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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #130

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #130

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Regeneration in the Mount

October 13,2000


Where is the Mount and what is to be regenerated?

Take a look.

"The pattern is given thee in the mount 
The mount is WITHIN thine inner self."*

*Reading 705-2 on page 85 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

What is the regeneration of the guards?

First, just who are the guards?

Is it possible that the guards ARE the physical aspect of the minds who have blocked the Way for the those very SAME  minds to Venture Inward?  


Is it also not possible that when the guards do Venture Inward....,

...they are no longer guards...,

....but become members of the fifth root race as their minds are re-generated and born again into His Spirit?


What could possibly be the beginning of the fifth root race.

Could this be the BEGINNING of the fifth root race?

(G) His Letter Symbol for the FIRST root letter that was with God in the beginning.

Take a look.

How many root letters are there WITHIN the word race?


What if the mind moves His Letter (G) into the BEGINNING of the four root letters of "race" like this.


Could the filth root race possibly be Grace?

Take a look.

WITHIN Grace there are certainly five root letters.

Now allow the mind to enter GRACE

(G) there is God

(R) there is His symbol of movement 

(A) there is the symbol representing the Law of One.

(C) there is (C)Christ

(E) there is the (E)arth plane of the created body.

Allow the mind to enter GRACE again.

(G)(R)(ACE) there is God's movement (R) of ONE Spirit from WITHIN (ACE)

According to the Readings...,

...everyone who SEEKS God is called Israel.

Could it be that everyone who FINDS God is called GRACE..,

...the fifth root race?




October 13, 2000


When the physical aspect of the mind goes to school...,

it will be tested and it will receive a grade in each subject.

And what is that grade that it is given?

A letter.

Is there any of His Spirit attached or corded to that letter that is given?


How does that square up to Revelation 1:8?

It doesn't.

How about the athlete that does well in a sport?

Does that athlete also not receive a letter?

And is not that letter the SYMBOL or FIRST root letter of the school that the athlete represents?.

Is there any of HIS Spirit attached or  corded to that letter given?


How does that square up to Revelation 1:8?

It doesn't..

It is sad, but the physical aspect of the mind has never been taught...,

...that the letters that the mind is GIVEN to use...,

...are BOTH Spiritual as well as physical.


When Edgar Cayce gave a Reading...,

..he literally set his physical conscious mind aside..., that words and the letters that formed those words emanated from WITHIN...,

...and were moved by his mind from WITHIN...,

... and were spiritual in the nature of his created body.

All the physical mind sees from the OUTSIDE of Edgar is the blocked word corded to Edgar.

Allow the spiritual aspect of the mind to enter WITHIN EDGAR...,

..and move A few letters around As HIS..., see if it can find any signs of a  degree of a grade of letters.

(E) (D) (G) (A) (R)


(G) (R) (A) (D) (E)

There is GRADE and right in the middle of GRADE there is...,  


G (RA) DE 

If the physical aspect of the mind thinks this is just a coincidence..., thinks (k)not.., (A)dam did..,

...and will have another "type" of thought coming in the form of "A" certain GRADE of letters.




October 14, 2000

According to the Law of Webster...,


..a colloquial or informal expression of the word Father

With that in mind....,

...allow the mind to return to the right forepaw of the sphinx...,

...from which there is a passage to the record chamber.

Now allow the mind to literally enter the right forepaw.



There is the Father (PA)...,

.. and there is (FORE)...,


As the mind enters the "right" forepaw WITHIN..., enters within the right Father which is WITHIN the created body and that is truth.

The universal symbol of truth is W which is HIS first letter of (W)ater.

The secret passage way is the Appian Way WITHIN the living created body.


"The spirit and the soul is within its encasement , or its temple WITHIN the body of the individual---see?

With the arousing then of this image, as it RISES along that which is known as the Appian Way, or the pineal center, to the base of the brain...,

...that it may be decimated to those centers that give activity to the whole of the mental and physical being.

It rises then to the hidden eye in the center of the brain system, or is felt in the forefront of head, or in the place just above the real face--or the bridge of the NOSE, see?"*

*Reading 281-13 on page 104 of the Edgar Cayce Companion


Allow the mind to return to PA.

HIS Letter Symbol A re-presents the Law of One where two or more may be As One, yet two or more.

The physical aspect of the mind sees one P...,

...whereas the spiritual aspect of the mind easily sees two P's that are As One.

There is one as HIS first root letter of EACH of the two major glands of the brain...,

...the pineal and pituitary glands.

These glands are among the seven major glands or centers that the Readings refer to as churches.

Now allow the mind to return to the Bible and see the PATTERN of what was sent to the churches.

