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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #146

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #146

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The Christmas Spirit

December 3, 2000


In essence, the Pattern of the Christmas Spirit is the act of giving...,

...and putting others ahead of Self.

Self sort of has to set Self aside so that it can focus on what others may want and need.

The Christmas Spirit also involves the excitement of receiving gifts as well.

Has the mind heard of receiving gifts from His Spirit?


Has the mind ever heard of giving gifts to His Spirit?


Is it possible to even give gifts to His Spirit?

Yes it is.

What in the world could one give Him?

He does have one need that could easily fulfilled with a gift.

What could that possibly be?

He needs a place to stay.

Take a look.

"...and birds of the air have nests...,

...but the Son of man hath not where to lay His head"*

*Luke 9:58

If the mind could make a little room in its mind for Him...,

..He would have a place to lay His head...,

...and then there WOULD be room at the 'Inn".

How can the mind do that?

Well, there are two ways to make room.

One way would be for the mind to empty out all its thougts to make room.

That's okay. But then other thoughts would soon creep in, and again, there would be no room.

The other way would be to simply give Him ALL the letters that the mind uses to form thoughts..., 

...and then the mind would ALWAYS and forever have room for Him.

For then, the mind would always be using letters of His Spirit to form the thoughts.

It would be sort of like sharing the room of your mind with Him ALL the time.

U C, when the mind, as the builder, has designed a room like this for Him.. 

...the mind will always FIND His signs along the Way. 

Take a look at was just designed.

The beginning and ending are the same..,

...and there is a sign in the middle.



Just a thought...,

..but if you would make Him a little room for Christmas..., most assurdedly will be receiving some gifts from Him as well.

Blessing to each of you during this Christmas Season of gift giving.


A Reason for the Season?

December 3,2000


There is a real reason and here it is.

"The Christ child was born into the earth as man...,

...ONE born in due time in man's spiritual evolution...,

...that man might have a Pattern of the Personality of God Himself."*

*Reading 5758-1 on page 224 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Where is that Pattern?

It is in His Book, the Bible.

How can man use that?

That Pattern can be scanned and imprinted on the mind.


So that the Spirit of God that is already within the living created body and the mind may re-cord to each other.

is that possible?


Because of the law that is ever present:

Like attracts like: like begets like.

The Creation of The Pattern that the mind may follow is the Reason for the Season.



A Major Error by the A.R.E.

December 3, 2000


The A.R.E. has made a very major erroneous assumption regarding the human mind...,

...and the WAY in which the mind may attune itself to the Universal Christ Consciousness.

Take a look at the following very carefully.


Q-Should the Christ Consciousness be described as...,

...the awareness within each soul...,


...and waiting (the soul) to be awaken by the will (of the mind)...,

...of the soul's oneness with God.

A-Correct. That's the idea exactly*  

*Reading 5749-14 on page 228 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

(This writer added the words in parenthesis for clarification.)

The A.R.E. has taken the erroneous assumptive position that every mind is ALREADY born with the Pattern imprinted on its free will mind.

If that were true..., 

...then why did Jesus enter this earth plane? Did not He say something about being born again of water and Spirit?

If that were true..., 

...when why did Edgar Cayce read the entire Bible 12 times by the time he was twelve years old?

If that were true... 

...when why did the Readings state that there is no better hand-book for the mind than scriptures themselves.

If that were true...,

...then all the mind would have do is...,

...think okay.., 

..I have decided that I WILL use the imprinted Pattern thing in my mind..., go ahead and wake up my companion, my soul.

Sorry to inform you A.R.E...,

...but the mind does NOT enter this earth plane ALREADY equipped with an imprinted Pattern.

You know that the mind is the builder.

It is the mind, with its free will.., 

...that must FIRST SELF imprint that Pattern in its OWN conscious mind.

That is EXACTLY why the Readings state that the Pattern is in Jesus.

You also know that Jesus said learn of Him.

And where may the mind learn of Him?

In the Bible.

Why do that if the mind ALREADY has the Pattern?


Your erroneous assumption is not only leading many minds astray...,, have in effect, discarded the only true Pattern that the mind can use to imprint itself with.

You also know about vibrations from the Readings.

The very act of the willing mind TO imprint the Pattern on its mind creates vibrations through the mind AND created body...,

...that matches the vibrations of the  Creative Force, God, the Father that is ALREADY inside.

Do you think that the Father would NOT would be stirred...,

...knowing that His Son is BEING imprinted on the mind..., the mind exercising its own free will? 
It is the very process and act of the mind, that is the builder.., 


...that will awaken the soul.

Has anyone every heard of a builder that didn't make a little noise?

