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IF...Jesus had a twin soul...

...that soul would also be the Pattern.

He did have a twin soul...*

...The name of that soul during the life time of Jesus was Mary.


The Severed Cord or Separation

"...when man reached that period of full...

...SEPARATION from...

...Creative Forces in the spirit...

...then flesh... man knows it today...

...became in the material plane...

...a reality."* 


The Immaculate Conception

"Then, the immaculate conception...

...IS the physical AND mental... ATTUNED to spirit as to be quickened by same."

Q- Was MARY immaculately conceived?

A-MARY was immaculately conceived.*


Mother Mary...The Pattern ...The Twin Soul of the Pattern Jesus.

"In the beginning...

...MARY was the twin-soul of the Master in the entrance INTO the earth.


An Immaculate Conception


...."They say that isn't in... ...


...with natural law."

"It IS the natural law.... been indicated by the projection of MIND into MATTER...

...thus making of ITSELF...

...a SEPARATION... be ENCASED in same... man did."*


Breaking out of the Encasement

"Then, that there HAS been an encasement...

...WAS a beginning.

Then there must be an end...

...when this must be BROKEN...

...and this began at that particular period."*

Q-Neither Mary nor Jesus, then had a human father?

A-Neither Mary nor jesus had a human father.

They were ONE SOUL so far as the earth is concerned..."*

*Page 209 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.  

The MINDS of Mary and Jesus as the Pattern.

The Pattern is the Group Mind.

"Yet what is known as the Group Mind...

...or that of...

...the plant kingdom...

...the mineral kingdom...

...and the animal kingdom...

...or group...

...returns (as its Destiny)... the Creative Force...

...which is its AUTHOR...

...its MAKER.*

*Page 43 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

If Jesus and Mary were twin souls...

...and they are the Pattern...

...then every soul is a twin of every other soul... every SOUL'S Destiny...


...its MIND*.... 

*Page 43 of the Edgar cayce Companion to RETURN to the kingdom of its Maker...

... and to be AS ONE with its Maker.



"Each soul is destined... become a portion...


...of the First Cause...

...or BACK to its Maker.*

*Page 42 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

This is the SIGN of HOW Jesus...

...the (L)ord

...the WORD made flesh... the Pattern...

...broke the encasement of the WORD made FLESH.



Mothers Day MAY 9, L999


At the very young age of twelve...

...Jesus, the Pattern,...

...was found IN the temple...

...sitting in the midst of DOCTORS...

...both hearing them...

...and asking them questions.

ALL that heard Him were ASTONISHED at His understanding and answers.*

*Luke 2:42

Why were they ASTONISHED?

They did not know that the MIND of  Jesus had...


...returned to be... 

... AS ONE with the Father of His Created body WITHIN.

The body being a manifestation of the soul WITHIN earth Plane.    

The did not know that...

...when the mind... the builder...

...returns WITHIN...

...the next STEPS are given from the Father WITHIN.*

*Page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

They also surely did not know this...

..."And have ye not read this scripture...

...The stone...

...that the builders rejected... become the head of the corner?"*

*Mark 12:10

Here is HOW... 


...converted as little children...* 

*Matthew 18:3

...may literally MOVE into His Mind Pattern of activity...

...just stated above... following signs...

...WITHIN words.



...the minds will convert...

...THEM SELVES to little children.


This is the sign that the minds have become little children.


Now (S)elves are pretty close to twelve...

...may be closer than most minds think.

The Letter S THEN becomes His symbol for (S)pirit...

...when the letter is re-placed WITHIN His Pattern.

The letter t THEN becomes his symbol for the cross.

...(t)he is a perfect word sign.

The letter w THEN becomes his symbol for water...

...and (w)ater is His symbol for truth.

So the truth of the matter is when the mind is converted... may enter WITHIN...

..and the next steps (ARE) GIVEN from WITHIN.


This is... essence...

...HOW the Creative Force...

...Hand in Hand...

...WITH child mind from WITHN.


WHEN (S)elves go WITHIN... returns the letters...

...that Selves were using as their OWN.

The Creative Force acknowledges (t)he re-turn...

...and in response... and...

...GIVES (S)elves the letters back...

...that (S)elves may began to use them...

