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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #156

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #156

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The Knowledge and the Master Key

This knowledge is also found in Chapter 206.


When one has lost a key to a very strong lock, one will probably call a locksmith who has the knowledge to open the lock.

Knowledge is the "key" to open many doors, and no pun is intended.

The Edgar Cayce Readings offer the mind the knowledge that will lead the mind to the key that will open the Door to the Spirit of God.

Here is what is said about the knowledge that may be obtained from the altered state of mind of Edgar Cayce that his Readings produced.

"The study from the human standpoint, of subconscious. subliminal , psychic, soul forces, is and should be the great study for the human family...,

...for through self man will understand its Maker..,

...when it understands its relation to its Maker...,

...and it will only understand that through itself...,

..and THAT understanding is the knowledge as it is given here in this state."*

*Reading 3744-4

According to this Reading, the Edgar Cayce Readings will provide the knowledge to understand God, our Father, our Maker.


Will the Readings also provide the key?

Yes. Here is that key, coded in words, that will unlock the Door to God, our Father, our Maker.

============The Key===========

"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...,

...for the raising of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it rises along that which is set within the inner man as that cord of life...,

...that once severed, may separate, does separate, that balance...,

...between the mind, the body, the soul."*

Reading 275-43

============The Key============

The question now remains..., does this key fit the lock in the Door?

First the mind needs to find the Door.

When the mind finds the Door in the Bible, it will find the lock. When the mind finds the lock..., 

..the mind will find this key, that is coded in the words above, is a perfect match to that lock...,

...that will allow the separated mind to enter within and restore the balance and re-union between the mind and the Creative Forces within the body and the soul.