that TJ said his handwriting was very similar to the handwriting of Thomas Jefferson.

"In the case of T.J., the handwriting was so similar that he exclaimed, " That's my handwriting, " according to the person that showed it to him when he first learned that he was the reappearance of Thomas Jefferson."

By no means conclusive, but may be a hint of what may be in the offering...,

... IF..., 

"TJ" Davis would come forward.



Will Power-The Conversion Factor

March 3, 2001


The Edgar Cayce Readings state that the mind is the active force..,

..and that the force within the body is the creative force.

These forces are just like two poles on a car battery.

The Creative Force is ALWAYS the positive force.

The mind is born as the negative force...,

...but has something that a car battery will never have, free will power, and through it...,

... the mind may convert its own negative force, or polaeity pole, to be As One with the positive force of the created body.  

Now allow the mind to consider this.

The Readings talk about the shifting poles of the created earth.

When Edgar Cayce went into a hypnotic trance to give a Reading that apparently emanated from within him...,

...a change, most assursedly, occurred within the polarity of his mind

Remember how he always saw a light flash, indicating he was ready to proceed with a Reading?

Ever try using battery cables to touch both poles of a car battery to see if it would spark?

Same principle was applied by the mind of Edgar Cayce.

Also Remember how the Book of Revelation was an emblematic description of the transformation of the mind and body?

The Will power of the mind may easily convert the negative force of its mind into attunement to the creative force within its very own body.

When this occurs, there is a shifting of the polarity forces, or poles of the mind and creative force, within the created body (formed from earth).

Again, the mind needs to recall the law that is EVER present according the Readings... attracts like. like begets like.

Will power allows the mind to literally change its "tune", or force, into attunement with the creative force.

In essence, will power allows the mind to shift the polarity within its own body, created from the earth...,

...that in turn...,

 ...will cause MOVEMENT of the Creative force that is reactive to the active force of the mind.

Just as the mind follows the ever present  law mentioned above...,

...dislikes will also repel dislikes. 

In essence, the born mind negative force repels,  against the very creative positive force that is housing that born mind.

Remember how the Readings say that Father, God is the Creative Force,...,

...and that the Pattern is in Jesus.

Now allow the mind to consider WHAT pole the Pattern went to as He was crucified and said that He was going to the Father.

It just happen to look an awful lot like a positive pole.

A coincidence?

According to the Readings, nothing is by chance.

In essence, the born negative mind  blocks or repels the positive creative force from manifesting.

That blockage will be re-moved and opened when the POLARITY of the mind converts to the positive force, allowing both forces, combined As One to manifest THROUGH the created body and altered conscious mind.

In essence, the born mind, born negative, through its own will power that is able to convert forces...,

....may convert itself to be As One with the creative force known as God...,

..and that Force may then be manifested to give expression.

Next: How the mind, through its little will power, may convert its born negative force.



Mind Conversion by Will Power

March 3, 2001


In plain English, this is the Pattern that Jesus established.

"Not my will Father, but Your Will, be done IN and THROUGH me.,"

 According to The Edgar Cayce Readings...,

The active force that is of the mind may attune itself to the Creative Force that is of the living created body.

The mind is born as the negative force and the created body is created as and  by the positive force.

The question is HOW does the mind, as the active negative force, convert, or attune itself, to the positive Creative Force WITHIN the body that Jesus called the Father, and that the Readings refer to as God?

It is really pretty easy when the mind slows down enough to consider it.

The words of the Father that emanated from within Jesus, the Pattern, stated that one must become as a little child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.

So if one must become as a little child, it cannot be very difficult, and it is not.

What is the most important thing that a young child learns to do?

It learns to move letters into words, and the words of those letters into thought.

First, allow the mind to consider WHAT both forces have in common?

God, the Father, the positive Force, the Creative Force of the created body, moves symbols called letters.

That Force, that Spirit, states, flat out, IT IS letters, not once, but FOUR times in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, beginning with Revelation 1:8.

The born mind, the active negative force, also moves symbols called letters.

The letters that the born mind is given are, or are not, corded to the Creative Force or His Spirit?

They are not.

Take a look at any dictionary.

Like attracts like, remember?

Therefore, they are negative.

The will of the mind has the "soul" power to cord, or not to cord, its letters to the positive creative force of its own body.