The PATTERN is that LETTERS were sent to the churches.*

*See the Book of Revelation 

In essence, the (A)(pp)ian Way is the secret passage way WITHIN the created body that emanates HIS Spirit leading from the "right"...,


...and that is the truth (W).

U C, when the mind enters within the (M)atter of the created body...,

...HIS first root letter M of (M)atter may easily be re-versed to HIs first root letter W of (W)ater...,

..and that transformation becomes the truth (W) of matter (M).

When the mind is WILLING to take up its OWN cross (t) and become As One with HIS....,

..and then moves the rest of its letters as HIS through the churches of the created body...

...Matter is easily transformed into...









October 14, 2000 

That was a great message and you are correct about Ra.

Take a look.

"Hence there began the first presentation for what was later to become that called the Great Pyramid, that which was to be the presentation of that which had been gained by these people through the activities of Ra Ta, who NOW was known as Ra.'*


"It was formed according to that which had been worked out by Ra Ta  in the mount as related to the position of the various stars, that acted in the place about which this solar system circle in it activity, going towards what?

That same name as to which the priest was banished---the constellation of Libra, or to Libya were these people sent.

Is it not fitting then that these must return?

As this priest may develop himself to be in position, to be in the capacity of a liberator of the world in its relationships to individuals in those periods to come for he MUST enter again at that period, or in 1998..."*

*Reading 294-151 on page 413 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

EDG(AR) of then is the entrance of RA now.



true and truth

October 15, 2000


The Law of Webster has BLOCKED both of these words for the convenience of understanding for the physical aspect of the mind..

Law No. 1

Thou mind shalt NEVER move the letters WITHIN these words for they are as etched in stone for the convenience and development of the physical aspect of the mind.

Law No.2 

A MEANING has been corded to every word.

Thou shalt NEVER dis-cord the meaning that has been handed down from generation to generation by the forefathers, and which meaning is NOW firmly rooted to each word that the mind MUST FOLLOW.

These so-called laws above are a pretty good reflection of WHY the physical aspect of the mind has been more or less "stalled' within its own consciousness.

The mind is "still" taught to try to follow the Letter of the Law that has been handed down from generation to generation.

Don't take this writers word for it.

Look at the MEANINGS in Webster's dictionary.

It will show that words have derived from all sorts of languages in the past including Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Late Greek, French, Old French, and on and on.

Yes sir, our language is the law hand  down by our forefathers.

Neat huh?

How many forefathers does the mind HAVE to have?

According to Jesus, the Pattern, the mind has just ONE Forefather

According to the Law of Webster..., 

...a few hundred maybe even a thousand.

Neat huh?

Is it any wonder that that mind as become blocked in its OWN consciousness by the written law that has changed and "still' continues to change at the whim of some minds somewhere?

Did not the Pattern say that the true Father was within each of us?  

And did not the Bible state that His Spirit has ALREADY fulfilled EVERY letter the mind uses to write these wonderful Laws of Webster that some minds have chosen to write as their OWN...,

...that ALL other minds MUST follow.

Did not the the Spirit say that He IS letters? 

*Revelation 1:8

Did not Jesus, the Pattern, say to take up your OWN cross and follow Him?

Hey, Mr. Webster, what about all this?

Is there any HIS Spirit corded to the letters you have moved into blocked words that have MEANING?


How come and how mean is that to the mind that is trying understand?

Oh, you are also following His Pattern by not giving Him any breaks...,

...just like what happened at the cross.

But, but, Mr. Webster, those at the cross who would not give Him a break were only using the physical aspect of their mind...,

...just as you are doing to millions of  minds right now.

Mr. Webster, here is your blocked word god and the meaning thereof.


Comes from the German word gott does it? 

MEANS to call out or invoke does it?

Any of VARIOUS beings conceived of as supenatural, immortal, and having special powers over the lives and affairs of people...."


Hmmm. According to the Bible the WORD God was WITH God in the beginning.

How do you figure that Mr. Webster?

Did God speak German in the beginning Mr. Webster?

And Mr. Webster, doesn't YOUR book have SPECIAL POWERS because of the meanings that you have re-corded to blocked words that NO mind is EVER allowed to move?

Mr. Webster, give the mind a break.

If you will not ..,

....then other minds will do it for you.


Here are two of YOUR so-called MEANINGFUL...,

..and apparently NON SPIRITFUL...,

..blocked words you have so graciously have imposed upon millions of minds.



Well, Mr Webster, here is one mind that IS going to break your block words wide open...,

..and re-cord them to His Spirit...,

...even if you will not.


(u) (r) to take up your cross and follow Him and HIS cross (t) within the (e)arth plane of the created body.*

*Matthew 16;24 

Would did you say, Mr.Webster?