Hopefully, there will be a lot more positive noise when other minds learn the truth of regarding your error.

Now for the good news. 

Everyone makes mistakes.., 

...and according to the Readings...,

... it is the try that is the important thing.

Every mind is sort of like a moving vehicle traversing each bough of a Christmas tree...,

... going a little higher in each direction...,

...until the boughs get shorter and shorter.., 

...until it finally reaches the top.

And guess what it normally bumps into at the top?

An angel.

This is exactly what the Readings say when Self leaves itself to follow Him...,

... it will meet its angelic Self...,

...rather than to continue bumping into its own Self.

And this is exactly what happened to Edgar Cayce by the River..., he was studying...,

... and you know it..,

...the Bible.

Do you know what Edgar Cayce was really doing at that time?

He was in the process of IMPRINTING THE PATTERN ON HIS MIND.

Here is the point A.R.E.

You have reached the end of a bough.., 

...and it is time to turn around and go the other Way...,

...which is His Way.

Do that and you will have made a "write" turn...,

...and no pun is intended.

This writer is also part of the A.R.E. which has been, and is, its life Savior.

Again no pun is intended.

The A.R.E. Readings literally nudge this writer awake...,

...and would now like to return the flavor.  (Gees, there is another one.)

Anyway, A.R.E., I wish you would trust me on this one.

I know its true, and it will help others.

Blessings to the A.R.E. and everyone...,

...and let the real journey begin.


O Holy Night

December 4, 2000



The Pattern

O Holy Night!

The stars are brightly shining.

It is the night of the dear SAVIOR'S birth!

Long lay the world in sin and ERROR pining.

Till HE appear'd and the SOUL felt its worth.

A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices.

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn! 

Fall on your knees.

Oh, hear the ANGEL voices.

Oh, night divine.

Oh, night when Christ was born.

Oh, night divine.

Oh, night divine. 

Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming.

With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.

So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming.

Here come the wise men from Orient land.

The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger.

In all our trials BORN to be our friend.  
Truly He taught us to love one another.

His law is love and His gospel is peace.

Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother.

And in His name all oppression shall cease.

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,

Let all WITHIN US praise His holy name.


His Pattern Is A Gift From God

December 5, 2000


The Gift is the Pattern of the Father's  Personality AND Spirit that WAS IN a man known as Jesus...,

...that is re-corded IN the Bible...,

...and it is the Will of the Father, God, the creator of every soul..., 

...that every mind corded to every soul may be willing to imprint this Pattern within its OWN mind. 

Until the Edgar Cayce Readings were manifested..., one EVER considered Jesus as a Pattern.

Until the Edgar Cayce Readings were manifested...., one EVER considered that that Pattern imprinted on the mind of Jesus...,

...may also be imprinted on the mind of every individual mind that is willing to do the Work of Imprinting.

As like many gifts that are received today...,

...they often come with a set of instructions for proper assembly.

According to the Readings..., due season...,

..our Father, Himself, manifested through His Son, Jesus...,

...the One Ideal Pattern that is the gift that EVERY mind may receive and follow. 

Again in due season, our Father, had chosen Edgar Cayce as the channel..,, manifest a certain set of DIRECTIONS...,

...of HOW the mind may imprint that Ideal Pattern on its OWN mind.

In essence, in the continuing process of   the unfoldment of the mind into spiritual development..,

,,,it has taken about 2000 years for the mind...,

...just to consider the outward appearance of the essence of the Pattern of the man known as Jesus.

In due time...,

... and that time is NOW...,

...the time has come for the mind, that is the builder, to follow the directions given in the Readings...,

...and begin IMPRINTING His Pattern on its mind.

NOW is the time to re-view His Book..., 

...the Bible...,

...from the standpoint...

...that the Ideal Essence of the Bible is to simply provide the mind with the Pattern that the mind MAY imprint...,

...IF..., is willing..

Do not allow the mind to get bogged down in zillions of details that are within the Bible.

Simply allow the mind to look for the Pattern that the mind can use as THE foundation from which to build on. 

It is there and the mind will see it.

The Readings will even help direct the mind in manifesting that Pattern.

Seek and ye shall find is definitely part of the Pattern.

Because every mind is given free will..., 

...our Father will never force His will on any mind.

That is WHY the WILL of the MIND must FIRST make the move to seek Him.

And He WILL keep His promise, and will respond likewise from WITHIN the created body to seek that mind that is seeking Him.

FIRST, allow the mind to make the effort to seek and find the Pattern.., using the Readings as an aid that will help the mind to crystallize and imprint His Pattern on that mind that is willing to seek.

THEN, with His Pattern imprinted on the mind...,

...the mind will THEN find His signs following..., the mind's own words...,

...that will confirm to the mind that it is moving His Way. 

