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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #133

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #133

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You May LOVE This

October 20,2000


Take look at the Law of Webster and the word...,


Comes from the Latin word evoltio---an unrolling or opening.

An unfolding or opening out, or working out.  

A movement that is part of a series or  pattern.

A pattern produced, or seemingly produced, by such a series of movements.



Did not the Readings mention many of these very same words that are  relative to the unfolding of the mind?

Ok . Mr. Webster, you mentioned DARWIN, let's go there in YOUR book.


Darwin's theory of evolution which HOLDS that all species of plants and animals developed from earlier forms..., heredity transmission of slight variations in successive generations...,

... and that...,



...which forms will survive.



Hey, Mr. Darwin...,

... but what about God?

Did you not happen to read John 1:3?

If you did, you must not have believed it.


Take a look Mr. DARWIN

"ALL things were MADE by HIM...

...and without HIM...,

...was NOT anything made that was made."


Oh, you were a naturalist, Mr. DARWIN?

I C. 

U simply observed physical things...,

 ...and then U drew your OWN conclusions.


By chance, Mr. DARWIN, did U ever take the time to closely study your OWN name?


Mr. DARWIN, then I guess U never ever THOUGHT to enter your OWN name either then, right?

Of course not. Why?

Take a look WITHIN that name corded to yourself Mr. DARWIN




Is it possible MR. DARWIN...,

...that U NEVER thought that it might be possible..., VENTURE INWARD to meet HIM...,

...the Real Maker of ALL things...,

...including your OWN created body...,

...that had literally provided the housing for your very observant mind...,

...that apparently was only WILLING to look outward?

Then Mr. DARWIN...,

...since U were so busy looking out...,

...U probably never THOUGHT to look WITHIN the word...,

...EVOLUTION either, right?


Take a look Mr. DARWIN




Is it possible Mr. DARWIN...,

..that by NEVER Venturing Inward to HIM...,

...It is HIS LOVE that U have shunned?

Sorry Mr. DARWIN, but HIS signs...,

... that appear in your very OWN words...,

...seem to indicate this is what you NEVER thought to do.

Yes, I know...,

...all that physical stuff sort of blocked your mind.

Well, hopefully, next time...,

...U will C things more clearly.




October 20, 2000


According to the Law of Webster...,


..suffix forming nouns.


...any class of words naming or denoting a person, thing, place, action, quality.etc. 

Hey! There is a suffix forming noun right there.


act tion


Mr.Webster, are you trying to run blocks of words together, more or less, according to the Law of One God?

It sure looks that way.



Well, now that the mind has entered ac(t)ion...,

...lets take a look.

A His Letter Symbol for the Law of One.

C His Letter Symbol for (C)hrist

(t) His Letter Symbol for the cross  


According to the Law of Webster...,


... from the Latin word via---WAY.


...An electrically charged atom or group of atoms...,

...the electrical charge of which results...,

..when a neutral atom or group of atoms loses or gains one or more electrons.

The LOSS of (elect)rons results in POSITIVE (t) charged ion.

The GAIN of (elect)rons results in a NEGATIVE (-) charged ion.   


This is kind of interesting.

According to HIS Pattern in the Bible...,

..." I shall not want".*

*Psalm 23:1

In essence, when the free will mind "elects" to rid itself of wants...,

...accordingly then, this will create a Positive (t) ion or (t)ion.

This AC (t) ion is a perfect match of the mind taking UP its OWN (t)...,

...not I wanting I(t)...

...and returning I(t) to the Father WITHIN.

Returning HIS t creates a loss of an "elect"ron in the mind...,

...which, ironically, results moving the mind, as the builder, in the Pattern, or WAY, of a POSITIVE (t) ion...,


The spiritual aspect of the mind has not "shunned:" the Father.

It has simply learned to shun, or (t)ion...,

...its OWN Letters by the AC(t)ion of love..., returning them to the Father.

That is the (evol)(u)(tion)...,

...or (un)(fold)(men)(t)...,*

...of the mind...,

...that the physical aspect of many minds have yet to learn.

*See Reading 281-63 on page 195 of the Edgar Cayce Companion regarding the  unfoldment of the mind.



He Will Open the Door

Octoer 29.2000

"Do that thou doest QUICKLY, for as thou gainest that understanding...,

...He will open the door before thee.  

Turn rather to those growths in self..., 

...that there may come..., has been the promise..., 

...the meetings in the mount as from WITHIN.  

For though THROUGH ordinances of the BODY...,
...and THROUGH the attributes of the MIND and SOUL..., those things APPEAR that take that aptitude of how, or the manner or the form..., 

...these show only that they are but channels.*
*Reading 688-2

*Echoes from the



The IDEAL Symbol of the ARE 

October 21,2000

Q-What is the sign of HIS presence 

A- The CIRCLE with the CROSS* 

*Reading 423-3 on page 72 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 

Q- What color scheme would you suggest for cartons, labels, and advertising? 

A- "The BLUE package with WHITE lettering would, then, make a preferable type. 

For, as the psychology of a sales proposition: that which catches the eye quicker..., 

...people will ask about..., 

...even if it is SITTING ON A SHELF of a drug store!"* 

*Reading 1800-20 on page 69 of the Edgar Cayce Companion 

Take a look.


