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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #137

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #137

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October 6, 2000


No one can deny that the United States of America is the most benevolent and powerful country this planet has every produced.

Is there something special about this country that made it so benevolent and powerful?


According to the Readings..., 

nothing happens by chance...,

...and that must, therefore, include the success that this country has had, and continues to have.

What might that something be?

Well, for one, this country may be following the Law of One, whether it sometimes knows it or not.

The Law of One states that two or more may be As One...,

..yet still be as two or more.

For a sign consider the words on U.S. coinage....,

...E Pluribus Unum...,

...out of many...,


If the mind ever needs a reminder of the Law of One God...,

...just allow that mind to re-check the coins in its possession.


Now for the U.S.A.

Again, allow the mind to remember that nothing is by chance.

The physical aspect of the mind most  always  "cords" USA to the United Sates of America.

The spiritual aspect of the mind, following the Law of One God, may also cord USA to something else.

Take a look at some signs the mind may find WITHIN USA..

(US) (A)  US together As One...,

...being corded to His Letter Symbol that represents the Law of One---A.

Now take a look WITHIN the little block word US.

There is U (You) and His (S)pirit As One.

There is absolutely no doubt in this mind...,

...that the foundation of this country was built, and is still being maintained by the majority mind set...,

...that has ALWAYS followed the Spirit of One God as its guiding principle.

The signs are definitely there.



Virginia Beach and the White Brotherhood arkroc

11/6/00 8:56 pm

Virginia Beach

(Virginia Beach) is the CENTER--and ONLY seaport and CENTER--of The White Brotherhood.*

*Reading 1152-11 on page 240 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

The White Brotherhood

Also known as the Initiates*

In the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, the Great Initiate, the Master, took the last of the Brotherhood degrees with John, the forerunner of HIM.*

*Reading 5748-5 on page 414 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

The entity, or the individuality, of Edgar Cayce had incarnating personalities, which among others, was Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene.
According to the Readings...,

...guess who WROTE the Gospel of Luke?

*Reading 1598-2 on page 196 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

And Lucius was none other than the entity most recently known as Edgar Cayce.*

The mother of Lucius was the sister of Luke.* 

*Reading 294-192 on page 237 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Lucius was a companion to "Uncle Luke" during the activities of Paul...,

...and WROTE the Gospel to those of the faith in provinces ruled by the Romans.*

*Reading 1598-2 on page 237 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


Now back to Virginia Beach, the CENTER and the ONLY seaport of the White Brotherhood.

What the heck does that mean?

Well, we are told that two of the Initiates were Jesus and John....,

...and the incarnated Lucius who WROTE Luke established that information that emanated from the Readings that emanated from the confines of Virginia Beach.

The Spiritual information that is still yet to unfold...,

...will most assuredly emanate from the Readings being stored at Virginia Beach.

The NEW knowledge that will assist the mind in its further unfoldment...,

... and there is no doubt about it...,

...WILL emanate from those Readings that are stored at the Only Seaport in this world...,

...where the information of the White Brotherhood will be emanated by minds who have made the correct vibrational attunement THROUGH the Readings.

That attunement through this Seaport has already been evidenced by the "attuned" mind of Edgar Cayce.

Here is a man, who not only is the founder of the A.R.E,...,

...but whose individuality encompasses a personality...,

...that has LITERALLY WRITTEN part of the Bible...,

...and yet the A.R.E.Press...,

...will NOT even offer it to the public.
Evidently, there is no point or profit in offering the world's most popular Book whose contents cannot be copyrighted...,

...even though THEIR OWN Founder wrote part of it.

What a disappointment to cast out the One Ideal that the soul entity of Edgar Cayce helped generate. 

Part of Edgar Cayce DID write that Book. 

Get it, and if you have it. use it. 

And LEARN the Pattern, that no wonder, Edgar Cayce knew so well.

Your mind should then move closer to the 
Initiates than you ever thought possible...,

...because your mind will begin to make the SAME attunement.

There may be a lot more to "God Bless America"...,

...than what many minds, and even the A.R.E., may first think. 



The A.R.E. and Jesus THE Pattern

11/6/00 10:36 pm

Here is an interesting e-mail that I just receieved regarding HOW the A.R.E. is dealing with Jesus as THE Pattern for the mind to follow.


Thanks for your observations on Charles Thomas and the A.R.E.'s growing attitude toward Jesus the Christ. 

I assume you are aware of the rumblings on this issue within the organization and at Congress, this year, which I heard about.. 

The A.R.E. is at this time of decision as to whether they will accept Jesus or not and incredibly, it appears that the powers that be are leading the flocks to disregard Jesus. 
This, to be sure, is the turning point for the A.R.E.'s mission..and surely, it's spiritual downfall... 

