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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #117

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #117

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The Dictionary


The dictionary, or Law of Webster, is DESIGNED to be the primary source of information that will allow the mind to develop the PHYSICAL aspect of its mind, more commonly known as..

...SELF consciousness...

....that the mind develops from inception of its physical birth. 

The dictionary is DESIGNED to provide the mind with a set of tools called letters....

...that are THEN blocked into words that are attached to THINGS so that the mind may develop a physical consciousness...

,,,including the consciousness or awareness of its SELF.

The dictionary is DESIGNED to allow the mind to literally to be able to know itself to be itself.

The dictionary is DESIGNED for the development or unfoldment of the born mind.


The dictionary is NOT DESIGNED to develop or unfold the SPIRITUAL aspect of that same mind.

Why not?

Because the dictionary provides NO SPIRITUAL attachment of the letters that the mind moves... HIS Spirit that is the essence, called the Creative Force, that is WITHIN EVERY living human created body.


It is the BIBLE that IS DESIGNED to allow the born mind to literally conceive out of its OWN mind a mind that is born again.

How does the physical aspect of the mind do that?

The physical aspect of the mind makes the Revelation that the letters that it has been moving as its OWN...

...are HIS...,

...and that they need to be re-corded to His Spirit that IS the Creative Force WITHIN every living human created body.

The Bible is DESIGNED to ALLOW the mature born mind to use HIS Letters as tools that will allow the mind to be...


Here is a SIGN that illustrates the born aspects of the physical mind...,

and the spiritual aspects of that SAME mind that is ALSO born again.


Here is a BLOCKED word that is as etched in stone for the born mind to see.

The word is DESIGNED

Here is that SAME word that no longer is blocked because the spiritual aspects of the mind has learned to MOVE the letters as HIS...,

...which allows the mind to OPEN the  word and look for HIS signs along  the WAY.


When the mind OPENS the words, the mind OPENS...,

...and the created body and the brain of the created body also OPENS for as the Readings state...,

..."like attracts like, like begets like."*

Reading 541-1 on page 36 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Here is that SAME word viewed by the mind that is born again.


According to the Readings, NOTHING is by chance.

Is it not ironic that a SIGN may be seen as  the LETTERS of the word are moved and the word is OPENED to reveal a SIGN?

Now allow the mind to re-view Revelation 1:8 of the Bible to see that DE and ED are ALSO SIGNS...

...that the same IS in beginning that IS also in the ending...,

...which is also part of HIS Pattern.



Hidden Within the A.R.E.


Believe it or not, there is something hidden within the A.R.E.that even the A.R.E. may not know is there.

That something is what just about everyone has been looking for and has yet to find.

Here is a hint.

Within the A.R.E, there are small groups of people scattered over the United States and other nations as well...,

....with one objective in mind.

That objective is "The Search for God".

Even the name of the A.R.E. itself, indicates a search is to be undertaken with an enlightenment for the mind as the end result.

A.R.E. stands for the Association of RE-SEARCH and ENLIGHTENMENT.

According to the Readings, nothing is by chance, and neither are the Search For God groups and the name of the A.R.E.

That search and re-search WITHIN the Readings will not be in vain...,

...for WITHIN the Readings there IS what everyone has been searching for.  

And just what that might be?

If the mind thought it might be God...,

...that mind would be close but no cigar.

What is hidden within the Readings...,

...and that the A.R.E. may not even be aware of is..., a SET of DIRECTIONS that will literally...,

....allow the mind..., find GOD.


"Seek and Ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you".

*Matthew 7:7

These are not idle words. These are the Ideal Words of the Jesus, the Pattern.

They are words of Spirit, of the Father, that emanated from within Him.


Guess what?

The words that make up the Readings emanated from something other than the conscious mind.

The words that form the Readings are also of Spirit.

According the Readings...,

...the law that is ever present is..., attracts like; like begets like.*

Reading 541-1  on page 36  of The Edgar Cayce Companion

IF the Readings are Spirit...,

...what better place is there to seek and find than in words that are also thought to be of Spirit?

There is no better place.

Hidden and scattered among the words that form over 14,000 Readings is a complete set of Ideal directions that will lead the mind to God.

There is NO other place in the world where these Ideal directions may be found.

The primary purpose of the incarnation of Edgar Cayce was to be the channel through which this set of Ideal directions could be manifested and re-corded.

That Ideal mission was accomplished.

