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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #118

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #118


The struggle for the mind


The human mind is constantly tugged at from all directions by other minds to go here, go there, do this or do that.

The struggle for the attention of the mind goes on nearly every waking moment.

That is one reason meditation is practiced.

Meditation is like the mind saying...,

..."Hey wait a minute...,

..just leave me alone so I can rest from this constant tug of war.

This club, The Edgar Cayce Companion Club, is guilty of the same practice, but maybe in a different sort of way.

This club is tugging at minds to come here and take a look at what is WITHIN the Readings

The only difference here is that this club is asking the mind to SEEK WITHIN the Reading for the directions on HOW to FIND...,

...another mind, a very different mind...,

... the ONE and only Mind that will NEVER impose its will on any other mind.

That Mind belongs to the Father, God, the Creative Force, the One Spirit, that resides within every created human body.

When the mind of Self, through its OWN free will, decides to leave not only the struggles imposed by others, but struggles it has imposed on itself..., may, by its OWN free will, attune to One Mind where it will be forever set free from the struggles imposed by every Self conscious mind, including its OWN.

THAT mind that the Self conscious mind may become As One with...,

...IF.... is willing..., in deed, the Comforter*, the Christ Conscious Mind.

*John 14:15

*IF ye love me, keep my commandments.

And I will pray the Father, And he shall give you another Comforter, that he may ABIDE WITH you for ever;

Even the SPIRIT of truth: whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him: for he DWELLETH with you, and shall be...

...IN you."

In essence, all this club is saying is...,

..."Hey mind, go look and see what a mind is saying WHILE that mind has left itself...,

...and is speaking from a point of view OTHER than its own.

Allow the mind to see for itself whether or not the words of the altered conscious mind of Edgar CAYCE...,

...ARE or ARE not in attunement the Words spoken by Jesus, the Pattern for the mind to follow."



Within Self


According to Jesus, the Pattern, and the Readings, His Spirit is WITHIN ye...,

...and ye(t)...,

...not directly corded to ye.

What is ye?

Ye is Self.

Can ye enter Self to be As One with His Spirit?

The Readings, and Jesus, the Door, the Pattern, say that ye may.

The big question is HOW do ye do it?

From the time ye was born, ye was being groomed to develop a Self conscious mind.

Ye Self has been dragging around all those years a blocked word corded to ye Self that has prevented ye Self from entering ye Self.

And just pray tell what might that BLOCKED word be?

The word is SELF that is corded to Self.

No one may deny that SELF is not a blocked word that is ALWAYS corded to Self.

The written law for the mind, that is emblematic of the Law of Webster, states that ye shall NEVER move the letters of this word to unblock it from being corded to Self.

Now, according to the Readings, the mind may leave Self.

Maybe IF the mind simply re-moves SELF that has always been corded to Self...,

...Self may be be able to leave SELF.

Self IS able to leave SELF and here is HOW it is done.

Self will enter SELF and MOVE the letters which is against the letter of the law.., 

...but IS in tune with the Spirit of the letter of the Law.

Here Self enters SELF.


Self has just left SELF...,

and transformed Self into a little child according to His Pattern.

 (S)piritual elf    (S)elf

As (S)elf enters even further into the unblocked SELF...,

...this is what it may find.

(S) (E) (L) (F)


(E)arth   plane of the created body formed from the created (E)arth itself.





...WITHIN the blocked words that are corded to...,

...and that have form the blocked consciousness of the physical aspect of mind...,

...and HIS Spirit is what the TRANSFORMED physical aspect of the mind of (S)elf will... 




"Selves - open those walls"


What walls?

The walls that you all have built that have literally blocked yourselves within yourselves.

You all have formed those walls by moving your OWN block letters into block words that have formed blocked thoughts that have blocked your minds into your OWN Self consciousness.

Remember the law that is ever present...,

Like attracts like: Like begets like.

Allow your minds to return the block letters to Him WITHIN...,

..and THEN..., ALL may move them to open that blocked wall just like this.



W is HIS first root letter of water and water is HIS universal symbol of truth

ALL may be As One with Truth when the mind opens its OWN consciousness and enters THROUGH that opening into His Consciousness that is WITHIN.

The blocked physical aspect of the mind will SEE only this blocked letter W.

When the spiritual aspect of the mind OPENS this blocked letter it will SEE this:


((V) (V)

His Letter W is really two of His letter V's that are As One according to the Law of One...,

...where two or more may MOVE as One..,

...yet "still" remain as two or more.

No pun intended.

