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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #141

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #141

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Enter the Future Church Now

November 13, 2000

Today's churches and temples are created by human minds...,

..and are made out of sticks and stones.

The Future church has ALREADY been created.

It has been created by God.

It may be called the Future Church.

There is no way the physical aspect of the mind may enter this church...,

...unless it FIRST transforms itself...,

...or more traditionally put... is born again through its OWN physical conscious mind.

Difficult to do?

Impossible for the born mind unless...


That aspect of the mind deals ONLY in block words that literally block the mind into its OWN Self consciousness.

Can the mind enter into the Future Church?

No and yes.

The physical aspect of a mind that has NOT yet made any attunement or "altarations"..,

...the answer is NO.

The physical aspect of the mind that does make attunement, as the builder..., 

...the answer is absolutely YES.

Allow the mind to enter "the Future Church".

Go "ahead"...,

... and no pun is intended.

Can't do it?

Here is why.

These three words...




...are block words that the mind has literally grown up with.

Thou shall NEVER unblock these words.

That is what U and I were taught (sin)ce childhood..., 

..and part of that word (sin)ce is a non intended pun also. 

Break through those words...,

...and the mind will break through its OWN Self consciousness.

Take a look.

Many have already seen this.


Some have seen this.

(CH) UR (CH)   

Break open this "created" church...,

...U R...,


No one has yet seen this.




(F)ather (U) are (TRUE) and HIS Letter movements produce attuned signs.

When the MIND does enter the Future Church..., will see HIS signs along the way that will "tune" the mind into His Consciousness...,

...the Universal consciousness WITHIN...,

... that is literally housed WITHIN the ONLY UNIVERSAL church...,

...NOT constructed by the human conscious mind.  
Blessings on your OWN journey WITHIN your OWN (S)ELF.

You WILL see His signs along the Way...,

...for He WILL be with with you...,

...for NOW your mind WILL be using its OWN letters as His.


Emblematic Transformation

November 14, 2000


According to the Readings...,

In order for the mind to understand or DISCERN the spiritual from the material and vice versa..., emblematic transformation must occur within the mind.

Take a look.

"Nevertheless, it be correct...,

...but do NOT make the MISTAKE, as so often been given through these channels...,

...of attempting to DISCERN SPIRITUAL interpretations with a MATERIAL mind...,

...nor MATERIAL interpretations with a SPIRITUAL mind...,


...same is "SIGNIFIED" by that of the incident, accident, or state of being...,



...or of any activity that is of the nature that represents such a condition...,


*Reading 288-27 on page 2 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Ok . got all that?

On thing for sure..., is certainly indicated here that the human mind is BOTH physical AND Spiritual.

Ok. Now to the emblematic part.

Emblems must be involved for the mind to move from one viewpoint to the other.


Now allow the mind to go to the Book of Revelations.

According to the Readings...,

...that great city of Babylon is none other than SELF. 

Through out the Readings it is Self that must set Self aside.

Well, the great city of Babylon does fall away...,

...and is the emblem of the consciousness that Self that Self built by by using HIS letters as IF HIS Letters belonged to Self.

That is WHY the essence of Revelation 1:8 is not just stated once..., is repeated FOUR times.

Letters are emblems.

They are emblems that are MOVED by the mind.

When they are moved.., 

...they create vibrations.

When the mind moves them as its OWN...,

...material vibrations relating to self are produced.

When the mind moves them as HIS...

...HIS Spiritual vibrations are manifested.

The FREE WILL of the mind determines the DIRECTION that the mind is WILLING to move.

The Father WITHIN will never Force HIS WILL on any mind.

However, according to Jesus, the Pattern, the mind would DO very "well"...,

...if would rather follow the Father's WILL...,

...rather than its OWN Self will.


Because if Self continues to bump into Self...,

..self will eventually fall...,

...just as the emblematic Babylon fell.

Then where is the part of self that is still standing going to go now that other Self is no longer there?

Well, if the mind had been willing, it would have ALREADY have  prepared itself to enter HIS Everlasting Consciousness.