Surely, Edgar Cayce must be in tears at these actions and the A.R.E. transformed into any other New Age cult, if you will.. 

I am shocked at Charles Thomas' statement to not 'push" the name of Jesus and he fills us with the same gobbledy gook as the other staff pundits do. 

For the sake of profit; for the sake of those who have joined the organization and never wished to accept the Savior, Jesus...

...the A.R.E. has indeed betrayed the Master Jesus. 

I won't go on and on, since there are so many aspects to this vital issue and how the administration has corrupted the Readings and the prime importance of Jesus the Christ, the Pattern.... 
If you read Dr. Wendell Beane's article in the last issue of VI, you will note that he is essentially stating what Charles Thomas is. 
On this note, I wrote a letter regarding my feelings on Dr. Beane's article, which, of course was not published. 
Thanks for you comments...


The interesting Dove arkroc

October 7, 2000

At the upper left, the mind will see a picture of the symbol of the A.R.E.


The Symbol of HIS cross seems to be the dominant feature of THEIR symbol.

According the Bible, the mind, following His Pattern...,

....should go and take UP the cross (t) and follow Him.

But allow the mind to check out the dove that appears to fly between the mind and His Cross.

The dove is almost a subconscious trick before the eyes.

At first glance, the dove seems to be going TO the Cross.

At second glance, the dove seems to be going AWAY from the Cross which definitely does NOT suit His Pattern,..,

.....but apparently DOES suit the ARE just fine.

When the collective mind moves away from His Pattern..., 

....the mind begins to follow law of karma.. 

This is most likely what is happening to the A.R.E., right now.

If they would just only change course......,

...and enter WITHIN...,

...and begin to follow His Pattern that has been set before them.



Re: The A.R.E. and Jesus THE Pattern

October 7, 2000


Hi Barry,

No, I cannot be specific on the issue of VI that the e-mail was referring to...,

...but it is very clear that the A.R.E does NOT consider that Jesus is THE Pattern that the mind should follow in order to reach the Christ Consciousness.

The A.R.E., apparently is afraid that..., naming HIS Name..., will cause the mind to LIMIT its focus on HIS name as the END result..., 

...rather than using the Pattern of what HIS 
name stands for to achieve the end result...,

...which is the Universal Consciousness...,

...which is the Christ consciousness...,

...which is the ONE Ideal END result for the mind.

The Bible is CORRECT in saying that HE is the WAY.

The A.R.E. is definitely INCORRECT in casting out His vibrations...,

...that is THE Stone...

...and the WAY..,,

...that is the head of the corner for ANY building PATTERN activity that has been designed to be used by the mind, as the builder..., reach the Universal Christ Consciousness.

Thank you for your message.




october 7, 2000


This web site address...,,

...has ALREADY been RESERVED as A possibility for those that may be interested in...,

...not abandoning the ARE...,

...but forming an offshoot of the ARE...,

...which would be based on Jesus as...,

...the Pattern..., 

...the Corner Stone...,

...A WAY for minds to follow...,

...that will allow those and other minds His WAY..., enter into the Christ Consciousness....,

...which is THE ONE IDEAL...,

...suggested by the Readings...,

...that the human mind may reach.

This effort would truly follow the SAME Pattern that was employed by a certain group of Essenes 2 000 year ago.

That group became an offshoot vine of the main branch to prepare the Way for the reincarnation of Jesus...,


...according the Readings...,

...became THE Pattern for the mind to follow.


This writer thought, perhaps...,,

...would be fitting..., 

...for it does reflect a sprouting branch of the ARE moving out of its OWN shell of self consciousness...,

...and moving into the new ERA of Christ Consciousness that the Readings have been predicting.

The ERA part could stand for Enlightened Researchers Association...,

...or Enlightened Researchers of America...,

...because America is where the CENTER of the White Brotherhood is now located.

This movement would also allow the mind to set the Self of the ARE aside.., that it may see its own Spiritual reflection pass by as the...,

... new ERA moves onward.*

*"The self is constantly meeting Self."

(This was true for the Essenes,  it is true for the ARE, and is true for everyone.)

"And as ye learn to stand aside and watch self pass...,, 

...there may come MORE and MORE the knowledge and the comprehension that is earnest..., is REAL..., 

...and the REAL is rather the UNSEEN...,

...THAN that which is so material as to cause disappointments, fears...,  

...and those thing that make the mind so afraid. 

There may be circles at times...,

...but NO standing still for the development of a soul. 

For it is in MOVEMENT, in change..., 

that we find awarenesses have...,

...and do come and will ever be.

For it is the divine law."*

*Reading 1771-2 on page 169 of The Edgar Cayce Companion  

Just a few hopeful "passing" thoughts.
