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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #144

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #144

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The Reason For Living

November 27, 2000


"Each material manifestation IS an undertaking by an entity..., its attempts..., be more ATTUNED to a consciousness of God."*

*Reading 2533-1 on page 109 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Can the mind attune to the consciousness of God?


First, allow the mind to remember WHO was the only one ever to have entered this earth plane as the personality of God?

According to the Readings...,

...a man called Jesus..., 

..who, according to the Readings...,

..just happens to be the Pattern that the mind may follow.

Allow the mind to learn HIS personality...,

..the mind will have learned HIS consciousness.

According to the Readings...,

...Jesus made the atonement so that the human mind could make attunement to the Consciousness of God that Jesus was As One with.

Jesus called that Consciousness, OUR Father, God.

The Readings call that Consciousness that every mind may attune to WITHIN...,

...the Creative Force.

According to the Bible.., 

...the most favorite Book studied by Edgar Cayce...,

...Jesus, the Pattern, was the Word made flesh.*

*John 1:14

In essence, the Pattern is the Word that is the Creative Force.

How can the Word be the Creative Force?


When the LETTERS of a word A.R.E. MOVED by the mind, not as its OWN... but as HIS...

...the words A.R.E. THEN emanated as the Creative Force that FLOWS like a river from within.

Here is a true sign of this Force.

Here is HOW attunement may become atonement which is at-onement with the Consciousness of God, the FATHER WITHIN...,

...through the MOVEMENT of letters that the mind NOW acknowledges A.R.E. HIS.


YOU (u) take UP your cross (t) and follow HIM and the Pattern of HIS cross (t) and become As One.

(tt) becomes t and (u) becomes o.

The mind has just made attunement to the word atonement.

Now, allow the mind to enter the word atonement and move the letters as HIS.

 Many signs will be found in this movement, or FORCE

(a) (tone) (men) (t)

There is a tone when men (human beings) take UP their OWN t and follow and become as one with HIS cross t.

The Spirit of HIS Consciousness...,

...allow the mind to remember...,

.. IS...

..."I AM Alpha and Omega"... 

...which just happen to be EMBLEMATIC of letters that the mind has been MOVING to build its OWN SELF consciousness.

Now, allow the mind, again, to ENTER WITHIN and MOVE the letters of atonement that will reveal the sign that the mind HAS entered WITHIN His Consciousness.



The mind, using its OWN little force called will power...,

...may easily transform its OWN Self consciousness...

...into HIS Consciousness with HIS awesome power of the Creative Force...,

...simply by MOVING its OWN letters as HIS rather than as its OWN.

It is that simple, yet that profound.




November 28, 2000


To the physical aspect of the mind...,

..according to the Law of Webster..., takes more than 400 words to describe what LIFE is.

To the spiritual aspect of the mind...,

..according to the SPIRIT of the LAW that is...,

..."I AM Alpha and Omega"*...,

...which is the Revelation that the letters the mind has been using as its OWN are HIS...,

....LIFE may be described in 4 words.

*Revelation 1:8

Take a look.

As the spiritual aspect of the mind enters this LIFE...,

...this it what it may find.



L Lord

I Jesus, the Pattern

F Father

E Earth plane and the created body formed from the Earth Plane

This is the Pattern of LIFE that will allow  the mind...,

..that is the forever guidance system for its ever present companion, the soul...,

...a Window Of Opportunity to attune to HIS Spirit and the everlasting LIFE.

Take a look at what the Readings say about LIFE.

"While ye labor, let HIM that is the AUTHOR, that is the finisher, that is the LIFE, that is the bread of LIFE, that is the blood of LIFE...,

...let HIM alone be thy guide."*

*Reading 254-83 on page 11 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


Every LIFE today...,

...which includes the mind and the soul which are currently housed in a LIVING created body that is called a LIVING Self...,

..truly has a very unique Window Of Opportunity to FOREVER attune and  cord itself to God.

God, according to the Readings...