...from His point of view WITHIN.


In essence, the mind is reborn, or converted...

...WHEN... decides to...



...or trade...

...the tools of its "building" trade...

---to the building tools of the Father's business WITHIN.  



...ANY mind thinks this is...


...or impossible...

...then allow that mind to ponder...



...that was rejected by the physical mind... the builder...

...that refused to be converted.

This the stone that the builders rejected... 


This the stone not rejected by (S)elves.


When Jesus went to the (t)...

...He made the a(tone)(men)(t)...

...for ALL...

...and it is His (S)pirit...

...that WILL direct (S)elves from WITHIN...

...for they are NOW of... 

...ONE Mind.

Pretty profound.


The Ideal that Edgar Cayce set before himself...

...he fulfilled...

...physically and spiritually.

What was that Ideal?

His Ideal can be found on page 45 of the book...

"There is A River."

At the age of thirteen, Edgar Cayce had read the Bible through a dozen times.

One day at his lean-to retreat near the bend in the river...

...while reading the Bible...

...he looked up and perceived an angelic women in front of him.

She said to him...

"Your prayers have been answered...

...tell me what you would like most of all... that I may GIVE it to you."

He told her...

"Most of all I would like to be helpful to others...

...and especially to children when they are sick."

On page 98 of "There is a River"... may find that His ideal is beginning to be fulfilled.

Ironically, the first to be helped is himself by him Self.

He literally loses HIS OWN voice and is GIVEN a Voice from WITHN.

This new Voice prescribes the treatment for his recovery.

Edgar Cayce simply allowed him Self to be set aside... that the Voice WITHIN his created body...

...could help others physically and spiritually.

When Edgar Cayce set him Self aside...

...he set the PERSONALITY of Edgar Cayce aside.



...or DUALITY...

...of the Creatve Force and his TRANSFORMED mind...

...were AS of ONE mind that could manifest itself...

...THROUGH... the OPENED created body...

...and OPENED mind of Edgar Cayce.
The rest is history.

His Ideal was ALWAYS before him. He followed the Pattern... setting the personality of  him Self aside...

so that the Spirit WTHIN could manifest THROUGH him.

"Each soul is destined to become a portion...


...of the First Cause...

or BACK to its Maker"


"Destiny is WITHIN...

...or... of faith...

...or... the GIFT of the Creatve Forces.


Q- If the soul fails to improve itself, what becomes of it?

A- Can the will of man continue to defy its Maker? 


Q- Is it the destiny of every spiritual entity... eventually...

...become as one with God?

A- Unless the entity WILLS it banishment...

...Yet God has NOT willed that any soul should perish.




"The soul...


...must return...

...WILL return... its Maker."

"It is a portion of the Creative...


...which is...


...into ACTIVITY...


These words deserve repeating over and over again...

...for these words declare that the impossible... possible.


The souls re-turn trip may began right here...

...right now....

...while it is still in materiality and...

...while it is still in the flesh.

Jesus, the Pattern, set the Way to go WITHIN....

...the mind of Edgar Cayce followed that same Way WITHIN.

...EVERY mind may follow that same Way NOW...


The minds of (S)elves ARE beginning to Venture Inward NOW.

Allow your mind to do the same.

His yoke is easy to your mind...

...His burden is light unto to your soul. 

*Destiny is on Page 42 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


This book is literally a companion book to His Book, the Bible.

His book...

...His words...

...the Bible...

...sets the IDEAL Pattern for the mind to follow.

The words "contained" WITHIN...

...The Edgar Cayce Companion...

...literally de(scribe)...




...and WHY...

...the mind as the builder...  

...may go WITHIN its own created body to meet its Maker...

...and Real Companion.

Even the Voice that de(scribe)s...

...HOW to go WITHIN... emanating from WITHIN and THROUGH the transformed body AND mind of Edgar Cayce.

His mind and body became a OPEN channel so  his "Companion" could manifest...

...the HOW to...

...directions for the human mind.

The words in the Edgar Cayce Companion are as Spiritual as the words in the Bible.


Because the words in both books emanate from the Father WITHIN the created body that the mind has re-corded to.

Everyone has a similar Companion WITHIN.

This companion has been called amongst others...