Where is YOUR cross?

Mr. Webster, no wonder you cannot find it.

It is hidden right in YOUR blocked word...,


You see Mr. Webster, when you blocked truth you also blocked your mind.

You probably do not remember that Law that is EVER present Mr. Webster..., attracts like; like begets like.*

*Reading 541-1 on page 36 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Take a look Mr.Webster


...(t) (r) (u) (t) (h)..

,,there u r.

And there is His cross (t) and there is your cross (t).

And Mr. Webster, when you take UP your cross (t) and Follow Him.. may become One with Him according to His Law of just ONE GOD...,

...which is NOT any of VARIOUS beings.

U C, Mr. Webster, YOUR letter H is not YOUR letter and is not of YOUR Law at all. 

It is HIS Symbol Letter (H) of the Law of One God...,

...that states that two or more may be As One, yet two or more. (H)

Mr. Webster, you have succeeded in building the biggest physical block wall in the history of the word...,

... but HIS Spiritual Words...,

...and their UNDERSTANDING, not MEANING..., 

..are the only things that will last forever.

Mr. Webster, YOUR blocked wall is beginning to show SIGNS of (w)ear.

It may be best bet for you to (t)ear that blocked wall down so the mind may see and (H)ear His Spiritual Words.

U C, Mr. Webster, here is something that your conscious mind probably never even noticed because you have blocked the words.

You have stuck another blocked word right in the e middle of truth.

Take a look.

t (rut) h

U C what YOUR blocked words can do Mr. Webster.

Your conscious mind did not see it...,

..but your subconscious mind remembers everything including YOUR block word rut...,

...that EVERY other subconscious mind also sees. 

Hope that helps, Mr. Webster.




October 15, 2000


Oh, by the way Mr.Webster, did you HAVE to run together, As One...,

...the words lie and eve...,

...and put them right INSIDE your WORD...



BELIEVE  the LIE of EVE?  




Is that HOW you formed that word Mr. Webster?

No wonder its so hard to BELIEVE..,

... Mr. Webster...,

...when you have created such a great stumbling block..., this blocked word is for the mind.

What were you thinking Mr. Webster?

Oh, you were just trying to follow the Law of One when you corded lie and eve together.

But Mr. Webster, did you NOT happen to check with HIS Pattern BEFORE you did it?

Oh, you just never thought to think about it.

That is just great, Mr. Webster...,

...for NOW you have ALLOWED millions of other minds NOT to think about it either.

You have a great law book there Mr. Webster.

How long do you think it will hold up...,

...before it falls down under its OWN weight...,

... because of ALL those great blocks of words YOU have formed using HIS letters as YOUR OWN?



The Symbol of the A.R.E.

October 15,2000

The focal point of the A.R.E.'s symbol is the symbol of HIS cross.

With common sense, it would be reasonable to assume that Jesus, the Pattern, would be the Ideal focal point for the A.R.E.

From the tremendous amount of literature promulgated by the A.R.E....,

...there is a tremendous amount of evidence that this is certainly not the case.

If the mind is going to fulfill its true destiny...,

it must rely on the words directly recorded from the voice that emanated from the altered mind and body of Edgar Cayce...,

..and NOT the proverbial mumble jumbo that is nearly ALWAYS corded on by those who want to add their OWN two cents worth.

That is WHY "The Edgar Cayce Companion is such a great companion book to the Readings.

NO mumbo jumbo has been added.

HIS Pattern,as stated in the Readings, that includes HIS cross...,

...that is the focal point of their OWN symbol..., clearly defined as THE Ideal that the mind should strive for. 



His Cross

October 15, 2000

Although Jesus, Himself, never got a break when he was crucified on the cross...,

..the Pattern of His crucifixion did get a break by none other than through the  words that proceeded out of the altered mind and created body of Edgar Cayce.

The process of crucifixion is called in the Readings THE atonement.

Here is HOW the Readings broke open the word atonement.





u take up your OWN cross t and follow Him.

THAT resulting process is called attunement.

The Readings even go ONE step further and break open that attunement process.

When attunement has been made, by the mind as the builder...,

...His Pattern of atonement that He fulfilled..., destiny that the mind, as the builder may reach.., what the Readings call at-onement.

The process from atonement to at-onement..,

... IS the Pattern for the mind to follow..,

... and is the ONLY Pattern and WAY that the mind may follow...,

...that will allow the mind, and its ever present companion, its soul the opportunity to return to its Maker.

If the A.R.E. chooses to ignore HIS symbolic cross of atonement as the ONE and only ONE Ideal.., 

...then they should remove it from WITHIN their OWN symbol.


