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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #136

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #136

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The A.R.E. Press

November 16,2000


According to a recent article by Charles Thomas Cayce, a grandson of Edgar Cayce, in the A.R.E.magazine, Venture Inward...,

...he re-asserts the importance of the Universal Christ Consciousness.

Quoting his article...,

..."The Universal Christ Consciousness is defined in the readings, as an...,

..."Awareness within each soul, IMPRINTED in PATTERN on the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, of the soul's oneness with God."*

*Reading 5749-14


Then, Mr. Charles Thomas Cayce goes on in his OWN words with this statement.

"What's the NATURE of the that pattern?

Its AN awareness of, AN experience of our oneness with each other, our oneness with God, with the Creative Force of the universe."

Mr. Cayce, did not the Readings state that that the PATTERN was in JESUS?


Take a look at these Readings Mr. Cayce.

"The christ child was born into the earth as man: one born in DUE time in man's spiritual Evolution...,

..that man might have a PATTERN of the personality of God Himself.*

Mr. Cayce, THAT Christ child had a name...,

... His name was Jesus.

It is very true that Jesus had other incarnations.., 

...but the "big" picture is that THE incarnation of Jesus became THE Pattern, in the DUE time for the continuing evolution of the mind to follow.

Reading 5758-1 on page 225 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

"Ye are mad strong in --in body, in mind, in soul and purpose by the power in 

The POWER then is in Christ. 

The PATTERN is in Jesus."*

Reading 2533-7 on page 335 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


Jesus, my Friend, it looks like some builders, in high places, have rejected YOUR PATTERN again ..., least not being THE cornerstone anyway.


Here is further evidence of that rejection from Mr charles Thomas Cayce's article in Venture Inward. 

"And this Reading ( 254-85 ) touches on the importance of NOT pushing that name. 

It, (the reading), says to talk about the UNiVERSALITY of the SOURCE of the Readings.

Is it therefore, Mr. Cayce, MORE important to push the names of the more than 70 authors that you are offering? 

But Mr. Cayce...,

...what people really want to KNOW is HOW they, too, may REACH that SAME Source.

You have just left out that HOW.

We all know that the Pattern of Jesus was imprinted, and well established, WITHIN the mind of Edgar Cayce at a very early age.

According to the Readings, the mind is the builder...,

..and Jesus IS the Pattern for the mind to follow.

Why leave HIS Pattern out of the "big picture" as you put it?

Have you not read John 10:9?

"I am the door: BY ME if any man enter in he shall be, saved, and shall go in and out,and find pasture?

Maybe below is why the A.R.E is not to excited about Jesus being THE Pattern for the mind to FOLLOW.

The A.R.E. Press recently released their fall catalogue for the fall of 2000.

The A.R.E. has made an offering to the public some books, I guess,  that will help the mind focus on the Ideal of the Universal Christ Consciousness.

Some books?

Well more like about one hundred and twenty-two at a cost around $1500 or so.

More than 70 different authors were used to write those books.

Also including in the offering are about 17 videos at a cost of about $270.

Also included in the offering are 9 cassette tapes for about $120.

Also included in offering are the complete Reading on CD"s for about $149.  

Mr. Cayce, according to Jesus, the Pattern, one must become as little child to enter the kingdom within.

Does a little child need to follow ALL the information you are offering to enter within?

Mr. Cayce, according to the Readings...,

...there is NO BETTER study than scripture itself.*

*Reading 1966-1

Is not scripture the book that your Grandfather studied so often?

Was not THAT book the King James Version of the Bible?

Of the 122 or so books that you have offered...,

...why have you not offered THAT one book that contains the Pattern of Jesus?

I see that you have also NOT offered the one book that has literally built the blocked physical conscious mind--- a good dictionary.

On the positive side, you have offered the Edgar Cayce Companion, There is a River, and Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus.

Again on the positive side, we all know that ti certainly takes money to preserve the Reading and offer them to others for research and enlightenment.

But please don't cast out the Pattern established...,

...established NOT by more than 70 of your authors...,

...but by ONE man who literally set HIMSELF aside so that THE PATTERN could be set for EVERY mind to follow...,


 ...those minds are willing.

