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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #147

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #147

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Imprinting His Pattern

December 11, 2000


There are two ways that the mind may use to imprint His Pattern on the mind.

There is only one source where the mind may find the Pattern to imprint.

That source is the Bible.

That is the exact same source used by the mind of Edgar Cayce to imprint the Pattern on his own mind.

Being more specific..,

...he used the King James Version of the Bible to imprint His Pattern.

Why NOT use the SAME source that he did?

Edgar Cayce basically employed only one way to imprint the Pattern.

He read the Words of the Pattern. He used sight.

Today, the mind may easily use sound as well.

The mind would very well to employ both sight AND sound to imprint the specific Pattern that is recorded in the Words of the Bible.

A most excellent source of sound is the Alexander Scourby audio tapes of the Bible.

Here is one source of those tapes. 

Edgar Cayce, most assuredly, would have loved listening to them. 

As far as the audio tapes are concerned...,

...Genesis, the New Testament, and Revelation are plenty enough for the mind to imprint the Words of the Pattern.

Once the Pattern is in place...,

...a small electronic pocket version of the Bible...,

...such as is offered by Radio Shack... a great tool to refresh the mind to  WHERE certain words are within the Pattern.

Once the mind imprints the Pattern..., 

...which should take no longer than six months of reasonable study... 

,...the mind itself may no longer even need the Bible or audio tapes. 

As this writer now does...,

..its mind simply refreshes WHERE parts of the Pattern, in Words, may be recalled...,

...using the pocket electronic version.


Imprinting His Pattern on the mind is very much like priming the pump of a well wherein, and thereafter, a river of words will begin to flow.

This is exactly what happened to Edgar Cayce.., 

..this is what is now beginnng to  happen to this writer on a much simpler scale.

This mind is like a tricycle with training wheels...,

..compared to the mind of Edgar Cayce...,

...that was like an acrobat riding a bicycle on the high wire.

Nevertheless, the Pattern of HOW the mind unfolds was set in Jesus.

Edgar Cayce followed that Pattern.

This mind is also following that same Pattern.

Jesus established the Pattern.

The Life and events of Edgar Cayce confirmed that Pattern of unfoldment.

This mind has duly noted that Pattern..,

...and that the life of Edgar Cayce and the Readings confirm and literally witness HIS Pattern in truth.  

This writer knows that Edgar Cayce wanted to help people, especially children.

This write believes that Edgar Cayce fulfilled the destiny of his incarnation.

It is through his efforts..., willingly, and unselfishly, set himself aside thousands of times to manifest the CONFIRMATION of HIS Pattern...,

...that may encourage EVERY mind to follow the same...,

...for THAT Pathway is definitely the very reason that the mind and its companion, its soul...,

...even incarnate into this earth plane.... 

...but it is so easy for the mind to wander away from that One Ideal Goal that has been set in front of the mind.

The very reason they incarnate is to learn HOW they make attunement to His Spirit..., Jesus made THE Atonement..., setting Himself aside.., that every mind may follow that SAME Pattern that will guide its companion, the soul, back to the Father, God, the Creative Force.

That destiny, that true destiny of the mind following His Imprinted Pattern to return to the Father is called At-onement...

...and the presentation and confirmation of THAT Imprintable Pattern is exactly WHY...,


...the mind sets, of Jesus AND Edgar Cayce, were duly recorded as spiritual words that formed and confirmed the Pattern that EVERY mind may follow.

Jesus set the table.

Edgar Cayce confirmed that table.

Only the willing mind may partake from that Patterned table that has been set before EVERY mind.

Please learn to imprint that Pattern...,

.....not for the sake of your mind..,

... but for the sake of your soul...

...that is very much willing to return home to OUR Father, the Maker of our Being.



After the Pattern is Imprinted

December 11, 2000

After the mind has "I'm printed" the Pattern of His Words on the mind...,

...the mind may begin to enter WITHIN the church called the created living human body...,

...the mind's own body..,

...created by God..,


...according to the Readings..., the Creative Force.