" The most important experience of this or ANY individual entity is to FIRST know what IS THE ideal...,


*Reading 357-13 on page 45 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

"Study to show thyself approved unto God...,

...THE Ideal."*

Reading 2283-1 on page 45 of the Edgar Cayce Companion  

"HE without an ideal is sorry indeed...,

...he WITH an ideal and lacking the courage to live it is sorrier still. Know that.*

*Reading 1402-1 on page 47 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

"Without the ABILITY to CONSTANTLY hold before self the ideal..., is ATTEMPTED to be accomplished.., becomes as one adrift.*

*Reading 239-1 on page 46 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

The simple way for a human being to hold the ONE Ideal CONSTANTLY before its mind..., simply to begin using its OWN letters as His.

It is really that simple yet that profound.



His Cross His Pattern

October 17.2000


"And he said to them ALL..,

...IF any man will come after me...,,

... let him DENY HIMSELF...,

... and take UP his cross DAILY...,,

... and follow me."*

*Luke 9:23

Luke 9:23 is an example of THE emblematic heart of His Pattern.

This Verse is asking the individual to DO three things.


1. Deny Self

2. Take Up his OWN cross DAILY

3. Follow Him


How difficult is that?

Impossible for the physical aspect of the mind.

Simple for the spiritual aspect of the mind.

Here is why.

The only WAY for an individual to deny himself is to SET ASIDE the thoughts that the mind used to develop its OWN SELF consciousness.

How does the individual mind do that?

It simply takes UP its OWN emblematic cross which is this (t) and follows Him in the mind's OWN words.

(t) is representative or emblematical of ALL 26 letters the mind has moved to create ALL the thoughts that has allowed self to know itself.

When the mind first took up the letters and MOVED them by itself for itself...

... it allowed self to develop awareness of self.

In order to deny self ... 

..self must FIRST know self to be self.

This is exactly what God ALLOWED Adam to DO..  

Adam had to FIRST know himself in order to THEN deny himself and return to the Father.

That is WHY Adam returned as Jesus to complete the PATTERN for ALL minds to follow.

It is HIS SPIRIT that the mind may follow DAILY...,

...every waking moment...,

...every day.

That is absurd and impossible.

It sure is for the physical aspect of the mind.

But it is very simple for the spiritual aspect of the mind.

Here is why.

His cross, represented by the letter t, is representative or emblematic of EVERY letter that the mind moves.

The mind simply takes them ALL UP and returns and re-cords them to Him.*

*Again see Revelation 1:8 regarding His Relationship to Letters that the mind has taken for granted and used as its OWN.

The First root letter of the Pattern's name just happens to be the letter J.

It is no coincidence that His Symbol J is exactly like His Symbol T...,

...except that His Symbol J looks like His Symbol T that has been taken UP.

WHEN, and IF the mind is WILLING to take UP ALL its letters...,

...and return them to HIS SPIRIT that resides "still" WITHIN the mind and created body of the individual...,

....that individual will be literally sacrificing the very "things" that has allowed self to know itself. 

As the mind re-turns the letters..,

...the mind re-turns with them..., like begets like...,

..and the mind and His Spirit become As One..., His Spirit WILL rise to greet the incoming mind that has literally...,

...and WILLINGLY..,

...and emblematically...,

..taken up its OWN cross and followed Him WITHIN.


Here are the signs the mind will find..., it literally DOES the three things the Pattern ask the individual to DO in Luke 9:23.    

1. Deny Self

Self becomes a little child like elf that is ABLE to enter the kingdom of heaven WITHIN...,

...when Self returns its OWN S to Him like this.


2.Take UP its OWN cross

The mind takes UP its OWN cross just like (t)his...,

... because letters ARE things that ARE BOTH physical AND spiritual...,

..and they have ALWAYS belonged to Him.

It is WHEN the mind acknowledges that fact DO the Letters become spiritual.

3 Follow Him

When the mind DOES acknowledge that the letters ARE Spiritual...,

...the mind may THEN begin to follow Him WITHIN the mind's very OWN words..,

..and even in the very OWN words of others. 

Again.., many times does the mind use the blocked word "the" everyday?

Hundreds of times, at least.

The mind takes it UP it cross (t) just like this...,


There is he and His cross (t).

This is HOW the mind may follow Him  DAILY by moving even just one letter as His..


The mind has now ALSO given Him its letter L right?

Here is Him, His Spirit, the WORD made flesh WITHIN this WORLD...,.


...that the physical aspect of the mind never knew... 

...yet hopefully, someday, WILL know...,

..and that includes the A.R.E....,

...who are the keepers of the re-cords...,

...of the Edgar Cayce Readings...,

... that literally verify the information re-presented and given here.   