His two V's simply witness each other in the Truth that is WITHIN.

V is His first root letter of His Word Verily.

V+V=W may be the reason that...,


...these were the Words of Truth that emanated from the Father within Jesus, the Pattern,*

*John 1:51

"And he saith unto him...,

...VERILY, VERILY, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall SEE heaven OPEN, and the angels ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.."   

*John 3:3

"Jesus answered and said unto him, VERILY, VERILY, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot SEE the kingdom of God."

Again, the spiritual aspect of the mind born out of the physical aspect of the mind...,

will SEE what the physical aspect of the mind is literally BLOCKED...

...from SEEING.



Going Within His Pattern


According to the Readings, Jesus is the Pattern.

According to this writer, Pattern is a blocked word of the physical aspect of the conscious mind.

Assume that Jesus, the Pattern, is at the Positive Pole.

The cross certainly looks like a Positive Pole.

Also assume that Jesus was re-united again with the Father at the cross.

Also assume that the mind has sort of wandered away from the Pattern of Jesus at the Positive Pole.

Then assume that the mind must be sort of near the Negative Pole.

The mind does have within it the letter n which is the first root letter of the word negative.

We are also always told to TRY to think Positive.

Now, with all that in mind,,,

...allow the mind to enter into the blocked word Pattern that is part of the physical conscious mind...,

..and try to find a sign of HIS along the Way.


Hmmm, well, the first thing the mind can do is MOVE that negative letter n and get it out of the way



Hmmm, now allow the mind to take UP its OWN cross and follow Him and His cross into His Spirit...,

...As One according to the Law of One.




Hmmm, now allow the mind to go to the Law of Webster and find Pater.

Again, according to the Readings, nothing is by chance.

The mind has just found what the Search for God groups have been looking for..,

...right within His Pattern.



Who is this man?


This is probably the MOST famous picture of man known as Edgar Cayce.

Just above his picture, the mind will see the words -- Founder's Message.

Those words directly above his picture are quite appropriate...,

...for this club is not about the founder's message of this writer... 

...but is truly about the messages that emanated from WITHIN Edgar Cayce as the Founder of the ARE.

According to the Readings that emanated from within the created body and altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce...

...the mind is BOTH physical and Spiritual.

Often times people will say things like what did Cayce say about this...,

...or what did Cayce say about that?

The problem is that the mind is BORN and trained with an EAR to view things from the developed physical aspect of the mind.

Hence the words that emanated from WITHIN Edgar Cayce..,

...tend to be tied or corded to the personality of Edgar Cayce himself.

Wrong thing to do.

That is why this writer asks the question who is this man?

One thing is for sure...,

...this man was messenger and founder who brought forth messages that emanated from a source OTHER than the personality of Edgar Cayce.

As the Readings have stated...,

...Self must be set aside so that the Creative Forces may emanate from WITHIN.

In essence, Edgar Cayce, the man, the personality of man, was literally set aside so that the messages, called the Readings, could be manifested from WITHIN him.

In essence, Edgar Cayce set aside the physical aspect of his mind so that the spiritual aspect of his mind could be As One with the Spirit within to manifest the messages.

The Reading make a clear distinction between the PERSONALITY of a person such as the man, Edgar Cayce...,

...and the INDIVIDUALITY of the SAME  man that would encompass ALL the personalities that the man developed with every reincarnation....

...and ARE stored in the subconscious mind.

Accordingly, the Readings state that the individuality of Edgar Cayce included the personality of a high priest named RA.

With this in mind it..., might be even more appropriate to equate the Readings with RA (RA)THER than the personality of Edgar Cayce.

Notice HOW RA seems to fit the Pattern of Jesus...,

...In the beginning...,

with EDG(AR)  the same in the ending.*

*Revelation 1:8

In this most famous portrait of RA...,

....EDG)AR) seems to be tweaking his E(AR)..,

..or at least directing the attention of the viewer to his EAR.    

Could that gesture possibly be a sign that RA is indicating that RA is the Founder of the ARE...,

...and the EAR ..., 

...when tweaked and moved just a little...,

...may be in attunement with the ARE...,

...and that they may be As ONE?

The signs certainly seem to point the EAR in the direction of RES(EAR)ING the words again...,

..except THIS time...,

...tweak the EAR a little more towards the spiritual aspect of the mind...,

so that the mind may be As One.., (H)EAR within.



Flowing like a River


When the mind opens to the attunement of the Creative Forces within...,

Words just happen to flow like a river from within..., the mind of Self sort of stands A SIDE and watches for His signs within the words that seemingly FLOAT on by.

