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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #157

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #157

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Life and Truth

January 14, 2001


According to Webster..., 

...which is more or else the emblematic training manual for the physical aspect of the mind..., takes about 420 words to define life and about another 190 words to define truth.

According to His Pattern that is in the Bible..., must become AS a little child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.*

*Matthew 18:3

According to most religious leaders..,

...this means that one, like an adult, must more or less put on the pure innocence of a little child. 

Nice thought, but rather impossible.

How many can name just one ADULT person who truly as the pure innocence of a little child?

And must this little child learn 420 words to get the meaning of life..,

..and learn another 190 words to get the meaning of truth?

How  mean is that.

Here is the problem.

Adults are trying to explain what it takes to be a little child from an adult point of view.

In order to become AS a little child.., 

...the explantation to be a little child...,

...must come from the point of view of a little child.

How can the mind of an adult do that?

That is impossible.

Maybe not.

"With men this is impossible; but WITH God ALL THINGS are possible."*

*Matthew 19:26

Take a look.

IF the mind is WITH God..,

...the mind is like that of a child born again..,

... and CAN easily define LIFE and TRUTH in just a few words.

Take a look.


L (Lord
I (I) the Lord
F (F)ather
E (E)arth plane of the created body formed from the (E)arth

This is a perfect match...,

...according to the Readings.., the mind meeting the Father, the Creative Force, the Maker WITHIN the real church...,

...WITHIN the living created human body.


t   mind's OWN cross
R   movement symbol
(t) HIS cross
(H) together As One

This is a perfect definition of this truth that is in His Pattern.

HE took up the cross (t) to be again As One with the Father.

That is the Pattern of every mind that takes up its OWN cross (t)...,

...and begins to follow Him in the mind's own words.

The physical aspect mind equates His cross as a sacrificial symbol of His death that we may have life.

The spiritual aspect of the mind does the SAME..,

...AND then equates His cross (t) as the Way to everlasting life...,

...and it is the mature adult mind that needs to sacrifice its OWN Letter Symbol Cross (t)...,

... and to take it up and out of its OWN mind..., its OWN...,

...and use it to follow Him in its OWN words.


Allow the mind to consider that the kingdom of heaven really is in the created body.

Assume that it is in there.

How is the mind going to get in there?

It isn't...,

...IF the mind continues to come from its OWN adult point of view.

Remember Nicodemus?

It must FIRST transform itself to As a little child.    

How is it going to do that?


The same WAY when it was a child.

And what WAY was that?

It was given a set of letters that the mind could grow with and develop its OWN point of view.

Now, IF that SAME adult mind returns the letters to the Spirit of the Lord WITHIN...,

... the mind will begin to learn again...,

...except this time...,

...the mind will learn from His Point of view..., 

...for the letters that the mind moves are NOW As One with HIM.

His words, "I AM Alpha and Omega'...,

...are not pie in the sky...,

...they are for real.

With the new mind that is like that of a child..., 

..whose letters are As One with God..., is the SIGN that the mind is able  TO enter therein.


By taking up its OWN cross (t)..., 

...As One with His cross (t)...,

...and following Him in Spirit.., the mind's OWN words..., s very easy that therein will become...,


Again, WITH God, ALL THINGS are possible..., 

...and letters are the ONLY things that are BOTH physical AND Spiritual.

Letters ARE HIS Emblems that will raise the veil between the mind and the Lord.

Imprint the Pattern of these Words of HIS Spirit forever in your mind...,

..."I AM Alpha and Omega"...,

...because they do reflect life everlasting to the companion of the mind that forever remembers EVERYTHING that the mind encounters and records.

That companion is the soul.



Seeing Signs

January 15, 2001


If the mind is willing to imprint His Pattern that is recorded in the Bible....,

...then re-cord its own letters to His Spirit..., will THEN be able to follow His Spirit by following Signs that match His Pattern in the mind's very own words.

Here are a just a few of this writer's favorite signs,
























When the mind cords its letters to HIs Pattern of Consciousness..., is able to pass through and out of its own consciousness of (S)elf...,

...and into His Consciousness...,

...through the very words that have blocked the mind into its own Self consciousness.

How come?

Because the mind may now move the letters As His... the blocked words...,

..and pass through those words that have blocked Self into its own consciousness.

Is a mind able to pass through its own words?

WITH God, everything is possible.

Here is a simple tool that the mind may use to do it.

( )

This tool is BOTH physical AND spiritual.

This tool  ( )  ALLOWS letters to become emblematically transformed from the physical to the spiritual WITHIN the mind.


According to the Law of Webster, the manual for the physical aspect of the mind..., 

...this is ( ).

"From the Greek word parentithenai--to put beside---entithenai--to insert--to enclose logical SYMBOLS that are to be treated as a SINGLE term.  


According to the Bible, the Spiritual Law and the manual for the spiritual aspect of the mind...

...this is  ( )  is a parent thesis.

In essence, the Bible is a manual or a parent thesis on who the Master's Parents were.

His Father, God? 

His Mother Mary a virgin?

That had to be quite a parent thesis.

It is.

The spiritual words of the Bible literally form a parent thesis that describe HIS Parents. 