Why can it enter now?

Because the Father knows by the vibrations known as brain waves that the mind is beginning to make the attunement by starting to move letters that conform to the ....

...I'm print.

If any mind doubts the validity that this attunement process is NOT for real...,

..allow the mind to consider HOW the Father might respond to this vibrational movement of letters that the stylus of the mind records as brain waves in the very body He created to house the mind and its companion, the soul.

Here is the word church.

Your created body is this church.

When the mind O-PENS the doors of this church...

...guess who is there?

Take a look.

CH  "U R"  CH

And guess who will also be there.

He will.

How come?

Because there becomes (t) here...,

...when the mind takes UP its own cross and follows His Imprinted Pattern.

Would the mind also like to see a sign that...,

...this..., his church?

Take a look at this movement.


His Cross (t) is His Emblematic LETTER Symbol of the One Atonement that the WORD made flesh sacrificed to God, the Father..., that every mind could follow His Emblematic (t) in its very OWN words.

And that is EXACTLY HOW the mind may be (t)here and here at (t)he same time.



"Learn of me"

December 13, 2000

"Take my yoke upon you, and LEARN of me...,

...for I am meek and lowly IN heart..,

...and ye shall find rest unto your souls"*

*Matthew 11:29


Here is the problem and here is the solution.

The human mind, from the time of its physical birth.., conditioned to think that the voice that emanates from within a person is a direct reflection of the personality of that individual person.

In ALMOST ever case, that conditional and traditional thinking is correct.

But NOT always.

Here are two examples of where it is not.


To understand WHY it is not..., 

...the mind needs to consider the DIFFERENCE between the words personality and individuality as is presented in the Readings.

In order to understand that, the mind needs to consider the probability of re-incarnation.

According to the Readings, with each re-incarnation..., 

...the mind and its companion, the soul, develop a specific personality relative to that specific re-incarnation.

The sum total of the experiences of every one of those personalities is stored in each soul...,

...and that total is defined as the individuality of what the Readings refer to as the entity.

Just as the Readings state.., is the soul that that never forgets what the stylus of the mind imprints on the  created brain of any particular reincarnation, and guess what...,

..the created body is a reflection of the soul.

In essence, it is WITHIN EACH SOUL...,

..that BECOMES the warehouse of the Book of God Remembrances...,

..which is the Book of Life...,

...which is the Akashic Records.

The stylus of the mind in every personality re-incarnation adds to the Book of Life.

The Readings also state that sometimes the mind gains and sometimes does not gain in a particular reincarnation.

Gain what? Its "relative" closeness to the Father.

Now, with that information in mind, back to the two examples.

The first example is Jesus.

According to the Readings, the Personality of Jesus had numerous reincarnations..., being the Personality of Adam.

Adam was emblematic of the Personality of God in the beginning.

Adam moved away from the Personality of God..., he began to develop his OWN personality.

He did that by taking the Father's Symbols to develop his OWN personality.

Today those Symbols would be called Letters.

To the Spirit and Personality of God..., 

...they are emblematic of Alpha and Omega.

Now, the mind should consider that this emblematic FIRST soul..., incarnate in the earth plane...,

...stored the information of that Personality in its soul.

Now, Adam returns as Jesus,  with the same soul of Adam that contains the Book of Remembrances that is accessible to the mind.   


The mind of the Personalty of Jesus re-cords and attunes itself to His Companion, His Soul, and the Remembrance is brought forth of His Individuality that is the original Personality of God. 

The Readings state that Jesus returned so that man may have a re-corded Personality of God Himself.

Now, allow the mind to return to...

..."Learn of me"

The words APPEAR to the physical  conscious mind...,

...that they emanate from the personality of Jesus.

Right here is what is very confusing to the physical conscious mind.
In this ONE case..,, 

...the words emanating from within Jesus DO reflect the Personality not only of Jesus...,

...but of His Father, God, the Creative Force.

They were two yet one. One yet two.

