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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #15

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According to the Law of Webster...


...grammar school...

..."an elementary school"...



"...the system of GIVEN language at a GIVEN time...

...something written...'s manner of speaking or writing..."


To the mind of (S)elf that goes WITHIN...

...this is...

...Grammar School

...(G) (RAM) (MAR)...

Allow the mind to see HOW this...


...may fit into His Pattern.



The teachings of the High Priest...


..reflecting the movement of going in and out of...



Remember how the Lord (G)od  and Abraham "talked"...

...and then...

...the how the RAM was caught was caught in the thicket... his horns...

...and the RAM was then sacrificed instead of Abraham's son?*

*Genesis 22:13 

Remember how (G)od altered the name of Abram...

...from Ab(ram) to Abr(ah)am?*

*Genesis 17:5

Remember how the Voice from WITHIN the mind/body of Edgar Cayce...

...said that altering a name alters the vibrations that makes...

...for conduciveness...

...of the changed surroundings.*

*Page 173 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

When the mind (pond)ers... reflects the thought it ponders...

...(G) (RAM) (MAR)...

...Allow the mind to see the reflection.

Abram was opened to Abr(ah)am.

The Letters A and H are the two letters... the Englsh Language...

...that reflect...

...the Law of One.

They are EMBLEMATIC signs of...

...the Creative Force...

...the Spirit...


They represent two as one.

ie the Father and the Son

ie the mind and the Creative Force. 
God has never changed... is the mind that changed...

... that severed the cord of letters...

...that needs to change again...

...or to be born again...

...and re-cord to the severed cord of Creation.*

*Page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

When Mary, the twin soul of Jesus...

...had the immaculate conception...

...she did not wonder...



...all the things said... her heart.*

*luke 2:19



...this is grammmer school for the born again mind.

The mind will simply follow (t)he Pattern and...


...ALL things...

...that form ALL thoughts...

... ALL 26 of His letters... the mind's own words.

That is EXACTLY HOW the two minds may enter into the same consciousness...

...His consciousness...

...(t)he Christ Consciousness

Pretty simple... Very profound...


How is your Report Card

Students are asked this question all the time.

"Well I got... 




These are pretty good grades... 

...but what KIND of grades are they really? 

They are letter grades. 

The student is literally... 


...LETTERS... a reflection of how WELL the mind of that student is doing in school. 

The same is true in school sports. 
When the student athelete does WELL in a sport... 

...what is he GIVEN? 

He will be GIVEN a varsity LETTER. 
What is a varsity LETTER. 

It is the first root LETTER of the school that the student represents. 


This schooling activity of the physical mind parallels... 

...the schooling activity of the mind of... 

(S)elf... it enters WITHIN... 

...the most Awesome School... 

... (A.S.) the world today... 


And just where is that school? 

The school is as close to the physical mind... the nose on its face. 

In fact...the nose is literally a part of (t)his school. 

The school is the human Created body that houses the mind. 


...letter grades are NOT GIVEN to 
the student minds. 

Letters are LENT to the student because they have... 


...have been... 



...with (t)his school. 


"Know that the earth... 

...(the human body)... 

...and ALL therein... the Lord's. 

ALL thine OWN is LENT thee... 

...NOT thine... 

...LENT thee. 

Keep it inviolate."* 

*Page 370 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. 

When the physical... 


...mind, as the builder,... 

...begins to... 


...that the Letters that the mind have been using... 



...the mind will begin to move into 

His consciousness... 

...the Christ Consciousness. 


The words formed by letters that the physical mind has taken as its own... 

...literally form stumbling blocks... 

...for the continued unfoldment of the mind. 

If any mind doubts the validity of above statement ... 

...allow that mind to go WIHIN... 

...the word BLOCK... 


Here the mind will see the sign that there is a lock attached to B. 

There is. 

B is the first root letter of both (B)rain and (B)ody... 

...and the brain and body have been blocked from opening... 

...for the mind has taken His Letters AS its own. 

When the mind... 



...the source of its letters... will openly move towards the 

source and the source will... turn... 

..."rise" in response. 

"The Law that is EVER present... attracts like... BEGETS like." 

*Page 36 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


I agree...

....heaven WTHIN is literally home to the mind.

