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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #152

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #152

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The Beginning of The Great Study Page 111

Wednesday, Janurary 3, 2001


As the Readings have stated...,

...the Knowledge to Understand..., GIVEN through the altered state of the conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce.

That Knowledge was recorded in what is called the Readings...,

..and that Knowledge has been transported to the Edgar Cayce Companion..., a text book-like fashion that may be used by the mind to conclude The Great Study.

Unlike many text book studies.., 

...this study will start at the heart of the matter near the middle of the book.


The Great Study

Here it is.

Page ONE ONE ONE or 111.


"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...for the raising of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it rises along that which is set within the inner man as that cord of life that one severed may separate, does separate, that balance between the mind the body, the soul."* 

*Reading 275-43
First, allow the mind to consider that the WORDS expressed in THIS Reading, or any other Reading..,

...emanate NOT from WITHIN the conscious mind of Edgar Cayce, or the personality of Edgar Cayce...,

...but from WITHIN the ALTERED conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce.

Allow the mind to remember that the Readings state that the mind is BOTH physical AND Spiritual.

And allow the mind to consider the Pattern in Jesus that HE IS the Door that the mind may go in and out of therein.

Edgar Cayce went in because he knew HOW to alter his mind AS he entered WITHIN..., 

... and then was able to alter his mind back to the BORN personality of Edgar Cayce AS he came out.

Keep that Pattern in mind, because EVERY mind is able to do that, to one degree or another.

Before the content of the Reading above is examined closely...,

...allow the mind to consider the structure and flow of the WORDS above.


There about 52 WORDS that form just ONE sentence.

In essence, when the mind is altered.., 

...It becomes OPEN and SPIRITUAL words sort of flow out continuously from WITHIN.

This flow is a pattern that is evidenced throughout the Readings...,

...and is evidenced by the Pattern established in the Personality of the man named Jesus...,

...that the Reading describe as THE Personality of God.

Allow the mind to also consider this...,

...the SLOWER the vibrations are to the mind...,

...the higher the consciousness.

Now allow the mind to also keep this in mind.

As the mind is the builder, every time it moves a letter..,

...a vibration is created.

As the Readings have stated..., 

...the mind is like a stylus, a re-cording needle, that picks up the movements the mind itself makes and records them.

As some minds may have noticed...,

...this writer...,

...adds little marks like this...,

..., ..., all the time to slow the vibrational process down.

It is like putting little bends in the river of words to slow the emanating flow down for improved Understanding

Do this with the Knowledge GIVEN in the Readings...,

...and Understanding will come easier. 

Ok. That should be enough to cover the structure of the words that EVERY mind may emanate from WITHIN..., the mind is the builder.

Why even do it?

Two very important reasons.

First, this IS the Pattern or Way that the mind may use to attune to the Maker, Our Father, God, The Creative Force WITHIN...,

...and second..,

...once the mind does enter WITHIN...,

...the NEXT steps are literally GIVEN INDIVIDUALLY to that mind WITHIN its very OWN words.

These NEXT steps are called SIGNS that every willing mind WILL see.

The manna from heaven.., described in the Bible are WORDS that emanated from WITHIN altered minds and created bodies.

ie. Remember Moses?

The Readings even state heaven is within the mind AND...

,... the very created body that is housing BOTH the mind AND its constant companion, the soul.  

The HIDDEN manna are the SIGNS or NEXT STEPS WITHIN those words.

Ok . that is enough for the mind to absorb for now.


...begins study of the CONTENT of the Reading 275-43 on page 111..., 

...which may contain the greatest WORDS ever recorded...,

...since the manifestation of the Bible itself.

Please also keep this in mind...,

 ...that PART of the entity, or individuality, most recently known as the personality called Edgar Cayce...,

...was the personality of Lucius who literally wrote the Gospel of Luke..,

..which is A cornerstone of the Bible...,

...that will NOT be rejected by the builders gathered here.



Reading 275-43--Content-Middle

Thursday Janauary 4, 2001


"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...for the raising of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it rises along that which is set within the inner man as that cord of life that once severed may separate, does separate, that balance between the mind the body, the soul."* 

*Reading 275-43

*On page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


To the uninitiated mind of the Readings...,

...this single sentence of knowledge that flowed like a river from the altered mind and created body of Edgar Cayce would most likely seem very confusing.

There are two important reasons WHY this Reading may difficult to comprehend.

First, the Reading needs to be viewed in light of the other Readings to grasp certain concepts.

