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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #139

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #139

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From the discussion group:

 by November 8, 2000

....regarding the ARE.


Well, it seems the idea is that there it is profit, rather than spirituality being touted here. 
Attempting to reap finances over reaping the true spiritual message of the Cayce Readings, the ARE has compromised itself. 
But this seem to be one of the reasons. Another is to appeal to the masses, thereby gaining more members, in their way of thinking and many in the Newage community who have discovered and employ much of the Cayce material into their philosophies. 
 Were an individual enthralled with the glitter of the Newage movement to see the Bible and Jesus the Christ as being central to the Cayce material; it would immediately turn them off. Therefore, "hiding" the bible..."hiding" Jesus the Christ as the central Ideal of the organization fits in with the plan to gain more members.  

 Another reason appears to be those who want to profit in any way from the Readings and who might be of a non-Christian background.   

These individuals, unfortunately tend to be rather vocal in their objection to the Bible and in particular to any reference to Jesus. 

They cannot conceive the personage and this Universal Jesus who should be the ideal and pattern for all, as the Readings state. 
Rather than investigate and study the Readings entirely, they miss the true meaning of Jesus and instead, are swift to equate the references to Jesus as being "too Christian"...which is sad. 
In order to appease these groups, also..the A.R.E. would rather move emphasis away from the Bible and Jesus to satisfy these selfish egos. 
These are evidently some of the main reasons I can find and appear to be valid from what I am able to piece together in trying to answer your queries and which I obtained after researching as best as I could, various sources and people within the A.R.E. 
If those who do not wish to accept the true ideals of the A.R.E. 

...and primarily Jesus as the pattern; the ideal...

...and of course the Bible... 

...continue to be a source of opposition; 

then the A.R.E will remain at a standstill and perhaps continue to lose members. 
It's all about one's spiritual quest for truth..either one accepts or one does not. 

For those who have objections to the Bible and to Jesus the Christ as being the ideal of the A.R.E....all I can suggest is that they leave the organization, rather than cause the turmoil which they have within the organization in their efforts to distort the truths within the Cayce Readings to fit their own selfish agendas... 
 It's as simple as that.


Hi ken-et

I thank you for the posting...,

...and you are right on target about the ARE relationship with Jesus.

To me what is sad that the ARE organization really doesn't even understand what they have is something hat no one else on this planet has.

Christian religion has basically taught faith for the last 2,000 years.

Keep the Faith has been the message.

How long can the mind just keep the faith?

The Bible has established that Jesus is the Pattern for the mind to follow.

What the religions have done is NOTHING about HOW the mind may literally follow His Pattern right into His Christ Consciousness.

The Edgar Cayce Readings not only confirm that the Bible established Jesus, as the Pattern for the mind to follow...,

...but the Readings literally guide the mind to HOW and WHERE the mind may enter into His consciousness.

That is WHAT the ARE has...,

...that no other source on this planet has been able to provide..., 

...and the ARE doesn't even know it.

Maybe someday they will understand the importance of what they have been holding back.

Blessings and thanks again ken-et.


Hi Merideth and welcome,

November 10, 20000


You are absolutely correct on the Edgar Cayce Readings.

No other source on this planet even comes close to the "Spiritual Correctness" that emanated from WITHIN the Born Again mind and body of Edgar Cayce.

Your comments have already indicated that you are MOVING in the right direction that is WITHIN.

The Readings are right on tract. You are following that tract, We are following that tract. 

The ARE is a little off tract. But that is okay.  

Here we are following the tract...,

and not the maintenance personnel...,

...who are charged with keeping the tract open.

When working in Spirit...,

sometimes puns like "tract simply appear to the mind.

Puns are plays within words.

Look at this play within tract.


(t) his cross

(R) His Letter symbol for Movement like there IS a RiveR that flows from within


What a great ACT He is to Follow when the mind takes UP its OWN cross (t).

Blessing to you Merideth and to All


Take Up Your Cross Daily 

November 11, 2000

"And he said to them ALL...,


...any man will come after me..., 

...let him DENY himself...,

...and take up his cross daily...,

and follow me"*

*Luke 9:23



Can EVERYONE do this?


Take a look.

First, it would do the mind well to get their "hands on" a King James Bible.

No pun intended, but there it is.


Because not only was it Edgar Cayce's MOST favorite book...,

...but part of that book, according to the Readings...,

...The Gospel of Luke...,

... was literally WRITTEN by Lucius who reincarnated most recently as the personality of Edgar Cayce himself.

Very cool.

For in the Readings, there is a lot of information about denying self...,

...or literally separating self from self.


Now back to Luke 9;23 and HOW the mind may take up its OWN cross and follow Him daily.

Difficult to do?

Many scholars and preachers would like you to think that it is..., that your mind must FIRST "pay" attention to them.

Gee, no pun intended, but another one.just appeared..


It is not difficult. It is simple.

When the mind OPENS His book, the Bible...,

...the mind can easily find a zilion crosses.

Simply allow the mind to reach in and pick one up.

They are very easy to find.

They look exactly like this.


Take a look again at Luke 9:23.

There are even four of them right (t)here.

Take a look.


"And he said  (t)o  them all...,, 

...if any man will come  a(ft)er  me...,

..... le(t) him DENY himself..., 

...and  (t)ake  up his cross daily and follow me"*

*Luke 9:23

Okay, NOW reach in and pick one up.