... is the Father and Creative Force...,

...that created and maintains the LIVING human body...,

...that is the temporary housing for the mind and its constant companion, its soul...,

..and the PURPOSE of the created LIVING human body..., to provide the mind the opportunity to attach and cord itself to the Creative Force, God, our Father.

U C, The Living Creative Force WITHIN the LIVING created body is truly a unique Window OF Opportunity for the mind that is the guidance system for the soul.

U C, and maybe you may missed it...,

..but the acronym for the created body..., THIS Window of Opportunity is...,


According to the Law of Webster...,

WOO---to try to get the LOVE of, seek as a spouse.

U C, our Father, the Creative Force,...,

...through the created living body...,

..HAS provided a WAY for HIS children, our souls to re-cord to HIM.

Has the mind ever heard of the hall of records or the house of records?

It has now...,

..for that house IS the created body where re-cords are forever written WITHIN the mind that is housed thereIN.  


The Return To Truth

November 29, 2000


To the physical aspect of the mind...,

...truth is in the physical eyes of the beholder that looks WITHOUT ITSELF.

To the spiritual aspect of the mind...,

...truth is the Universal Consciousness that the mind will FIND as it enters WITHIN ITSELF.

In essence, the physical aspect of the mind..., the very nature of its OWN free will..., 

...separates itself from the truth that is WITHIN.

Why return to that truth WITHIN?

The mind should return to that truth WITHIN...,

....not for the sake of its OWN Self...,

...but for the sake of its soul whose mind is the companion and guidance system for that very soul.


Here "lies" the problem...

..and no pun is intended.


The soul wants to return to its source...,

..,our Father, God, the Creative Force,

Remember the law that is ever present:

"Like begets like: Like attracts like:  


The free will of the physical aspect of   mind of Self is polarized to remain focused on the physical that is on the outside...,

...rather than to focus on the Creative Spirit that is on the inside of the created body.

This brings up the focus on ideals.

The physical aspect of the mind sets before ITSELF many physical ideals that it would like to achieve on the outside.

The physical aspect of the mind becomes polarized and determined to reach these ideals.

In essence, the mind gets more or less "wrapped up and stuck" as it continually focuses on the truth that is without.

Maybe this is where the rut comes from WITHIN...,

... t(rut)h.


Allow the mind to consider this.

The Readings clearly point out that ever person may have many focused ideals...,, 

...but ALL persons may have the One Focused Ideal.

And what is THAT Ideal?

THAT Ideal is for the mind to DO the will of the Father rather than have the mind do Its OWN will.

Here is the difference of focused polarity.

For the mind to do the Father's will...,

...the mind must RE-VERSE the polarity of its OWN will to become as One with HIS.

Where are these two polarities?

There are BOTH within the created body that has been created from the elements of the earth.

One is WITHIN the created body..,

..and the other is within the born mind.

In order for the physical birth of a created body to occur...,

...there must be a positive and negative polarity.

Again, the law that is ever present..,

Like attracts like: Like begets like.

The physically born created body...,

... temporarily housing the mind and soul.., formed from the created earth with the same duel polarity.

The Readings that emanated from an altered conscious mind and created body  of Edgar Cayce describe the coming of a polar shift.

That shift is beginning to take place now.

U C, the positive pole is the will of the Father that is the Creative Force that is the essence of the living created body.

U C, the negative pole is the free will of the physical aspect of the mind.

These two poles have been are at a  variance from each other.

As the mind begins to enter WiTHIN..., begins to move away from the negative pole and towards the positive pole that is WITHIN.

In a reaction to that movement the Creative Force WITHIN created body...,

... also makes a moving shift toward the mind that is becoming positive in the nature of its own created body.

Again, these movements follow the same law that is ever present.

The mind will then re-unite with the positive pole and then the poles will be one.

And guess who gets the reward?

The soul gets to be re-warded back into the Father's Creative Force that is everlasting..,

...thanks to the decision of the free will mind to make the move. 

U C,  right within the middle of the mind itself...,

...there is even a sign that shows "in" WHAT direction the mind should move.

Take a look.


m (in) d