...Jesus, Christ, Lord, 
Father, and son.

Edgar Cayce's companion prefers the name Creative Force...

...because that is exactly what it is.

Names become stumbling blocks to the physical mind... Force and Spirit indicate MOVEMENT WITHIN...


...the mind is willing ... leave the personaity of itself.. go WITHIN.

One should never be afraid for the next steps are...


The whole process of going WITHIN involves the movement of the minds letters as His.

Here is the sign of being scared to becoming sacred.


Pretty profound...

 ...when you meet Edgar Cayce's Companion.  


Because every companion WITHIN is the same.

The same companion...

...from WITHIN...

...builds the same basic body. 

Allow the mind to study Edgar Cayce's Companion...

...and the mind WILL end up with the same companion...

...for the mind will become a Child of His Promise.

The physical mind is often LED to believe that the kingdom of heaven is somewhere amongst the stars of the universe.


According to the Readings, the human body is THE Pattern of...


,,,the FORCES...

of the universe itself.

"WITHIN the human body...

...not dead...

...LIVING human FORCES...

...we find...

...EVERY element...

...EVERY gas...

...EVERY mineral...

...EVERY influence...

...that is OUTSIDE of the organism itself.

For indeed it IS ONE with the WHOLE."*

*Page 244 of The Edgar cayce Companion.


According to the Readings...

...the kingdom of heaven of the LIVING God... WITHIN the human body...

...and that Living God is often called...


Many physical minds will say that is impossible.


Because those minds have yet to make...

...the connection...

...or re-cording... the Living God WITHIN...

...called the Creative Force by the Voice emanating from WITHIN Edgar Cayce.
Those minds have yet to follow the Pattern...

...and ALLOW their minds to make the immaculate conception...

by setting Self aside...

...(the personality of the mind of  Self... aside)... that the Universal Consciousness...

...or the Christ Consciousness...

may manifest itself...

...through the opened body...

...through the opened mind...

...of the transformed mind of  (S)elf...

...that has set the personality mind of Self aside.

The sign of the process of allowing the movement of the Creative Force...


the opened body...

...and opened mind...

...that have BOTH been opened by the WILL of the mind itself...

is the OPENED word...


The mind's thoughts become open when it takes up its own...

...(t) cross...

and follows the Pattern.

The word though(t) then becomes though.

The sign of movement WITHIN the word though is His letter R.

The birth of (t)his NEW Spiritual word sign is...


These are the signs that the mind WILL follow as it begins to move...

...hand in hand with the Creative Force WITHIN.

(R) is the first and last letter of the word river...

...and a river is a never ending flow.

This OPENED word...

...(R)ive(R) is an exact Pattern to Revelation 1:8 WITHIN His Book.

Allow the mind to look WITHIN (t)his (R)(iv)e(R)... will find the true iv WITHIN the OPENED (e)arth body.

Some may remember that WHEN there is (move)(men)(t) to the "true iv" WITHIN...

...the new born word becomes His word Virtue ...

that flowed from WITHIN Him.

The words Spoken and re-corded From WITHIN Jesus and Edgar Cayce were...


...IDLE words...

...they were IDE(A)L SPIRITUAL words that MOVED...

...because the mind began to MOVE letters that matched His Spiritual Pattern.

Every mind is capable of this activity.... just sort of needs to wake UP and then...

...take UP its own (t) and go...

"(W)rite" WITHIN...

... to be hand in hand with its Maker.

This word is the SIGN of that act(iv)ity.


Take up the (t)...

...and follow He WITHIN.


Transforming the letters into His Pattern...

...transforms the mind...

...signs then following.


Pretty profound by (t)he minds of (S)elves...

who sat down in His green pastures...

...and were led BY the (S)till


Hi portia 747... 

The twin soul concept is on page of  209 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. 

"In the BEGINNING... 

...Mary was the twin-soul of the Master... the entrance into the earth!" 

According to the Readings... 

...Jesus WAS Adam in the BEGINNING. 

AS Eve was Created out of Adam... 

...Mary may very well have been Eve in the BEGINNING. 

That would make perfect sense then... 

...that they were twin souls... 

...and the Pattern for us all. 

The Readings state that All souls were created at the same time and are part of the First Cause...

