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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #153

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #153

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Re-cording the Letters of the Mind

Friday, January 5, 2001


IF the mind has previously imprinted the Pattern that Jesus established..,

...WITHIN its mind...,

...the process of re-cording letters to the Creative Force, the Spirit WITHIN..., form the EMBLEMATIC bridge that the mind may THEN use to crossover and make attunement to the Creative Force..., "relatively" easy.

The letters of the mind that previously were NOT corded to anything but each other...,

...NOW MAY be corded to His Spirit..., following the Pattern of His Spirit.., 

....which is the Spirit and Law of ONE God...,

...which is Our Father of everything created..,

...especially the very created human body that is literally providing housing for BOTH the mind and its companion, the Soul.

To start with...,

...allow the mind to consider the first three letters of its severed corded alphabet...,

...A B C.

Has the mind EVER known that these letters...,, 

...that are part of a cord of letters..., be EVER corded to HIS Spirit?

The answer is NO.


The letter A is a perfect symbol that MAY be re-coded to HIS Spirit..,

..for its very shape indicates that two may come together AS ONE.

B is the FIRST root letter of BOTH the word Body and Brain...,

...which words are directly attached to the Body and Brain that are creations of the Creative Force.

C is the FIRST root letter of the Word Christ which Word represents the re-union of the mind, body, and soul As One...,

...and As One with the Creative Force, God, Our Father.

All is One with God.

If the mind should move and connect two C's together, they would make a perfect O which represents the Creative Force and Wholeness.

If the mind should move and connect two B's Back to to Back...,

..they would form the symbol of infinity...,

...and that is a representation of everlasting life.  

Remember the Words that Jesus said that He spoke were Spirit and were Life?  

In essence, when the mind moves letters in the process of developing its physical conscious mind..,

...the letters act as a blockage to the movement of His Spirit...,

...because there has been NO cording or connection EVER made by the mind, itself, to His Spirit.

Jesus, the Pattern, DID make that connection and DID make that Revelation..., that EVERY mind could follow that Pattern and make the SAME kind of connection.

When the mind re-cords its letter symbols to His Spirit..., 

...the mind begins to make the emblematic transformation..,

...and will begin to follow those corded letters in the mind's very own words.

How come?

Again, according to the Readings...,

..the law that is EVER present....,

"Like attracts;  like begets like."

When the mind makes the emblematic transformation to HIS Letters that it has literally taken for granted as its OWN...,

...the mind, willingly re-cords the SEVERED cord of letters that were FIRST set in its born mind...,

...NOW to His Spirit..,. that BOTH the mind and His Spirit will become AS One.

And guess what else gets to become As One with His Spirit?

The Soul.

 The Soul is directly corded to the mind...,

...and has ALWAYS been guided by the mind that has been accustom to doing its OWN thing by going its OWN WAY...,

...and the Soul has ALWAYS wanted to  return to its Maker.

In essence, the mind may THEN go in and out of His Spiritual Door..,

...because NOW it has learned HIS Way as well as its OWN.

The next messages will show that the emblematic transformation, by the mind itself..,

...allows that transformed mind to see HIS Signs in its very OWN words.



Re-Cording The Letter t 

Saturday, January 6, 2001


WHEN the born mind received this letter to use in building its Self conscious mind...,

...was it in any way, shape, or form...,

...EVER connected or CORDED to HIS Spirit?


Did the mind sort of take this letter, along with 25 more, more or less for granted..., simply use as its OWN?


Did not the Spirit state in The Book of Revelation at least 4 times that HIS Spirit was Letters?


Is it possible that a CORD could be a string of letters called the Alphabet?


Is it also possible that IF HIS Spirit was SEVERED by the mind from that cord of letters...,

...that the cord could THEN be considered a severed cord?


Is it possible that the mind, itself, IF it was willing...,

...could Re-Cord that severed cord..., 

...and THEN follow those Re-Corded letters to match the Pattern of HIS Spirit in its very OWN words?


Take a look.

The letter t is undoubtedly the most EMBLEMATIC letter to Re-Cord to HIS Spirit.

Many consider the cross as a symbol that He DIED for all of us...,

...He shed His blood for all of us.., we are ALL BORN INTO sin.

That has basically been the mainstream Christian thought process taught to many minds during the past 2,000 years.

In the light of the Edgar Cayce Readings...,

... EVERYONE might be better off IF the mind dwelt on that He LIVED to establish a PATTERN...,

...that the mind may THEN use to make attunement to.., that the mind may THEN follow HIS LIVING Spirit.,, 

...rather then to continue to dwell on fact  that He DIED for us being born into sin.


Allow the mind to remember...,

...that the WORDS Jesus spoke were SPIRIT and they were LIFE...,*

*John 6:63

...and that...

"heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall NOT pass away."*

*Matthew 24:35

..and that...

"whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have EVERLASTING LIFE."*

*John 3:16  

...and that that Jesus, the Pattern for the mind to follow.., 

..."was the WORD made flesh"...,*

*John 1:14

...and NOT the flesh of an ordinary man that just made up some words of his OWN.


