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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #128

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #128

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No Pattern  No Cornerstone No Building


According to the Readings...,

...JESUS is the Pattern.

According to the Readings...,

...the MIND is the builder.

Edgar Cayce's favorite book WAS...,

...the King James Version of the Bible...,

...that contains HIS Pattern, the Pattern of Jesus.

IF the MIND does not at least have HIS Pattern EMBEDDED WITHIN the physical aspect of its MIND...,*

*See Matthew 8:20

...NO WAY will that MIND be able to build...,

...because that Pattern is HIS Stone that becomes the head of the corner ON which that MIND may build...,

...and the other builders rejected.*

*See Matthew 21;42

Every MIND needs to lead with that ONE Ideal EMBEDDED in MIND..., well must the A.R.E.,


...each is to fulfill its destiny*..,

...for without HIS Cornerstone...,

....the other building stones will come tumbling down.

*See Readings 2533-7 on page 225 of the Edgar Cayce Companion and 262-80 on page 43 of The Edgar Cayce Companion



Measuring and Cutting the Board

October 10. 2000


A carpenter, the physical aspect of his mind, will take a look at his blue prints...,

...measure ALL the boards...,

..then cut ALL the boards to those exact specifications...,

...and the end result will be a perfect reflection of his blue prints or pattern.

However, there is NO WAY that this same carpenter, with the physical aspect of his mind, is able to cut this board...,

...B O A R D...,

...that is ALWAYS attached, or CORDED, to each board he just cut.


The word BOARD is ALWAYS corded to the physical board itself as far as the physical aspect of the mind is concerned.

According to the Law of Webster, that IS the written law for the development of the physical aspect of the mind...

..."thou shalt NEVER cut through this word, BOARD, or any other word that has been set as in stone for the development of the mind. "

Thank you Mr.Webster. but the Readings state that the mind has a Spiritual aspect as well as the physical aspect of the mind that YOU help develop.

Mr. Webster, take a look at Reading 262-80 on page 43 of The Edgar Cayce Companion to see that the mind is BOTH physical AND Spiritual.

Then, watch Mr. Webster...,


..the spiritual aspect of the mind is going to cut and sever your blocked word BOARD that YOU have ALWAYS corded to board..., entering WITHIN BOARD and moving HIS letters so that BOARD will no longer be corded to YOUR physical board..., 

...but will be corded back to HIS Spirit by the spiritual aspect of the mind matching the word BOARD to HIS Pattern.




Mr. Webster, have you never heard of HIS WAY or ROAD that the OPENED (B)ody and OPENED (B)rain that is housed WITHIN that body...,

...may follow..., 


..the mind is willing to sever itself from your ALWAYS attached to. or corded, words like...,

...SELF is to SELF?

Do you not know that Self may sever your word Self,  which YOU have ALWAYS corded to self...,

..simply by opening YOUR blocked word SELF just like this.


...where Self may THEN be transformed as a little child that is an exact match to HIS Pattern of becoming as a little child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven WITHIN?

Well, maybe YOU do know now...,

...and  YOU may want to add an addendum to YOUR book like...,


... "This book is for the FIRST stage of the development of the mind...,,

...and THEN please refer to HIS Book, the Bible...,

...that contains HIS Pattern that will allow the mind to break through the blocked wall consciousness...,

...that the mind has formed...,

... from using the blocked words contained in MY book." 

"Maybe you will NOW now WHY the physical aspect of the minds in HIS Pattern never gave Him a break..,

..and neither did I..., 

...and no pun is intended."




The Ideal Measurement Pattern

October 10,2000


" CONFUSION is often caused, then, and is EVER caused...,


...there is an "ideal" DRAWN or ACCEPTED..., which ALL of these conditions, ALL of these experiences...,

...whether PHYSICAL,  MENTAL, or SPIRITUAL...,

may be JUDGED or from which CONCLUSIONS may be drawn."

"Otherwise we are MEASURING ourselves BY ourselves, and this becomes unwise. For it again leaves confusion as to what is another's standard..,

...But who may answer but thyself...,

...thy LORD....,

... the "ideal"? 

THEN, IN HIM, and IN Self, seek, seek to know ..., 

...using that thou hast...,

...NOT unto the satisfying of ANY phase of thy OWN personality but to the glory of thy divinity, and to the...,

...INDIVIDUALITY of the "Ideal"."*

*Reading 954-5 on page 45 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


First, remember what "thou ALREADY hast to use"....,

...a cord of symbols that are BOTH physical AND Spiritual and a physical hand with which to move them.

Then, allow the mind to re-view this Reading very carefully.