The vibrations of this word carry right through the entire structure of the human mind and body.

"I"ll be home for Chrismas"...

...strikes an inner feeling WITHIN.

Here is a possible reason why

H two together as one 
O God the Creative Force WITHIN 

M matter

E earth plane of the human body.

The little word OM carries the Vibration of God and matter...

... and is reflected in both of these extremely emotional words.


Both words may be placed easily WITHIN His Pattern.

MOM is even more emotional for the letters fit His Vibration Pattern...

...of the first shall be last and the Last shall be first.


...and they (pond)er...

...or reflect each other... more when one way.


...WOW...Walk On Water
...MOM...Mind Over Matter

This is the EMBLEMATIC* parellel of the Spiritual mind of Jesus...

... (M)ind (O)vercoming (M)atter...

... and being reflected to His disciples as a...

...(W)alk (O)n (W)water.

*Page 2 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


Following His Spiritarkroc

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) May 19 1999

5:39PM EDT

At the Grammar School WITHIN...

...the minds of (S)elves...


...taught to look for signs... the mind's own words... the mind...

...takes up its OWN cross (t)...

...and follows His Pattern... the mind's very own words...

...and in the words of others.


Why should the mind even attempt to do this?

Because the Pattern will direct the mind... lead its OWN companion...

...its soul...

...BACK to its Maker...

...the Father...

...the Creative Force...


...the Created human body...

...that is an example of ALL the forces of the univese itself.*

*Page 244 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The Human mind is so close to (t)he universe... has...


...taken (t)his universe of the body for granted.

NOTHING should ever TAKEN for GRANTED... is only "LENT* to thee"...



...that the mind has



*Page 370 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


Next message...

... is HOW to return His Letters...




...SIGNS following.


There are indeed...



...when the mind transforms itself.

It might do the mind well to re-view the words of the Pattern in...

...Mark Chapter 16.

..."And they... 

...(the disciples)...

...went forth...

...and preached everywhere...

...the Lord working with them...

...and CONFIRMING the WORD...


Many minds believe that these are merely words...

...idle words...

...written by minds like themselves.

"The law that is EVER present...

...likes attract likes... begets like."*

*Page 36 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The words are NOT the same as the  idle words spoken by the physical mind.

The words are IDEAL words written by a Spiritual mind...

...that has been transformed INTO His Pattern...

...from a physical mind.

These people have been born again...

...and their minds were transformed.

Whether the mind believes it or not...

...the transformation is EXACTLY what Jesus, the Pattern said it was...


The mind simply needs to transform itself to a Spiritual mind following His Pattern.


When the mind does do it ...

by confirming or ...


...the mind will very definitely see...


The mind is gonna see signs...

...following... the very words...

...that the mind... the builder has produced.

Its gonna see signs not only in its own words but in the words following others as well.

When the mind CONFIRMS the word... ACKNOWLEDGES that the...

...L E T T E R S...

...that produced the WORD...



IF any mind doubts the validity of the above....

...then let that mind see HOW this mind of (S)elf...

...very simply "breaks" SIN wide open...

...and turns it into a SIGN following.


The mind is transformed back into the natural Law... the letters of the written Law are returned... their origen... (G) (O) (D)...

...The Creative Force...

...the WORD that was WITH G O D...

...and WAS G O D in the beginning.*

...and is IDLE until the IDE(A)L conception of the mind is made.

The mind of (S)elves hope this message is beginning to become clear to physical minds everywhere.

Nothing personal mind u...

...but all minds are born as blockheads.


Because they are given little blocks with letters on them to help them learn consciousness.

They literally play with them and move them around.

Then those letters are blocked into simple words with fixed meanings.

Then even those simple words are blocked WITHIN even bigger blocked words and so on.

Is it any wonder that the mind can be becomed blocked or encased in the very words that it has been using?


That is the very REASON that the WORD made flesh came... free the mind from the entrapment...

...that the mind of Self has made.

How does the mind break free?

It simply breaks the block words that Self corded itself to...

U C...When the mind took His Letters as its own... lost the Christ Consciousness and became entrapped in the consciousness of its own Self.

Thus, the present cycle of the physical mind is that self always meets self and virtually closes in on self.

