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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #138

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #138

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The Gospel of Luke

Novemeber 8, 2000

"And behold, thou shalt conceive in "thy" womb, and bring forth a son, and shall his name JESUS."

He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:

And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever: and of HIS kingdom there shall be no end.

Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

And the angel answered and said unto her..., 

....The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: 

...therefore also THAT holy THING which shall be born of thee...,

...shall be called the Son of God.*

*Luke 1;31


1. According to the Readings...,

...Jesus is the Pattern for the mind to follow.

2. According to the Readings...,

...the Gospel of Luke was written by a personality known as Lucius.

3. According to the Readings...,

...the personality of Lucius was part of the individuality of the entity whose personality was most recently known as none other than...,

...Edgar Cayce.

Is it any wonder that Edgar Cayce's most favorite book was the King James Bible?

Is it any wonder WHY this quote appeared in Reading 1966-1?*

*"Study and know "thy" relationship to the creator. NO BETTER HAND-BOOK MAY BE USED THAN THE SCRIPTURE ITSELF."


It simply boggles the imagination...,

 ...WHY the A.R.E. Press has been MORE than willing to "push" HUNDREDS of books towards the members of the Association and the general public...,

...but THEN deliberately refrains from offering the ONE Book, the King James Bible, that contains the Pattern of Jesus...,

...that includes the Gospel of Luke that was written by none other than the entity...,

..most recently known as the founder of the A.R.E....,

...Edgar Cayce.

If any mind can find out WHY the A.R.E. has taken such an unfounded position regarding this matter...,

...please allow that mind to present its findings here.

Chances are...,

...from previous inquiries into this THING of matter...,

...only a "dead" silence will be forthcoming. 

Blessings to Adam / Jesus...,

...and to Lucius / Edgar Cayce.


Re: The ARE and Jesus the Pattern

November 8, 2000


Hi Barry, 

Thank you for the message. 

"You have just witnessed a quoted source that has carefully "spun" a few words around to better "suit" the needs of the A.R.E. itself.


Take a look.

"I spoke with Meridith Puryear of the ARE Membership services. 

SHE says...,

... "that the rumours are unfounded garbage. 

They are keeping Jesus Christ FRONT and CENTER, including His name, no policy change has been effected. 

There were a couple of executives in the ARE organization who wanted to make it more of a "born-again Christian"
type of organization...,

,..and THEY weren't going to have that, so they are no longer with the ARE. 

The ARE will not only be stressing...,

.... the PATTERN that IS the Christ-Consciousness, for everyone, the universitality of such...,,


...ALSO the NAME of Jesus...,,

... just as they always have...,,

...which is CENTRAL to the readings. 

If anyone has any questions, do not hesitate to call Meredith Puryear at the ARE.


Here is the point and take a look at this quotation from the Readings. 

"The POWER then is the Christ." 

"The Pattern is IN Jesus.* 

*Reading 2533-7 on page 225 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. 

The Christ Consciousness is the RESULT, is the mind set, that the mind may enter into by FOLLOWING Jesus, as the Pattern. 

Here is exactly what the mind must carefully make a note of.

The words of the Readings definitely cord Jesus and the Pattern together in ONE thought.

Does the source above do the same?

Take a look...,

...absolutely NOT.

SHE represents the view of the ARE..,

...that the Christ Consciousness IS the Pattern.

The Readings clearly state that ONLY Jesus IS the Pattern. 

The Christ Consciousness is the IDEAL end result for the mind that follows Jesus that IS the Pattern.

This is ONE more reason that access to the ACTUAL Readings is so VITAL..., the BEST interests of the inquiring mind that is willing and able to Venture Inward.

The words of the Readings are Spiritual and have been as etched in stone once they were produced.

Those words cannot be "spun" around by the physical aspect of ANY mind.

Did the mind also note the words FRONT and CENTER regarding Jesus?

Those words certainly do not "dovetail" with the words used by Charles Thomas Cayce..., describing WHERE of role of Jesus..., 
...should be placed WITHIN the confines of the A.R.E. itself



Jesus, The Perfect Pattern

November 8, 2000


(Q)  As created by God in the first, are souls perfect, and if so, why any need of development?
(A)  In this we find only the answer in this:  
The evolution of life as may be understood by the finite mind.  

