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"BY the USE of that IN hand does one attain the next plane."*

*Page 13 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

To the physical mind, the above statement seems pretty improbable.

To the spiritual mind, the above statement makes very good sense.

What IF the mind allowed the body to hold a pen in the hand...

...and allowed the... 


...that is connected to the body...

...that is connected to the hand...

...that is now attached to the pen... MOVE the pen in a new way that reflected...

... a manifestation of His Pattern on a (W)riting tablet.

Would not this reflect a movement that the mind AND body are AS ONE...

...AND in attunement with the Creative Force WITHIN?

This is HOW the Bible was written.

If any mind doubts this application... a few signs that that mind may ponder.

...(S)(crib)(e)...the hand that is as a crib... hold a pen to write (S)piritually WITHIN the (E)arth plane.

The (move)(men)(t) of the wrist that is in tune with the mind...

...(o)pen(s) (t)he mind and the body as it moves according to His Pattern.

As the mind views the opened words...

...the mind and its attuning body both become open also. 

Even the pen fits the Pattern as it becomes an (O)PEN...

...that writes according to His Pattern.

The Body is the Church...

...and when truth (W) opens the Chruch with the movement of the (w)rist...

...the movement of the body and wrist are AS ONE in atunement.

Here is the sign of that atunement.

Church...Ch (ur) ch...

Ch + W (the truth) that flows AS ONE through the body in attunement with the movement of the (W) 

....(CH) (RIST)...CHRIST

The Self (ur of the body is gone).

The truth W... of M...  Matter is now able to freely move...

...and manifest itself From WITHIN... a never ending flowing river of Spiritual words...

...through the NOW opened mind and body.

The mind has just left (ur) Self and has been (O)PENED...

..and transformed into (S)elf that perfectly fits His Pattern. 

Allow the mind to scan numerous Readings and see the flow of very, very long sentences.


Because they are a continuous FLOW from WITHIN.

Allow the mind to utilize this below when re-viewing the Readings...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

These are stepping stones in the river of words that flowed THROUGH Edgar Cayce.

They are also called periods.

They "slow" down the flow through the mind... the mind may more easily absorb these words for they are the food for the spiritual mind...

...the hidden manna.

Then allow the mind to follow the Pattern...

...and literally enter WITHIN the words to further slow down the mind.

Here is how the mind may manifest the sign of the two swords given to Jesus, the Pattern, the word made flesh.*

*LUKE 22:38

...(S)word(S)...(t)his is a perfect attunement of (t)he (move)(men)(t) of the mind and body WITHIN HIS PATTERN. 

When the mind and body practice this cooridinated activity of going WITHIN words... His Patterns WITHIN those words...

...Attunement will definitely take place.

Pretty profound.


Re-viewing Page 108*

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) May 5 1999
5:17AM EDT

Here begins Spiritual wording From WITHIN.

"For as it was given of old...

...say not as to WHO will descend from heaven...

...that you may have a message...

...for lo, it is IN thine own heart.

For, thy BODY... indeed the temple of the living God.

There He... ALL knowledge...

...ALL undertaking...

...ALL wisdom...

...ALL understanding...

...may COMMUNE with thee... ATTUNING...


...thy PURPOSE...

...thy DESIRE to be at an AT-ONEMENT with Him."*

*The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Allow the mind to notice it is the mind that MOVES...


...rather than Him...

...descending FROM heaven.

This is a big change from the normal prececption of the human conscious mind

Allow the mind also notice that attunement is possible for He, the Pattern made the atonement.

Allow the mind to SEE a SIGN of that MOVEMENT of attunement.

The word atonement is literally MOVED by the Creative Force emanating from WITHIN 
the mind body of Edgar Cayce...

...FROM the word atonement...

...TO the word At-onement.

When Jesus, the Pattern, went to the cross He made the atonement for the sin of hinmself, as Adam...

...and returned WITHIN to at-onement with the Father.

The key here to understanding... that the sign of that Spiritual movement... the movemenet of a word that EXACTLY fits His Pattern.

In this case...

...the Voice simply moved the word atonement to at-onement... verify that His Pattern is being followed by the mind.

Thus, the Pattern of the NEXT steps is...

...seeing AND following His signs in the minds own words. 

Next: Re-viewing page 109. 


Re-viewing Page 109*

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) May 5 1999
5:56AM EDT

"attunements on any of the radios may be somewhere near the same point...

...but no two will EVER be in exact same ratio....

For their POSITIONS alter that...

...even while sitting side by side...

In like manner, individuals attuning their soul consciousess to the DIVINE WITHIN...