The destiny (Will) of the mind is for (S)elf to leave Self...

...and takes ts constant companion...

...its own soul... 

WITHIN its own created body..

 and meet its maker.

That's what it is all about...

...and every BODY can do it.

All one needs to do is confirm the word...


...NOW !!! 



When the physical mind speaks or writes the word...



...NO signs following.

When the Spiritual mind speaks or write the word... ACKNOWLEGEMENT OF HIS WORD...





Here are the the signs following...


as it was in the beginning ere....

...two (w)ere as one in truth.

Adam and God.

The word here becomes (t)here...

...when His cross... ACKNOWLEDGED...

...AS the EMBEMATIC* letter for His

...for His letter t.

*Page 2 of The Edgar cayce Companion.

"In earth as it is in heaven".

The sign...

...(t)here... a perfect match to that Pattern WITHIN HIS BOOK.

This is HOW the mind re-cords to His consciousness.

It goes WITHIN the words following...

...and literally seeks his signs...

...for re-cording...

...or as stated WITHIN the readings...


The Pattern made a(tone)ment... the mind could make at(tune)ment... following its own words..

...and the words of others...

...and always seeking signs   


...those words.

Just as the human race has learned to split the atom... may easily split a word to see His sign.

Allow the mind to check (t)his out.


Split the word exactly in two.


The mind is a king...


...the earth plane of the human body.

That mind may be as one with the King of Kings...


...that body called the Creative Force.


To the physical mind...

...this is forever the word peace....


The word is "still" as if it were etched in stone.


To the mind of (S)elves that...

...know his Pattern...

...know the WORD was made Flesh...

...know HOW to go...


...His Pattern...  

...the blocked word peace may be...

...OPENED to show the Way.


This is HOW...

...signs following...

...may show the escape route for the encased physical mind.

Here is the true movement of PEACE.


When His (S)pirit is added to the peace movement... becomes the Way for the mind to ESCAPE the encasement of matter.


To the physical mind...

...many things... 

....seem to be by chance.


To the (S)pirit mind...

...Nothing is by chance"*

* Page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The Pattern did not enter the earth plane to...


bring peace to the world...

...He brougt a sword.


"Think not that that I am come to send peace on earth...  

...I came NOT to send peace...

...but a sword.

For I a come to set a man at...

...variance against his father...

...and the daughter against her mother...

...and the daughter in law against her mother in law."*

Mattew 10:34


The words above are difficult for the physical mind to comprehend...

...for they are OF...

...and emanate FROM...

...the Spirit of the Father... 

WITHIN the Pattern.

To the physical mind...

Jesus sent ONE sword to do what?

To set at ...


...the mind...

...of His children... the physcal minds of the child's...



...simply used words handed down from generation to generation without...

... any ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of His Spirit...


...those words. 

What is the sword for?

it is to cut OPEN...

...the attachment of physical words...

...that the minds of Selves have encased themselves in.

The physial mind  may think that He brought ONE sword.


He brought two swords that appear to the physical mind has ONE sword.

Why two swords?

Because two swords are EXACT match to his Pattern...

...and the law of One that two or more maybe as ONE.

The two swords are confirmed in the following passage.

Just before Jesus became captive...

His disciples gave him TWO swords.


"And they said...


...behold... are...



And He answered them unto them... is enough"

Luke 22:38


Are two swords enough?

As the mind of (S)elves take UP those two swords...

where the Physical Pattern left off..

...and His Spiritual Pattern begins...

..they are EXACTLY enough.

Here is HOW the minds of (S)elves test for the Pattern.


There is His (S)pirit in the beginning and His (Spirit in the ending.  

There is also the WORD made flesh.







...He left at the cross.

They are "still" there...

...for the physical mind...has not yet made the immaculate conception of their existence.

Here are the Master tools of the trade.

His Two EMBLEMATICAL* swords...AS ONE...

............(  ).........

If any mind doubts the validity of the above swords...

allow the mind to look WITHIN the...

...Law of (Web)ster for its...


...or (mean)ing...

...that is attached to...

...and is the symbol of...

...His Swords. 

These symbols ARE His swords...

...and U.. ().. may pick them up at (t)he...


...for NOW the mind now knows...



...and WHERE to find them (t)here.