============================= HIS Cross WITHIN Planet Earth October21,2000 ============================= HIS Cross, HIS Symbol, HIS Letter is Signified TWICE..., ..WITHIN the words the human race calls home..., ...Plane(t) Ear(t)h This Cross is symbolic of the Way the mind may move its OWN letters as HIS to enter HIS Consciousness. ============ "Keep ye the faith in NOT the Cross as a sacrifice..., ...but as the WAY, as the LIGHT, the LIFE."* *Reading 1472-1 on page 361 of The Edgar Cayce Companion ============ "In the beginning.., He was the Son..., ..made the Son..., ...those of the Sons that went astray..., ...and through the varying activities overcame the world through the experiences..., ..BEARING the cross in each and every experience.., ...reaching the FINAL cross with ALL power, ALL knowledge in having overcome the world.., ...and of Himself ACCEPTED the Cross." "Hence doing AWAY with that often termed KARMA, that must be met by all. The immutable law of cause and effect is..., evidenced in the world today..., the material, the mental and spiritual world..., ...but He..., overcoming the world..., ...the law..., ...BECAME the LAW. The LAW then becomes as the school-master, or school of training..., ..and we who have NAMED the Name then..., ...are NO longer under the LAW as the LAW..., ...but under mercy as in Him"* *Reading 262-36 on page 227 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. ============ Mr. Webster, did you see that? The mind does not ALWAYS to follow YOUR Letter of the LAW..., ...with YOUR blocked words that carry so much "meaning". Mr.Webster..., ...YOU must be informed... ...He became YOUR LAW. He has ALREADY fulfilled EVERY LETTER you have used to write YOUR LAW. Would YOU at least acknowledge in your future LAW books that HIS Spirit MAY be corded to EVERY LETTER..., ...that you have seemingly TAKEN for granted. By the way, Mr. Webster..., ... apparently YOU have certainly taken the liberty to copyright YOUR LAW books. Did you also happen to take the liberty copyright ALL 26 LETTER symbols you used to write those books, Mr Webster? Gee, I didn't think you did. Gee, Maybe somebody..., ...and THEN return them to Him..., ...just to keep everything legal..., ...ACCORDING to the LAW. Is there a lawyer in the house? Blessings,


HIS Letter A

October 22. 2000


According to the Law of Webster...,

...A---"The first letter of the English alphabet; FROM the Greek ALPHA...,

...a BORROWING from the Phoenician."

And who is the Phoenician?

Phoenician---"of Phoenicia, its people, their language or culture---a native of Phoenicia---the EXTINCT Canaanite Semitic language, closely related to Moabite and Hebrew.


So that is WHY you never bothered to copyright the letters you used to write YOUR law book Mr. Webster.

You just sort of BORROWED the letter A from the Phoenicians...,

...and that was probably ok...,

...because they probably just sort of borrowed it from the Greeks, right?

Mr. Webster..., not possible that two wrongs still do not make a right...,

...and that is WHY you CANNOT copyright the Letter A or any of the OTHER 25 letters you have BORROWED.

Mr. Webster...,

...Looong before YOU wrote the Law of Webster....,

...was not there a claim made upon YOUR letter A which was THEN called Alpha?

Mr. Webster, may YOU should re-view HIS Book...,

...especially Revelation 1:8..., see if a claim has not ALREADY been made on YOUR letter A.  

While you are looking things up Mr. Webster..,

...why not take a look and see HOW close that EXTINCT country of Phoenicia was to...,

..the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River.  

OH, by the way Mr. Webster, should not YOUR word...

...phonetics be spelled phoenetics to at least acknowledge the country from WHERE you BORROWED those letters from? 



HIS Letter O

October 22,2000

According to the Law of Webster...,

O---"The fifteenth letter of the English alphabet---FROM the Greek Omega and Omicron---BOTH BORROWED from the Phoenician."

Well, Mr. Webster, at least you are consistent.

Better check that O too Mr. Webster.

He made a copy "write" claim on that letter too.

U C Mr. Webster, well, maybe you didn't see Mr Webster...,

...that in HIS Book...,

...there is a short passage about the Letter O.

It is John 1:1

Take a look Mr. Webster.

"In the beginning was the WORD...,

...and the WORD was WITH GOD...,

...and the WORD was G-O-D."

Do you see that middle letter that was WITHIN the WORD G-O-D, Mr. Webster?

You got it. HIS letter O.

Was not that letter corded directly to GOD  and WITH GOD in the very very beginning, Mr. Webster?

"It never "crossed" my mind to think about it that WAY."

Maybe HIS O and ALL 25 of YOUR other letters should also "cross" your mind Mr. Webster.

By the WAY, Mr Webster, for your IN-FORM-A-TION...,

...the spiritual aspect of the mind spells YOUR copyright like this...,

...copy (w)rite.

It is kind of a spiritual thing called a rite...,

...wherein HIS W is the universal symbol for truth.

"A" thought you might like to know.





October 22, 2000


Mr. Webster, it would be kind of nice to at least mention that your word phone was probably derived and borrowed, in a round about way, from the Phoenicians as well. 

By the way, Mr. Webster.., 

... where did you get that swell HELL-LO greeting that YOU sort of "corded" to the phone? 

Your law book does not say where that came from. 

Wonder who you borrowed that from? 

Considering the source of letters and everything..., 

...maybe Heaven Hi would have been more appropriate..., 

...due to the essence of where YOUR apparent SELF appropriation of letters  most certainly originated. 