...must attune according to their OWN to the DEVELOPMENT."*

And just what is their own development?

The developemnt is the words that the individual mind has learned to use...

...that are most certainly unique to each individual mind as it develops on the earth plane.

"In radio we have the MAGNIFYING of ELECTRICAL vibration...

...It is the SAME in spirit...

...or psychic...

...or MIND vibration.

There is the MAGNIFYING, by the action on those in attunement with that vibration.*

To THAT vibration one attunes self...

...the response is back...


The Above words fit the Pattern of...

...When the Son of man comes...

...two shall be in the field: one shall be taken and the other leFt.*

Matthew 24:40

They are doing the same thing...

...except... has made attunement and the other has not.

Next key words on page 110


Re-viewing Page 110*

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) May 5 1999
6:30AM EDT

Here are the Key Spiritual Words on this page.

"As the master, thy Lord, thy Christ has given...

"I stand AT the door and knock...

...and IF YE WILL OPEN...

...I WILL.. abide with thee...

...I AND the Father."...

...(Revelation 3:20)

This AS you, CONCEIVE, this as ye understand... the HIGHEST source of understanding."

"As ye RAISE the consciousness to that WITHIN self...

...He meeteth thee in thine OWN tabernacle... the holy of holies... the third eye..."

"Enter into thine holy of holies WITHIN thy own consciousness...

...turn WITHIN...

...see what has PROMPTED thee...

And He has promised to MEET thee THERE....

And THERE shall it be told thee...


the STEPS tho shalt take day by day...


This is the Voice literally telling ALL minds what direction it should move...

...and that additional steps will be given once the mind makes the move.


Re-viewing Page 111---THE KEY PAGE

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) May 5 1999
7:42AM EDT

This page contains the Master Key that wiil literally... the door of the mind and body... become AS ONE with the Creative Force WITHIN.

The important observation for the mind to make is WHAT the Spiritual Voice that 
is emanating from the body mind of Edgar Cayce...


...and the Pattern of WHAT it is doing.
"(There is) the sounding of what we call... the PRESENT...

...the VOWELS in such a manner that they proclaim...

...or aroused to the physical oganism...


...of the centers THROUGH which there is the...


...of the spirtiual forces."


Here below there is to be found that which has been truly lost.

These words are the needle in the haystack. 

These words are the diamond in the rough.


"Follow that KNOWN in thine OWN present 



...for the raising of THAT...

...FROM WITHIN of the Creative Forces... it aries along that which is set WITHIN the INNER man... that CORD of life...

...T H A T  O N C E  S E V E R E D

...may separate...

...does separate...

...that balance between the mind...

...the body...

...the soul.

Whatever the mind does... would do extremely well to book mark this page.

This page literally REVEALS for the FIRST time that there was once a cord of life that was severed...

...and may still separate the balance between the mind, the body, and the soul.

Guess who once severed that cord of life?


Gusss who became the Pattern to re-cord that severed cord?

Adam...AS Jesus, the Pattern for the mind as the builder.

Guess HOW Jesus, the Pattern, re-corded that cord?

He fulfilled Every letter of that Law again with His spirit... it was with Adam and the Father in the Beginning.

Guess what arouses the spirit WTHIN?

The MOVEMENT of LETTERS that the mind just happens to have "known in thine own present."

Guees what "type" of letters the mind "has Known in the present" that will arouse the Creative force WITHIN?

Guess what vowels are used for?

They are the MOVEMENT letters of words.
Ok. Now the mind should know now that...

...what it has at hand...


...and there movement thereof... the first step of allowing the mind to go WITHIN.

If the mind would like to see a sign that this is true...

...simply look at the movement of this VOWEL that relects His promise when the mind goes WITHIN.


There is the movement of VOWEL and there is the (L)ord's VOW to meet WITHN the created body formed from the created (E)arth.

Next: Reaching the HIGHER CHRIST Consciousness... LOWERING the vibrations of the mind...

...through the (move)(men)(t) of His Letters.

It is very easy to do so stay "tuned"


Higher Consciousness - Lower Vibrations

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) May 5 1999
9:30AM EDT

To the physical mind... would seem like that in order to RAISE the consciousness of the mind ...

...the mind would probably have to Raise its vibrations.

Acccording to the Readings...

...the opposite is true.

"Remember life is a vibration.

So is mind."

"The lowest form of vibration electrically gives creative forces...

...rather than the highest....

...It is the high vibration that destroys."*

Page 49 of the Edgar Cayce companion. 

"Then we see HOW the evolution of force... vibration...

...brought up to the point wherein man becomes one with the Creative Energy...

