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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #165

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #165

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The Mind and One

February 11, 2001


According to The Edgar Cayce Readings...,

"The Lord thy God is ONE.

Would that all souls could, would, comprehend that great sentence...,

...which has been, is, the motivating force in ALL who seek to live, who seek to manifest, who seek to give expression of God's force or power."*

*Reading 2067-1 on page 26 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

"Man is ever in the field of being a channel, an emissary, for that he worships as his god. 

May THAT god EVER be the Lord, God of Hosts...,

...His name is ONE."*

*Reading 442-1 on page 26 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Now allow the mind to consider this.

Remember that the Spirit, the Lord, God of Host, of the mind and soul, that are being housed within the living created body...,

... said, "I AM Alpha and Omega.*

*Revelation 1:8.

In essence, the Spirit is "I AM Letters that the mind moves.

Now, here is what is kind of interesting.

This information comes from the Pattern that is in His Book, the Bible.

Remember the children of Adam and Eve,

Cain and Abel, and that Cain killed Abel?

What the mind might not remember, is that Adam and Eve then had another child named Seth.

And then Seth had a son named Enos.

Now right here is what is interesting..,

...keeping in mind, the relationship between Spirit and Letters that must have been in effect when the grandfather, Adam, was conversing with the Force, God, that was WITHIN Adam's created body.

"And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: THEN began men to call upon the name of the LORD.*

*Genesis 4:26

And what was the name of the LORD?


Just like the Word that was WITH GOD in the beginning WAS G-O-D.'*

*John 1:1

Now here is where the Readings, the Bible, and the Spirit of the Lord all come together As One.  

Allow the mind to return to Enos.

See anything?

Maybe not, but look what happens as the spiritual aspect of the mind enters Enos.



(one) (s)pirit One Spirit

Again, according to the Readings, "nothing is by chance".

Enos knew the LORD was One Spirit.

In order to go from WORD to LORD, the mind needs to move only two of HIS letters, L and W.

If all is One with God, then L and W should be As One.

What is HIS major Letter Symbol that represents the Law of One?

 His Letter Symbol A.

So allow the mind to let A join together HIS L and W.

The result just happens to be L(A)W.

The LAW of One God.

Now allow the mind to look at the words Mind and One.

See any similarities?

Yes, the Letter n.


That is the first root letter of (n)egative. 

Perhaps u can cast that letter out because the Creative Force is the Positive Force that the mind will return to rather than the  negative.

Remember that, Self, u, must leave Self in order to emblematically transform the  mind. 

Can u take n out of the Mind and One?

If n were moved and flipped upside down and its direction re-versed, n would become u.

So, the allow the mind to rid itself of u and n at the same time.

Guess what that leaves?

Mid and Oe

Flip mid around and it becomes dim.


Dim could use a little more light. 

Remember who said..,

...I AM the light of this world?*

The Spirit that spoke THROUGH the Pattern established by Jesus, perhaps?*

*John 8:12 

Now look at OE.

(O) God of the (E)arth plane of created body formed from the (E)arth plane itself, perhaps?

Many would say that this guy is just playing with letters and words.

They are right. 

EXCEPT here...,

..the Letters and the movement thereof are...,


Could (F)lip be Father's lip?

Does sort of seem to fit HIS Pattern. :)



The Word Mind

February 12, 2001


As The Edgar Cayce Readings have so often indicated, one should turn WITHIN and enter WITHIN its OWN consciousness to meet with and receive directions from our Maker of our mind, body and soul.

Cool. but how in the world "CAN" the mind do that?

First, allow the mind to consider what consciousness is made of. 

It is made up of a string of words that were formed into thoughts whose words were formed by the movement of a set of symbols called letters.

OK, so how "CAN" the mind enter into that?

Simply allow the mind to MOVE the letters it has used to form a block word.
This will OPEN the word and allow the mind to enter its own consciousness.

