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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #124

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #124

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The Builders at the ARE

September 30.2000

Is Jesus, THE Pattern for the mind to follow..,

...and build upon as the cornerstone...,

...literally being rejected by the A.R.E.?

Are minds, that are builders...,

who are charged with preserving the Readings literally putting the Pattern...,

...the matter to rest..., that everyone may follow at THEIR OWN pace?

Take a look at some very interesting words from a discussion group that deals with the inner workings of the A.R.E.

Allow the mind to see HOW the word, Jesus, the Pattern.., being shifted to Christ as the Ultimate Pattern...,

...and THEN...,

...even the word Christ is being shifted to the Universal Consciousness as the ultimate Ideal Pattern.

A great move by builders to cast out, and reject...,

...HIS stone that is to become the head of the corner of EVERY mind that is also a builder.

It is no wonder that the A.R.E. is having problems.

It is apparent that the stone that the builders rejected 2000 years ago is again being rejected today.

What is apparently clear is that these builders have yet to learn is..,

...that the Pattern of Jesus is NOT about HIS body... is about HIS body...,

...being THE Pattern...,

.. of the created body that we ALL have...,

...that will LEAD to the Christ Consciousness...,

...that IS the Universal consciousness..,

...because we ALL have the SAME created format of a human body...,

...and the SAME Essence of the Creative Force that is WITHIN every created human body. 

Allow the mind to examine a few words extracted from this discussion group. 

And then following is the web site of the group that the mind may wish to follow and perhaps even join...,

...for it is indeed..., "enlightenment" for the mind.


Quotations from the "whitherare" group


Quotation from J.J. Surbeck Moderator

"The ARE is at a turning point. 

Many people among its members and staff are concerned about its future. 

A polarization was evident between partisans of a "Jesus-centric" ARE, and those who believe that, while recognizing the central role of the Christ at the ultimate pattern as presented by Edgar Cayce..., 

...there must be room left for all seekers to find THEIR WAY on THEIR OWN terms and at THEIR OWN pace..., 

...with or without Jesus if THEY so choose. 

The issue has now been put to rest." 

(This writer thought the whole Ideal purpose of the Readings..., to show HOW the mind my leave its OWN SELF consciousness...,

...and enter into HIS Christ Consciousness which is the Universal Consciousness... 

...that emanates from the ONE Universal Creative Force that is WITHIN...,

...and is the Universal Essence WITHIN the Universal format of EVERY created body that is Universally the SAME.)

Quotation from J.J. Surbeck Moderator continued

"Beyond this debate, there are issues of management and budget that are leaving many members concerned as well. 

This group exists to offer a forum for debating these matters freely since there is no other place to do so today. 

Welcome to all. 

J.J. Surbeck Moderator" 

Quotation from John Van Auken

"Well, Starman (sure wish I knew who I was speaking to), from my limited perspective (and as much in charge as you would think the executive council would be, in those days the Board was more powerful and kept to itself)...,

 it was an ideological coup d'tat, led by...,

....Lynn Sparrow...,

.... and Stan Khury...,

 with the support of some other key Board members and the then Human Resources Manager...,

....Michael Dempsey. 

They wanted Jesus into this work -- no ifs, ands, or buts -- just straight up Jesus-centered and everyone affirming Jesus' leadership. 

They overthrew...

... Mark,    


....and me when we asked for help dealing with our personal differences over management styles and objectives. 

Rather than give us help, they brought in a guru as a consultant and setup a committee led by Lynn. The guru told them that there were plenty of good leaders around, go get some others. The committee recommended this to the Board and they bought it. We were out. I must point out that my two colleagues did not exactly want to continue in their positions, so that gave some aid to Lynn's committee, and some Board members did like the way I worked, too loose on details, too independent. Before we knew it, Michael Dempsey, our recently hired Human Resources manager had overthrown us. 

Actually, it was the entire Wednesday night Study Group that they all belonged to that overthrew us. 

Mostly, it was ideology -- Jesus- centered versus God-consciousness opened to all. 

Are they completely gone? Yes. But what is left has little spark and many serious challenges. It will be some time before we recover from this coup d'tat. 

As I noticed in one of Jenny's emails in this group, she expresses that they had little choice but to go to CTC. She's right. 

Even I, who have tried to maintain an open, cooperative spirit to all in this struggle, am damaged goods now. It's hard for a Board to re-elect someone they threw out just a year and half ago. 

CTC was the only choice. Unfortunately, we have lost many of those people who were part of the Jesus movement." 

(CTC is in reference to Charles Thomas Cayce, the grandson of Edgar Cayce.) 

Quotation from John Van Aukman continued.

"In a well-balanced organization we should be able to maintain the presence of all interests." 

(Allow the mind to carefully ponder the continued words of John Van Auken below)

Quotation from John Van Aukman continued.

"At least that's my opinion. But, truly they 
would not cooperate with any COMPROMISED position on Jesus' role. 

That's why I quoted Cayce's readings about Jesus-consciousness being that which man makes as "body worship," and Christ-consciousness is "the universal Father Spirit."