Second, As the Readings describe...,

...the Pattern that was in Jesus..,

...the inquiring...,

... mind must FIRST imprint HIS Pattern WITHIN itself as a reference point.

This will soon become clear.

So in order to overcome these hurdles...,

...and to better grasp this knowledge..., to slow it down by putting some bends in this river..., 

...and then studying each segment of this sentence with the above criteria in mind.

In staying with the Pattern of first going to the middle and then to the beginning and ending..., is the middle of that river of words.


The Middle

"...for the raising of that from within of the Creative Forces..."


In other parts of the Readings..., 

....the mind will learn that the Creative Forces IS...,

...God, The Holy Spirit, The Father, Our Creator, Our Maker.

This is what the mind cannot see...,

...but is The FORCE that is ABLE to RISE from WITHIN.

From WITHIN what?

From WITHIN EVERY created human body and mind that is WILLING to ALLOW such FORCE to rise.

Allow the mind to remember that the Father will NOT impose HIS will on any mind.

The mind itself must be willing to ALLOW the Force to rise and manifest.

The next message will be the study of the beginning of the sentence that GIVES part the Knowledge of HOW and WHY the FORCE is ABLE to RISE from WITHIN.



Reading 275-43--Content-Beginning

Thursday, January 4, 2001 


"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...for the raising of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it rises along that which is set within the inner man as that cord of life that once severed may separate, does separate, that balance between the mind the body, the soul."* 

*Reading 275-43 

*On page 111 Of the Edgar Cayce Companion 

Here is that beginning of a river of knowledge that flowed out during this Reading.


The Beginning

"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh..."


It is right here where the mind is getting specific directions of knowledge on what to do.

What does the mind need to do?

It needs to FOLLOW what it KNOWS at present.

What does the mind know at present?

Take a look.

This is what the mind knows at present and this is what the mind has at its physical hand...,


What's that?


i-e-o-u-e-o-umh just happen to be symbols that are letters that are EMBLEMATIC of the vowels and consonants of the English Language.

Evidently the recipient of this Reading knew English.

Vowels just happen to be the MOVEMENT letters in the English Language and umh represents the consonants.

Take a look what Webster has to say about consonants.

"To sound together with...harmony or agreement of elements or parts; accord."

The directions state that the mind should follow the letter symbols of the language it has known and is using at present.

The English Alphabet has 26 letters.

The directions state that the mind should FOLLOW these letters.

Ok. Now keep those directions in mind...,

...and again, remember that the mind is BOTH physical AND spiritual.., 

...and that an EMBLEMATIC transformation must take place in order to go from the physical to the spiritual and vice versa..., the three segments of this single sentence of Reading 275-43 are joined together as One in the next message.



Reading 275-43--Content-Ending

Thursday, January,4 2001 


"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...for the raising of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it rises along that which is set within the inner man as that cord of life that once severed may separate, does separate, that balance between the mind the body, the soul."* 

*Reading 275-43 

*On page 111 Of the Edgar Cayce Companion 

Here is that ending of a river of knowledge that flowed out during this Reading.


The Ending

" it rises along that which is set within the inner man as that cord of life that once severed may separate, does separate, that balance between the mind the body, the soul."* 


It is right here in this ending third of the sentence is the MISSING LINK of Knowledge that will re-unite and attune the mind to the body and soul...,

...and in effect..., the mind and soul to the Force, God, the Father, the Holy Spirit.

No one is this world has ever before conceived a thought about a "cord of life"...,

...let alone a possibility that it may be a "severed cord of life".

The KEY to understanding this Knowledge is to correctly determine WHAT the cord of life is and HOW it may become severed.

To determine the "cord of life correctly, the mind should turn to the Pattern of Jesus that it hopefully and previously imprinted on its mind.

Specifically, the mind should turn to this Passage of the Pattern in His Book, the Bible.

"It is the SPIRIT  that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the WORDS that I speak unto you, THEY are SPIRIT, and THEY are LIFE."*

*John 6:63

The key connection is here is that WORDS are SPIRIT and LIFE.

Now, with this information in mind.., it possible that the CORD of LIFE is in reference to a group of symbols called letters?

Not only possible, it is most probable.

Is it possible that Adam's mind severed a group of symbols called a cord of letters from God in the beginning?



In the beginning that cord of letters was EMBLEMATICAL of G-O-D.*

*See John 1:1

G-O-D was the EMBLEMATIC cord of SPIRIT connected to GOD.

