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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #161

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #161

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It's Apparent!

January 26, 2001


It used to be, more than it is today, when a child was born...,

...these were the words of surprise and jubilation...,

...Its a Boy!....or...Its a Girl!

These are the words that are attributed to the mind and created body of a newly born child.

When the mind, itself, is born again...,

...these are the words that very well may be attributed to that mind.


Here is why. Take a look.

The born physical aspect of the mind might not be able to make the connection..,,

..but the born AGAIN mind should be able to make the connection easily.


Remember how the Readings state that the seven major glands in the body form the "connected" Appian Way that allows the Force, Father, to rise from WITHIN?

And that two of those glands were the (P)ituitary and (P)ineal glands in the Brain?

Also remember how the Readings state that the study for the next six months should be..., one one one one one?

OK, Now for the APPARENT mind born out of itself.

The Glands become connected as His Letter Symbols are passed through.

Remember the emblematic letters that were sent THROUGH the seven churches in the Book of Revelation?

That is Part of His Pattern.

P and P come together as One.

Like this.


That leaves APARENT

That Leaves A PARENT

That One Parent..., the Father that the mind becomes As One with as the Father rises from WITHIN.

Here are more signs.

A is His symbol for together As One

Then, of course, PARENT.

But then allow the mind to look even further within PARENT.

There is PA.  (PA)RENT

There is AREN P(AREN)T 

Today, that High Priest is spelled Aaron.


There is PA and AREN on the other side of His cross (t).

The physical aspect of the mind, never trained to see WITHIN words, did not know that PA and AREN were waiting...,

...As One...,

.. .on just the other side of the Pattern's cross (t)...,

.,.as these signs have shown.

Nor did the physical aspect of the mind know that these...( )...are emblematic of the two swords given to the Word made flesh who said...,

... "it is enough."*

*LUKE 22:38

According to the Bible, Jesus knew it...,

..Pa and Aren knew it..., 

..and now we know it...,

...and Charles Thomas Cayce SHOULD know it...,

...for according to the Readings..., 

...CTC is this very day....,

...the living, breathing, reincarnation of LUKE...,

..and his present life, deceased grandfather, was none other than Edgar Cayce...,

...who, according to the Readings...,

..was the reincarnated nephew of Luke, a man named Lucius, who literally wrote the Gospel of Luke.

Nothing is by chance to the spiritual aspect of the mind..., 

...and His Signs within words verify it.




January 27, 2001


According to the Law of Webster...,

...PA--a colloquial expression for FATHER.

...colloquial--words characteristic of informal speech or writing.

...PA also stands for a public address system among other definitions.


Consider the Voices that emanated from within BOTH Jesus AND Edgar Cayce Cayce.

Could not those Voices be considered IN-FORMAL speech?

Is not PA the IN-FORMAL speech of FATHER?

Were not the Words spoken THROUGH each intended for a large universal audience such as what a public address system would provide?

Like perhaps a Universal appeal that emanates from a human created body that is universally created the SAME way? 

Did not the Readings "say" that the Pattern is IN Jesus?

Are not the first two root letters IN the word PATTERN, that was IN the Word made flesh...,


Could PA be a sign of the Father WITHIN?

PA is a sign to every mind that has returned its letters to the Spirit, Word made flesh.

When the mind severs its letter symbols that has corded to things in the physical earth plane...

..and re-cords them to the Pattern of His spiritual plane...,

...the gravity of the situation of physical letters is no longer held down and letters are able to move and float with ease.

The same law that allows a boat to float
may be applied to the letters of the mind.

Here are some signs.

The conscious mind's OWN letters, like its letter S, when corded to physical objects like a stone...

...will sink like a rock.

Take a look within sink.

(sin)k  sin is the mind going away from the Father Within.

Now allow the mind to cord its OWN letters, like the letter S, to His Spirit..., that the letters may move and float so that the mind may seek His Signs within its very own words. 

When the mind cords letters to...,

 ...the physical--they sink...,

... to His Spirit---they float.

Here is a sign of  Hidden Manna within..,


...(F) (L) OAT

(F)ather (L)ord OAT

There is even Hidden Manna within OAT that some minds probably already see.

Here is the problem and the solution.

The problem is that letters must remain fixed and corded to itself until the physical mind can know itself.

Then, as the mind frees its letters, it literally frees itself, from itself, by returning them to His Spirit...,

...the Word made flesh, that was known to float or walk on water.

Here is an example of floating letters.

M is corded to matter which may very well be Me.

Uncord that letter so that it floats...,

...and THEN the mind can easily float it into His Pattern.

(M)e is easily moved to (W)e which is a perfect match to His Pattern that Me can become We according to the Law of One.

Can the Spirit of the mind cord with the Spirit of God?

Can the mind's OWN S cord with HIS S?

Uncord, float and turn the mind's letter S  around...,

...and it will make a perfect fit to His S...,.

...which is the symbol 8..., 

...which is the also the sign of infinity or everlasting life.


The Spirit IN Jesus

January 27, 2001


The Spirit IN Jesus, the man,...,

...was The Spirit of the Father.

... is The Creative FORCE in the living human created body often called God.

...was The Word made flesh. The Pattern. The I AM everlasting. Alpha and Omega.


...will RISE and meet the mind of self that is willing to alter itself and venture within itself.

According to the Readings, the Pattern is IN Jesus.

That Pattern is IN His Book, the Bible.

Allow the mind to get INTO that Book, not for the sake of itself, but for the sake of its soul.



Attuning to the God Within

April 17, 2001


On pages 108 through 120 in the Edgar Cayce Companion, the mind will find knowledge that has never even thought to be considered in the formal educational environments devoted to the development of the Self conscious mind.

Here are a few examples.

"For, as was given of old--say not as to who will descend from heaven that ye may receive a message, for lo, it is in thine own heart."

"For, thy body is indeed the temple of the living God. THERE He--as all knowledge, all undertakings. all wisdom, all understanding--MAY COMMUNE with thee--by attuning, turning thy thought, thy purpose, thy desire to be at-onement with Him."*

*Reading 2533-4

"Let the strength of self not be wavered by advice of many; but turn WITHIN,  Knowing that the power lieth there. For when ye enter into the holy of holies, in thine own self, THERE ye may find strength that is beyond compare of man's physical abilities."*

*Reading 1752-1

"Each material manifestation is an undertaking by an entity in its attempts to become more attuned to a consciousness of God"*

*Reading 2533-1

"Seeking Him FIRST is the WHOLE duty of an entity."*

*Reading 2549-1

The words presented here will never be presented in a formal educational atmosphere.


Because the teachers want your mind to focused on them and their books that are without...,

...rather than suggesting that your mind enter within to seek the answers the mind can find within.

What we have learned so far is that God is an all knowledgable Creative Force that resides within the temple of the created body and has the ability to commune with the mind when moves into attunement.

The Words of these Readings are not simply pie in the sky, the are real and they are true.

You mind is capable of doing just what the Readings above say that the mind can do.

Now that we know what and where God is, the question that remains is how the mind may re-cord itself to His Consciousness.

Next: Various attunement techniques suggested n the Readings.

Followed by an usually technique that this writer received as a next step from  venturing inward. 
