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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #121

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #121

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Most everyone knows about NOAH and the Ark.

Perhaps only a few ARE AWARE of this reference to NOAH.

Q-Would the history of the Jewish race from Abraham to Jesus parallel the development of the embryo from conception to birth?

A-"Rather would the HISTORY of MAN..,

...from NOAH to ABRAHAM...,

...while that from ABRAHAM to Christ would be the MENTAL UNFOLDMENT of the BODY.

And the MIND'S UNFOLDMENT may be indicated from ABRAHAM to Christ.

For THAT which LEADS to Christ is the MIND.*

*Reading 281-63 on page 195 of the Edgar Cayce Companion


In essence, from NOAH TO ABRAHAM there is NO emblematic UNFOLDMENT within the created body or MIND of a human being.

Does the physical aspect of the mind "see" any direct relationship between NOAH and ABRAHAM?

Probably not.

However, that is not so to the spiritual aspect of the mind. 

Take a look.

As the mind enters into NOAH...,

...and seeks for a sign...,

...this is what it may find.

(NO) A H

There is NO---- A H!

A and H ARE the Spirit's Letter Symbols that ARE emblematic of the Law of One of the Spirit of God that is within.

Allow the mind to notice the shape and structure of these two symbols.

They BOTH indicate that two may be As One..., 

...yet "still" remain as two..,

...according to the Law of One.

Now allow the mind to go forward to ABRAHAM and his name.

The name ABRAHAM was not always ABRAHAM..., was ABRAM.

The NO---- A H..,

...that was NOT within NOAH...,

...was ADDED to within ABRAM to create the NEW vibrational name that became CORDED to ABRAM.

ABRAM emblematically opens and unfolds to become ABR(AH)AM.

NOW, the mind begins to emblematically UNFOLD..., the mind begins to UNDERSTAND that the Letters the mind has been using as its OWN...,

...ARE really spiritual..,

... and ARE HIS.*

Again, allow the mind to re-view Revelation 1:8 to see the relationship between HIS Spirit and letters.

Accordingly, beginning with Abraham, the physical aspect of the MIND that leads to Christ...,

...SHOULD be starting to receive that great Revelation of the beginning and ending as...

..AH HA!

But the physical aspect of the mind has, in reality, has NOT quite yet experienced that great Revelation.

Why not?

Take a look.

The physical aspect of the mind has literally blocked itself in itself by the development of its OWN mind.  

The physical aspect of the mind develops by moving letter blocks that build block words that block the mind.

Blocked letters, being letter symbols that  have been severed from His Spirit...,

...and in essence...,

...ARE NOT being corded to HIS Spirit.

Allow the mind to take a look at the Law of Webster that is the dict-shun-ary.

Has the mind EVER been taught that there just might be a connection between HIS Spirit and the letters that the MIND moves as its OWN?

NO, and why not Mr.Webster?

Now allow the MIND that leads to Christ to view the first three letters of the name (WEB)STER.

Is it possibility that the MIND that leads to Christ...,

...becomes blocked or trapped in a WEB of its OWN consciousness...,

...because it has continued to move HIS Spiritual letters as its OWN..., build its OWN SELF consciousness?


And here is THE real kicker of a sign along HIS Way...,

..that is for the mind that examines this issue.

Many may not know this....

...but allow the mind to NOW become aware Webster's FIRST name.

His FIRST name was NOAH.



Letters Numbers and Spirit


According to HIS Book, the Bible...,

...His Spirit IS Letters.*

*Revelation 1:8


According to the Law of Webster...,

...this is letter.

letter--A WRITTEN or PRINTED SYMBOL employed to REPRESENT a speech, sound, or sounds.

Allow the mind to know that letters are symbols that emanate FROM sounds WITHIN the created body.

Now allow the mind to look at what the Law of Webster has to say about number.

number--A SYMBOL---OR--WORD, OR a GROUP of EITHER showing how many...,

...or which one in a series.

Now allow the mind to consider this.

Is a number a SYMBOL corded to  anything that emanates FROM WITHIN the created body?

No. Not according to the Law of Webster.

Now allow the mind to ponder which set of symbols is CLOSER to that WITHIN  the created body.  

Is the number 6 closer to that emanated from WITHIN the created body than the WORD six?


6 is a SYMBOL of a group of symbols that are letters that are SOUNDS that emanate from within the created body.

Now allow the mind to consider this.

IF the mind were to return to the SOURCE of the sounds that emanate from within...

..would the mind be closer, if it began with letters or numbers?

In essence, is the mind moving closer within or moving further away when it moves numbers.

It must be moving further away.

According to His book the Bible, Spirit is letters.

According to the Law of Webster, numbers are simply symbols of letters.

Allow the mind to make the sound of the number 6 without using letters.

It is impossible.

The symbol number 6 is a creation of the physical conscious mind of "A" man that is without Spirit and life.

Allow the spiritual aspect of the mind to enter the word number for a sign.


NUMB--According to the Law of Webster...,

...weakened in or deprived of the power of feeling or moving: benumbed; deadened: insensible.

(E)earth plane of the created body  

(R) is HIS movement Letter that is the opening of the B of the created (B)rain and (B.)ody     
NOW allow the mind to consider Revelation 13:18

"Here is WISDOM, Let him that hath understanding...,


...the NUMBER of THE beast..., 

...for IT is THE number of "A" man...,

...and his number is six hundred three score and six.