It is obvious that either Self, or the Lord, or an ideal, should be the measuring rod for the mind...,

...and it is obvious that it is UNWISE for Self to be the measuring rod for Self...,

...or even an ideal measuring rod CREATED by Self.

Now allow the mind to look very closely at HOW ONE WORD is switched around.

It is the word ideal.

If Self should not be the measuring rod...,

..than an ideal or the Lord should be the measuring rod.

But now look what happens to the word ideal.

It suddenly becomes the "Ideal" rather than just an "ideal".

And HOW many OTHER ideals does the mind associate with DIVINITY...,

...and is a HIM..., 

...and is WITHIN Edgar Cayce's most favorite book, the Bible?


It is over this single word that is AS A STUMBLING BLOCK that is causing the A.R.E. to stumble over...,

..and LEADING minds to look elsewhere at OTHER ideals as well.

Is this word "Ideal" also as the Stone that the builders ARE "still" rejecting?

Allow YOUR mind WITHIN YOUR Self to decide.

If the spiritual aspect of the mind enters WITHIN the word IDEAL...,

...and then moves the letters as HIS...,

... it WILL find this sign.


(I) (DEAL)

I (DEAL) the Pattern, you follow...,

...or I LEAD and you follow.*

*See the Words of the Pattern in Matthew 16:24

There is ONLY ONE Ideal and...,

...and that (I)deal (t)here is here WITHIN..,

...WHEN the mind...,

...Ventures Inward...,

...towards HIS sign of HIS cross (t) which is HIS Ideal Symbol WITHIN the A.R.E.'s OWN symbol.



Very Important to Remember

October 10, 2000


When re-viewing the Readings..., is very important HOW to distinguish between the terms, especially pronouns, referring to the personality of Jesus and God.


"As THEIR activities and personalities are one..., the activities of men often the pronoun used becomes confusing."

"Follow rather closely in that which has been given. It is used the SAME as HE gave...,

...Him refers to the Father, He to the Son."

For those that would prefer good English...,

...Him is rather INCLUSIVE...,

...while He is definite...,

...or THE ONE Son.*

*Reading 262-33 on page 227 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


With that clarification in mind..., 

...allow the mind to re-view this Reading.


"Enter into the holy of holies within thy own consciousness; turn within; see what has prompted thee. 

And "He" has promised to meet thee there. And there it shall be told thee from WITHIN what steps thou shall take day by day step by step."
*Reading 922-1 on page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


Who is He? 

He is the ONE Son.

HOW is He going to meet thee there?

It is His Spirit that is going to meet thee there.

And HOW will the mind know His Spirit?

His Spirit is the letters that the mind as been using as its OWN to build its OWN consciousness.*

*See Revelation 1:8 to see HOW His Spirit is related to symbols called letters that the mind has been using as its OWN.

And HOW will the mind be given the NEXT steps? 

The mind, as it enters WITHIN its OWN blocked words that have formed its OWN consciousness..., WILL begin to find HIS Pattern that the mind may begin to follow in the mind's very own heretofore blocked words.

It is this very process that allows the spiritual aspect of the mind to be immaculately conceived out of the born physical aspect of that very SAME mind.

Again this is the simplest of simplest of an example of the process.

Here is probably the most common "blocked" word in the English language CORDED by born mind to almost anything and everything...,

...BUT HIS Spirit.

The word is "the".

Here is that SAME word RE-CORDED by the spiritual aspects of the mind, as the builder...,

...that is a perfect match to His Pattern that "He" was As One with the cross (t).

The blocked word the is transformed to (t)he.., 

...and there is His Sign WITHIN the word "the" that He went to the cross.

Thus, as the mind begins the re-born process of transforming corded blocked words into His Pattern of Consciousness...,

..the mind WILL follow INTO His Spiritual Consciousness...,

...for the law that is EVER present...,

..."like attracts like: like begets like'*

Reading  541-1 on page 36 of the Edgar Cayce Companion




October 11. 2000


Even the word HE is a blocked word according to the written Law of Webster.

The physical aspect of the mind is forbidden to enter within this blocked word.

The spiritual aspect of the mind may enter this word easily by simply moving the letters as...,


..they were HIS...,

...which they ARE.

The blocked word HE simply becomes...,


H being HIS Letter Symbol that two or more may be As On...,

...yet still be as two or more.

E being HIS Letter Symbol of the (E)arth plane WITHIN the created body which is formed from the (E)arth.

Again, the real "WORK" is for EACH mind..., seek and ye shall find HIS Pattern of Consciousness WITHIN the mind's very OWN blocked words...,

...that have formed a block wall that has contained the conscious mind from moving.

