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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #169

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #169

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In search of 1208-1

February 24, 2001




Thanks for the information, Tom.

I think that I found that T.J. is with us today, and I think I know where he is.

Here is WHY I think he should come forward.

This an excerpt from Reading 1208-1 which was a Life reading for him.


"Its earthly experience as related to the activities of the entity to many, especially in the land of the nativity and especially at this particular season would become most astounding. 

Yet if there are the developments through the environs...,, 

(which may be right here) may be SEEN that THIS entity - [1208.]...,

 ...may become MORE important in the affairs of the WORLD than this entity in its previous experience has been to America -Thomas Jefferson."


TODAY this entity may be MORE important to this world then even when it was Thomas Jefferson.


Because, he is alive, and through DNA, he could probably provide conclusive evidence that reincarnation is for real...,

...which would be an awakening never before experienced by any mind within this earth plane.

Thanks again, and Blessings,


Those Who Have Received Life Readings

February 25, 2001


As a species, the DNA, from one human being to another, does not differ very much.

The mind does influence DNA structure, and the information, contained in the mind, that is the companion to the soul, does carry over to future incarnations.

Remember how the Readings say that...

..."the BODY is a manifestation, the movement of the mind, of the soul, THROUGH the mind that expresses itself in materiality?*

*Reading 262-95

I have a feeling that the DNA of Thomas Jefferson Davis and Thomas Jefferson are a lot closer than the norm...,

...and there would be found other remarkable comparisons as well.

For the possible advancement of mankind, this man should come forward, as well as Charles Thomas Cayce...,

...and ALL other LIVING persons who have received Edgar Cayce Life Readings...,

...that revealed somewhat recent reincarnations...,

..that can studied to some degree with the new scientific tools that are available.

The PROOF of reincarnation would be a reality...,

...that could provide HOPE for millions of suffering people in this world right now.

The Edgar Cayce Readings have provided us with a starting point...,

..and those NOW living, who have received those Life Readings..., 

...may be able provide the keys to that understanding, while there is still time.



Pray for the Recipients of Life Readings.

February 27, 2001


All we can do is hope and pray that those who have received Life Readings revealing somewhat recent reincarnations, and are still among us...,, 

..will temporarily set selves aside as Edgar Cayce did...

... and will come forward with any help they can that will facilitate the credibility of The Edgar Cayce Readings...,

...regarding the importance that reincarnation plays in the unfoldment of the human mind.

Blessings to all,