Immediately, the physical aspect of the mind of "A" man, or any man...,

..who has corded himSELF with HIS letters as his OWN..., 

..will have NO second thoughts about doing the same with number symbols that are representative of THOSE letters.   

Thus, the physical aspect of the mind "thinks" nothing of COUNTING or CONVERTING six hundred and sixty six to...


THEN that same aspect of the mind will then try to find "A" man who is corded to 666.   


...It is the physical mind of Self, ITSELF that is emblematic of 666.

"A" is HIS symbol that two may be As One according to the Law of One.

"A" man, when he COUNTS with numbers...,

...simply cords himself with even MORE symbols that represent HIS letter symbols that it HAS ALREADY taken as his OWN.

Allow the spiritual aspect of the mind to enter the word COUNT.


The mind casts out the (N)egative letter N



C is HIS First root letter of (C)hrist

In essence the mind of "A" man...,

...without understanding...,

..moves even further away from HIM when 'A" man takes His letters as his OWN.. 

and then even adds its OWN symbols to them.

As further evidence...,

..allow the mind to open His Book, the Bible...,

...and try to find a NUMBER symbol WITHIN a NUMBERED chapter or verse that contains HIS Spiritual letters that form Spiritual words.

There ARE none.



The Irony for the A.R.E.


In terms of Spiritual Awareness...,

...the position of the A.R.E. is to FOCUS on the words "Universal Consciousness" as the IDEAL for the mind.

That position is absolutely correct.

The "Universal Consciousness" is the IDEAL objective for the consciousness of the physical aspect of the mind. 

However, the Universal Consciousness is the END result of WHAT the physical aspect of the mind must go THROUGH to achieve that result.

Here is the irony that faces the A.R.E. 

IN ORDER for the physical aspect of the mind to ACHIEVE that IDEAL "Universal Consciousness"...,

...according to the Readings...,

..the mind MUST consider JESUS...,

...AS THE PATTERN, for the mind to FOLLOW...,

...and the END result is the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS...,

...that is the  IDEAL, or the "UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS".

The irony facing the A.R.E. is HOW do you teach "Universal Consciousness"...,

...WITHOUT referring to the Word JESUS and the Word Christ?


They cannot and neither can anyone else.

Allow the mind to consider ALL the books and tapes the A,R.E. has produced using HIS letters.

HOW many focus exclusively on Jesus, as the Pattern, for the mind, that is the builder, to follow?
This writer can think of only one.

"Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus" compiled by Jeffrey Furst.


IF the mind understands the Readings...,

...the mind MUST focus on Jesus as the Pattern for the mind to follow.

WHY is the A.R.E., the keepers of the records that have recorded this information that Jesus IS the Pattern...,

...hedging on the words JESUS and CHRIST.

There is one very good reason.

EVEN the Words JESUS and CHRIST are block words that are BLOCKED into the physical aspect of the conscious mind.

The true irony is that the Words JESUS and CHRIST do not have  "Universal appeal"...,

...and, in effect turn off many minds simply because the minds have never had the opportunity to use Jesus...,

...AS the Pattern, to open their minds to His Consciousness...,

...that IS the Christ Consciousness...,

...that IS the "Universal Consciousness. 

The irony to reach His Consciousness is truly a "catch 22" to the physical aspect of the mind.

It is difficult to STAY in the physical business...,

...if your APPEAL turns business away.

Therefore the very Words that ARE the Pattern for the mind to follow...,

...ARE literally set aside by the A.R.E...., the physical aspect of the mind will be encouraged to buy "things" and look elsewhere.

Jesus, the Pattern, for the mind, as the builder, is clearly set forth as the Cornerstone FOR the mind, as the builder..., the WAY to HIS Spirit.

The A.R.E. has even set up groups to go look and "Search for God".

Yet, the A.R.E "still" shuns away from the VERY Words that WILL direct the mind to HIM.

When the A.R.E. returns to the WAY the Readings state that the mind must follow...,

...the A.R.E. will also begin to unfold into  its true purpose and destiny.



Jesus, the Personality of God


According to the Readings...,

..."The christ Child was born into the earth as a man..., born in due time..., man's SPIRITUAL evolution...,

...that man might have a PATTERN of the PERSONALITY of God Himself."*

*Reading 5758-1 on page  224 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.



The Holy Bible


This is HIS Book written by the spiritual aspect of many minds using their OWN letters as HIS.

This book contains HIS Pattern that the mind, and its ever present companion, the soul...,

...may follow into everlasting life.

After the mind has acquainted itself with HIS Pattern...,

...the mind may then LITERALLY follow HIS Pattern..., following the directions given in the Edgar Cayce Companion...,


...the mind is willing.



The King James Bible

September 25, 2000

This is the book that Edgar Cayce loved to read. He read it over and over again.

This the book that that most assuredly set the Pattern of Jesus in his mind that brought forth so many remembrances.

Take a look at this Reading.

"STUDY and KNOW thy relationship to the Creator.

NO BETTER hand-book may be used than scripture itself."*

*Reading 1966-1 on page 193 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


Now, would it not be logical for the mind to THINK...,

...that IF scripture ITSELF is the BEST available hand-book for the mind to STUDY...,

...according to the Readings...,

... that the A.R.E. Press would at least offer for sale Edgar Cayce's most favorite hand-book containing scripture...,

...the King James Version of the Bible?


Allow the mind to go to the A.R.E. online bookstore to SEEK...,

...and see IF the mind can FIND it.

IF the A.R.E. is following HIS Pattern..., should be there and easy to find.