Here is a simple example that not only will open a heretofore blocked word...,

...but will reveal a sign that the Edgar Cayce Readings HAS provided the correct pathway direction for the mind to follow.

"Enter into the holy of holies within thine OWN consciousness; turn WITHIN; see what has prompted thee. And He has promised to meet thee there. And there shall it be told thee FROM WITHIN the steps thou shall take...*

*Reading 922-1 on page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

OK, but HOW does the mind enter itself?


Remember how in the beginning, the Word G-O-D was WITH GOD and WAS GOD?

That is part of the manifested Pattern for the mind to follow.

Names are the things the mind can see that are directly attached and corded to things that the mind cannot see. 

The mind cannot see AIR, but can see the word directly corded to AIR. A-I-R.

The mind cannot see MIND, but can see the word directly corded to MIND, M-I-N-D that contains one's OWN consciousness.  

So, IN-directly, the MIND may enter WITHIN itself, by entering into the word M-I-N-D that "CAN" be  directly corded to MIND itself.

When "things" seen and unseen are "corded" together, they carry the SAME vibrations.

Some may remember as kids, how we took two empty tin cans, punched a small hole in the bottom of each and ran a long taut string between the two, and one would then talk into one can, and the other one could hear through the other.  

The "string cording" allowed the vibrations to pass from one to the other.

According to the "Law of Webster", which is very much the written law for the mind to follow today...,

...the mind is not ALLOWED to move the letters of a word corded to a thing, else the word would lose its "meaning."

According to the SPIRIT of the Written Law, "I AM Alpha and Omega"..., 

..the SPIRIT of the Law "CAN" and will MOVE IF the mind is willing to acknowledge and "cord" its OWN letters as HIS Letters.

With the above information IN MIND, here is HOW the mind may enter WITHIN itself. 

It simply enters WITHIN the word M-I-N-D that is vibrationally corded to the MIND itself.

Take a look.

Here is MIND

Here is mind entering into MIND.

M (IN) D

There is the directional sign given within the mind itself. IN.

Just as the directions in the Reading above predicted.

And guess what remains?


Remember how the Christ Power that was the combination of the Active Force of the Mind of Jesus and the Creative Force of His Created Body were able to heal by the spoken Words that emanated from WITHIN?

And remember that the Readings state that the Pattern is IN Jesus.

That Signs revealed by the mind entering within itself, has led this writer to believe that the Healing Force that has always emanated from within the created body...,

..."CAN" literally be transported vibrationally to other minds and bodies that "CAN" also punch an "OPENING" WITHIN their OWN minds and created bodies so that the Healing Forces of both parties may enter therein and join As One. 


Conversion to Conversation

February 13, 2001


When the mind converts its own letters to HIS....,

Here is the sign of THAT conversion of the mind...,

...that leads to A conversation WITHIN.

Here are HIS two Letter Symbols MOVED into the OPENED word conversion.


at or At

A is HIS Letter Symbol for together As One...,

...and t is HIS Letter Symbol for the cross that the Word made flesh went to.

That is the Pattern portrayed IN Jesus, the Word made flesh.

Conversion, of and by the mind, leads to convers(at)ion with our Father WITHIN.

This is HOW the mind may be physical and spiritual at the same time...,

...or here and there at the same time...,

...when it thinks like this....,


The mind may truly consider HIS cross as HIS Emblematic Letter Symbol, of the Word made flesh, that the mind may MOVE.

If the mind would like to see more signs...,

...then consider...,

... the words this and the and their movements thereof.



That t is HIS WHEN the word is opened by the mind moving the Letters as HIS. 

Right, Charles thomas Cayce, C t C?

It might be quite appropriate to put HIS cross, t, right between the words...,

...Christ and Consciousness...,

...which would be the same as C t C.

And that Christ Consciousness is what the Readings said would be manifested at this time. 