Remember the emblematic 10 virgins of whom five were wise and "PRE-PAIRED" and the others not? *

*Matthew 25:1

Perhaps the mind should re-view and  re-consider the essence of Revelation 1:8...,

...that "I AM"...,


...Alpha and Omega....,

... that are HIS emblematic letters that were,..,  

...(de) sign (ed)...,

....for the mind..., be the same in the beginning as in the ending.

The sign is there.



His Two Emblematic Swords

November 15, 2000


Just before Jesus was captured, He was given two swords by His disciples.

Jesus, the Pattern for the mind to follow, said...

..."It is enough."*

*Luke 22:38

It is enough.

Here are those two EMBLEMATIC swords that every mind may use to follow Him right into the Universal Christ Consciousness of the WORD made flesh.

( )

Look at this sign of HIS...,

... manifested and GIVEN to the mind...,

...WHEN the mind, as the builder, uses these swords as HIS.


(S) WORD (S)

This emblematic story of two swords occurs just ONE time in the entire Bible...,

..the most favorite book STUDIED by the entity most recently known as the personality of Edgar Cayce.

Allow the mind to remember these three things.


According to the Readings...,

..."nothing happens by chance."


The Gospel of Luke was written by Lucius.


Lucius was a previous personality of the individuality of the entity most recently known as Edgar Cayce.

Jesus is THE Pattern that is as the emblematic table, spoken of in the 23rd Psalm, that has been set before the mind.

Take and use these emblematic swords that were given to Him that you may freely use.

U C,  WITHIN (t)his (t)able, U R able to se HIS signs along the Way.

The physical aspect of the mind often equates the 23rd Psalm with a funeral.

The spiritual aspect of the mind will be able equate (t)his 23rd Psalm of King David with everlasting LIFE...




Great News from the ARE

November 16, 2000


Great News from the A.R.E. was just channelled through to the whitherare egroup from the A.R.E. Membership Manager.


Date: Thu, Nov 16, 2000

To subscribe to this group, send an email 

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: 


Here is the message:

Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 23:01:48 -0000


Subject: Readings On-line 

Greetings, folks... 

I wanted to touch base with you and let you know that this past weekend, the Board of Trustees gave management the "thumbs up" on putting the EC readings on-line for members. 

The readings will be accessible through a members section on the website. 

We are setting into place a gate system for input of membership ID's, along with support information about how to work with the readings. 

Our intention is to "go live" with this benefit on December 10th. 

I'll let you know if that timeframe changes. 
As many of you know, this is the version of the readings that was hosted on Albert Timashev's website. 

If any of you had experience working with that database, and would like to share any helpful tips for doing so, 

I would appreciate hearing from you. 

I can then include your suggestions in the support information. 

Thank you. 

Ellen Selover
A.R.E. Membership Manager


If any of you are already a member of the A.R.E., great.

If you are not a member, I would suggest that NOW is the perfect time to join.

You may contact the A.R.E for membership details at...,


This is an opportune time to become involved...,

...because this decision will begin the gradual "Emblematic Transformation of minds "a-cross" this world.

Remember the law that is ever present:

Like attracts like; Like begets like.

Again notice the "emblem" of the A.R.E.

The dove appears, at first glance, to be going one  way...,

...and then at second glance, appears to be going the other way.

The other way from what?

His Cross.

It is the opinion of this writer that the "sign" of the dove is NOW beginning to MOVE towards HIS Cross.

The transformation of minds into the Universal Christ Consciousness is NOW beginning to take effect.

 The timing of this transformation process has long been predicted in the Readings.

How will this decision do that?

First, it is happening the exact way it was predicted in the Readings.

Take a close look.


"(The Association for Research and Enlightenment)..., to be FIRST of all an EDUCATIONAL factor in the lives of those contacted through the efforts of the Association.

This pertaining to the PHYSICAL, the MENTAL, and the SPIRITUAL...,

...for, as given, THESE and their relations to one another...,

..are the PRIMARY forces in the physical or material life.

The greater UNDERSTANDING of the RELATIONSHIP of THESE factors...,

...and that the whole is ONE...,

...yet must be STUDIED in their individual,  and collective, and coordinating influences in the lives of individuals...,

...and as GIVEN...

FIRST to the individual...,

....THEN to groups..., classes..., masses.

