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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #151

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #151

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Cut The Cord

December 31,2000


Here is the most important ONE sentence "passage" ever channelled THROUGH the altered conscious mind and created body of the personality known as Edgar Cayce.

Bookmark this sentence. Put it on the fridge. Put it in your purse or billfold. Do whatever it takes to imprint this ONE sentence in the mind.


"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...for the raising of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it rises along that which is set within the inner man as that cord of life that one severed may separate, does separate, that balance between the mind the body, the soul."

Reading 275-43


To those that have "The Edgar Cayce Companion"...,

...look for this "passage" on page 111.

Just as the Readings state...,

...nothing is by chance and neither is the location of this passage way. 

Take a look.

"The first LESSON for SIX MONTHS should be ONE--One-One--One; Oneness of God, oneness of man's relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, oneness in every effort-Oneness-Oneness."*

*Reading 900-429 on page 26 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Think not that the Voice emanating from WITHIN THE mind and created body of Edgar Cayce is hoping that one would get the point?

Think not that this MOST important point would MOST fittingly...,

...just happen to appear on page one one one?

Take a look here, too.

"There is the physical body, there is the mental body, there is the spiritual body.
They are one. They each have their attributes. They each have their weaknesses. They each have their associations. Yet they must ALL be COORDINATED."*

*Reading 1579-1 on page 119 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Now with the above information in mind,  allow the mind, as the builder, that DOES the coordinating, to return to this One important sentence..,

...and forever etch these two words in the mind...,


Of the hundreds of thousands of words that were channelled through the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce...

...these two words ARE the missing links that the mind NEEDED as the builder.

Until the Readings were manifested..., 

...NO one even thought TO contemplate the possibility of a SEVERED CORD.

During the next six months..,

...if minds, as builders, are willing...,

...not only will those minds contemplate these missing links...,

...those minds will APPLY these missing links to complete the building process.

U C, What the mind might not yet see...,

...but will soon see is this sign.


Didn't see the sign?

Well, then here is the first lesson.

The mind has to FIRST undo what the conscious mind has done.

It must FIRST cut, or sever the word that it has corded to its Self conscious mind so that the mind may THEN open to HIS Consciousness.

Take a look.


(L) (ink) (s)

The words that included SEVERED CORD are...,

...(s)piritual (ink) of the (L)ord...,

...that were manifested THROUGH the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce.

This is NOT tough stuff for the willing mind...,

...but IS KNOT tough stuff for the mind that is not willing. :)


During the next six months...,

...also imprint these Words of HIS Pattern in the mind.

"Learn of me... for my yoke is EASY, and my burden is LIGHT."*

*Matthew 11:29



The Great Study

December 31, 2000 


"The study from the human standpoint.., 

...of subconscious, subliminal, psychic.., 

...SOUL FORCES..., and SHOULD be...,

...the great study for the human family...,

...for THROUGH self.., WILL understand its Maker...,

...WHEN it understands its relation to its Maker...,

..and it will only understand that THROUGH self...,

..and THAT understanding is the knowledge GIVEN HERE in this state."*

*Reading 3744-4 on page 23 on The Edgar Cayce Companion.


As previously posted...,

..the PATTERN for the mind to follow was established THROUGH the incarnation of Jesus.

"The knowledge GIVEN HERE, HERE in the Readings..., 

...manifested THROUGH the altered state of  the conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce...,

...not only CONFIRMS the Pattern of the Father, THE Creative Soul Force, the Maker, that was manifested and established THROUGH the man named Jesus...,

...but the knowledge GIVE HERE..., the Readings...,

...also DIRECTS the mind HOW to re-cord its relationship to the Father, its Maker.

This is the great study that we will pursue doing the next six months..,

..and the entire study will focus on the SEVERED CORD...,

...and its re-pair..., the mind, that is the builder.

Blessings to the Builders this New Year.


One One One One One One   

December 31, 2000


At ONE minute and ONE second after ONE o'clock in the morning on January 1, 2001..., 

...the date and time will look like this..., 

...01/01/01 01:01:01.   

This won't happen again for 1,000 years. 

Edgar Cayce, most assuredly, would have thought this would be an appropriate time to begin The Great Study

Blessings and Happy New Year!


The Knowledge to Understand

January 1, 2001


Again, allow the mind to re-view this Reading carefully regarding The Great Study.

"The study from the human standpoint.., 

...of subconscious, subliminal, psychic.., 

...SOUL FORCES..., and SHOULD be..., 

...the great study for the human family..., 

...for THROUGH self.., WILL understand its Maker..., 

...WHEN it understands its relation to its Maker..., 


..and it will only understand that THROUGH self..., 

..and THAT understanding is the knowledge GIVEN HERE in this state."* 


*Reading 3744-4 on page 23 on The Edgar Cayce Companion.

This Reading is NOT pie in the sky.

This Reading clearly states that the INFORMATION manifested through the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce...,

...contains the necessary KNOWLEDGE that the mind needs know in order to understand.