Even Jesus, the Pattern, stated that the words He spoke were not OF himself but OF the Father WITHIN Him, God.

In essence,  the Personality of Jesus manifested the Pattern of the Law of One God...

..whereby two or more, may be As One, yet two or more.

In essence, the genetic makeup of EVERY living human created body "STEMS" from the created body of the FIRST personality to ever enter this earth plane...,

...the emblematic Adam.

It is within the created body housing the mind and its companion...,

...the soul, with its Book of Remembrances..., 

...whereas the mind may re-cord to that "root"...,

...called the Personality of God.

The Father even said THROUGH Jesus...,

..."I am the vine and ye are the branches."

It is THROUGH the Door of Jesus, as the Pattern of the Personality of God..., 

...that the mind may attune to the Father. 

In essence, "Learn of Me"..., to learn of the Personality of God, through the Personalty of the Son, Jesus..,

...for they were As One in the beginning...,

...and Jesus returned to be As One with  the Father in the end. God and the Soul of Jesus were Always As One. 

It is the mind of the soul that wanders, and that is WHY the Pattern returned and said "Learn of me" and "Follow me".

That is the Pattern.


Now with that in mind...,

...return to the "Edgar Cayce Readings".

Here is what people say all time.

"Cayce said this'. " or "Cayce said that".

The personality of the man recently known as Edgar Cayce did say much.

However THAT personality is NOT what he is famous for.

The latest personality of Edgar Cayce was literally set aside by his OWN mind..., that his soul was able to open and manifest segments of Remembrances from the Book of Life that is stored in his soul (in his created body).., imprinted by previous personalities included in his individuality.

The Pattern IN Jesus allows the mind entrance to its soul (the created body) and Remembrance to the Father...,


...the mind IMPRINTS that Pattern within its OWN mind.

There is ONLY ONE Pattern that the mind may follow that will allow this to happen.

It literally has been re-corded in the Bible.

That recorded Pattern IS the Personality of God that EVERY mind may attune to WITHIN.    


...that according to the Readings... 

...the mind is the builder...,, 

...and it is BOTH physical AND Spiritual.

Remember that when re-viewing the Bible AND the Readings...,

...BOTH sets of Words ARE Re-cordings of "altared" conscious minds that have tapped into its OWN Hall of Records.

...and no pun is intended.



Building A Bridge 

December 14, 2000


According to the Readings, the mind is the builder.

First, the builder reviews the plans, then builds a foundation, then builds the structure on the foundation.

With that building sequence in mind...,

...let's try to build a bridge to God.


First thing the mind needs to do is to figure out WHERE God is.

The real irony of trying to figure OUT where God is...,

...the mind, as the builder, would do very well to figure God IN.

According to the Readings, God, The Father is a Force, A Creative Force, that not only is the Force that created and creates the expanding universe...,

..God is the Force that has created and maintains every living created human body existing today on this earth plane.

If the mind would like to find out WHERE that Force is...,

...go look in a mirror.

What does the mind see?

A created body.

Can the mind see the Force that created and maintains that body?


Why not?

Because the ForcE is WITHIN the created body.

Just like Jesus, the Pattern said...,

"Believest thou not that I am IN the Father, and the Father in me? 

"The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that DWELLETH in me, he doeth the works."*

*John 14:10

The Pattern is that God, the Father, the Creative Force that cannot be seen..., because that Force is WITHIN our created bodies.

In John 14:10 above, the Words Jesus is speaking are not is own but emanate from God, the Force, the Father WITHIN Him. 

Can The Force Speak?

If the Force was in-tell-i-gent enough to create the very body that houses the mind and soul on this earth plane...,

...then perhaps it does have mental  capacity to speak.

However in order for The Force to speak it must have use of speech mechanism.

Guess what?  The created body ALREADY has one.

Then, in order to speak, The Force must have a vocabulary of words that are formed with letters.

Now where in the world is The Force going to get letters to use?

Guess what?

The very mind that is housed in the very body created by the Force has a whole string of letters!