(Did not the Readings state that Jesus is THE Pattern to show that  EVERY human body is WHERE the mind should worship WITHIN?

It is not HIS body the Readings say to worship... is HIS Pattern that the mind should follow...

...for HOW can the mind make attunement UNLESS the mind is presented with HIS Pattern of Atonement?)

Quotation from John Van Aukman continued.

"For all the problems over the past ten years, there was an enormous amount of energy and dynamic activity, which is completely gone now." 

(Gee. This mind wonders why. Could the reason possibly be HIS corner stone that the builders have rejected?)

Quotation from John Van Aukman continued.

"Will I get back into management? 

That truly depends on the people's will and the Spirit's direction. 

For now, I'm focusing on getting Cayce's 
message out and updating his stuff with what people have been experiencing applying it in their lives. 


John Van Aukman"


Here is the address of the witherare discussion group.

Allow the mind to see how minds of the ARE, as builders, have rejected HIS cornerstone on which they have needed to build upon.



An Interview with Kirk Nelson

September 30, 2000


by Sylvia Chappell (Local A.R.E. Member)
From the Spring 1998 Open Door newsletter of the A.R.E. Community of New York City.

 "Jesus Christ will return to Earth on September 30, 1998." Virginia Beach author, lecturer, and astrologer Kirk Nelson makes this startling prediction in his recently published book, The Second Coming 1998, and in a one-day workshop he will present at the A.R.E. Center of New York on Saturday, March 21, 1998. 

How did he arrive at this astounding conclusion? Years ago, Nelson explained in a telephone interview, he came across information in the Edgar Cayce readings about the Second Coming of Jesus: 

"At the time, nobody was talking about this information. 

I thought it was important, so I began to write about it." Then he reviewed biblical prophecies about the Second Coming, including Jesus' own prophecies, in light of the information in the Cayce readings, and read all the prophecies he could find relating to this event.

Nelson's "eureka" moment came in 1982 when he read a Dead Sea scroll entitled "The Last Jubilee.

" It predicted a final 50-year period leading up to a special Day of Atonement linked to the return of "the Messianic King.

" Cayce accurately foretold the 1947 discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls—records written by the mystical, monastic Essene community that was established to prepare the way for the entry of the Messiah into the world. 

"Knowing Cayce's prophecies about the Second Coming, I immediately understood the scroll's significance."

The Day of Atonement, known as Yom Kippur, is the most solemn holy day of the Jewish year. 

A day of fasting and repentance for the past year's sins, it is observed on the tenth day of the lunar month of Tishri. In 1998, the Day of Atonement falls on September 30. 

An astrologer, Nelson specializes in the effect of planetary influences on world events. By comparing Essene prophecies about this special Day of Atonement with the Cayce readings, biblical prophecies, and the astrological aspects for this period, he arrived at his date for the Second Coming.

A long-time student of prophecies in general, Nelson believes that prophecy is especially difficult due to the many variables involved. 

When speaking about the predictions in his book, he is careful to clarify: "It's not me making these predictions. It's Cayce. 

I have the greatest confidence in the accuracy of Edgar Cayce's prophecies. 

Cayce has the best track record I've ever seen on prophecy." He cites many examples where Cayce was accurate, including the stock market crash of 1929, the founding of the State of Israel in 1948, the invention of the laser in 1958, and his description of the dawning Age of Aquarius as the "age of electronics." 

Thus, he expects Cayce's prophecies of a pole shift and other earth changes for this period to be equally accurate.

When asked why there are so many conflicting interpretations of the Cayce readings on earth changes, Nelson replies: 

"People are fearful, so THEY change the story. 

I'm not concerned with people's emotions. 
I'm concerned with the truth. 

I'm often asked if prophecies about bad things can be changed, but no one's ever asked me if anything good can be changed." 

He encourages people to focus on the positive results of this difficult period. 

"Many people are afraid of the word 'a-tone-ment.' In his readings, 

Cayce always pronounced the word 'at-one-ment.'"

Nelson feels that exploring prophecies of a Second Coming can be meaningful to people of all faiths, even if they do not believe there was a "first coming" of the Messiah. 

According to Cayce, Jesus perfectly manifested the Christ Consciousness of oneness with God. 

"If the whole world were to become aware of man's true relationship of oneness with God, what a different place our world would be."



The 1998 ARE Congress

October 1.2000

FIRST, allow the mind to remember that the symbol of HIS cross is WITHIN the symbol of the ARE.

THEN Allow the mind to review the following message to see "whither" or not...,

..the ONE Ideal of the ARE is encouraging the mind.., Venture Inward ...

...HIS Way...,

...the Way of HIS cross...

...that will lead the mind to the POWER of the Christ Consciousness by following the PATTERN set in Jesus.*

*"Ye are made strong--in body, in mind, soul and purpose..., the POWER in Christ. The POWER then is in Christ. The PATTERN is in Jesus"*

*Reading 2533-7 on page 225 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


Excerpts from a message..., K Paul Johnson...,,

...June 26, 1998 00:40 AM GMT


"I'm sharing these impressions of the 1998 Congress, still going on in Virginia Beach. I attended Sunday evening through Tuesday afternoon. 