...or with the Godhead...

...with the ability to become that...

...that he is not in the beginning... MAKING himself FROM the WILL of the Creator, or the Creative Energy.

In that ability to create mentally...



...makes that which IS the CREATED force of that mind...

...and with THAT may make destructive forces for self*. (not destrutive for (S)elf.

Hence man becomes one WITH the Creative Energy...

...or AWY from that Creative Energy."*

*Page 50 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


Ok. So the mind needs to slow down its vibrations from its norm.

HOW does it do that?

A popular method used by the physical mind is a practice of meditation...

There are some benfefits to this method...

..but does it really fit His Pattern of going WITHIN?

Especially allow the mind to re-view...
Matthew 18:3

"except ye be CONVERTED, and become as little children, ye shall NOT enter into the kingdom of heaven."

Now, Has anyone EVER seen a child sit still...let alone even try to meditate on something longer than a second or two?

Meditation fits the pattern of slowing the mind down...

...but it does NOT fit the Pattern of slowing the mind down...


...becoming converted as a litlle child.

The builder must build WITHIN the Pattern.

Here is the way to slow the mind down...
...and... convert to a little child in the 
same movement. 


In order to write (S)elf the mind...

...AND the HAND...

...had to move slower than it did to write Self.

This Patterned Principle application by the mind will allow the mind to be converted to a slower vibration that is able to move to His Pattern WITHIN.

In meditation, the basic principle is to empty most thoughts out and then replace thenm with positve thoughts...

...and then try to feel the "meaning" behind them. 

How "mean" is that for a little kid to do.

Here is an ARE article on meditation. 

Instead of emptying out one zillion thoughts...

...the re-born, or converted kid will simply empty out the 26 letters that it has been using to FORM ALL those thoughts...

...and then start using so same letters from His point of view WITHIN.

The kid knows that all 26 letters are God's Letters anyway.

If any mind doubts this last statement... is a sign for that mind.

The alphabet is a string or "cord" of Letters that connects the mind with God. or the Creative Force WITHIN.

WITHIN that "cord" of 26 letters... 

...find the "Relative' position of the letters attached to our Father's name GOD WITHIN.

Those letters are G-O-D.

Add up their exact positions in the cord. 

Do they add up to the Law of ONE...

Allow the mind to see that (t)he additional steps are the (move)(men)(t)s of His Letters WITHIN.

The human mind really is very much like a radio station.

Sort of like a trans-ceiver with Call Letters of course...


It is amazing how the mind is trying to send signals clear throughout the universe to find life...

...when it can be found a zillionth of an inch WITHIN itself.



Reaching the Ideal

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) May 5 1999
4:56PM EDT

"There is is ONE ideal...

...that which manifests in the earth in the Christ Jesus...

...That should be EVERY entity's ideal...





He IS the LIGHT...

He IS the WAY...

He IS the TRUTH."*

*Page 46 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

"The most IMPORTANT experience of this or any individual entity is to FIRST know what is the ideal...


ALL may attain to such an ideal, yet NEVER become THE ideal...

...but one WITH the ideal... and such an one IS SET in Him.*

Page 45 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Just as the hair on the head has roots...

...the mind may root itself in the Ideal, or the Spirit or the Creatve Force WITHIN. 


It simply up-roots the letters that have been planted in its head, and re-plants them WITHIN.

Letters are literally roots of words.
Jesus, the Pattern, was the WORD made flesh.

His spiritual roots are really Alpha THROUGH Omega.

The mind of Adam and his pattern simply took them as there own in between times.

When the mind re-roots the letters WITHIN...

...the Letters become a constant (re)mind(er) for the mind of (S)elf to build on from His point of view.

The word (re)mind(er) is a sign of the Pattern being the first and the last...

...and the mind of Self doing its own thing in the meantime... with NOTHING to remind it of moving HIS letters. 


In order to enter the kingdom of heaven WITHIN... must be CONVERTED as little children.*

*Matthew 18:3

No Problem here or (t)here.


There now that is done.


The Promise...

"IF ye WILL be my people...

I will be thy God.*

*Page 197 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Israel is the name for all that are  seekers of the Lord, thy God.

This the sign of a child going WITHIN itself to find the (L)ord.


The (L)ord has Promised to meet the child seeker WITHIN.

This is the sign of that meeting.

Further evidence is this sign that that the (L)ord is also hidden in the word hid...

...that is hidden WITHIN the word child.

This parallels the Altar WITHIN the temple WITHIN the child who is the seeker.

Pretty Profound.


Most physical minds have heard this song many times.