U C, the physical aspect of the trained conscious mind sees only the blocked word FLOAT.

The spiritual aspect of that SAME mind knows HOW to look for His signs as the words FLOAT by.

Here is FLOAT to the physical aspect of the mind.


Here is that SAME word to the spiritual aspect of that SAME mind.





The hidden manna, as food for the mind, is hidden within the words that seemingly float on by while the mind puts the physical aspect of the mind A SIDE..

The SAME thing happens with the word SAME.

Here is SAME to the physical aspect of the mind.

SAME  Here there is NO movement or flow.

Here is SAME to the spiritual aspect of the mind.



(A) His symbol for being together As One.

(ME) is ME

The hidden manna within SAME is that Spirit and ME may be As One WHEN the mind is in attunement.

Here s HOW ME becomes WE as ME floats by.

Because the blocked word me is no longer blocked...,

...His letter M may easily move and float to the letter W.

This is  HOW (M)E may become (W)E.

Again, His letter W is the universal symbol of truth...,

and His letter M is the first root letter of the word (M)atter.

In essence, the movement of ME to We is the manifestation the Truth (W) from within the open )M)atter of the created body.

It is not by chance that the most famous book of all regarding the life and times of Edgar Cayce, just happens to be...,

...'There is a River".

It is also not by chance where Edgar Cayce and his wife, Gertrude were laid to rest.   

It just happens to be A place called...,




"There is a River"


"There is a River" and it is a very interesting book about the life and times of Edgar Cayce written by Thomas Sugrue.

This book will definitely give mind a feel for what this man was all about.

The mind should read HOW he literally lost his own voice and, ironically, gained another voice that emanated from within him.

Edgar Cayce was very Bible oriented at a very young age and this is very likely what triggered the remembrance of spiritual words that could be manifested from within him.

Allow the mind to read "There is a River"...,

...and perhaps it will also trigger the mind to go within where ...

..."There is a River" of truthful words ready to flow.



Gazing on the River


According to "There is a River"...,

...Edgar Cayce, as a young boy, often took his Bible down to a favorite spot by a BEND in the river to read.

During one of his Bible reading outings, he supposedly had an encounter with an angelic-like being.

This writer believes he did...,

...and here is HOW it happened.

The MOVEMENT of the river, itself, had a lot to do with producing the encounter.

Edgar Cayce, most assuredly, did not know it at the time..., 

...but ALL the Bible Reading he had been  doing during his early years...

...was establishing and storing the SPIRITUAL PATTERN of Jesus within BOTH the  conscious and subconscious aspects of his mind.

Now here is where the river comes into play.

This writer believes that while absorbing himself in the Spiritual Words of the Bible that day...,

...Edgar Cayce simply GAZED up momentarily from the Bible...,

...and the SUN was at just the right angle to produce sparking flashes of light to dance across the ripples of the moving water.

As he was continuing to think about the words in the Bible...,

...the sparkling lights reflectiing from the water were having a mesmerizing effect on his mind.


According to the Readings, the mind is BOTH Spiritual AND physical.

Also according to the Readings, in order to make attunement within...,

...the mind must set itself aside.

 In effect what happen was that Edgar Cayce had his mind, unwittingly prepared...,

by allowing the Pattern that is within the Bible to be in-"stilled" within his mind...,

...and no pun of in-still is intended.

The mesmerizing effect of the sparkling light reflecting from the MOVING waters produced a hypnotic effect that caused him to temporarily set the physical aspect of his mind aside...,

...that allowed the spiritual aspect of his mind to manifest itself...,

...ONLY because His Pattern was ALREADY firmly instilled within his mind.

In essence, his mind was prepared, and again, no pun intend..., 

...but it was pre-PAIRED to manifest his OWN Angelic mind of Self.

According to the Readings, that is exactly what happens to the mind when it leaves itself. 

The physical aspect of the mind is easily  transformed into the spiritual aspect its own mind or, Angelic Self...,


..the physical aspect of the mind has FIRST prepared and made His Pattern part of its consciousness.

The mind of Edgar Cayce WAS, unwittingly, prepared...,

...and the natural conditions surrounding him did the rest.

One other point that is kind of interesting.

If the mind ever has the opportunity to visit a bend in a small river...

...allow that mind to take notice of how the water takes on a swirling, or SPIRLING, effect as the water MOVES around the bend.

Add the sparkling light reflections to that motion...,

...and allow the mind to see if that isn't a little mesmerizing..  