Thank you and Blessings,

================================== Guiding Resources to Enter Within November 2, 2000 ================================== ================= Resource Number 1 ================= Get the SAME book that Edgar Cayce used to imprint the Pattern on his mind. Get the King James Version of the Bible. (Not offered by the A.R.E. Press) I am sure that even the bookstore that Edgar Cayce worked in as a young man DID offer this version of the Bible. Here are two additional tools that were not available during the lifetime of Edgar Cayce..., ....but he most assuredly would have loved using them. *****The King James Version of the Bible on CD or cassette tapes by Alexander Scourby. All of the King James Bible products above may be purchased at *****A neat pocket size electronic version of the King James Bible with word finding capabilities may found at radio shack. ================= Resource Number 2 ================= Get the book that this club is named after. "The Edgar Cayce Companion" This book is capable of showing the mind HOW the imprinted Pattern of Jesus may be UTILIZED to bring forth the Christ Consciousness within the mind that is willing. What is neat about this book that is different for all other A.R.E. book offerings in that the author has NOT added his OWN thoughts to the Readings..., ...but totally set himself aside to let the compiled Readings speak for themselves. Why mess with a CD of the complete 14,000 Readings..., ...when the sorting out process has already been done and..., ...when everything that the mind needs in in the way of direction..., ...may be found in this one book with exact quotations? This book may be purchased through the A.R.E. and and probably other places as well. Get the best price and get it. ================== Resource Number 3 ================== A good dictionary is an absolute must. I use Webster's third college addition. It is fairly old so there must be later additions available. Why is a dictionary such an important part the process of entering into the Christ consciousness? Because the dictionary formed the blocked words that has blocked Self into its OWN consciousness as it was building the physical aspects of its mind. In order for the mind to leave that consciousness, as the builder, and who is interested in entering into the Christ consciousness..., ...the mind must have access to those block words in order to open them. Why open them? Because the law that is EVER present..., like attracts like; like begets like. If the mind, as the builder, opens the words..., ...the mind will open. If the mind opens..., ...the created body that is housing the mind also opens. When everything is then opened..., ...the mind and Creative Force WILL meet.., the mind has learned HOW..., make the effort to leave its OWN conscious and enter into HIS Consciousness. ================ Two other helpful resources. There are two more books published by the A.R.E. Press that will help the mind to unfold. The first is "There is a River". This book is about the life of Edgar Cayce and will show..., ...that his most favorite book of all was the Bible. Get it. The second is "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus" This book is really neat because it sort of raises the Pattern, Jesus, to a certain personal level..., ...that even ADDS to HIS Pattern found in HIS book, the Bible. This book is helpful in imprinting HIS Pattern within the mind. Get it. ============== Those are all the tools the mind will ever need to to enter into HIS consciousness which is the very reason a soul even enters into this earth plane. You may want to throw in these little tools just to help you open the words..., ...( ). Webster calls these symbols parenthesis. Allow the mind to look up that word. This mind calls them paren(t t)hesis..., ..because the Master's Book which contains the Pattern for the mind to follow..., ... is really a thesis on who HIS parents were. He literally wrote a thesis to HONOR His OWN Mother, the Virgin Mary.., ..and His OWN Father, God. Remember how in revival meetings people will RAISE their arms and hands over their heads in praising the Lord. They were forming HIS tools ( ) without even being aware of what the created body was actually doing. Praise the Lord for HIS paren ( t t ) hesis. These symbols allow the mind to take up its own emblematic cross t and follow HIS t As ONE just like this..., ...( t t ). Blessings,


The Apple Cord

November 3, 2000

Right away, the physical aspect of the mind will probably picture an apple that has been eaten and what remains is the cord.

The spiritual aspect of the mind will think a little differently.

Here is the APPLE that is AWAYS corded to the apple itself.

"Thou mind shall NEVER move the letters of the word APPLE for they are corded to the apple and are as etched in stone"....,

...according to the Law of Webster whose "text" book is designed to develop the physical aspect of the mind.

Well, the spiritual aspect of the mind is going to follow HIS 'text" book, the Bible...,

...and "cord' those letters to His Spirit*...,

...and then move them because...,  is ABLE to do so under His Spirit of the written Law that He has already fulfilled.

*Revelation 1:8

Take a look.

As there is no "gravity" under His Spirit of the Law..., 

...His letters may be moved by the mind in ANY direction what will match His Pattern.

Here is that APPLE.

Here is that APPLE that is opened and moved.

(A) (P) (P) (L) (E)

A There is the symbol of the Law of One

According to the Readings...,

...major glands of the created body may be referred to as churches

P and P represent His first root Letters of the two major glands of created Brain...,

...the Pineal and the Pituitary Glands

L is His first root Letter of (L)ord.

E is emblematic of the (m)atter of the (E)arth and the (m)atter of the created body formed from the (E)arth.

U C when E is ABLE to rotate on its OWN axis His letter m may appear.

