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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #120

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #120

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The Symbol of the A.R.E.


Allow the mind to take a close look at the symbol of A.R.E.

First, allow the mind to notice that the focal point of their OWN symbol is HIS Cross that the ARE has borrowed.

The focal point of HIS cross that the ARE has borrowed is a perfect match to the words of this Reading.

"Know, the earth and all therein is the Lord's.  ALL thine OWN is lent thee, not thine, but LENT thee. Keep it inviolate."*

*Reading 2622-1 on page 370 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Why would HIS Cross be the focal point of their OWN symbol?

Probably because the Readings state that Jesus is the IDEAL Pattern for the mind to follow. 

Allow the mind to see what the Readings say about the ONE Ideal.

"The MOST important experience of this or ANY individual entity is to FIRST know WHAT IS the ideal -- SPIRITUALLY."*

*Reading 357-13 on page 45 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

"There is ONE ideal...,

...that which MANIFESTS in the earth in the Christ-Jesus. THAT should be EVERY entity's ideal...,

...physically, mentally, materially...,


... HE IS the light...,

....He IS the way...,

...He is the truth."*

*Reading 2533-7 on page 46 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

"Study to show thyself approved unto the God...,

...THE Ideal."*

*Reading 2283-1 on page 47 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

"He without an ideal is sorry indeed; he WITH an ideal and lacking the courage to live it is sorrier still. Know that."*

*Reading 1402-1 on page 47 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


Is Jesus, the Pattern, the Ideal of the A.R.E.?

Apparently so, for HIS Cross borrowed, is the focal point of their symbol.

Is the A.R.E. lacking the courage to live it?

Maybe and maybe not.

One thing for sure, the symbol of His Cross is the focal point of their symbol.

Allow the mind to take a close look at the A.R.E. symbol and focus on the dove.

The dove is literally moving TOWARDS the symbol of the Ideal.

Then look again.

The dove is literally moving AWAY from the symbol of the Ideal. 

This movement by the dove is a perfect match to the Reading that states that the mind is BOTH physical and spiritual.*

*Reading 759-12 on page 83 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

According to another Readings..,

.."nothing is by chance".*

*Reading 1825-1 on page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion perhaps it would helpful that the A.R.E. enter within their OWN symbol..,

...and ponder WHY the symbol of His Cross is WITHIN their OWN symbol.

Is there a chance that HIS Pattern really is WITHIN the A.R.E.?

This writer thinks so.

Perhaps the dove is telling the mind it may go either way...,

...but nevertheless...,

...NO mind may deny...,

..that His Cross, the symbol of the Ideal, is there WITHIN the symbol of the A.R.E.... there is the sign of movement towards and away from that Ideal within their symbol.

The physical aspect of the mind will only see the word their.

This is what the spiritual aspect of the mind will see.


The A.R.E. are heirs of His Cross (t) borrowed...,

...and they too...,

...should keep it inviolate.  



His Cross-- His Letter


According to the Readings, Jesus is the Pattern.

His Cross is part of the Pattern for the mind to follow.

The Cross is the emblematic Pattern of the created BODY that is as the sacrificial lamb for the continuing unfoldment of the MIND, and its companion, the SOUL.

The created body, on loan from God, and is the ESSENCE of God, is as a port-able classroom...,

..wherein the mind may go to learn of Him and HIS ABC's.

The physical aspect of the mind thinks of His Cross and where He died.

The spiritual aspect of the mind thinks of His Cross and where He lives in Spirit.

Within EVERY LIVING created body is where His LIVING Spirit resides.


...the mind is willing to re-view Revelation 1;8 in the King James Bible... will note that He refers to His Spirit AS letters.

The physical aspect of the mind sees the Cross as an implement that assisted in His death.  

The spiritual aspect of the mind sees His Cross as the emblematic LETTER that it may take UP and follow Him into EVERLASTING life.

There is NO ONE that can deny that His Cross is NOT the exact same symbol of the letter t that the human mind as taken and emblematically is using as its OWN to develop a SELF conscious mind

The physical aspect of the mind will hear often times hears these words...,

..."Let him DENY him-SELF, and take UP his OWN cross, and FOLLOW me"*.

*Matthew 16:24

Many take those words at their PHYSICAL face Value and take up a physical cross. 


However, the mind must remember that the Words He spoke were Spirit...

..and according to the Readings, there must be an emblematic transformation to take place within the mind in order to  understand Spiritual Words*

*See Reading 288-77 on page 2 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Also, according to the Readings...,

...the mind is BOTH physical and spiritual.*

*Reading 262-80 on page 43 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Also, according to the Readings...,

...the mind is the builder.*

"FOREVER..., the FLESH...,

 ...AND in SPIRIT, MIND is the builder.*

*Reading 3333-1 on page 83 of the Edgar Cayce Companion 

Therefore, IF the mind is BOTH physical and spiritual...,

...then the tools of the mind's "trade", and no pun is intended, are not only the letters that the mind has taken as its OWN.., 

...but ARE the letters that belong to the WORD made flesh.