In the first cause, or principle, all is perfect.  

In the creation of soul, we find the portion may become a living soul and equal with the Creator.  

To reach that position, WHEN SEPARATED, must pass through all stages of development, that it may be one with the Creator. 
As we have is this:
Man. In the BEGINNING, we find the SPIRIT existent in ALL living force.  

WHEN such force becomes inanimate in finite forces [it is] called dead; 

not necessarily losing its usefulness, either to Creator, or created, in material world.In that of creation of man, we find all the elements in a living, moving, world, or an element in itself; 

....yet WITHOUT THAT experience as of a first cause..., 

...yet endowed with all the various modifications of elements or forces manifested in each.  

For first there is the spirit, then soul (man we are speaking of), then MIND with its various modifications and with its various incentives, with its various ramifications, if you please, and the WILL the balance in the force that may make all or lose all.
 In the developing, then, that the man may be one with the Father, necessary that the soul pass, with its companion the WILL, through all the various stages of development, until the WILL is lost in HIM and he becomes one with the Father.
In the illustration of this...,

...we find in the man as called JESUS.  

In this:  This man, as man, MAKES the will the will of the Father...,, 


...becoming one with the Father and THE MODEL for man.
(Q)  Name the planets in order of the soul's development and give the principal influence of each.
(A)  These have been given.  Their influences, their developments may be changed from time to time, according to the individual's will forces, speaking from human viewpoint.

This we find again illustrated in this:
In this man called JESUS we find at a One-ness with the Father, the Creator, passing through all the various stages of development.  

In mental perfect, in wrath perfect, in flesh made perfect, in love become perfect, in death become perfect, in psychic become perfect, in mystic become perfect, in consciousness become perfect, in the greater ruling forces becoming perfect, AND IS AS A MODEL.., 

...and through the compliance with such laws made perfect, destiny, the pre-destined, the fore-thought, the will, made perfect.  

The condition made perfect, and is an ensample for man, and only as a man, for He lived only as man.  He died as man.
900-10 M 29 (Stockbroker)  11/3/1924

Echoes from the traveler@home .com



Let go for Believing in Born Again?

November 8, 2000


Allow the mind to take another look at this quote.


"I spoke with Meridith Puryear of the ARE Membership services. 

She says that the rumours are unfounded GARBAGE. 

They are keeping Jesus Christ front and center, including His name, no policy change has been effected. 

There were a couple of executives in the ARE organization who wanted to make it more of a "born-again Christian"
type of organization, and they weren't going to have that, so they are no longer with the ARE."


Maybe they just quit out of disgust.

Is Jesus, the Pattern...,,

...sort of like a smorgasbord...,

...where the mind just picks and chooses the parts of His Pattern that happens to suit the mind of its OWN self?


Wait a minute Ms. Puryear...,

..according to the Readings is not Jesus the Pattern for the mind to follow?

Is it not that THE Pattern that allows the MIND to be born again out of itself?

Was not Jesus, the Pattern, born again and again according to the Readings?

Did not Jesus, the Pattern, even tell Nicodemus that one must be born again in order to see the Kingdom of God?*

*Have you not read John 3;1 in Edgar Cayce's most favorite book of all, The King James Bible?.

And is not the ARE's foundation based on Search For God groups...,

..or is it just based  on how MANY books it can sell on its OWN?

And do you not know that even according to the Readings...,

....that souls must be born again and again to learn their life lessons?

And you MUST know that even Edgar Cayce's own soul was born again and again according to the Readings.

Ms. Puryear, whoever those two men are...,

...they were certainly mistreated for literally believing in the Pattern established by Jesus and confirmed by the Edgar Cayce Readings.

May God bless them for their "try" at  righteousness and that is what counts most of all*

Ms. Puryear, you may want to re-view Reading 931-1 on page 352 of the Edgar Cayce Companion regarding try.

Ms. Puryear, you may also want to re-view Reading 262-80 on page 43 of The Edgar Cayce Companion regarding the MIND and being born again.    