Does the free willed mind think it may be possible to lend The Force the letters the mind has been using as its OWN?

After all, the Spirit of The Force DID say it was and will be Alpha and Omega which are letters.

Hmmm. Would it be possible if the mind SHARED its letters with The Force...,

..The Force could then speak through the mind and created body?

Gees, it would sort of like being together As One, wouldn't it ?


That is exactly what the Pattern had in mind

In essence, God is THE Father, THE unseen Force that resides WITHIN created body that every mind, as the builder, may literally re-cord to.

Both the mind AND the Force are literally WITHIN the same created body...,

...but not YET connected.

They are so close it is almost unbelievable...,

...and most minds do not realize it because, from birth, they conditioned looking OUT rather than WITHIN.

With the above information mind, the builder NOW knows WHERE God is.

Now all it has to do is to connect or build a bridge to that Force. 

The neat part of building a bridge WITHIN to the Force..., that it is so simple that there is no need for the mind to become rocket type scientist to do it.

Take a look.

Remember the love story that the Pattern presented about the virgins waiting for the bridegroom to appear?

Some were ready and some were not.

And remember about how the Word was WITH God in the beginning and WAS G-O-D?

And Remember HOW the letters G-O-D are still in our OWN string of letters...,

...and that their total positions in that string are emblematic of the whole string?

Assume that the mind is the bride.

Assume that The Force really is emblematic of Alpha and Omega...,

...and that Revelation 1:8 really is THE Revelation for the mind. 

Assume that the mind really is the builder.

Look what happens when the mind, as the bride and builder..., 

...connects the first root letter of His Spirit (G) to itself.

Take a look.




In essence, the sign revealed...,

... is that the mind, as the bride and the builder..., 

..has just "bridged" the gap that has for so long separated the mind from The Force  WITHIN.



The Bible--God's Gift To The Mind

December 14, 2000


The Bible is literally a Gift From God.

It contains the Pattern of The Way that mind and its companion, its soul, may return to Him.

Once the mind has imprinted the Pattern of this Gift WITHIN its own mind..., is the one and only Gift will will lead the mind and its soul back to the Father and life everlasting.

This Christmas...,

...give the Gift that will last forever.  

Merry Christmas,



The Readings and The Little Drummer Boy 

December 15, 2000


This song seems to sort of strike a certain nerve within the minds and created bodies of some individuals. 

There may be a reason. 

Although the words "The Little Drummer Boy" are NOT mentioned in the Readings..., 

...the pattern of what he is doing IS. 

First, notice that the little boy has nothing but what he literally has at hand. 

A little drum. 

Then notice that he USES what he has at hand to play a tune as his finest gift to lay before the King.

Mary responds with the SAME tune, and so does the Baby Jesus. 

Here is that Pattern in the Readings. 


"By the use of THAT in HAND does one attain the next plane"* 

*Reading 5472-1 on page 13 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. 

The little boy used ONLY what he had at hand to create vibrational tunes that resonated to BOTH Mary and Jesus.., noted by their respective responses. 

If the physical mind has nothing else in this world at its physical hand..., most likely WILL have some "symbols'" called letters..., 

..that WHEN moved in a coordinated fashion by the physical hand AND the mind..., 

... the movement thereof will create certain vibrations that may be spiritual as well as physical..., is also noted by the responses of the ox and the lamb. 


The neat thing about letters is that they are "symbols"..., 

...and the ONLY THINGS in this world..., 

...that are tangibly BOTH physical AND Spiritual...,

...and are literally God's Gifts to the physical hand of the mind.


The Little Drummer Boy is an EMBLEMATIC example of attunement..., 

..that the mind, as the builder, may make by moving the ONLY things that it has at its physical hand..., 

...  tangible physical letters...,

...which, in turn, are the mind's finest gifts...,

...which are also spiritual vibrational "symbols" that are capable of creating CORDED responses from WITHIN. 

Take a look and listen with the above information in mind to see if this song will strike a nerve WITHIN.