That is WHY HIS Spirit made the statement in Revelation 1:8.

The cross (t) that was As One with His sacrificed created body IS emblematic of ALL the Spiritual letters that the mind has taken and continues to use as its own.

WHEN the mind acknowledges that its OWN letters ARE As One with His Spirit WITHIN the LIVING created body...,

...and WHEN the mind begins to MOVE them as HIS....,

..the mind will begin fulfilling its destiny WITHIN the earth plane..,

...and WITHIN the earth plane of the created body...,

...therein is the port-able classroom for the continued unfoldment of the mind to be As One with HIS Spirit...,

...THE Spirit of Creation...,

...that is the essence of every LIVING created body.

The physical aspect of the mind thinks that Jesus died for our sins.

ONLY His sacrificed BODY died for our sin of CONTINUING to take the letters of OUR Father As our own.., even Jesus did as Adam in the beginning.

According to HIS Pattern..., is His ATTUNED MIND and SOUL that returned to the Father...,



The physical BODY stays with the earth because of the law that is ever present---, 

...likes attract likes.*

*Reading 541-1 on page 36 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


And the MIND, and is constant companion will return to the Father...,

...IF the mind is WILLING to make attunement to the Master teacher that is PATIENTLY awaiting within the port-able classroom..., 

...called the created LIVING body... WHEREIN the mind's OWN letters ARE HIS.

Again, the law that is EVER present...,

..likes attract likes.



Confirming HIS Letters


Not only does Revelation 1:8 state that His Spirit IS Letters.

The Readings ALSO confirm that there IS a relationship between the letters the MIND moves AND His Spirit.

Take a look.


"As ye begin with the incantation of the Ar-ar-r-r-r...,

...the e-e-e, the o-o-o, the m-m-m,...,

...RAISE these IN THYSELF...,

...and ye become CLOSE in the presence of thy Maker--as is shown IN thyself.

They that do such for SELFISH motives..., so to their OWN undoing."

*Reading 281-28 on page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


"Follow that known in thine OWN present as...,


...for the RAISING of THAT from WITHIN of the CREATIVE FORCES..., it RISES along that which is set WITHIN the INNER man as that CORD of LIFE that ONCE SEVERED...,

...may separate, does separate, that balance between the MIND, the body, the soul."*


This single sentence above is the most important sentence ever recorded in the Edgar Cayce Readings.


The mind would do very well to ponder this sentence very, very, care-fully.

*Reading 275-43 on page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion


What those things known at present are..., a CORD of LETTERS known as the alphabet.

The LETTERS mentioned in the above Reading...,

... just happen to be letters called vowels that are emblematic of ALL the letters the mind moves...,  

and ARE the MOVEMENT LETTERS in the English Language.

When the mind, emblematically, follows the movement of HIS Letters WITHIN the created body,..., 

...the Spirit WITHIN will MOVE and RISE FROM within...

...for the mind has ALSO NOW CORDED the letters it has known at present...,

...TO His Spirit...,

...that the mind has, ALWAYS, in the past..,

...corded exclusively to SELF.

The physical aspect of the mind sees only the blocked word VOWEL.

The spiritual aspect of the mind that enters and SEEKS WITHIN the word..., 

...will find this as it MOVES the letters as HIS.


That is the VOW of the (L)ord WITHIN the (E)arth plane of the created body.



Jesus and the Christ


According to the Readings the Pattern is IN Jesus and Power IS the Christ*

*See Reading 2533-7 on page 225 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

"As man found himself out of touch with that COMPLETE CONSCIOUSNESS of the oneness of God"...,

...(A relationship  severed by the mind of Self perhaps?)...

..."it became necessary that the will of God, the Father, be manifested, that a PATTERN be introduced into man's CONSCIOUSNESS."

"Thus the son of man came into the EARTH, made in the form, the likeness of man; with body, mind, and soul. Yet the soul was the Son, was the Light."*

*Reading 3357-2 on page 225 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

"Christ (is) the UNIVERSAL consciousness of love that we see MANIFESTED IN those who have forgotten SELF, give THEMSELVES that others may know the TRUTH."*

*Reading 1376-1 on page 225 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

And now for that famous question ...,

...what is truth?


Truth is the Words that ARE manifested FROM WITHIN.

