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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #143

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #143

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Re:The Pattern

November 24,2000


Hi Merideth,

"Jesus was lost in the wilderness...,"

...Not so sure that Jesus, whose mind and created body were As One with God...,

...was never every truly lost.

"...tempted by the devil...,"

Yes He was.

"he trusted God, and held fast to His faith. That is the pattern we are to follow....He became selfless, and took nothing for Himself...that is the pattern."

Absolutely correct.

Taking NOTHING for Himself INCLUDES the Pattern of NOT taking the letters that the SELF conscious mind has ALWAYS taken as its OWN...,

...and for granted.

That is HOW and WHY the Words that He spoke...,

...were SPIRIT...,

..NOT His OWN...,

...and they emanated from the Father Within Him.

The Words of the Spirit...,

... "I am Alpha and Omega...,"

...were NOT of words of the man Jesus...

...but of the mind of the Spirit of the Father, that the mind of Adam/Jesus returned to...,

...made a re-attunement with...,

...and became As One with the Father again. 

The Son, the Mind and soul of Adam...,

...had returned to the Father.., the born again mind and soul...,

...the WORD made flesh...,

... in the FORM of a created body of a man called Jesus.

Adam returned as Jesus, the Christ, to ESTABLISH the ONE and ONLY correct PATTERN and WAY for the mind to follow.

Regardless of what "official" words come out of the A.R.E. ....,

...the Christ Consciousness is NOT the Pattern.

The Universal Christ Consciousness is the STATE of mind that the mind may attune to...,

...and REACH..., FOLLOWING the Pattern established BY and WITHIN Jesus.

According to the Readings Jesus entered this earth plane, as the personality of God, so that EVERY mind may learn of that personality.

Therefore the Pattern that the mind may attune to is the Spirit of that personality of the Father, God....,

...that emanated from WITHIN Jesus...,

..BECAUSE Jesus was able to set Himself aside.

Jesus often stated that the words He spoke were NOT his OWN...

..but of the Father WITHIN Him.

   Jesus is the Pattern that EVERY mind may follow.., return to the Christ Consciousness of the Father...,
..which is the IDEAL destiny for the mind..

..that is the forever guidance system..,

..for its forever present companion, the individual soul.

Every born physically minded mind really has sort of become lost in the wilderness...,

...and Jesus is the Pattern that will lead the mind away from temptation and out of that wilderness and wandering.




The Words Jesus and Christ 

November 27, 2000


According to the Readings..., 

...Jesus is the Pattern and Christ is the Power. 

According to the A.R.E...., 

...Jesus is NOT included in THEIR description of the "Christ Consciousness." 


If these two words..., 

...Jesus and Christ are not ALL inclusive WITHIN each other... 

...then why does the name JESUS CHRIST exist..., 

...if according to the Readings... 

..."nothing is by chance".? 


Remember the EMBLEMATIC love story of the bridegroom, as the Pattern, coming for the waiting virgins? 

It IS a story of love and marriage. 


Remember the song "Love and Marriage"? 


Love and marriage, Love and marriage,
go together like a horse and carriage. 

This,I tell you brother..., can't have one without the other. 
Love and marriage, Love and marriage, 
it's an institute you can't disparage..., 

....ask the local gentry and they will say it's elementry. 

Try, try, try to separate them...,'s an illusion. 

...try, try, try and you will only come..., this conclusion: 

Love and marriage, Love and marriage, 
go together like a horse and carriage that was told by mother: 

you can't have one..., can't have none.., can't have one without the other. 

Try, try, try to separate them...,'s an illusion. 


If the A.R.E. would only just remember that you can't SEPARATE the Pattern from the Power..., 

...or you can't have the Power WITHOUT the Pattern..., 

...A.R.E. would begin to do very well. 

U C, the Power is WITHIN the Pattern. 




"Tuning" into HIS Consciousness 

November 27,2000


According to the Readings the mind is BOTH physical and Spiritual. 

Using the mind's OWN letters has HIS..., an excellent way for the mind to tune into HIS Consciousness. 

Another excellent way is for the mind to transform, focus, and direct love tunes to HIM that are often directed to other physical human beings. 

This process helps direct the mind to focus in a NEW direction towards HIS Spirit that is WITHIN..., 

...rather than allow the mind to continue to focus on the physical that is WITHOUT. 
Many love tunes may be easily "re-corded" by the mind to Him that is WITHIN. 

According to the Readings, the period from "58" to "98" is when a lot of transformation begins to take place. 

Here is a tune that was manifested in 1958..., 

...that is very representative of HOW the mind, as the builder..., 

...may focus on His Spirit that is WITHIN..., simply DIRECTING popular love tunes to Him who is WITHIN. 


Two things that the Readings suggest: 
"God is Love". 

"Like attracts like: Like begets like." 


IF the mind is willing to carry love "tunes" like the one following..., 

...WITHIN to HIM...., 

...HIS re-active vibrations, most assuredly, will be felt throughout the mind and created body that is housing that active mind. 


To learn and know HIS Pattern that the mind may build upon... the ACT of that mind.., the builder..., 

...LOVING Him. 


"To Know Him Is To Love Him" 

To know know know him
Is to love love love him 

Just to see him smile
Makes my life worthwhile 

To know know know him
Is to love love love him 
And I do and I do and I do 

I'll be good to him
I'll bring love to him 

Everyone says there will come a day
When I'll walk alongside of him 

To know know know him
Is to love love love him
And I do and I do and I do 