"Each soul... its walks IN the earth...

(...WITHIN the human body...)

(...Added by (S)elves...)

...has its ANGEL....

...The transformed mind of Self...*

*Page 9 of the Edgar Cayce Companion
Reading 1646-1

...its gnome...

...its face before the THRONE of that which is the First Cause...

...the Creative Influence, God.

And these are ALWAYS ready... guide... guard...


...the soul will put itself in the position to be guided by ...

spiritual truths...*

*Page 9 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

...(Added by (S)elves)...

...(From WITHIN.  

 Thus Jesus and Mary are also EMBLEMATIC... 

...of everyone being as twin souls to each other. 

This would explain... 

...from a Spiritual point of view... love your neighbor as your self... 

...because ALL your neighbors are twins to your (S)elf... 

...soul wise that is... 

...and NOT personality wise. 


You mentioned "my twin soul concept". 

Actually the concept is not even the concept of the personality of Edgar Cayce... 

The are words of truth  emanating from the Creative Force WITHIN Edgar Cayce. 


Thank you for your contribution... 


Contributions from all the seekers... 

...Children of Promise...

...who have stopped by are welcome in deed. 


If we are ALL twin souls... then we should follow Mary's Pattern as well... 

...and allow the mind to go WITHIN... 

... to create the Ideal... make the immaculate conception... 

...that the mind MAY be born again... the transformed mind of (S)elf...

...the face before the throne... 

...and record to the Spirit WITHIN. 

Because His book stated that the  angel of the SPIRIT came OVER Mary... does not infer... 

...that it literally came OVER her... 

...but rather sort of...

...Mary being OVER COME... the re-cording of Her angelic... 

transformed (S)elf... the  Spirit from WITHIN Her.* 

*Luke 1:28 


When the mind transforms its personality Self---

---to its indvivduality (S)elf...

...or its angelic (S)elf...

...It may be guided from WITHIN.


Here are MOVEMENT WORD SIGNS of that truth.



...the mind of (S)elf has re-corded to the vibrations WITHIN.



...ONE God...The Law of ONE WITHIN



...(H)is symbol of (H)and in (H)and...

...or two are AS ONE...

...according or... to the Law of ONE.



...His symbol for movement...

...or flow of words from WITHN...

...AS THE B OF (B)rain and (Body...

...are now open...

...R is His Patterned symbol for the for the (O)(PEN)ING of B.


...(t)HORN(E) His symbol for taking UP the cross...

...and going WITHIN the earth plane of the Created...

...and NOW...


...(B)rain and...


That is exactly HOW the minds of (S)elves go WITHIN.

They are simply allowed to go WITHIN His Spiritual Words...

...for they are MOVING...

...AS ONE...

...with his Spiritual Symbols...

...or Letters...

...that form...

...or are the foundation of His Spiritual Words.

Pretty profound to the Children of Promise.


According to the Law of Webster...


...a sound that is distinct and...

...IDENTIFIABLE... the...

...REGULARITY of its...



This is the Spiritual SIGN that ...

...the minds of (S)elves...

...have NOT rejected the...


...that became the head of the corner that the...

...OTHER builders rejected.*

*Matthew 21:42

This is the reason the Creative Force  stated that...

... the "mind is the builder".*

*Page 83 of THE Edgar Cayce Companion.

The minds of (S)elves...

...Children of Promise... the Law of One... His Voice... HOW... build its mind... re-cording to His (S)piritual tone.

The minds of (S)elves re-member that the...

..."changing or the altering of a name...

...set about varied...

...ENVIRONS or...


...that makes for the...


...of changed surroundings."*

*Page 173 of the Edgar cayce Companion.   



This is the (S)tone that The builders rejected.

When the mind... it moves away from Self...

... and re=members HOW to put this stone in the...


...of the corner...

may partake of the Hidden Manna... the words themselves that carry HIS vibrational (S)tones.



...any mind doubts the validity of the above statements...

...allow the mind to re-view these words from...

... HIS point of view other than Self.


...ENV(IRON) S...

When (S)elf leaves Self... literally becomes...


This is the displace(men)(t) theory that allows IRON to float.

That is the EXACT Pattern of not my WILL Father...

...but yours be done WITHIN and THROUGH me.



