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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #155

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #155

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Sunday, January 7, 2001 


Cording is what the mind is designed to do..., 

...and it does it very well.

The human mind is given a certain set of symbols that are things called letters...

...that the mind is THEN trained to weave together into a string-like fashion of a cord called words...,

...that are THEN again corded or weaved together in a string-like fashion of a cord called thoughts.

Again, according to the Readings...

..."Nothing is by chance"...,

..and that includes the popular name of the mind's training manual..,


The human mind literally weaves a cord of letters into words and thoughts that encompass that mind of Self like a WEB that entraps its OWN consciousness.

The mind literally entraps itself in its OWN woven cacoon of words.

The Cording process began Emblematically with Adam.

The Spirit of GOD, G-O-D, de(sign)ed the created body and mind of Adam.

In the very beginning, the mind of Adam was corded to the Word that was with GOD in the beginning.

That Word being the Spirit of GOD...,


In the awesome wisdom of G-O-D... 

...the mind of Adam was given free will.


Because free will ALLOWED Adam's mind the opportunity for Adam to FIRST know himself to be himself. 

How could Adam do that?

With his free will, Adam,  severed the letter cord of symbols of G-O-D from GOD...,

...and took them as his OWN.

This is exactly what is described as the severed cord in Reading 275-43.

That so-called cardinal sin is actually part of God's plan. 

Think not that if G-O-D was able to create the workings of the human body..,

... that G-O-D did not also know the workings and development of the mind within the body?

The sin is that the mind must FIRST separate itself from God to know itself to be itself.

Once the mind learns that through its OWN Self developed consciousness by BORROWING God's Letter symbols as its OWN...,

..the mind THEN is in a position to learn it may return to God, Our Father...,

...this time As a Companion...,

...and As One WITH God.


To complete the Pattern, which IS God's plan for the mind to follow...,

...according to the Readings...,

...Adam returned as Jesus, as the Word..,, 
...G-O-D made flesh..., show the world that the free will mind may re-cord that severed cord that the mind is born with back to GOD...,

...that cord being symbolic of G-O-D.

According to the Readings..,

...the mind is BOTH physical AND Spiritual.

If that is the case, then the "things"...,

...the letter symbols that the mind cords with...,

...must also be BOTH physical AND Spiritual.

They are and Revelation 1:8 confirms it.

In fact, letter symbols are the ONLY "things" in this world that are BOTH physical AND spiritual.

If the mind would like to see a SIGN of His Spirit IN the letters that the mind has taken for granted to build its OWN conscious mind...,

...allow that mind to ponder the fixed cord of letters it cords with that is known as the alphabet.

Every mind knows that G-O-D is WITHIN that cord of letters.

What every mind may not be aware of..., their exact positions WITHIN that cord.

Take a look

G = 07

O = 15

D = 04

The total (26) is exactly equal to the number of letters the mind has been "given" to cord with.

Remember this part of His Pattern.

"Whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God?"

"It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened."*

*Luke 13:21

The simple spiritual cord of G-O-D hidden WITHIN the alphabet...,

... will leaven EVERY letter of that cord of letters that the mind has taken as its OWN...


...the mind is willing to re-cord them.



Born Letter Cording 

January 8, 2001


A few months ago, I purchased an electronic game board as an aid to help my four year-old grandson learn the alphabet. 

Here are SOME cording examples of the letters that were corded to ONLY physical things in that teaching aid. 

These cordings are made to help the BORN child develop a SELF conscious mind..., teaching the child that the child is different from everyone and everything   else..., the child's environment.

Hence, if everything is different...,

...the child THEN becomes conscious of Self. 

THESE corded letters are examples of what Reading 275-43 say that the mind  of Self should FOLLOW that which it ALREADY knows at present. 

C Car 




Allow the mind to notice that NONE of these letters have in any way, shape or form...,

...been connected, attached, or corded to the Spirit of God which said.., 

..."I AM---Alpha and Omega..."*

...which is another way of saying...,

..."I AM the Letters that the mind moves." 

*Revelation 1:8 


Why not cord them to His Spirit? 