By every mind itself DOING the "WORK"  as the builder...,

... following HIS Pattern...,, 

...the mind will, in deed be set free, as well as its constant companion, the soul.


Not only that...,

...the real "WORK" of every mind following the directions set forth in the Readings...,

...will literally contain the arm that will free our companion Edgar Cayce.

Take a look.

"When the day of the earth as earthy, is fulfilled in HIM.., 

...this body...,

...Edgar Cayce...,

...SHALL BE rejuvenated, shall be purged...,, 

...shall be made free!

THEN they that in their earthly manners WORK, labor, here, there, will be..,

...and ARE...,

...directed, guided, as to the means, manners, the ways that they as INDIVIDUALS, as SOULS, be as a helpmeet, as an aid to THEIR portion of the service towards the great brotherhood of man."  

*Reading 254-83 on page 449 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


"You will NOT be in heaven if you're NOT leaning on the arm of someone you have helped."*

Reading 3352-1 on page 347 of the Edgar Cayce Companion


This last Reading not only pertains to the minds and souls that Edgar Cayce has helped...,

...but also to the very mind and soul of Edgar Cayce.

This writer most certainly has been helped by the extraordinary efforts made by Edgar Cayce...,

...and is MORE than pleased to lend Edgar Cayce..,

...not only an arm...,

...but a hand as well.

This whole process sort of reminds me of a roller derby except that everyone is on the SAME team.

The lead person grabs the second person by the arm and shoots him to the lead and the process continues around in a NEW cycle for the NEW mind.

Just a thought.

This maybe an exact Pattern match to the first, being the last, and the last, being the first.*

*See Matthew 19;30 of Edgar Cayce's most favorite book..., 

...The King James Version of the Bible.



When the Earth is Fulfilled in Him

October 11,2000


"WHEN the day the earth as earthy is fulfilled IN Him, this body ...,

...Edgar Cayce...,

...SHALL BE rejuvenated, shall be purged, shall be made free."*

*Reading 254-83 on page 449 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

That day is ALREADY here.

Take a look.

Here is the earth that is earthy.


"earth" is the word that has ALWAYS been directly corded to the earthy earth itself...,

...and NEVER before corded or fulfilled in Him.

Take a look.

HIS Spirit has ALREADY fulfilled every letter used to write the law...,

...including the so-called Law of Webster that the mind uses every day.

According to the Law of Webster...,

earth is corded to the earthy physical earth ONLY...,

..and there is NO direct cording to HIM.

Well, the spiritual aspect of the mind WILL sever that earthy cord and cord it directly to Him...,

..and in doing so...,

..the earth will truly be fulfilled in Him.

Take a look.



E  is HIS Letter Symbol of the (E)arth plane from which is formed the created body

A  is HIS Letter Symbol of the Law of One 

R  is HIS Letter Symbol of movement within the Earth plane of the OPENED (B)ody and (B)rain


T  is His Letter Symbol of HIS cross

H is HIS Letter Symbol of the Law of One.


His Spirit IS Letters*

*Revelation 1:8 of Edgar Cayce's most favorite book...,

...the King James Version of the Bible.

The mind has just filled the earth with His Spirit and that is Truth.


Speaking of truth...,

...according to Reading 1158 on page 209 of the Edgar Cayce Companion...,

..Jesus had a natural sister named Ruth who was born of Mary and Joseph.

According to that same numbered Reading...,

....but is not included in the Edgar Cayce Companion...,

..but IS included in that Reading on page 271 of "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus" compiled by Jeffrey Furst...,

..Ruth was a witness at the cross.

Allow the mind to enter truth for a sign of this activity.

(t) ruth

There is Ruth and there is the cross (t).     
Again, to the spiritual aspect of the mind...,

..nothing is by chance.*

*Reading 1825-1 on page 44 of The Edgar Cayce Companion




October 11. 2000


The One IDEA(L) is the immaculately conceived idea of the Spirit of the (L)ord from WITHIN the Mind and Body of the Virgin Mary.

According to the Readings...,

...Man may not have the SAME idea. Man...,

...ALL men may have the SAME Ideal..."*

*Reading 3976-8 on page 46 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 


Christ Consciousness is the Pattern?

November 8, 2000

That WAS the Pattern for the mind in the very very beginning with Adam...,

...unit his mind separated ITSELF from that Consciousness.

THEN Adam returned as Jesus, as THE Pattern..,

...and is the ONLY WAY or Pattern that the mind may follow to return..., THAT original Pattern WITHIN the mind....,

...that THEN may be called the Christ Consciousness.

Hopefully that is very clear to the A.R.E.
