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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #126

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #126

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This Planet Earth

October 2,2000


"This Planet Earth" are three blocked words that are part of the blocked consciousness of the physical aspect of the mind.

These blocked words may be found in the written law for the mind that is the Law of Webster.

Here are the rules if the mind is going to use these, or any other, blocked words.  

The words themselves may be moved to various positions to help the mind form thoughts.

According to the Readings...,

Thoughts are things.*

*Reading 906-3 on page 84 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Thoughts are things called blocks of words MOVED into various positions..., the mind as the builder...,

 to form the thoughts that form the physical aspect of the conscious mind.

The reason that thoughts are things is that the very essence of thought is the MOVEMENT of letters which are things.

However, the things called letters "given"...,

..."loaned"  would be a more accurate word...,

... "loaned" to the born mind to begin the building blocks of the physical conscious mind..., 

...must abide by this following rule.

"Thou shall not move the letters within the blocked words for that will loosen the block wall of physical consciousness that the mind needs to build."

This is a well "meaning" rule installed in the Law of Webster...,

....but unfortunately for the mind...

...the directions called rules for the CONTINUING UNFOLDMENT of the  mind stop there.

 The following is a rule that the Law of Webster SHOULD put into place.

WHEN the mind has reached maturity to the point of having developed a physical conscious mind that is capable of being aware of it SELF..., may THEN, as the builder, to literally begin MOVING the letters WITHIN the blocked words of its OWN blocked consciousness.

This building process will allow the mind to move OUT of its OWN blocked consciousness...,

...and into the higher consciousness that ALLOWS for...,


In essence the blocked words are necessary as they literally form a cacoon of consciousness for the physical aspect of the mind.

As the mind matures in that cacoon..., 

it is becoming ready to "spread it wings"..., break OUT of that cacoon of consciousness...,

..and transform itself into its higher self...,

...called in the Readings....,

...its angelic self.*

*See Reading 1646-1 on page 9 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

This is the same angelic Self that spoke to the conscious Self of Edgar Cayce at the the river.*

*See "There is a River"

WHEN the mature aspect of the conscious mind MOVES and enters WITHIN the blocked words that has forever blocked it consciousness...,

..and then  MOVES the letters WITHIN those blocked words that will MATCH the Pattern that the physical aspect of the mind has set in place...,

...the mind will, in effect, transform itself from its own SELF consciousness...,

...into its own angelic self consciousness that is able to MATCH His consciousness...,

....because the angelic or spiritual aspect of the mind is NOW ABLE to move its "OWN" letters AS HIS.

Allow the mind to remember this song...,

..."Angels we have heard on high".

NOW the mind should know HOW minds heard those angels.



Hear the Good news

October 3, 2000

When the spiritual aspect of the mind has entered WITHIN its own consciousness and created body...,

...and RE-VERSED its OWN polarity.., is very easy to Hear the Good news".

According to the Law of Webster this is THE meaning of the blocked word news...,

..."new IN-formation about any-thing".

Well, according to the Readings, thoughts ARE things...,

...and what FORMS those thoughts ARE letters.

This is HOW the spiritual aspect may re-view the thought...,

.."Hear the Good news"...,

.. by MOVING the letters As HIS.


(H)ear ()he G(oo)d n(ew)s



(H) HIS letter Symbol that two may be As One according to the Law of One.

There is the ear to Hear the Good news with.  



There is he and HIS Letter symbol of HIS cross (t) that are As One.



There is HIS letter symbol (o) that is HIS symbol of completeness.

HIS letter symbol o's may be As One according to the Law of One.

And that movement to One is...,




Now this IS really interesting news that the physical aspect of the mind is unable to see because the word is blocked into its physical conscious mind.

In essence, the "Work of the spiritual aspect of the mind...,

... is to take its OWN letters and literally re-cord..,

...have them sewn...,

..and re-corded to HIS Spirit.

Oops. the physical aspect of the mind may have just missed the point..., 

...for the key word has been blocked in its mind.

And what key word may that be?

The word is...,



Remember HOW Webster sort of had sewn or spun a web of blocked words for the mind?

Take a look as the spiritual aspect of the mind enters the word sewn and THEN MOVES HIS letters for a sign.



The good news is that the mind has been  ABLE to have sewn its OWN letters to re-cord them back to HIS Spirit.

Now, for even another sign...,

...allow the mind, again, to enter the word news.


Does the mind NOW see any signs?

HIS letter symbols of news also re-presents EVERY point on the compass.


Now allow the mind to re-visit the Part of His Pattern about where the Holy ghost comes upon you and you shall be witnesses unto the UTTERMOST PART OF THE EARTH*

*Acts of the Apostles 1:8 

Also allow the mind to notice that to go from (s)ew(n) to (n)ew(s) is a simple re-verse of the poles, or the polarity of the mind.

The physical aspect of the mind sees only the word compass.

The spiritual aspect of the mind knows that His Letter symbol for the (E)arth plane of the created body may easily be moved into, and WITHIN, this word.

The new Word, as the letters are moved as HIS, is...


...that may interpreted by the OPENED EAR as..., the OPENED word COME PASS.

Again, according to the Readings...,

...the law that is EVER present...,

...likes attracts like...,

...and BOTH the spiritual aspect of the mid and HIS Spirit know the  "news" very  well.

There is even a rendition of His Book..,

...called the "Good news Bible".

Take a look.