Because The Spirit of God has allowed these things, called letters, to be LENT* to the mind of the BORN child..., 

... to use as its OWN..., 

...severed from His Spirit..., that the BORN mind might FIRST learn to KNOW itself to be itself..., 

...thus becoming SELF conscious..., KNOW that SELF is AWAY from the Consciousness of its Maker, its Father, its Creative Force, its Lord...,  

... AWAY from the Spirit of  G-O-D.  

*Here is what the Readings have to say about things being LENT. 


"KNOW, the earth and ALL therein is the Lord's. 

ALL thine OWN is LENT thee, NOT thine but LENT thee."* 

*Reading 2622-1 on page 370 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 


That ALL must include ALL the letters that the BORN child is given to use as its OWN. 

The Letters of the Alphabet that the born mind has set in its Self...,

...are His...,

..and when the BORN mind reaches Self conscious maturity...,

 ...and acknowledges that fact...,

...that BORN mind may RE-CORD that KNOWN SET CORD of LETTERS to His Spirit...,

...and in essence...,

...becomes BORN AGAIN..., a child of God...,

..learning to move its SET cord of letters as His...,

...that the mind has NOW corded to His Spirit. 

When the mind NOW moves that RE-SET cord of letters..., 

...His Spirit also moves...,

...for the Self conscious mind, that is the builder, has re-corded them directly to His Spirit.

In essence, the mind is able to re-cord the severed cord. 

According to the Readings...,

...the mind is BOTH physical and spiritual...,


That is HOW the physical Self conscious mind may leave its OWN consciousness and become As One with His Spiritual Consciousness....,

..which is the SAME natural state of Consciousness that Adam had...,

...and severed in the beginning..., that He could be the Pattern for the human race...,

...that was allowed FIRST know himself to be himself...,

..and THEN with His Self free will mind...,

...made the Revelation that He could return to His Maker, His Father, as He Re-Corded the severed cord.

That is the Pattern that was in Adam who was born again as Jesus, the Word made flesh, whose Pattern was His re-turn to the Consciousness of the Father WITHIN Him.

There is a name to the consciousness of Self that is willing to return to the consciousness of the Father.

That re-union of consciousness is called..,


The Pattern is NOT Jesus Christ.

The Pattern is  Jesus  the  Christ.

U C, The Word made flesh established the Pattern of atonement so we could make attunement like this which results in at-onement.



Born Again Letter Cording

January 9, 2001


Here the born Self conscious mind has gained the knowledge and understanding...,

...that the letters it has taken for granted...

..has corded to physical objects...,

...and set within its mind..,

...were never really granted to anyone..

They are the property of the Spirit of God...

..and the mature Self conscious mind will act accordingly...,

...and re-cord them back to His Spirit.

When the mind does this..., essence, the mind itself, at the same time, will e re-cording itself back to His Spirit because of this law that is ever present:

"like attracts like; like begets like.*

*Reading 541-1 on page 36 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.    

Now, allow the mind to return to this phrase for a moment.

"Born Again Letter Cording"

The mind could view this as;

Born Again-Letter Cording  or..,

Born-Again Letter Re-Cording.

It doesn't matter. Either way the results will be the same.

According to His Pattern..., 

...even Adam was physical born again to produce the Pattern for the mind to follow. 
In the wisdom of the Father, the Creative Force...,

..that literally created the Pattern of the human body...,

..think not that He would give the mind that he also created...,

..that is also housed within that body along with its companion, its soul...,

...just ONE chance to return to Him?

It is the Father's will that no soul should ever perish.*

*Matthew 18:14

However, here is the problem. 

Each soul may have many windows of opportunity to reincarnate in order to learn the Way back to the Father THROUGH the created body provided for that incarnating soul in order learn its lesson.

The problem is how long will the physical earth be available to produce a human body for that mind to learn its lesson to guide its companion, it soul, back to the Father?

Take a look at part of His Pattern that the mind should be imprinting on its own mind.

"Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away."*

*Luke 21:33

Now allow the mind to remember where heaven is according to the Readings.

Heaven is WITHIN the created body and mind.

Has the mind EVER known any physical thing that last forever?

Even the stars or our sun will not last forever. 

But HIS WORDS WILL last forever.


Because THOSE words are spiritual and were emanated from WITHIN the created body of the man called Jesus...,, 

...who the Readings say...,

...was the manifested personality of God, the Creative Force. Our Father of our souls.

Think not it possible that if the Spirit of the  Father had the intelligence to design a living created human body to house the soul and its guidance system, the mind...