Most assuredly the mind WILL see His signs in the mind's own words.

The Readings have sort of set up a Workshop that includes ALL the directions and ALL the tools needed to afford the mind the opportunity to FIND and IMPRINT the Pattern.

When the mind has imprinted the Same Pattern that was in the Son...,

...the mind will have just installed an everlasting guidance system..,

... and will have completed its mission of incarnation...,

...that will return the mind's ever present companion, its soul, home to the Father...,

...following the same Way or Pattern that Jesus did.


The Pattern IS our Father Within Jesus

December 9, 2000


Would the mind like to see a SIGN that confirms that the Pattern IS our Father...,

...and WAS in the mind and body of Jesus...,

...and IS NOW in the Spirit of Jesus.?

Take a look.

Remember that WHEN the mind moves letters as His...,

...Alpha and Omega...,

...the mind may SEEK and FIND HIS Signs WITHIN the mind's very OWN words.

Here is HOW the mind may take the Pattern that is WITHIN HIS Book, the Bible..., the builder..,

...IMPRINT His Pattern on the mind...,

...and THEN look for His Signs.

Here is the mind's OWN word Pattern.

Here the mind is able to ENTER within this word and move the letters...,

...because it has acknowledged to itself that the letters are His and...,

...and as it moves them according to His Pattern...,

..the vibrations created by the movements...,

...move the mind out of its OWN consciousness and into HIS.

In essence, the most elementary job of the mind is to move letters.

When it moves letters as its OWN..., remains confined within in a cycle of its OWN consciousness called SELF consciousness.

When the mind acknowledges that they letters are HIS...,

... according to the Pattern stated in the Bible...,

..."I AM alpha and Omega"...

..AND the mind...,

...THEN, willingly IMPRINTS THAT Pattern on its mind...,

..and THEN MOVES the letters as His..., will literally move itself out of the SELF conscious cycle...,

...and move its transformed Self into HIS consciousness, called by many, the Universal Christ consciousness.

This is what Christ was saying about going in and out His door.

The Readings state that the mind is BOTH physical AND spiritual.

From the point of view of WHOSE letters that the  FREE WILL mind DECIDES to use..., 

...and the MOVEMENT thereof...,

...DETERMINES what cycle of consciousness that the mind, as the builder, may MOVE and work within.   

Here is a word, when the letters are  moved, reveal a sign that the above statements are true.


Above, are letters moved into place by the conscious mind.

This word is blocked according to the Letter of the Law now called Webster.

The physical aspect of the mind is blocked from moving the letters because the "meaning" would then be altered.

Now, here comes the mind that is going to follow the SPIRIT, the WORD made flesh, that literally fulfilled EVERY letter of the Letter of the Law.


The mind casts out the n for it is the first root letter of (n)egative.

The Spirit was and  is As One with the positive pole (t).


The Pattern that the mind IMPRINTS on itself is...

...take Up its OWN cross (t) DAILY and follow Him.*

*Luke 9:23

Thus, the two (tt)'s THEN become As One which is reflective of the Law of One.

The sign revealed is Pater,

Now allow the mind to find the word Pater in the Law of Webster.

It just so happens to be the Latin word for...,


Most assuredly, spiritual letter movement vibrations, similar to the above, will arouse the interest of our Father WITHIN.

The same response will happen to the A.R.E....,

...IF they are WILLING to simply restore His Pattern as the cornerstone that the mind can THEN IMPRINT on its mind...,

... and THEN begin to build thereon.



Brain Imprint Fingerprinting Invention?

December 11, 2000


On television last night, Sunday, December 10...

...60 Minutes had a very interesting segment on what is being called "Brain Fingerprinting".

This NEW inventive process may literally confirm certain statements made in the Edgar Cayce Readings,

Take a look.  


Q-The Book of Life is?

A-The record that the individual entity ITSELF writes upon the skein of time and space, through patience--and is opened when self has attuned to the infinite, and may be read by those attuning to that consciousness.

Q-The Book of God Remembrances is?

A-This is the Book of Life.

Q-The Akashic Records are?

A-Those MADE by the individual, as just indicated.*

*Reading 2533-8 on page 1 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


Q-Akashic Records are recorded on the ether. 

Then cannot an INSTRUMENT be INVENTED to induct ether and thus tap in on the Akashic Records?

A-This may be done--eventually will be!*

*'Reading 443-5 on page 1 of the Edgar Cayce Companion


According to Webster---ether---Physics--a hypothetical invisible substance postulated as pervading space and serving as the MEDIUM for the transmission of light waves and other forms of RADIANT energy.