And after you have made your re-view.., may even decide to alter your OWN thought position on the true understanding of being born again

Does anyone happen to know the names of those brave men?



An Open Letter to the ARE Board

November 8, 2000


Someone sent me this interesting open letter addressed to the ARE Board of Trustees written by Franz Zimmer.

 Here are certain segments of that letter dated June 30,2000 


"During the course of the past year, I have observed the unfolding of events at ARE with growing dismay. 

No one can deny that the scene at ARE presents rivalries, jealousies, character assassination, as well as a host of other unwholesome activities. 

These are not the Fruits of the Spirit, and indicate an underlying malaise that is progressively infecting all aspects of ARE operations, 

As I said at Congress, I have received much more from this Work than I can ever repay, so resignation would only be an absolute last resort. 

Continuing on the present path and waiting in vain for real leadership from our Chairman or from the Advisory Committee is unacceptable in that no help has been forthcoming or is in sight and the downward spiral is only continuing to accelerate. 

This leaves the option of offering a plan of action to get us out of this morass. 

During the course of the past year or so, I sent you several reports and proposals for action. 

These were mostly met with silence or watered down to the point of ineffectiveness. 

This one may or may not take root. If it does, it might help take us out of the morass and something good may come of it. 


Our current problems have been in the making for 15-20 years, and have steadily grown in intensity. 

In the past there have been many attempts to patch things up. 

This approach will not even be marginally effective today. Our problems are upon is in full measure. It is also my observation that we, the current Board, have been totally ineffective in trying to fulfill our leadership role - that of providing clear vision and overall direction for the organization. 

Instead, we have resorted to half-measures of all sorts - both well-intentioned and misguided. This, inaction, and sometimes ineffective action, as it were, has been exacerbated by the conduct of a few trustees. We are drifting aimlessly, while we are pretending to be working hard, to be acting wisely and with a sense of responsibility and decorum. In the words of the well-known saying - If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. 

Mission Statement. 

The mission process could have gone forward while we are dealing with the issue of...,

...HOW to reflect the Christ in the ARE mission, vision and daily operations. 

While this was a reprehensible loss of nerve on our part (the Board)...,, 

it was accompanied by a series of unfortunate actions by our Chairman. 

He took the board reaction to the mission statement controversy to mean that it is...,

...his job...,

... to go about directing the Executive Council NOT to talk so much about JESUS and to CEASE saying that they worked for the Master. 

That is bad enough on the face of it. 

However, during Congress, at both the Golden Circle meeting and at the Board session with Congress..., 

...Max Preston denied that he instructed the Executive Council to do any of these things. 

He maintained that it was only a "suggestion" and not a "directive". 

Unfortunately, the distinction between directive and suggestion obscured the problem with the real content he communicated to the Executive Council, which is in direct conflict with the Readings, the history of ARE and the SPIRIT of this Work. 

Also, in the process of "sanitizing" the plan submitted to the Board last November by the Executive Council..., 

...our chairman DELETED the reference to "Christ" in a Hugh Lynn Cayce quote and replaced it with his OWN language..., 
...watering down the content to suit his view. 

While the substance of Hugh Lynn's words may be debated and reasonable people can disagree on their meaning...,, 

...,it is indefensible to alter a published quote- no matter how noble the purpose. 

Once again, we have an institutional failure to deal with a CENTRAL element of the Readings.....   

 There is a small vocal element among ARE staff, who, over time, have come to believe that THEY are the ARE. 

They have made this organization their "career" and feel they have a right to special status and recognition. 

They appear to have been very successful in gaining our chairman's ear, as well as those of other trustees, and have shaped the Board's attitude toward the Executive Council. 


The integrity of the Board process has been corrupted through acts of commission by a number of trustees, and particularly our chairman, and acts of omission on the part of the Board as a group, including myself. 

The ability of our chairman to lead has been severely impaired - after witnessing his denials at Congress, his manipulative practices and his flinching in the face of conflict. 
ARE continues to drift aimlessly. 