... the Spirit of of the Father might be able to speak THROUGH the created body...,

...and THROUGH the free will mind that willingly returned to be as One with the Father?

It is possible and it is THE Pattern that has happened and will continue to  happen.

Take a look

Allow the mind, once again to re-view this all important sentence that emanated from WITHIN the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce.
"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...for the raising of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it rises along that which is set within the inner man as that cord of life that once severed may separate, does separate, that balance between the mind the body, the soul." 

Reading 275-43

There are the corded letters that the mind has set WITHIN.

Those very letters are EMBLEMATIC of the cord of life...,

...when the born again mind cords or the born mind again re-cords those severed letters of His spirit.


For a simple example, allow the mind to remember the word the and the physical things that a mind corded to that word that were void or severed from His Spirit. 

T  Telephone
H  Hat

Here the mind has made a physical cording to produce a mind that this physical.

As the mind can easily see there is NO spiritual cording to His spirit...,

...that is capable of producing words that will last forever.

Now the mind will Re-Cord those SAME set severed letters back to His Spirit following His Pattern that the mind has imprinted in its own mind.

That Pattern is also a reflection of the Law of One---the Law of One God that is the Creative Force that is already waiting patiently for the mind to re-pair the severed cord.

Here is the New Cording or Re-Cording

of corded letters T H E

t  is HIS letter symbol that is an exact match to the Pattern symbol of His cross

H is Letter symbol that is an exact match of the Law of One, where two or more may be as One.

E is the first root letter of the (E)arth plane    
of the created body that evolves from the (e)earth itself.

Now, heretofore, the mind was using set letters had no movement and could only produce block words like THE.

Now, hereafter, the mind may move the letters and His Spirit will also move for the mind has successfully re-corded that severed cord.

Take a look.

Here is the blocked word the that has blocked not only the mind but His spirit as well.


Here is His Sign that is revealed when the mind has Re-corded and then MOVES those letters.


(He) went to the cross as atonement so the mind would then be able to TAKE UP  that (t) and then  FOLLOW His Spirit in its very own words whose set cord of letters are now corded directly to His Spirit.

Taking UP his cross t and following His Spirit is a perfect match to this part of His imprinted Pattern.

Take a look.

Remember the Words Jesus spoke were different. They were Spirit and they were life..., 

..and they emanated from the Father, the Creative Force WITHIN Him.

They were the Words of the Spirit of GOD...,


Here are those Words.

"IF ANY man will come AFTER me..,

..let him DENY himself...,

..and take UP his cross..,

..and follow me".*

*Matthew 16:24

In re-cording just three of its set letters...,

...the mind is already denying its own Self conscious mind...,

...and is entering into His Consciousness with signs showing up in the mind's own words.

Next, a few more Re-Cording examples and the mind, and its companion, its soul.., 

...should be able to begin "heading" in a new † direction with signs following...,

...and no pun is intended.



Re-Cording More Severed Letters

January 10, 200a


Here are a few more letters that have been severed from His Spirit and corded only to physical things.

These letters may be cut away from PHYSICAL things..., the mind that is the builder..., 

...and be re-corded to His Spirit, the Creative Force that is WITHIN.


Here is few samples of cordings that the born mind has been taught to make.

Any connection to His Spirit?



Here the mind will cut those cordings.

B  ____

R ____

A _____

H ___

Here the mind will re-cord them to His Spirit

B  the Created Body and Brain

R the movement and Opening of B

A together As One

H together As One

Now the mind will enter WITHIN its former blocked words...,

..that were formed with those letters that were blocked or severed from His Spirit..,

...and begin looking for His Signs in those words that will now open as the Letters that are NOW HIS..,

... and are NOW able to move.


There is R indicating an open B and there is RAIN.

Reason for Baptism perhaps where water (truth) opens up the created Brain AND Body?


Remember that the Spirit of GOD, G-O-D, changed the name from ABRAM to ABRAHAM?

Think not that the Spirit of GOD,  the Word, G-O-D, was somehow vitally concerned about the importance of letters used by the mind?

ie. Revelation 1:8 

What letters did the Spirit or Creative Force that was WITHIN ABRAM add?

Take a look.