Adam started with that Spirit then took the EMBLEMATIC G-O-D as his OWN and SEVERED the CORD.

Adam later returned as the SPIRITUAL WORD made flesh, Jesus...,

.. and re-corded that very cord.

Hence, the WORDS Jesus said He Spoke were of the Force, the Father, and not of himself.

Further evidence that the cord is Letters of Spirit..., is stated in Revelation 1:8...,

..."I AM Alpha and Omega."

Ok, now with all this information in mind...,

...allow the mind to consider the letters it was given to learn with from the time the mind was mature enough to think.

Was their any direct connection, or CORD to the Spirit, or to the Father, or to God, or to the Force, that may rise from WITHIN?

Absolutely not.

That is WHY Jesus, the Pattern, returned, to establish that..., deed...,

...the mind may be born again by taking the CORD of letters known to itself at present..., 

...the very letters that mind took for granted as its OWN...,

...and RE-CORD them to the Father, the Spiritual Creative Force WITHIN.

When the mind does that...,

...the Force.., mentioned in Reading 275-43 WILL rise to that occasion.

If the mind is able to grasp the knowledge presented in that one sentence in Reading 275-43.. will be on its way to fulfilling the destiny of WHY it and its ever present companion, the soul, has entered this earth plane in a physical created body...,

...that is hosted and maintained by the Force, our God, our Father.

The next portion of The Great Study will be the process of re-cording the "cord of  letters" the mind knows at present..., the Force WITHIN..., that the cord will no longer be severed..., the mind, as the builder, competes the attunement process to the Spirit WITHIN...

...that will most certain rise to greet the incoming mind ...,

...AS One.

Until then, Blessings.


Re-Viewing 275-43

Friday, January 6, 2001


Just as Edgar Cayce looked up and GAZED upon 
the moving waters of the river when he had his angelic encounter while reading the Bible...,

...allow the mind to GAZE one more time upon this wonderful river of words...,

...that flowed THROUGH the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar cayce.

"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...for the raising of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it rises along that which is set within the inner man as that cord of life that once severed may separate, does separate, that balance between the mind the body, the soul."* 

*Reading 275-43


First, allow the mind to consider, again, that the mind is BOTH physical and spiritual...,

...and that there must be an EMBLEMATIC transformation for the mind to go from one state of being to the other.

Then, allow the the mind to consider a CORD that is SET in the mind that will allow the Creative Force to RISE from WITHIN.    

Then, allow the mind to consider what Reading 275-43 directed the mind to do.

"FOLLOW letters it ALREADY knows.

Then consider that the Readings state that THOUGHTS are THINGS.

Then, allow the mind to consider the possibility that...,


..the mind is BOTH physical AND spiritual...,

... then it stands to reason that the letters that the mind moves are also BOTH physical AND spiritual.

They are.

Letters are the ONLY things in this world that are BOTH physical and spiritual.

They ARE the Emblems...,

...and the ONLY emblems...,

...that WILL allow the mind to move from the born state to the born again state of being.

From its physical birth onward, the mind is given a cord of letters to SET in its mind...,

...except that the cord of letters is SEVERED from His Spirit, the Force.

In essence the mind has SET the cord to produce thoughts...,

..but only physical thoughts because there has been NO cording or connection to His Spirit, the Force.

Only the individual WILLING mind of Self may re-connect, or re-cord that severed cord of letters to His Spirit, the Creative Force WITHIN.

In fact that is not only HOW Edgar Cayce as able to emanate words from WITHIN..,

...that is HOW many minds could be of ONE mind to emanate the SPIRITUAL WORDS re-corded in the Bible.

Those minds began to FOLLOW the movement of their OWN words whose letters were re-corded to the Creative Force.

WHEN and IF the mind begins to apply the directions in Reading 275-43...,

...the mind will begin TO MOVE in  attunement to the Creative Force WITHIN...,

....which will THEN allow for that Creative  Force to rise from WITHIN.


Because NOW the mind has become a spiritually born again child.., it successfully re-cords the set severed cord it was given as a physically born child.

The next message will begin to show HOW the mind re-cords the set letter severed cord by using the Pattern that was in Jesus as THE Pattern that the mind may follow.

Until then, and in closing, allow the mind to further etch the Pattern of these Spiritual Words of HIS in the mind.

They are DE(SIGN)ED by OUR Father as THE Revelation for the mind.


Our Father repeats this phrase FOUR times in the Book of Revelations, which is part of HIS Pattern, in hopes that the mind will make the connection...,

...and NO pun is intended.