The Readings state that...,

"The FIRST lesson of SIX MONTHS should be ONE--One-One--ONE; Oneness of God, oneness of man's relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of every purpose, ONENESS in every effort, Oneness--Oneness."*

*Reading 900-429 on page 26 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

"Man is EVER in that field of being a channel,an emissary, for that he worships as his god.  May THAT god be EVER the Lord--God of Hosts--His name is ONE"*

*Reading 442-1 on page 26 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


With that Oneness in mind...,

...and that the Lord, God of Hosts.., the Host of His Spirit AND the mind AND the soul...,

...ALL housed together in ONE created body...,

...and If the Bible is truly a parent thesis...,

...then parent thesis should easily match THAT Pattern of Oneness.

It does, and does so, according to the Law of One God.


Take a look at this Sign.

Here is parent thesis

When the two crosses come together As One..,

...this is what happens.



Parent thesis has just become ONE word at HIS cross (t).

Paren(t)hesis is a perfect match to BOTH the Letter of the Law (Webster)...,

...and the Spirit of the Law (the Bible).

This is where, IN the mind, that the emblematic transformation of letters may occur. 

When that happens, the mind, itself follows suite..., 

...for the law that is EVER present:

"like attracts like; like begets like" 

Here is further evidence that ( ) are enough to ALLOW the mind to emblematically transform itself.

Just before Jesus, the Pattern, was captured...,

...His disciples gave him two swords.

Here is HIS reply in the Spiritual Words of the Father that emanated from WITHIN Jesus.

"It is enough".*

*Luke 22:38

Just as the Words of the Bible are Spiritual.., are the two swords.

( ) These are those two swords...,

...which are BOTH physical AND Spiritual.

They may be used to cut through the words that have blocked the conscious mind in itself.

They are (t)he tools of HIS "trade" that are enough for the mind...,

...that is the builder, to become As One.



A Sign of the Father

January 16, 2001


According to the Bible;

The WORD was made flesh*...

...and that the WORDS that Jesus spoke were of the Father...,

...and that He was in the Father and that the FATHER was IN Him.* 

*John 1:14 and John 14:10

According to the Readings;

The PATTERN is IN Jesus.

Did the Words that emanated FROM WITHIN the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce...,

...verify, match, and witness in truth...,

...the Words that emanated FROM WITHIN the mind and body of Jesus? 

Is the Father the same as the Pattern?

Most likely, and here is a physical SIGN that may signify this truth.

Allow the mind to enter the word Pattern in search of a SIGN of Father.

Take a look.

Here is Pattern.

Here the mind enters Pattern and casts out the negative n.

Why do that?

Because if the Father was in Jesus...,

..the Father also went to the cross (t), the  positive pole.

That leaves Patter.

Now allow the mind to take up its OWN cross (t) to become As One with Him.


That leaves Pater.

Now allow the mind to look up the definition of Pater in the Law of Webster that was designed for the development of the physical aspect of the mind.

It is THERE the mind will see, not Father.., 

...but the physical SIGN of Father.



A Discussion and Response on the A.R.E.

January 16, 2001


Discussion Group:

"Many are not aware that a large remnant of Cayceites are disgusted with the A.R.E. because Cayce's own belief in literal endtime prophecy and the personal Second Coming of Jesus has been back-channeled by the heretical teachings of many of their so called teachers. 

This year some well known personalities shook the dust from their feet because of this anti-prophecy posture. 

The Christ-consciousness teachings have likewise been distorted. 

The late Dr. Bro, myself and others have addressed these theo- logical concerns in a number of modes and forums during the decade of the 90's. Some of us believe that "ichabod" has been written across the doors of that institution and that a national remnant group should be formed that will not compromise the Christian doctrines of Cayce. 

Any takers on this site ? 
In l992 I addressed the A.R.E. national convention concerning the false prophets that have ousted Jesus from A.R.E. circles on two consecutive nights and subsequently wrote 3 letters/monographs on the subject of the "Gnostic kiss of Judas". 

If any readers are interested in pursuing this subject,please e-mail me." (E.R. Birchmore)

God Bless. 



A Response

"You are correct and your efforts are applauded.

The problem is that the  A.R.E. is organization made up of people just like everybody else.

Sometimes we move ahead in our spiritual quest to return and sometimes slip back a little.

There is no doubt that the A.R.E. as a whole...,

... has regressed regarding the importance of the Pattern established THROUGH the  manifestation of ONE man.., 


This is the main reason that this discussion group exists.

The Readings clearly state that the Pattern established in Jesus is the cornerstone of the Universal Christ Consciousness.

It is unfortunate that the builders at the A.R.E. have temporarily set aside that Cornerstone. 

However, on a positive note...,

...the Cornerstone.., 

...that becomes the head the corner, is usually the last stone put in place to make the whole.

The builders of the A.R.E. know that it exists...,

...NOW is the time for them to insert that Stone.

I think they will, and here ARE a few SIGNS.

The ARE, as viewed from WITHIN.., ERA.

This is the ERA when the Pattern in Jesus...,

...AND the Universal Christ Consciousness will all come together As One..,

...IN the minds of many...,

...regardless of WHEN the A.R.E. decides to follow suit..,, 

...which they, hopefully, will do so soon.  
Even your initials indicate a coming together...,


...(A) being His Letter Symbol that is representative of the Law Of One God...,

...that is the Pattern that was manifested in Jesus for the mind to follow.

The Readings literally witness the Bible in Truth...,

..and this Truth is beginning to be manifested in this ERA.
Blessings to you and your efforts,"