See Reading 275-43 on page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Reading that describes the severed cord.

Therein is the most important single sentence ever recorded outside the Bible.

The will of the negative active force of the  mind has a very simple choice to convert its own letters to the positive force...,

..or allow the letters to remain corded only to its Self, as IF they were granted to the mind, which they were not.

When the born mind continues to cord its letters to itself, as its OWN...,

...the negative force of the mind just keeps bumping into itself..., 

as Self continues to meet Self.

Remember how the Readings state that self must set Self aside in order to enter the holy of holies, the soul that is within itself?

When the mind makes the Great revelation to itself that the letters it moves are really HIS, "I AM Alpha and Omega...,

...the will of the mind may begin cording them to His spirit.

Here is the mind of Self that refuses to "altar" the letters it has taken for granted as its own.

Self continues to meet Self.

Here is the mind of Self that transforms, or re-cords , or alters its  "own" letters by passing them through the horns of His Altar which is the equivalent of this ( ).

Self now meets (S)elf which is very much like a little (S)piritual child that the Readings call the transformation of Self to its angelic (S)elf.

Allow the will of the mind to pass its "own" letters through His Altar...,

..and the severed cord will have been re-corded so that the negative force of the mind is transformed to the positive force of the Creative Force.

Like atttracts like: like begets like, Remember?

The Two forces become As One Force.

It is that simple. It is that profound,



The Reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson

March 4, 2001


According to the Edgar Cayce Reading (1208-1)...,

...the nephew of Gladys Turner Davis is a recent reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson.

The nephew, Thomas Jefferson Davis, was born June 21, 1936,  at the home of his parents in Virginia Beach, Virginia. 

A Life Reading (1208-1) was given for this nephew by Edgar Cayce two days after he was born that revealed a past incarnation as Thomas Jefferson.

 Excerpt from (1208-1)

"It may be seen that THIS entity - [1208] - may become more important in the affairs of the WORLD than this entity in its previous experience has been to America - Thomas Jefferson." 

Gladys Davis Turner was the stenographer who recorded the Edgar Cayce Readings as they were given, and also later led the effort to classify them.

She literally lived with the Edgar Cayce family for a number of years, and so did her nephew, affectionately known as TJ.

Here is an interesting article, found on the web, written by TJ, Thomas Jefferson Davis.

It would be very helpful if TJ would come forward and share more of his experiences with Edgar Cayce and his NOW similarities to the former Thomas Jefferson to help further the evidence of reincarnation.

We have already heard about his style of writing. His name IS Thomas Jefferson Davis. TJ apparently did or does live in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Charlottesville just happens to be the home of the University of Virginia founded by none other than Thomas Jefferson.

Here is that article written by Thomas Jefferson Davis, the nephew, TJ, of Gladys Davis Turner.



The Role of Reincarnation

March 5, 2001


"Ye must be born again"...,

... certainly seems to hold true as far the words that emanated from within the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce are concerned.

Take a look.

"Perfection is not possible in a material body until you have at least entered some thirty times."*

*Reading 2982-2

Here is the primary reason why there is such a thing as reincarnation.

"The Father has not willed that any soul should perish, and is thus mindful that each soul has again--and yet again--the opportunity for making its paths straight."*

*Reading 2021-1

Q-If a soul fails to improve itself, what becomes of it? 
A-"That's why the reincarnation, why it reincarnates, that it may have the opportunity. Can the will of man continue to defy its Maker?"*

*Reading 826-8

Thomas Jefferson Davis and Charles Thomas Cayce both have had Edgar Cayce Life Readings that revealed past incarnations..., 

...and are duly recorded in the Edgar Cayce Readings which have been made available to all who are willing to seek.

First, again allow the mind to consider that the Readings state---"nothing is by chance."

It is not by chance that these two men are with us today.

With that in mind consider the words of these Readings.

"WHY does one not recall more often those (past life) experiences? The same may be asked as to WHY there is not the remembering of the time when two and two to the entity became four, when CAT spelled cat." 

"It always did! You only became aware of this as it became necessary for you to make practical application of it."*

*Reading 2301-4 
Both of the men mentioned above became aware of THEIR previous incarnations...,

...and so have we. 

The application should therefore include ALL who have become aware.