WITHIN this word is hidden (S)piritual rations.

These rations are the Hidden Manna or His Spiritual Vibrations that have been...

...blocked or contained...

by the mind of Self.

This WHY the mind of Self must move away from...



...S E L F...

...because its own will is blocking His WILL FROM manifesting from WITHIN.

How does the Will unblock His Will?

The mind simple unblocks the word NAMES that Self built for itself...

...and then SEEKS His Pattern...

...WITHIN those unblocked words. 


Here are (t)he (S)piritual tones that the human self conscious mind...

...have continued... reject.

"I am Alpha and Omega."

Revelation 1:8

The minds of (S)elves have NOT taken these words as...

...IDLE words...

They have taken these words as its...
...IDE(A)L words.


The physical mind uses these words all the time... express what it thinks.

The Pattern of these words is blocked in the physical mind.

Has any mind EVER made an immaculate conception...

...that IF...

...the word REAL was unblocked...

...and moved by the mind...

...there might be a SIGN...

...of something even more REAL.

Is it beyond comprehension that the (L)ord...

...may have manifested its Spirit in Words...


....the channel of the opened mind and body...

...of Edgar Cayce... continued THROUGH the "circulation" of Readings...

... and then continued on THROUGH...

the (organ)(i)(za)(tion) of the ARE to its members?

Is it beyond comprehension that...

...even today...

..the mind as the builder, is still rejecting...

...His stepping stones as signs following.

Here is (t)he SIGN following...

that His movement may be...

...FOR "REAL"...

...THROUGH the...



...REAL...REA(L)...(L) ARE...


Is (t)his beyond comprehension?


The Children of Promise...


...think not.


Because they have re-membered to re-cord the severed cord to...

...(t)he Lord WITHIN.


To the educated physically developed mind...

...according to the Law of Webster...

...tion... simply the "suffix" forming nouns.


To the minds of (S)elves...

...or to the Children of Promise...

that go WITHIN words to see SIGNS following...

..."tion" is EXACTLY what the physical mind has "shun".


...taking UP the cross is the movement of ions.

Ions are electrical charged neutral atoms that have either gained or lost electrons.

When the atoms GAIN electrons...

...they become - charge.

When the atoms lose electrons...

...they become + charged.


Allow the mind to see HOW Children of Promise...

...put this "suffix" into His Pattern.

When they break open the (t)ion...

...the ion becomes separated from His cross (t).

As the mind loses ions it becomes positve charged.

This matches His Pattern to a "t"

The Created Living body is a positive charge.

The born physical mind builds itself...

...a personality...

through the process of "elect(ion)" of its OWN freewill... gather things about itself to build itself.

When this happens...

...the mind begins to vibrate with a negative charge because of the added (elect)rons. 

This is  EXACTLY why these words came forh from WITHIN David.

"Thou shall not want."

This is EXACTLY why the mind must be born again... (t)his time... may lose electrons to match...

..or re-cord to the positively charged Pattern of the Created body.  
* The 23rd Psalm. 

This activity is also confimed by the Readings.


...or vibration... that same ENERGY...

...same POWER... call God."

"Remember life is vibration.

"So is mind. So is matter."*

*Page 49 of the Edgar Cayce Companion



...the more the mind desires...

...the more electrons it attracts...

.....the higher are its vibrations.


"The LOWEST form of vibration GIVES creative forces...

...rather than the HIGHEST.

It is the HIGH vibration that destroys."*

*Page 49 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


There is such an EASY way to slow down the vibrations of the mind...

...that the minds of (S)elves are able to do it all the time.

The go WITHIN the mind... simply going WITHIN the words that Self corded  ITSELF to...

...and breaking the bonds of those words away from Self...

...and re-cording them back to the Creative Force WITHIN.

Because the mind must NOW (S)LOW down to break into the words... 

...and then look for signs following...

...according to His Pattern...

...the mind slows down the speed of letter movement to match His LOWER vibrations.

Does the mind to remember about going and sittng in the lowest room...

...and THEN being called up HIGHER?*

*Luke 14:10
Perhaps the most common word in the English Language is the word...


This is a perfect sign of HOW the mind slows down to re-cord this word back into His Pattern...


Very simple...Very profound.