With these remembrances in mind that are part of HIS Pattern..,

...allow the mind to return to the symbol of the cross..., 

...and also keep in mind the fact that His Spirit said...,

...His Spirit IS letters.

The letter t is a symbol that is a perfect match to the symbol of the cross which is part of His Pattern.

So, WHY NOT allow the mind to consider THAT symbol as an EMBLEMATIC Letter Symbol of the eternal LIFE of HIS Spirit...,

...rather than the DEATH of His body?

Maybe this IS the Way it was meant to be.

Take a look at what happens when the mind Re-Cords the symbol of the cross..., the letter t...,

...back to HIS Spirit of the Word that was made flesh.

Take a look.

Many minds have already seen this... 

...but its worth repeating.

Here is probably the most common word in the English Language.

The word is...,


Does the mind see any SIGNS that might connect this word to HIS Spirit?


Now take a look as the mind begins to follow the directions IN His Pattern...,

..and does this.

Here are the directions of the WORD made flesh.

"IF ANY man will come after me, let him DENY himself, and take UP his cross, and FOLLOW me."*

*Matthew 16:24

(What better way for a man to deny himself than to deny the letters that were used to allow the man to know himself to be himself?)

Now, allow the mind to remember Reading 275-43 about the mind following the letters it has at present. 

Now, IF the mind acknowledges that the letters are HIS, the WORD made flesh.., 

...rather than its OWN...,

..take a look at what happens to the symbol of the cross as it is transformed into His EMBLEMATIC symbol t.

Now look what happens when the mind takes UP this t...,

...and FOLLOWS Him in its OWN words.

Here is the word..


Here is the word "the" when the mind takes up this t and follows Him in Spirit...,

...because NOW the mind has Re-Corded its OWN letters to HIS Spirit.


As the mind MOVES this Letter Symbol t as HIS...,

...certain vibrations (( )) are produced...,

...and the mind will see the above sign in its OWN words...,

...that He, and the cross t, and HIS Letter Symbol t, and the mind, that is NOW the transformed builder..., 

...are ONE.

The cord of severed letters that the mind has taken as its OWN is WHY the mind is born in SIN and away from God.

As the mind Re-Cords the severed cord..,

...the mind moves INTO attunement with the Creative Force, His Spirit, God, Our Father.

It is that simple. It is that profound.

The SIGNS are there..,

...IF the mind is willing to make the EMBLEMATIC transformation.

If the mind would like to see another sign of confirmation..,

..,literally take a look at "this" sign as HIS Letters of "this" word are moved.





Automatic Writing? 

Saturday, January 6, 2001 


If any mind thinks that the process presented here is something like automatic writing.., 

...then that mind needs to re-think that point of view...,

...and consider this kind of writing..., be EMBLEMATIC rather than AUTOMATIC. 

According to Webster this is automatic:

"From the GREEK word meaning automatos-SELF-moving, SELF-thinking, done without conscious thought or volition, as if mechanically." 

Autos is the GREEK word for Self. 

Self is EXACTLY what the Readings say that the mind should set aside..., that the Universal Christ Consciousness may be manifested. 

SELF writing does NOT take into account His Pattern that the mind may imprint on itself. 

SELF writing does NOT take into account that the letters that the mind moves may be His. 

SELF writing does NOT allow the mind to see SIGNS of His Pattern in its OWN words to show the mind that it is MOVING His Way.

Allow the mind to remember these Spiritual Words that are in His Pattern. 

"...If any man will come after me, let him deny himself.."* 

*Matthew 16;24 

Now, also allow the mind to look at this part of His Pattern. 

"Verily I say unto you, EXCEPT ye born again AS LITTLE CHILDREN, ye shall NOT enter into the kingdom of heaven."* 

*Matthew 18:3 

Now, allow the mind to remember that the Readings state that the kingdom of heaven is WITHIN the created body and mind of every living human being.

Now, allow the mind to see this EMBLEMATIC transformational movement of letters...,

...that ALTERS the words of the SELF conscious mind..., 

...AND in turn...,

...alters the Self conscious mind itself..., match His Pattern...,

 ...that will SHOW a SIGN of becoming a little one...,

...and at the SAME time to SHOW a SIGN of denying self. 

Take a look. 

Here is Self. 

Here is the SIGN of Self denying Self and to  become a little one. 


Sort of like transforming Self to a Spiritual elf.

According to the Readings---nothing is by chance..., 

..and neither are these letter movements somehow automatic. 

They are rather EMBLEMATIC.

The letter movements are made by the mind consciously pondering HIS Consciousness RATHER than its OWN. 

No automatic writing is ABLE reveal signs WITHIN the mind's OWN words that will match HIS Pattern. 

However, EMBLEMATIC writing based on His IDEAL Pattern imprinted by the mind on itself..,

...will be ABLE to reveal His SIGNS along the Way.