 Charles Thomas Cayce gave a moving and personal keynote address, outlining several themes he proposed for the weeklong deliberations.  

One was what kind of ARE we would wish to come back to in another life, and what we could do to transform it in that direction. 

Another was how we might find the next Edgar Cayce.  

The most memorable part for me was Charles Thomas talking about a dream in which he saw his father Hugh Lynn and Rev. Pat Robertson talking, walked up to listen, and was told by Hugh Lynn, 

"It's the medical readings and the media."  
Meaning, presumably, that this is the way that the Cayce legacy might become known as widely as Robertson's CBN.  

(A local newspaper gave the number of annual calls received at ARE as 1 million and at CBN as 2 million, so we're within sight of them!) 

I cannot say enough about the qualities shown by the board members and executive council in the opening session Monday morning.  

Stan Khury led a presentation of current board concerns, and invited questions and comments from the audience. 

Alas, instead of serious, substantive questions, what the audience provided was IMHO a series of trivial and/or irrelevant long-winded pronouncements from people who were really confrontational to the leaders.  

But Stan, Charles Thomas and the others handled all this extremely well; 

I was really impressed that they could be so non-defensive under fire."  

"Of all the speakers, the most impassioned and critical was Gail Cayce Schwartzer (not sure of last name here) who accused ARE of gross commercialism and turning its back on the research function; 

she said ARE was in the process of becoming a laughing stock rather than a light to the world (two possibilities outlined in the readings.)  

Not only did the leaders respond nondefensively, admitting that there was some truth in her observations; 

they made it clear that they considered it part of their job to take flack and were not blaming the source.  

I was very impressed by the way people were invited to speak up to the board and execs, and the seriousness with which even flaky comments were received. 

John Van Auken handled himself very well under fire, btw.  

My sense of audience reaction was that no one considered ARE or the board or execs perfect, and everyone felt this session was a good thing despite the acrimony.  

But also that the audience was quite supportive of the board and execs due to their openness, responsiveness, and accessibility.  

(It was quite easy to pull aside a board member or exec, or Charles Thomas, to share one's views on whatever issue might be at the top of one's agenda.) 

Bottom line: I came away super impressed by the attitude of board, execs and CTC that they owed the members this kind of open access and information about board affairs.  

And also the lack of hierarchy; no one acted "special" or holy because of their position as best I could tell.  While ARE is not a democratic organization, it does have a democratic atmosphere or attitude. 

There was a feeling of excitement about the programs across the country, a sense that these people truly loved their work with ARE and were delighted to share it.  

Again, a kind of infectious enthusiasm that was almost like those felt in missionary religions: Pentecostals, Mormons and Baha'is in my observation have it. 

 But in this case the enthusiasm wasn't for a set of dogmatic beliefs, but rather for a set of workable principles and a pathway toward spiritual growth that is open to all regardless of belief system.  


"The excitement about sharing the Cayce approach was not oriented to "converting" people to anything, but rather offering ways to enhance their discovery of their own mission and ideals." 


(Did the mind happen to notice the following words... 

..a pathway, ways, and their own?)

(Did the mind happen to catch ANY words relating to Jesus as the Pattern or Christ as the Power?)

"The next Tuesday program for me was a workshop led by Kirk Nelson on his prediction of the return of Christ for September 30 of this year.  
He tied together astrology, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Bible, and the Cayce readings.  

The audience was respectful and good sized but my sense of the general attitude was that people are quite interested but not at all persuaded by them."

(By them? Who or what is them?)

(message continues)

" Certainly the leaders, when given the chance to comment on 1998 prophecies, made it clear that they expected nothing so dramatic as what Nelson has predicted.  

By the way, I went to Congress with a moderate amount of fear that someone might jump down my throat about my forthcoming book, in the way that some Theosophists have about my alleged disrespect for Blavatsky in previous books.  

There was hardly a trace of suspicion or discomfort that I saw from anyone-- 

except Kirk Nelson, who early on more or less accused me of being there to write a sociological expose of the ARE as a cult!  

(Actually, *asking* me if I was going to do that, in a tone that made it clearly an accusation.) 

Dunno where he got such an idea, as the manuscript has been read by several leaders in the group and was well received.  It's very obviously a highly favorable portrayal of the group. 

Well, that's it, off the top of my head.  Questions?  Comments?"

(end of message)


(Again, allow the mind to ask itself the following question...,
... is the ARE is rejecting "off" the very stone that is to become the "head" of the corner?*)

*Matthew 21:42 


(Allow the mind to also notice that HIS Book..., 

...The King James Version of the Bible... NEVER mentioned...,

..even though it was Edgar Cayce's most favorite book. 

Never mind that Edgar Cayce's first job was working in a bookstore with hundreds of books to chose from.

Never mind that the legacy that Edgar Cayce left behind...,

...ALLOWED the ARE to have a huge bookstore of its OWN.