Remember Jesus, the Pattern, saying the Words He spoke are Spirit and they are LIFE*...,

*John 6:63

..and the words He spoke were the Words of the Father that DWELLETH WITHIN Him.*
*John 14:10


If the Words were Spirit and of the Father WITHIN Him...,

...then the LETTERS of THOSE Words must have also been Spirit.

Again, according to the Readings..., 

...the law that is ever present..., attracts like; like begets like.*

*Reading 541-1 on page 35 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Christ is the Power and is the ACT of love when the mind, as the Active Force and builder, transforms its OWN consciousness to be As One with the Consciousness of the Father.

That transformation may take place IF the mind is willing to set Self aside by RE-CORDING the letters,,,,

...the mind THOUGHT were its OWN..., the Father WITHIN...

...and THEN...,

 MOVING HIS Letters with that FORETHOUGHT IN mind.


Allow the mind to take a close look at this picture.

Notice how the stake of this cross seems to be set along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. 

Now allow the mind to view the words from this Reading to see if there is a match.

"(Virginia Beach) is the CENTER and ONLY SEAPORT and CENTER of the White Brotherhood.."

For those not yet familiar, those initiated into the White Brotherhood include Jesus, John, and Ra, who most recently has been known as Edgar Cayce.

Every time there is to be introduced a NEW step of unfoldment or application for the mind of the same religious thought...,

...of One God...

...Ra seems to appear to offer guidance to the mind.

That guidance has been given...,

...and it is set WITHIN the re-corded Readings.

As the Pattern has stated...,

..."seek and ye shall find: knock and it shall be open unto you."*

*Matthew 7:7

Ra set the guidance map in the Readings...,

... and the Search for God Groups ARE now beginning to get in touch with Ideal they ARE looking for.



From Greek to English


According to the King James Bible...,

...Spirit was obviously connected to Greek letters.*

*Revelation 1:8

Is it possible that in the days of Jesus...,

..Greece was THEN the only Spiritual Seaport of the white brotherhood...

...and AS His Spirit begins to be spread throughout the world...,

..that Seaport is NOW located on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States where English is the "current" language?


The sign on ALL our currency indicates that it may be possible.

"IN God We Trust"

According to the Readings...,

...Children of Israel...,

..., is anyone and everyone that is seeking God.

"For those who seek ARE indeed Israel, and Israel indeed is ALL who seek; meaning NOT those as the children of Abraham...,

...but of every nation, every tribe, every tongue--Israel of the Lord! 

That is the FULL meaning od Israel.""

Reading 2772-1 on page 196 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 

In essence, ANYONE seeking God-- is a child of God-- is a child of the Law of One God--  that belongs to the FIFTH ROOT RACE.

"When there was the entrance of Arart and  Araaraart, they begin to build upon those mounds which were discovered through research."

"With the storehouse (where the records are still to be uncovered), there is a chamber or passage from the right forepaw to this entrance of the record chamber, or record tomb."

This may NOT be entered without an UNDERSTANDING, for those that were left as guards may not be passed until AFTER a period of their regeneration in the Mount...., 

....or the FIFTH ROOT RACE begins.*

*Reading 5748-6 on page 419 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 


Has the FIFTH ROOT RACE begun?

Maybe, Take a look.

According to the Readings the Mount is the holy of holies WITHIN the human created body and the Pattern is GIVEN to the MIND there.*

*Reading 705-2 on page 85 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Is it possible that by the GRACE of God...,

...GOD has begun the FIFTH ROOT RACE and established a "foot" hold in the United States..., pun is intended...,

... and is NOW using the English Language as the re-cording instrument?

Maybe take a look at what the spiritual aspect of the mind may find.

The physical aspect of the mind is only allowed to see this blocked word...,


The spiritual aspect of the mind is allowed to enter this word to seek what it may find.

Take a look.


(G)od's RACE.


Allow the mind to count HIS ROOT letters of HIS Word GRACE.

G  R  A  C  E

 Also allow the mind to consider this.


His movement letter R and (ACE)..., 

...ONE (G)OD.

 Virginia Beach may indeed be the NEW beach head on the Easter Shore for the NEW movement of unfoldment for the mind that enters the Mount WITHIN.

Again the English word (t)he...,

...does seem to match the Pattern of Jesus.



Webster's Inside Cover


The following words should appear on the inside cover of EVERY Webster's Dictionary...,

...and EVERY book that contains LETTERS.


"As pertaining to the LETTERS that the mind is FREE to USE within this book, please keep this in mind."

.......ALL RIGHTS RESERVED*.......

*Revelation 1:8

"KNOW, the earth, and ALL therein is the Lord's.

ALL thine OWN is LENT thee, NOT thine but LENT thee. Keep it inviolate."**

**Edgar Cayce Reading 2622-1