Coming up,  there is MORE to the man, Charles thomas Cayce, than first thought...,

...and his initials, C t C, is a sign that the mind may do well to consider.

Stay tuned.

Again, according to the Readings...,

..."nothing is by chance".



Charles Thomas Cayce

February 14, 2001


For those that may not know..,

...Charles Thomas Cayce is the grandson of Edgar Cayce and currently the leader charged with preserving and circulating the Edgar Cayce Readings through the organization known as the A.R.E. 

For those that may not know...,

...reincarnation plays an all important role in the manifestations of the Readings that were Voiced through the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce.

For those that may not know...,

...Charles Thomas Cayce is a very well educated person with a Doctor's Degree in Psychology.

For those that may not know...,

...Charles Thomas Cayce has been involved in the authorship of many books...,

...including " Edgar Cayce You Can Remember Your Past Lives".

This writer has just ordered the book from for $6.29 and waiting shipment.

For those that may not know...,

...Edgar Cayce gave several Readings for Charles Thomas Cayce during the first years of CTC's life.

The Reading may be found under this index number assigned to CTC.

That index number is 2824.

For MANY that may not know..,

...according to the Readings, Charles Thomas Cayce, living today, himself, had some very remarkable reincarnations.

Now hold on to your hats because this really gets interesting.

Remember, how according to the Readings, the soul of Edgar Cayce had a past life of Lucius who actually wrote the Gospel of Luke and was the nephew of Luke whose sister was the mother of Lucius?

Now hang on, there is very good evidence in the Readings that "Uncle Luke" has just recently reincarnated as...,    

...Charles Thomas Cayce.

Now allow the mind to consider this thought.

Is it possible that "Uncle Luke" edited the Gospel of Luke written by Lucius...,

...just as Charles Thomas has just edited a book on reincarnation contributed by Robert Smith?

This writer thinks, not only possible, but very probable.

Keep hanging on to your hats because Charles Thomas Cayce even gets more interesting.

According to the Edgar Cayce Biographical, "There is a River", Edgar Cayce had a wonderful relationship, as a child, with his grandfather,Thomas Jefferson Cayce, who was somewhat physic himself.

According to the Readings Edgar Cayce's beloved grandfather has also reincarnated and is living this very day.

His name?

None other than his OWN grandson...

...Charles Thomas Cayce.

It is no wonder that a keyword used by Charles Thomas Cayce is transparency.

Here is a man alleged to be, not only the grandson, but the grandfather of Edgar Cayce himself.., 

...and a very good possibility that this man is also the reincarnation of the man partiality responsible for a major portion of the most important book ever written, the Bible. 

This may be the time that Charles Thomas Cayce will reveal that hush hush information that has been recorded in the Readings...,

...and hopefully, in do doing so, will shed some additional light on reincarnation.

It is also very puzzling, that although the Readings have clearly established that the Pattern is in Jesus...,

..AND that the soul entities of BOTH Edgar Cayce AND Charles Thomas Cayce may have played such a major part in establishing that Pattern...,

...that WHY the Role of Pattern in Jesus is being downplayed by the A.R.E.?

Perhaps Charles Thomas Cayce could shed some light on this dilemma as well.



Who Named Charles Thomas Cayce?

february 16, 2001


Here is an excerpt from a Reading manifested THROUGH the altered conscious mind and body of Edgar Cayce for his grandson, Charles Thomas Cayce, four hours after CTC was born. 

READING 2824-1

M 4 HOURS (Protestant Parents) 

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 
this 7th day of October, 1942, in accordance with request made by the father - member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. 

Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. 

Born October 7, 1942, 7:05 A. M., EWT., St. Vincent's Hospital, Norfolk, Virginia. 
Time and Place: 11:15 to 11:30 A. M. Eastern War Time. ... Street, ...,


GC: You will give the relation of this entity and the universe, and the universal forces; giving the conditions which are as personalities, latent and exhibited in the present life; also the FORMER appearances in the earth plane, giving time, place and the name, and that in each life which built or retarded the development for the entity; giving the abilities of the present entity, that to which it may attain, and how. You will answer the questions that may be asked: 

EC: Yes, we are given the records here of that entity now called Baby [2824] [Surname used here]. 