Because that KNOWLEDGE was manifested in bits and pieces and scattered throughout the 14000+ Readings...,

...Search For God groups were formed find those bits and pieces.   

Even these groups follow HIS Pattern of...,

..."seek and ye shall find."*

*Luke 11:9

*Again allow the mind to remember that Luke was written by Lucius, the nephew of Luke, and that Lucius most recently reincarnated as Edgar Cayce. 

Why would the Lord want it that Way...,

..."SEEK and ye shall find", that is?

Because the mind, itself, FIRST, must be WILLING to seek.

Ok, so the KNOWLEDGE is scattered throughout 14,000+ Readings.

How does one find it?

Here is the good news.

One could do what Search For God groups have been doing for years...,

...wading WITHIN the river of words contained in the entire 14,000+ Readings in search of...,

...or find someone who has ALREADY been there and done that.

If any mind finds and reads this message.., 

...they will have found that person.

That person is B. Ernest Frejer.

Here is what this man did and took years to do it in order assist the mind in its search.

He compiled a comprehensive compendium of the Edgar Cayce Readings...,

...ALL under a single cover, called The Edgar Cayce Companion.

In effect, this man has dramatically reduced the search area wherein the mind needs only to search to find the KNOWLEDGE.

In effect, this man has crystallized the search area to less than 500 text book size pages.

In effect, the KNOWLEDGE needed by the mind has been transported to those pages.

It is WITHIN these pages where the mind may conclude its search to gain the KNOWLEDGE needed to UNDERSTAND.

It is at the END of page ONE ONE ONE where the search called The Great Study will BEGIN.

It is right here where the "initial" directions regarding the KNOWLEDGE GIVEN in the Readings may be found.



Welcome KnoxLand,

January 2, 2000


Your favorite quote...,

..."God willed no soul shall perish"..,

.is a perfect match to these Words in the Bible AND these words in the Readings.

Take a look.

"Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish."*

*Matthew 18:14

Q-Is it the destiny of every spiritual entity to eventually become ONE WITH God?

A-"Unless the the entity wills its (own) banishment...Yet God has NOT willed that ANY soul should perish."*

*Reading 900-20 on page 42 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 

"For man (with his mind) may separate himself from God--the spirit--but the spirit does NOT separate from man.*

*Reading 589-1 on page 165 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 

"ALL souls were created in the beginning...,

...and are FINDING their way back to whence they have come."* 

Reading 3744-4 on page 165 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

(It is the mind itself, corded to the soul, that has become the stumbling block for the soul on its journey to return.)

This writer has added the words in ( ) for further clarification.



Pre-Search Comment

January 2, 2001


The search for the Knowledge to Understanding...,

...that has been transported to The Edgar Cayce Companion...,

...will begin about in the middle of the book, and at the heart of the matter, on page 111.

However, in the Spirit of His Pattern..., is only fitting to first acknowledge some words of the Readings that are in the BEGINNING and ENDING of this book.

In the BEGINNING on page 2:

" not make the mistake, as has often been given through these channels, of attempting to discern spiritual interpretations with a material mind, nor material interpretations with a spiritual mind...,


...same is SIGNIFIED by that of the incident, accident, or state of being is..,


...or of any activity that is of the nature that represents a condition--see?"

*Reading 288-27

The Readings also state that the mind is BOTH physical AND spiritual.

In essence, the Reading above states that a EMBLEMATIC, or a symbol-like, transformation must occur...,

...AS the mind moves from one consciousness to the other.

Please store this in the mind.


At the END on page 449: 

Now to some very interesting words of the Readings that occur at the END of the book in the very last sentence.

"WHEN the day of the earth as earthy..., fulfilled in Him...,

..this body--Edgar Cayce--shall be rejuvenated, shall be purged, shall be made FREE!


...that in their earthly manners work, labor, here, there, will be--and are...,

...DIRECTED, guided, as to the means, the manners, the ways that THEY may as individuals, as souls, be as a helpmate, as an aid to their portion of service towards the great brotherhood of man."

*Reading 254-83

At first thought, this Reading is quite puzzling.

What is with this-- being set free?

Is Edgar Cayce being bound?


Take a look.

The WORDS spoken THROUGH the altered conscious mind and created body of Edgar Cayce...,

...are very often CORDED by many minds directly to the personality of Edgar Cayce himself.    

We see this every day. Minds will say...,

..."Cayce said this" or "Cayce said that".., those minds quote a particular Reading.

In essence, those minds have CORDED spiritual words to his physical presence.

They are making the very mistake that was warned about on page 2.

They have a tendency to forget that a transformation of the physical aspect of his mind to the spiritual aspect had to occur...,

...BEFORE the spiritual words could be emanated THROUGH his ALTERED conscious mind and created body.  

When the minds cut that cording.., 

...they will, in deed, help set the Personalty of Edgar Cayce free.

As the Readings have stated..,

..THEN that freedom may allow Edgar Cayce to return as John Peniel who will prove the concept of reincarnation.

Please also keep this in mind as the search for the Knowledge is about to begin.