A and H are HIS major letter emblems of the Law of One...,

...that the born child was NEVER given the opportunity to re-cord to the very Creative Force that has virtually allowed that child to develop a conscious mind.

The reason that they were BOTH added to ABRAM'S name..., that they also witness each other in truth.

Think not that G-O-D WITHIN might be responsive and begin to RISE along a CORD of letters...,

...that a thoughtful mind would be willing to re-cord to Him?


Take another look at Reading 275-43.


"Follow that KNOWN in thine OWN present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...

...for the raising of that from within of the CREATIVE FORCES...,

..., as it RISES along that which is SET WITHIN the inner man as that CORD of life...,

...that ONCE SEVERED...,

...may separate, does separate, that balance between the mind the body, the soul."* 

*Reading 275-43


Blessings to every mind that really ponders Reading 275-43...,

...and THEN follows and applies the awesome knowledge GIVEN therein.


Emblematic and 275-43

January 10, 2001


Again, here are the all important words from Reading  275-43.

"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...for the raising of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it rises along that which is set within the inner man as that cord of life that once severed may separate, does separate, that balance between the mind the body, the soul." 

Reading 275-43


i-e-o-u- etc are symbols and letters the the mind moves.

The knowledge given here is that the mind is to follow them...,

..which is exactly what any mind is doing right now when they read this sentence.


Now allow the mind to view the words this Reading on Page 2 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

" not make the mistake, as has often been given through these channels, (the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce), of attempting to discern spiritual interpretations with a material mind, nor material interpretations with a spiritual mind...,


...same is SIGNIFIED by that of the incident, accident, or state of being is EMBLEMATICAL.."

*Reading 288-27 

This writer added the words in ( ) for clarification.

Reading 288-77 gives further evidence that the mind is BOTH material, or physically minded AND spiritually minded.

Reading 288-77 also indicates that some sort of emblems or symbols must be used to go from one state of mind to the other.

With all of the above information in mind..,

 ...allow the mind to consider this premise.


1 The mind is BOTH physical AND Spiritual.

2 The mind moves letters that are symbols.

3 The mind follows letters that are symbols. 

4 Letters are symbols that are BOTH physical OR spiritual depending to WHAT the free will mind CORDS them to.


In essence, the letter symbol cording by the mind...,

...determines the state of mind that the mind may enter within.

If the mind cords its letter symbols to material things.., 

..the material or physical state is what the mind enters into.

If the mind cords its letter symbols to His Spiritual Pattern...,

...that is the State the mind enters into.


Remember this law that allows this kind of mind transformation to take place. 

"The LAW that is ever present..., attracts like; Like begets like.


In essence, letter symbols corded by the free will mind to His Spirit attract and moves the mind and moves His Spirit to WITHIN the same state of Consciousness which is HIS.

Letter symbols corded by the mind to only material or physical objects sets up a blockage or VEIL between the conscious mind and His Spirit.


Because there is NO DIRECT connection or cording to His Spirit.

This is WHY every mind is born INTO sin.

The FIRST connection of the mind's letters is corded to the physical to produce the Self conscious mind that has entered the physical earth plane. 

Watch a little child at play. One of the toughest things for the child to learn is to share.

The child FIRST begins to think everything is "mine".

The same holds true with the letters that  the child's mind moves.

Except that the child's mind has CONTINUED to keep right on taking them for granted as its OWN.

The are not its OWN and the mind needs to share them.

With Who?

With the One to whom the mind's letter symbols...,

...that are BOTH physical and spiritual belong.

Who is that?

The Lord, the Spirit of GOD, G-O-D, the Creative Force, Our Father.

Take a look.

"The Father loveth the Son, and hath given ALL THINGS into his hand"*

*John 3:35

Letter symbols are THINGS that the mind moves.

His Spirit even said...,

"I AM Alpha and Omega."

*Revelation 1:8

Is not any revelation a revelation FOR the mind?


Here is something that the mind may like to ponder.

When the Bridegroom...,

...(His Spirit, the Word made flesh)...,

...FIRST re-unites with His bride (the mind)...,

..what does the Bridegroom do?

He lifts her blockage. He lifts her VEIL.

Here is a sign.

Take a look.

Here is the VEIL.

Here is the VEIL when He lifts and MOVES that blockage from the mind.

 The VEIL is easily lifted and moved to...,