But how many have connected...

...or re-corded the CHILD... being the MIND?

This mind did not until it read the Readings.

THEN everything began falling in place.

The WHY...

...of everthing regarding religious thought...

...began falling into place.

The DESTINY of every human being is to bear an immaculate conceived child...

... "A" mind...

...out of the mind of Self...

...that parallels...

... and is EMBLEMATICAL...

...of the Birth of Jesus, the Pattern, by the Virgin Mary...

... "A" mind that WILL take UP its OWN cross (t) and follow His Way WITHIN to the Father.

This activity of the mind EXACTLY parellels and fits the description of the Virgin birth...

and yes...

..."US" (our minds) MAY be born again)...

...and (t)his time...

...MAY follow His Pattern rather than its own.

The immaculate conception is...


...of a Spiritual Christ Conscious mind that is born, or manifests, out of the physical mind.

The SELF conscious mind may literally conceive...

...a Christ Conscious Mind...

"...after His kind whose seed is in itself."*

*Genesis 1:11 


...the physical mind will say.


Because the physical mind refuses to stop building for itself.

It refuses to to do His will for...

it is "still born" to continue to do its OWN desires.

The WILL of the Pattern is...


...opposed to the DESIRES of Self.*

*Page 326 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

This is WHY the mind of SELF...

...must stand aside...

and allow the mind of (S)elf...

...the Spiritual child...

...of the mind of SELF...

...who has NO desire...

...but the will... be AS ONE with the Father and Son WITHIN.*

*The LAST page of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

For in...


...Edgar Cayce followed the Pattern...

...set Self aside...

...lost the voice of Self*


...'98...(just another coincidence?)

... of "There is River"

...gained the Voice of (S)elf... that the mind of (S)elf...

...was able to direct the WAY for the future children of this world called...

...Children of Promise...

...(G)od's Race...


.......(G) R A C E....... the race that WILL follow the Law of One....

...and be ONE RACE.

When does time times time equal ONE time?

When the physical image of that time... NOW...

...and is viewed from WITHIN...


The Child of SElf...

...(S)elf is...

...NOW WON....


Try it...

Give your (S)elf a chance to enter WITHIN everlasting life.

You may "tune" WITHIN...

...or stay without.

For unto...


...a child of (S)elf has been born.


...."(t)here I AM"....

WITHIN heaven as it is in Earth.


Honour thy Father and thy Mother

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) May 7 1999
9:04PM EDT

These are the words that the Lord spoke to Moses on the mount...

...and became part of the written Law re-corded in His Book, the Bible..*

*Exodus 20:12

Jesus fulfilled the letter of the Law 
and became the Law.

His Book, is the greatest thesis ever written by the ONE called Master.

It is a parent thesis that literally honors His Father...


...and His mother...

...the Virgin Mary.

His Book, is the perfect "medium" for the Pattern, the WORD made flesh... express His Love for His Spiritual parents...

...that are the Patttern for our Spiritual Parents.

His Book is a remarkable story of HOW the mind FIRST unfolds physically...

... thanks to the created body provided to Him (Adam) by the Father WITHIN.

Then HOW that mind literally unfolds Spiritually... Jesus, the Pattern, the Spiritual mind, is born by the immaculate conception...

...from WITHIN the mind of His mother Mary.

The Spiritual Father is the Creative Force WITHIN the created body.

The Spiritual Mother is the physical mind...

...that is able to conceive a...

...child-like spiritual mind...

that is able to enter WITHIN Created body to become AS ONE with the Creative Force WITHIN. 

This is the sign of His Book, the Bible, the parent thesis,....

.............( ).............

This is the sign of the mind giving a Spiritual birth out of the mind of Self.


this sign shows that Self has left Self...

...and has surrounded (S)elf...

...with the Pattern of His 

*(In meditation) never OPEN self, my friend...

...without SURROUNDING self...

...with the spirit of Christ...

...that ye may be ever guarded. 

*Reading 440=8 on Page 107 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

There signs are (t)here.

The human mind just needs to slow down enough to re-cord them WITHIN.

When that happens...the (S)piritual HA(N)D...

...that the individual HAD...

...on HAND...

...WILL have been re-stored.


Re: The Hand

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) May 7 1999
10:52PM EDT

A PSALM is EMBLEMATIC of the word...


...that is...

...the sign of A (S)piritual PALM....

...that "(O) PENNED"... the vibrations of the (O)PENED body... 

...that vibrated to the (O)PENED mind.

That is how the PSALMS were written.


Remembering Our Spiritual Mother

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) May 8 1999
12:09AM EDT