Now allow the mind to return to P and P in the Brain.

These letters may also be moved about their OWN axis and become As One.

P and P may easily be moved to form His letter B.

Now allow the mind to return to the opened...,

...A  P  P  L  E 

Allow the mind to combine the P's to  form the B.


That then leaves A(B)LE.

Now that the mind knows that it is ABLE...,

...His Spirit is awakening and feeling the movement vibrations...,

...because the mind is beginning to "cord" the movements to Him.

WE, the mind and His Sprit may easily,together As One...,

..may move ABLE directly into His Pattern.

Take a look.

A B (L) (E)

easily becomes

A B (E) (L)


Does the mind C that A B...,

..,within the (E)arth plane..,

...are beginning to follow the (L)ord in Spirit?

Attunement is beginning to be made and the movements that match His Pattern create vibrations that are felt throughout the entire created mind and body...,

...for these movements begin to awaken His Spirit WITHIN.



Truth and Believe

November 5, 2000

When it comes to the word truth...,

...most everyone has their own definition.

And it should be that way.

Truth, correctly stated, is in the eyes of the beholder.

For, instance, a person is at the teller window robbing the bank.

The robber has a shirt that is all white in the front and all black in the back.

There is a customer behind him.

All the customers are told to hit the floor and close their eyes as he robs the bank.

The robber leaves. the police come.

The teller describes the robber as wearing white shirt.

The customer describes the robber as wearing a black shirt.

Both are telling the truth.

Here is the point.

What may be true for one may not be true for another...,

..because each comes from their own point of view.

Now the rest of the story.

According to the Readings, the mind is BOTH physical and spiritual.

When the mind is physical.., is in its normal every moment mode.

The mind is born to learn to be that way.

WHEN the mind enters its spiritual mode according to His Pattern..., literally MOVES away from of the point of view of Self that is the physical aspect of its mind.

It enters His point of view.

What is THAT point of view?

Jesus, called that point of view truth.

And WHERE does that point of view come from?

WITHIN the created body and mind of the individual.

THAT point of view...,

...since everyone has the same "type" of created body...,

is the ONE truth that is UNIVERSAL.

In essence, the UNIVERSAL TRUTH is the point of view that is NOT of Self ...,

...but emanates from  WITHIN.


Ok now for believe.

For most, including this writer, Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity was quite difficult to really accept or believe in as the truth.

Later in life, this writer began to understand..., its mind began to move away from its OWN view point.

It began to move His Way by beginning to move its own letters as His.

Here are a couple of examples of the different point of view... the spiritual aspect of this mind looks at the words truth and believe.


This is really a true irony.

Within this word there is something that physical conscious mind most likely has never seen before right now.

What is it?

The word believe "contains"  an application of the Law of One that two or more may be As One yet still remains, two or more.

Here are the three words run together to form believe.

be lie eve.

believe the lie of eve.

How ironical that the mind is ask to believe when right in the word itself are these three little words. 

Eve didn't create the lie...,

...she simply passed it along from the emblematic snake.

And what does the snake emblematically re-present?


(S)nake---Spiritual nakedness

And guess who then...

...immediately KNEW they were naked?

...Adam and Eve.

They had to literally suit their OWN selves.

It really is not as bad as it sounds.

It is really just part of the Pattern that Jesus fulfilled..,

...then as Adam...,

...that every mind must also follow.

When it finally dawns on each and every mind  that it is born to first to learn about itself..., must do so from its OWN point of view...,

..That point of view is away from His Spirit.

THEN when the mind makes the great Revelation that the letters the mind was ALLOWED to use as its OWN are really His...,

...the mind is ready to begin to be  clothed in His Spirit...,

...the Comforter.

The words believe and truth are major stumbling "block" words that the physical aspect of the mind very often stumbles over.

Here is another amazing irony and sign along  His Way.


When the mind opens the word truth and enters in... will immediately be confronted by a little three letter block word called rut.

rut is dead smack in the middle of the word truth.

t (rut) h

According to the Readings...,

...the totality of the mind remembers everything...,

...and thus it must have certainly also remembered the word rut.

Is it possible that the mind often times gets stuck in a rut because it has builded itself according to block words that are without Spirit?

The signs seem to indicate so.

Here is HOW the spiritual aspect of the mind views truth as it enters the word.

t  r  u  t  h

t His cross

r His Movement Letter

u me and u

t each and every mind's cross
H together As One according to the Law of One.

It is within THIS truth whereas the mind may make attunement to His Spirit.