Now allow the mind to consider the words of this Readings.

(Many incarnations) are not well even to be known by self, thus have they been blotted from the book of remembrance even as He blots them from the book of God's remembrance--IF ye love one another.

IF these LIFE remembrances were not intended to be remembered by each man, then they never would have been made.., 

...and, most certainly, would never have been recorded for all to see.

They were intended to be remembered and for all to see.


Because the Readings state that Adam reincarnated as Jesus, remember?

 And reincarnation is a most essential part of the Pattern in Jesus that we all may follow to return our Father, our Maker.

"...for through self man will understand its Maker, and it will understand that through itself, and THAT understanding is the knowledge as is given here in this state."*

*Reading 3744-4

What is truly remarkable is that the past recorded lives of these two men are part and parcel of that knowledge given..,

..and are living among us in this earth plane today. 

The are in a very unique position to possibly shed additional light on reincarnation because of their knowledge of their OWN past reincarnations...,

...IF their minds are willing to share that knowledge that obviously is intended for us all.

Blessings to Mr. Davis, Mr. Cayce and All, 


The Uniqueness of Davis and Cayce

March 5, 2001


What makes Thomas Jefferson Davis and Charles Thomas Cayce so unique is that they have no way claimed the past lives themselves...,

...Edgar Cayce, known as America's greatest psychic, made the claims through their Life Readings, that they, personally, didn't even ask for...

...but that he, evidently, thought them to be important enough to bestow upon them...,

...and us. 



Go Home

March 12, 2001


In essence, The Edgar Cayce Cayce Readings provides the knowledge that leads to the understanding of...,


...the mind and its companion, its soul...,

...may LEARN to Go Home to its Maker, God, Our Father, the Creative Force...,

...through its own living created body.

The living created body literally provides the housing and educational opportunities for the mind and its companion to learn about itself and...,

...THEN learn how it can return to its Maker.

Again, according to the Readings...,

...the law that is ever present: Like attracts like; like begets like.

The companion, the soul, begotten of the Maker,  Our Father, the Creative Force, very much wants to return to OUR Father from which it originated.

It is the mind, with its OWN free will, the active force, that guides, its companion the soul...,

...that creates the conflict by its strong desire to do its OWN thing, its OWN way.

The mind , the active force, is born as a natural negative active force that is in direct opposition to the positive Creative Force of the Father.

Only through an awakening of the mind, through a revelation, will the mind see the light that it can literally alter or attune its own negative force to the positive Creative Force of Our Father.

When that happens, OUR Father and the son, the mind and its companion, its soul, become As one...,

Just like the Pattern that Jesus established in himself...,

...and was duly verified by the Readings.

Just has His book, the Bible , has Indicated...,

...all is vanity under the sun...,


...the mind takes advantage of its window of opportunity that its very own living created body provides..., an outlet that the free will mind may literally plug into to make attunement directly to Our Father that the mind will remember forever. 

The Edgar Cayce Readings provide the knowledge that will direct the mind to do just that.

Here is something that every mind would do well to heed.

The Readings told about earth pole changes.

The Readings also warn about discerning spiritual words with a physical mind and and vice versa.

The words that emanated from within the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce called Readings were spiritual.

Spiritism. deals with the mind, soul and living created body.

There are two poles in the living created body. The positive pole of the Creative Force.and the negative pole of the born conscious mind.

The mind, as the active force has the natural ability to alter itself into attunement with the positive force of the created body.

As this begins to happen, the poles within the created body and mind begin to reverse themselves.

As the negative pole of the mind begins to shift within, the positive pole of the Creative Force...,

..which had been blocked by the negative force of the mind now begins to manifest itself from within the created body.

Again, this the Pattern established in Jesus.

When minds, begin to understand this process, as they are doing so now..., is the poles within the mind and created body that will swift..., 

...and NOT the physical earth from which the created body has been formed.

U C, the physical earth, itself, is NOT endowed with a free will mind that is capable of reversing its polarity.

The human living created body IS endowed with a free will mind that IS capable of re-versing its OWN polarity.

That is the Pattern that Jesus brought to this earth polarity plane.

That is the Pattern that Edgar Cayce followed to provide essential knowledge thereof, in the Readings...,

...that every mind could easily learn HOW to follow that Pattern established in Jesus.