In giving the interpretations of the records here, MANY things and conditions should be considered as to the NAME. 

For, the entity has been in those experiences in the earth a figure in the land, and the lands, of the entity's activities. 

Hence, NAMES will mean much to the entity. 

As we find from the records, and in the interpretation of same, the name SHOULD be: [2824]. 

For, as we will find, of those activities of the entity, these will be characteristics: 

A very DETERMINED individual, yet NOT high tempered, but HAVING his way! 

Here we find the entity an ANCESTOR of HIMSELF, - [2824], in the experience before this; a farmer, a wide awake, high-minded individual. [GD's note: born. 1829. died. 1881]" 



That farmer was the Edgar Cayce's grandfather who later reincarnated as Edgar Cayce's grandson, the present day Charles Thomas Cayce.  


On March 18, Edgar Cayce born near Beverly, 8 miles south of Hopkinsville, Kentucky.


On June 18, Edgar witnesses the horse accident which causes the death of his grandfather Thomas Jefferson Cayce.


On October 7, Charles Thomas born from Hugh Lynn and Sally. The readings indicate that he is the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson Cayce, Edgar's grandfather

"In this experience the entity should be a doctor; and should, and will, be a very betraveled individual. 

He will be an observer of little things. He will be wealthy - which will come from listening, taking advantage of opportunities; as will be seen in not only having his own way but in the experiences that will be part of the entity's experience. 

Entering at this particular period, there will be in the affairs of the earth those activities similar to those as the king of Sweden, in keeping with that of keeping peace in the earth. This will be a part of the entity's activities. 

Teaching also is indicated in the experience. Thus the unusual opportunity of education, by travel as well as by that of association and of pedagogy. 

Spiritual precepts should be especially stressed in this entity's early developing; not by force or by might but by reasoning. 

The entity will be one of strong body, and should be allowed to engage in all characters of sports; football, baseball, soccer, tennis, bowling, - all of these should be in the experience of the entity; not as an activity for pay, but as developing of body, of mind. Beware of politics for this entity; though there will be opportunities for same through the experience of the entity in the earth. 

 An unusual career may be had as a doctor. Educate, put then in the way of the entity those things that may have to do with every form of those activities spiritual, mental and material, that may be of a helpful force in bringing to those in the material plane the CONSCIOUSNESS of health-giving FORCE in the experience of those that suffer; 

knowing that He, the Son, healeth thy diseases, 
He enlighteneth thy mind, He encourageth those who seek after Him, - spiritually, mentally, materially. 

Ready for questions. 

(Q) Which of the names should the body be called? 

(A) [2824]."


The personality of Edgar Cayce did NOT name CTC.

Charles Thomas Cayce was named by the Voice that emanated from the altered conscious mind and created body of a man who followed the Pattern of Jesus and set his own personality aside so the words could be be manifested from the Voice of the Force WITHIN.

Sort of follows the same Pattern of the way IN which Jesus was named, does it not?*

*It would only be appropriate that LUKE 1:31 be used as the comparison as ..., 

...the Readings have stated that none other than the entity most recently known as Edgar Cayce, literally wrote the Gospel of Luke as Lucius the nephew of Luke...,

..and that the THEN entity known as Luke is most likely...,

... none other than the present day personality known as Charles Thomas Cayce.  

Also allow the mind to consider the uncanny accuracy of his grandson's future life during this present incarnation.

Again, seek and ye shall find the signs.

Many affectionately refer to Charles Thomas Cayce as CTC.

This is also the same as CtC, the emblematic name for...,

...(Christ (the (Consciousness that the Readings stated would be manifested during this present time.  