ARE needs a rudder in the form of a Board that has the wisdom to discern what needs to be done and to provide true leadership and inspiration in getting it done. 

The role of Charles Thomas Cayce, as respected as he is, remains vague and undefined and has contributed to the multitude of problems we are now facing. 

As a part of this process the issue of the RECONCILLIATION of JESUS CHRIST with our public face NEEDS to be addressed directly and unambiguously.

It is difficult to have to put all this in writing, and it is even more difficult for me to endure the unhappy state of affairs I see all around me.

 I have spoken to you earnestly and openly, without pulling any punches. I hope you will view these proposals in the same spirit.

 It is my earnest hope that these proposals make their way to the top of our agenda at the next Board meeting. In Service to the Master" 

Franz Zimmer

Thank you Franz Zimmer and Blessings

P.S. Does this letter sound like Jesus has always been FRONT and CENTER in the ARE Ms. Puryear?


The Door is the Pattern to Follow

Novemeber 9, 2000

"Verily. verily, I say unto you, I am the DOOR of the sheep.

ALL that EVER came BEFORE me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear THEM.

I am the DOOR.., ME...,

... if ANY man ENTER IN..,

... he shall be saved...,, 

...and Shall go IN and OUT....,, 

and FIND pasture."*

*John 10:7

Do these words that emanated from the Father WITHIN Jesus, that were Spirit...,, 

...sound something like a Pattern that the mind COULD follow Ms. Puryear?

They sure sound like it to this writer.

Could in and out possibility be referring to the mind that IS BOTH physical and Spiritual, according to the Readings, Ms. Puryear?

Could GOING IN...,

... be in reference to the mind Venturing Inward WITHIN its OWN mind and created body...,

... similar to where the mind may go according to the Readings Ms. Puryear?

This Writer sure thinks so.

Is not ME me the Voice of the Father's Consciousness...,

...that was WITHIN the Pattern established by the man NAMED Jesus, Ms, Puryear?

So what is the Pattern that YOU call The Christ Consciousness Ms. Puryear?

Is it Christ, the Power, the Creative Force, the Father that was WITHIN Jesus...,

...or Jesus whom the Readings NAME AS THE Pattern?

You must remember that they BOTH were AS One.

Did you ever know anyone else that was BOTH Ms. Puryear?

I hope you now know understand that the Pattern is IN Jesus.

If if was not for the Pattern established by Jesus..,

...there would be no Way for the mind find the Christ Consciousness.

This is what you might not have remembered Ms. Puryear.

It has to do with the Law of One God..., 

...where two or more may be As One...,

...yet "still" remain two or more.

Ms. Puryear, according to the Readings...,

Adam was BORN AGAIN to allow the mind of man to re-learn and re-understand the personality of God...,

...that would established THE Pattern for the mind to follow.

By what NAME did Adam bring forth God's personality?

None other than the One named Jesus..,

..according to the Readings.*

"The Christ child was born into the earth as man; ONE born in due time..., man's SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION...,

..that man might have a PATTERN of the PERSONALITY of God himself."*

*Reading 5758-1 on page.224 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Ms. Puryear, the entity then known as Jesus...,

...WAS BORN AGAIN to establish the Pattern, the ONLY true Pattern, that the mind may literally follow to reach for...,

...and become As ONE with, the Father, the Creative Force, the Power called Christ Consciousness.

And Ms. Puryear..., 

..the founder of the ARE was ALSO BORN AGAIN  in order to literally confirm the Pattern is  NAMED Jesus...,

...and HOW the mind, as the builder...,, 

...MAY willingly use HIS Pattern to return to the Christ Consciousness.

Jesus should NOT be FRONT and CENTER as YOUR words suggest.

Jesus should be the CORNER Stone that the other builders have rejected.*

*Re-view Luke 20:17 what was written by none other than the entity, Lucius.., 

...who was BORN AGAIN to become the founder of the ARE...,  

...Edgar Cayce.

Blessings to ALL


A Work Out for the Mind

November 0, 2000


The human mind has certainly been able to coordinate body movements that allow the body to strengthen itself.

The human mind often refers to this activity as a work out.