This then, is the WORK to be accomplished by the Association..."*

*Reading 254-42 on page 241 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


Check Off List 

1 To the Individual...,

...The initial Readings GIVEN to individuals..,


2 To Groups...,

...Those Readings GIVEN to the Search For God groups ...,


3 To classes...,

...Those Readings GIVEN to classes sponsored by the Association...,


4 To masses...,

...Those Readings GIVEN to masses....,

...About to begin.


Now, take a look this sign...,

...and see if your mind cannot but be helped to be awakened just a little.

"...but OUT of RUSSIA comes the hope of the world. GUIDED by what?

That friendship with the nation that hath even set on its present (1944) monetary unit "In God We Trust"..."*

*Reading 3976-29 on page 439 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Are you sitting down?

Hope so.

Guess FROM OUT of WHERE the Readings were FIRST introduced to the masses via the internet?

From out of Russia.

The Readings ARE being fulfilled.

Blessings to the ARE, Russia, and U,


Be Doers of the Word

November 18,2000

"Be ye DOERS of the word; not hearers only.  

Thus YE become THE DOOR that the WAY, the Christ, the Savior, may enter in...;

...for HE IS the way, the truth, and the light."*

*Reading 262-29  10/2/1932


According to the Readings, the mind is the builder.

According to the Reading above..., should be a doer of the word, not a hearer of the word only.


The question for the mind is...,

..what is the word the mind should be a doer of?

It is pretty obvious that the word is in reference to the word of God.

So what is the word of God?

Well, for one, Jesus said He spoke the Words of the Father within Him.

Those words were Words of God.

Accordingly, the Readings refer to God, the Father, as the Creative Force that may be manifested from WITHIN when the mind sets Self aside.

Did the mind of Jesus set Self aside?

Obviously He did.

In order for Edgar Cayce to give a Reading...,

...did Edgar Cayce follow that same Pattern and set Self aside?

Obviously Edgar Cayce did too.

Is it possible that EVERY mind may set Self aside to be doer of the word rather than a hearer of the word only.

Yes it is.

Ok, then, HOW does the mind set Self side and become a doer of the word that may be emanated from WITHIN?

Well, Edgar Cayce set Self aside by entering a hypnotic trance.

Is there any other way to set Self aside?


Yes there is.

The mind may simply follow this Law that is ever present:

Like attracts like: Like begets like.

How can that Law be applied?

The mind has used letters as its OWN, as the builder, to build its OWN Self Consciousness.

If the mind is willing to follow His Pattern stated in Revelation 1:8 and re-turn the letters to Him...,

...the mind, as the builder, may THEN become an ACTIVE doer of the word that will emanate from within...,

...rather than remain a PASSIVE hearer of the word only.

According to the Readings, the mind IS the ACTIVE Force.

If the mind of Self is the Active Force...,

 ...then it stands to reason that for every action there is a reaction or a Reactive Force.

There IS a Reactive Force WHEN the mind follows His Pattern and becomes a doer of the word rather than a hearer only.

According to the Readings...,

..."The Pattern IS IN Jesus..,

...The POWER then is the Christ."*

*Reading 2533-7 on page 225 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


According to the Readings...,

...that Power, that Christ Power is called the Creative Force...,

...and it IS the REACTIVE FORCE to the ACTIVE FORCE of the mind...,


...the mind literally sets Self aside and becomes a doer of the word and not a hearer of the word only.

If the mind would like to see a sign that the active force of the mind may produce a reactive force that is called the Creative Force....,

...take a close look.

Here is the reactive force produced by  the active force of the mind that becomes a doer of the word. 


Now, watch this movement, and no pun is intended, as the mind moves the Letters as HIS.


The mind, as the doer of the word, is going to move His letter (C) that is the first root letter of the word (C)hrist to the BEGINNING of this word...,

...because (C)hrist is the Ideal Consciousness that the mind of Self may achieve...,

...that was literally with Adam in the very very beginning.


There is the sign that the active force of the mind may produce a reactive force of power that the readings call the Creative Force that WILL emanate from WITHIN.

WHEN the mind is willing to follow His Pattern...,

...the whole process of being converted and becoming a doer of the word is very simple.., 

...yet verily*, verily* profound :)

*John 3:5 
