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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #123

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #123

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What? No Santa Claus?

September 29, 2000

This is probably the first major revelation of truth that surprises the physical aspect of the mind as it matures..., 

....and learns something that is not exactly what it was led to believe.

Then there is the stork, the tooth fairy, and the Easter Bunny.

Perhaps these characters prepare and condition the mind to understand, as it matures, that sometimes, what is so and so...,

...really is NOT so and so.

There just might be another surprise waiting for the mind when it finds out the letters it has been using, and moving, and taking for granted...,

..really should NOT be taken for granted...,

...because they really belong to the Spirit of God.

Allow the mind to go back to the beginning to see that God named Adam Adam...,

...and then, with great interest, 

...watched Adam name everything else..., 

...including Eve.*

*Genesis 3:20

Why did God do that?

God ALLOWED Adam to use God's Letter Symbols AS his OWN..., that Adam could develop a Self conscious mind.

Why did God do that?

In order for Adam to return to and be As One with God...,

...Adam had to FIRST learn that he was different from everyone and everything else.

He did that by using symbols called letters and corded blocks of them, called words, to everything.

As each thing had a different name,,,, 

...he learned to differentiate HIM SELF from everything else.

The Pattern is that his mind was being born into physical Self Consciousness.

Some where along the line, Adam remembered his relationship with the Voice of God that was emanating from within his created body in the beginning...,

...and understood that the symbols his mind was using to create names that he corded to things were really God's Letter Symbols.

According to the Readings, Jesus was the reincarnation of Adam...,

...and revealed that mind must be born again...,

...and this time...,

..the mind is to use and move letter symbols that have always been One with God,,, 

..and that this truth was deliberately withheld from every mind..., 

...because every mind had to FIRST learn to create a consciousness of itself..,

..before it could TRANSFORM THAT consciousness into the Christ Consciousness that is AS One WITH God.

The mind of Self will never be the Creative Force that the Readings call God, the Father..,

..but the Readings state that EVERY mind may become As One WITH God.

According to the Readings, the mind is BOTH physical AND Spiritual.

The only WAY that the mind may be BOTH..., IF the letters the mind moves are BOTH physical AND Spiritual.

According to the Readings, the LAW that is EVER present is that..., attracts likes: like begets like.

God's Letter Symbols..., matter WHAT symbols the mind uses...,


...BOTH Spiritual and physical.

This should come as a surprise to the physical aspect of the conscious mind.

That is WHY the Spirit states Revelation 1:8.

The born mind learns to use letter symbols as its OWN physical letters.

The born again mind learns ALL OVER AGAIN to use the letters As His Spiritual Letter Symbols.

It is really that simple ...,

..yet that profound...,

...and that is WHY a little born again mind of a kid starting all over..., able to enter the kingdom of heaven that...,

...according to the Readings...,

...heaven is WITHIN the created body.



A Reward for Giving Just Water?

September 29, 2000


Yep. that's right!

Take a look.

"And whosoever shall GIVE to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only..., the name of a disciple...,

...verily I say unto you...,

...he in no wise lose his reward."*

*Matthew 10;42

The Words above ARE a great spiritual exercise to help prepare to OPEN the mind and created body.

Every living thing needs water.

The physical aspect of the mind gives water to the grass, trees, bushes, plants, dogs, cats, horses, birds, kids, adults..., everyone and everything...,

...without ever acknowledging a single name of a disciple.   

Maybe it is because the physical aspect of the mind does not quite understand what the reward is.

Again, a word that is blocked...,

...blocks the physical aspect of the mind from understanding.

In this case the blocked word is reward.

The Physical aspect of the mind usually cords the word reward with a sum of money or other physical thing of value.

Allow the mind to enter reward for a sign.



When the mind gives of water to any living thing...,

..and cords ,or relates, that giving to one of his disciples...,

..not only may the mind prepare itself to RE-DRAW from the everlasting well that flows from within..., will be preparing itself to be RE-WARDED into in His Consciousness of everlasting life.

In essence, and no pun is intended...,

..the real REWARD for the mind is to...,

..literally RE-DRAW the word REWARD by  moving its OWN letters As His...,

 and re-placing them into His Pattern.

So, the next time the physical aspect of the mind sows a seed...,

..give it a little water, or anything else a little water.., 

...with any of His disciples IN mind...,

...and IN no way will that mind LOSE its RE-WARD to RE-DRAW from the everlasting well that will spring forth from within.

U C, according to His Pattern...,

...(A)dam RE-TURNED to (O)PEN the Well WITHIN.



Gifts of the Spirit


People all over the world have wondered and thought about gifts of the Spirit.

Even Paul talks about gifts of the Spirit in His...,

...the Pattern's Book, the Bible.*

*See 1 Corinthians 12:1

Hmmm, What can the Spirit give ME, MYSELF?

Hmmm, What gifts are for ME?

According to the Readings...,

...ME or Self..., what the mind needs to move away from.

Me is not going to get any gifts..., 

...but a TRANSFORMED ME may receive HIS gift of everlasting life.   


Has ANY mind EVER thought a revelation that it might be nice to give HIM something?

Probably not...,

...for what could the mind possibly give give to Spirit?

Well, for gift ideas of this "nature".., 

...this is where the Edgar Cayce Readings really come in handy.

According to the Readings..., 

...the mind is BOTH physical AND Spiritual.  

IF that is true...,

...and this writer knows that it is true...,

...then the letters that the mind uses as its OWN must also be Spiritual as well as physical.

In fact, the letter symbols that the mind uses..,

...ARE the ONLY tangible "things" WITHIN this entire world that ARE BOTH physical AND Spiritual.

What greater gift could the mind of Self give...,

...than to take WITHIN the very letter symbols that it has used as its OWN...,

...and "literally" GIVE THEM to His Spirit?

What response does the mind think the Spirit would make to a mind that made such a gift offering.

The Spirit would mostly like give that mind an A, HIS symbol that HIS Spirit and the mind may now be As One.  

His Spirit would probably THEN proceed to give that mind a CORD of 25 more of HIS Letter Symbols...,

...that the mind may THEN begin to use from HIS Point of View...,

...because the mind has NOW, WILLINGLY, made attunement or adjustment to HIS Spirit.

When the mind gives Him its OWN tools...,

..the tools of trade have been consummated for the continuation of OUR Father's Business.

When the mind makes the trade that enables the mind to enter within the kingdom of heaven..., a born again little child...,

...there is a little sign the mind will find WITHIN the acronym of that..., of trade...,

...that will indicate the mind is "heading" in the right direction.

The A.R.E. has the power to show the mind HOW to be born again as a little...,

... t.o.t.

The little mind NOW KNOWS that WHEN it takes UP its OWN cross t cross..., become One with His cross t...,

...the mind has become One with God as the sign of a tot is a sign along the Way of HIS Pattern.