According to Webster--RADIANT energy--energy traveling in waves.

In essence, BRAIN waves are a form of radiant energy 

According to the Readings---

---"Each entity MAKES a RECORD upon time and space....,

...through the very activities of THAT STYLUS, the MIND."*

*Reading 1885-1 on page 84 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

In essence, the mind, is the recording needle that picks up the vibrations...,

...transfers the vibrations to brain waves...,,

..that are then re-corded to the soul that is temporarily corded to the created body...,

...of which the brain is very integral part thereof.

According to the Readings..., 

..."Remember that the soul NEVER forgets."*

Reading 2425-1 on page 93 of the Edgar Cayce Companion    


Now back to the recent INVENTION that may be the BEGINNING of man's ability to tap into the Records that the stylus... 

...the mind...,

...IS able to make.  

Just plug into any search engine--brain fingerprinting--to learn more about this remarkable invention.

Another reason to research this subject matter..., that it proves that the mind does have the ability to IMPRINT.

Here is the man and his INVENTION.

Names always carry vibrations that may be seen as signs along the Way.

Allow the mind to take notice of his name...,

....and name of the place where he lives.


Here are two web pages that the mind find very interesting.


Consider The Word Imprint

December 11, 2000


Allow the mind to consider the word Imprint from BOTH the physical AND spiritual aspect of the mind.

Here is the word Imprint from the physical aspect of the mind.


Here the mind is following the Letter of the Law that is emblematic of Webster.

The Letters of the Law are as etched in stone.

"Thou shall not ever move the letters within this word. They have been as etched in stone to provide the same "meaning" for every mind."--Arkroc

How mean is that?

Now allow the mind to consider the word Imprint from the spiritual aspect of the mind...,

...that WILL, WILLINGLY, follow HIS Spirit of the Law..., 

...that MOVES...,

...rather than the Letter of the Law.., 

...that is forever etched as in stone.

When the mind follows HIS Spirit of the Law...,

...that has fulfilled every letter used to write the written Law..., is ABLE to ENTER WITHIN the word and MOVE the letters to match HIS Pattern that the mind has IMPRINTED on itself for...

,,,understanding rather than meaning.

Take a look.


Here are two simple movements that will match His Imprinted Pattern that the mind has set before itself.

First move.

Im print

Second move

I'm print

Now, for the check the sign to see IF the movements match His Pattern.
Here are two parts of the Pattern.

John 1:14*

" And the WORD was made flesh"*

Revelation 1:8"

His Spirit said--"I AM Alpha and Omega."

Are not Alpha and Omega Letters?

Is not the WORD formed of Letters?

Is not the word print another term for letters?

Is not the mind able to move letters?

Is not the movement of I'm print..., the spiritual aspect of the mind...,

...a perfect match to His Pattern?

This movement process may be something that the mind may wish to  ponder...,

...and to possibly imprint on its OWN mind...,

..that just MIGHT create a re-active movement of HIS Spirit from WITHIN that very mind itself.



The Franklin Electronic Bible

December 18, 2000


Along with the King James Bible and the Alexander Scourby cassette tapes..., imprint His Pattern on the mind...,

...The Franklin Electronic Bible..., a wonderful tool to RE-CALL Passagee and Words that have been imprinted in the mind.

This pocket size electronic device, no larger than a 3 x 5 card, contains the COMPLETE King James Version of the Bible.

Edgar Cayce most certainly would have loved to use this tool as he studied his most favorite book...,

...The King James Version of the Bible.

This writer uses it all the time to Re-CALL individual Verses and Words that are part of His Pattern. 

This is an excellent device to help the mind in it imprinting process...,

...and can be purchased at most Radio Shack Stores and other retail outlets.

Here is a little history and background on the product.


The original model is Franklin Electronic  Bible model KJB 440

Radio Shack # 63-211

This model original sold for $79.00 and is now being closed out for $29.00.

Many stores may have some left yet, as this writer bought another one today, 12-18-00, at a Radio Shack Store for $29.00.


Radio shack s also carrying the new model:

Franklin Electronic Bible model KJB 1440 

Radio Shack # 63-2150

It is basically the same as the original model and is being sold for $59.00.

Even that price is good compared to the original model's original selling price.

It is truly a good product to help imprint  and RE-CALL the Pattern.

Here is a little more information and picture of the product.

Franklin Electronic Holy Bible
King James Version
Contains the entire text of both The Old & New Testaments. 

Built-In Concordance to find Passages with one or more key words. 

Book, Chapter or Verse can be entered to retrieve Passages. 

Large 3-Line x 27 character display with adjustable type sizes & contrast control 

Provides spell correction, bookmarks & 
search Thesaurus.