Jesus, the Pattern, was given two swords by His Disciples as He was about to be captured.

Jesus said, "It is enough"....,*

...and it is.

*This statement is only mentioned in ONE Gospel...,

...guess which one?

You got it.

*Luke 22:38

HERE are those two swords that YOUR mind may use that is enough.

( )

Ok. Now the mind has the swords and its own cross t.

Here is HOW the mind may BEGIN to FOLLOW Him in SPIRIT DAILY.

Take a look at probably the most common word the mind uses EVERY single DAY.


Watch how the mind may follow Him daily as it takes up its OWN cross..,

...AND using the swords that Jesus said is enough.

Watch now.


If the mind would just USE this little ONE daily re-mind-er that He went to the cross...,
...just look WITHIN this little word that the mind uses a zillion times a day.

This is just a simple emblematic example 
of HOW the mind may be able to follow Him in EACH mind's very OWN words.

Why does (t)his work?

Because ALL the Letters that the mind has been using and taking for granted as its OWN...,

...really belong to HIS Spirit...,

...the WORD made flesh, remember?

Do not take this writers word for it.

Simply ponder, ponder and THEN ponder some more Revelation 1:8...,

...until that Revelation strikes a cord in the mind like a bolt of lightning.

It WILL happen... 

...and U will THEN begin to C His signs in your very OWN words DAILY.

U C.., 

...U C is the little acorn name for (t)he Universal Consciousness

Now U will never ever walk alone again...,

...because NOW U may C His Spirit DAILY, anytime, anywhere,  just like...,


Blessings to EACH and ALL, 


Welcome atlantian_spirit_lost

November 11,2000


Welcome Sabre,

You are entering HIS true Spiritual Pathway.

The Bible contains HIS Pattern for the mind to follow...,

...and the Edgar Cayce Readings will give you directions so that you may see true spiritual signs of HIS Spirit along the Way.

God Bless you and ALL..., you ALL follow Him on you Spiritual Journey that WILL lead you home..., 

...and to our Father who is patiently waiting for your return.



Revelation 1:8

November 11,2000

"I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending saith the Lord...,

...which WAS...,

... which is to come...,,

... the almighty."


The SPIRIT of Jesus, the Christ, the Pattern, the WORD that was made flesh..., making a flat out statement that the emblematic letters the mind used in the beginning within Adam WERE Spirit.

Then Adam and the rest of the world severed that cord of letters to HIS SPIRIT and took them as their OWN.

Adam THEN returned as Jesus, as the Pattern for the mind to follow...,

... and HIS SPIRIT flat out states the letters that the mind moved WERE corded FROM the MIND to the SPIRIT of God in the beginning...,

...and the mind will re-cord its "OWN" letters back to HIS SPIRIT in the ending.

In the "mean" time the mind has taken HIS letters as its OWN...,

...and by so doing..,

...has severed the cord to HIS Spirit."


"Follow that KNOWN in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...."

 (Note: these are letters that the mind ALREADY knows)

"....for the RAISING of THAT from WITHIN of the Creative Forces, as it rises along that which is set WITHIN the inner man as that CORD of life that once SEVERED may separate, DOES separate, that balance between the MIND, the BODY, the SOUL.*

*Reading 275-43 on page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

That CORD of life for the mind today is this cord of letters.


Great cord of letters, huh?

Does the mind see ANY of HIS "I AM" corded to these letters that have allowed the mind to build its OWN Self Consciousness?   


Then all the mind has to do is to RE-CORD them back to His Spirit.

That is exactly what being born again is all about.

The mind simply re-learns to use its OWN letters (ABC's) from HIS point of view rather than its OWN. 

Hard to do?

Hey, even a little kid can do it.


Here is the letter S that the mind has been using as its OWN

It has been standing alone.

Here is that SAME letter re-corded to HIS Spirit.

S = (S)pirit

The mind just corded its OWN S back to HIS Spirit.

Now, the mind will move His Letter S.

Just like Reading 275-43 states..., 

....that THOSE letters that the mind already knows..., 

...when re-corded and moved as His...,

..the Creative Forces, which is the Spirit of God, the Father will like-wise move from WITHIN for the mind and His Spirit are NOW corded together.

Watch Self set itself aside and become as a little one in order to enter WITHIN the kingdom of heaven which is WITHIN the created body and mind.

Here goes.

Self simply becomes (S)elf.

That movement created the attuned vibrations to the Pattern of His Spirit that is WITHIN.

Those vibrations, in turn, moved the Spirit WITHIN as accordance has been made.

So will this movement raise His Spirit.


movement simply becomes...,


Moving men to His cross (t).

I think the Father would certainly rise WITHIN to greet the child whose mind makes THAT kind of vibrational movement.

Would U think sew, or wood U think knot?

There goes those puns again.

G (t)his is fun to play when the mind is  corded to (H)I'M.

As the mind really understands Revelation 1:8...,

...and begins to re-cord the letters back to HIS Spirit...,

...the mind will follow suit right back into His Consciousness, the Christ Consciousness..., 

....the Universal Consciousness.

How come?

Because the law that is ever present;

like attracts like; like begets like.*

*Reading 541-1 on page 36 of The Edgar Cayce Companion  