If work outs are done on a regular basis the body usually become strengthened.


What about the mind itself?

Is it possible that regular work outs within the mind could literally strengthen the mind?  


And mind work outs are capable of performing feats that are literally far more effective than any physical work out could ever be.

Why is that?

Because the mind is like the ever ready bunny..., just keeps going on forever and ever and..., 

according to the Readings...,

...forgets nothing..

Does the mind remember its first car?

Probably, and there is a good chance that the car is no longer in existence.

The mind probably remembers other cars that it as owned, and, they too, may longer exist.

Did those minds wash and wax those cars at one time or another?


Here is the point.

What the mind did with those cars is forever recorded WITHIN the mind.

The cars that the mind worked on eventually return to dust.

Ok . I get the point...,

...even though the mind takes the time to work on the body... 

...soon or later...,

...the body is going to turn to dust.


...and no pun is intended...,

..the efforts made by the mind in coordinating the body work outs have forever been recorded within the mind.

The bad news is that ALL those efforts that the mind has put towards the body itself...,

...will eventually have been made in vain for that particular body.

The good news is that those EFFORTS made by the mind, as the builder have been recorded..,

...and those efforts have not been lost..., they MAY be applied to future NEW bodies...,

...that the mind and its companion, its soul, will most assuredly enter into again.

Here is the scoop according to the Readings.

ALL souls, EVERY soul, was created at the very same time in the very beginning.

Probably a result of the big bang theory.

According to the Readings..., is the only difference between so-called young and old souls.

Can you guess?

You may have gotten it right.

Old souls have incarnated this plane many,many times using up many, many created bodies.

Young souls have simply incarnated fewer times and have used up fewer created bodies.

According the Readings...,

..Edgar Cayce was avery old soul...,

...and the real irony is  that his own grand father called him "the Old Man" when when Edgar Cayce was just a little kid. 

Why have this process of being born again or reincarnation anyway?

One very important reason.

The "intended purpose" and destiny of every incarnation of the mind and its companion the soul...,

... NOW..., to allow the mind to follow the Pattern "recently" established that is the guidance system for the soul to "make" a permanent cord called attunement with the Creative force called God that is patiently waiting WITHIN...,

...for mind to make attunement cording.


However, that incoming mind, with it free.,.

....starts out with a little bit of a handicap.

What's that?

It is literally born INTO sin.

What sin?

The sin is that the MIND has entered into a created body to make attunement to God...,

...which is really involves the "WORK" of  cording itself to God.

The sin the mind enters into is that the mind is only taught...,

..from the day that it is born...,

...about physical things.


NOBODY ever said...,

...ok, now that you are physically mature..., are NOW suppose to complete your life's IDEAL mission, called destiny..., your OWN mind...,

...and cord it back to God....

... your Father, from where your mind and soul originated.

NOBODY ever said?

Well, there was One person who did say.., 

...but few listened.

His name?


AND He said it very RECENTLY..., terms relative to the real age of each of our souls.

Just maybe and hopefully..,

...all you souls out there...,, 

...and that includes you too, Ms. Puryear...,, 

...may want to begin stretching those mind muscles in HIS direction...,

...that IS the Pattern for the mind to follow.


Because like the Pattern said..., 

...His Words that emanated from WITHIN His particular created body...,

are the Words of the Personality of the Father, God...,

...and ARE going to last forever.

And what else is going to last forever?

The mind and its companion its soul.

What is NOT going to last forever?

This created physical planet called earth.

And Why is earth so important?

Not all that much..,, 

...except it just provides the ingredients for the created body..., 

...that provides the housing for the soul and its guidance system, the mind,that is the builder.

IF...IF... the mind fails to make the attunement to the created body...,

...where is t  ever going to get a guidance system after this earth passes away?

This "recent" Pattern that has been st before the mind is truly...,

.."a once in a life time opportunity"...,

... that the mind most assuredly should re-view...,

...NOT for the sake of itself..., 

...but for the sake of its constant companion and closest friend and neighbor...,

..its soul.

No pun was intended about the once in a lifetime thing, but there it is  :)

Blessings to ALL.