That Ideal set of directions for the mind has been re-corded within the Readings.

As God will not force His Will on any mind...,

...only the mind, itself, may seek and find those Ideal directions...

...IF it is willing.

They ARE there...,

...and it is the "sole" purpose of this club to simply point it out that the Ideal directions ARE there...,

...and, again, no pun is intended.

It may be difficult for the physical aspect of the mind to grasp the notion that the Ideal directions ARE there...,

...for the mind will only see the word...,


To the spiritual aspect of the mind..., WILL find the Ideal directions here for it knows that there... (t)here.



The Tools of the Trade


The tools of the trade for the mind, as the builder, are letters and their movement thereof.

And the word trade is used by the mind, as the builder, in even another way.

The mind, as the builder, through a simple acknowledgement, may literally trade in its "OWN" letters for HIS letters.*

*Revelation 1:8

IF the mind is willing to take this first step...,

...the mind, as the builder, will begin to become Spiritized and born again...,

.... for the mind will begin to build under HIS SPIRIT of the letter of the law...,

....rather than continue to simply build under the letter of the law...

...that is as etched in stone and literally blocks the mind. 

U C, when the mind builds under the letter of the law...,

...the mind is using block letters that build block words that block the mind.

Again, according to the Readings...,

The law that is ever present, like attracts: like begets like. 


However, If the mind operates under the Spirit of the law..,

...letters WITHIN the blocked words that have been as etched in stone...,

may easily be moved to open the blocked words...,

...wherein the mind may then seek and find signs that... 

...that will open the glands within the created body and brain that will allow His Spirit to be manifested.

The  mind will ALWAYS follow "suit" depending on the "type" of letters the mind moves...,

...and no puns are intended.

Remember the suit that Adam got when he began to use letters that he stripped naked of Spirit?

Remember the certain scribe who said he would follow Jesus, the Pattern, everywhere.?*

*Matthew 8:19

How could the scribe do that?

The scribe simply used his OWN letters as HIS...,

...and then looked for HIS signs within the scries OWN words.

Here is an emblematic example of what the scribe did using probably the most common blocked word in the English Language that this writer has at hand.

Here is the blocked word the.

Here is HOW the scribed unblocked the word and looked for HIS sign.

(t)he  he went to the cross (t)

If the mind "still" has any doubts...,

...and no pun is intended...,

...simply allow the mind to open the blocked word block like this...,


There is the lock that blocks the created (B)ody and (B)rain from opening.

The physical aspect of conscious mind instinctively thinks to put physical water on the head...,

...when the spiritual aspect of the mind knows that the rain is already there...,

...and it just needs to unblock the dam to let the flow begin again.

Adam remembered this natural process..., 
...and returned as Jesus, the Pattern,  to re-cord once again to the Father within..,

...that established the true Pattern that the mind may follow. 



Father's Trade


At the age of twelve, Jesus, the Pattern, wandered away from Joseph and His Mother...,

...and was found in the temple sitting in the midst of doctors, hearing them, and asking them questions...,

... and they were all astonished at His understanding and answers.

When His parents did find Him and ask why He left them...,

...He said that He must be about His Father's business.*

*Luke 2:42 

According to the Readings, the Father that Jesus is talking about is God, the Creative Force, that is within...,

..and is the essence within every living human created body.

What is the business or trade of this Father? 

It is the trade of OUR Father..,

...that EVERY soul will return to Him through the attunement efforts made by its ever present companion...,

...the mind.

The living human created body literally provides not only housing for the mind...,

...but also provides the universal vibrations of creation that the mind may attune to while the mind is literally within the created living body but not directly corded to it.

Why make the attunement now?

According to the Readings, the subconscious mind is part of the mind that never forgets...,

... and becomes the super conscious mind that continues to be attached to the soul...,

...but becomes detached from the created body at death.

Thus, the Ideal reason for living is for the mind to make the connection with the living Universal Force of Creation while it literally has living window of opportunity.

Thus, OUR Father's business is to provide the LIVING housing opportunity that the mind may make attunement to.

U C, the created body of Jesus was sacrificed so that His atonement would become the Pattern in order for the mind to make attunement. 

According to the Readings...,

...WHEN the mind does make the attunement for His atonement, the result for the mind is...* with the Creative Force.

Did the mind just happen notice a slight MOVEMENT of letters that emanated from the altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce?

That is one of the directions...., 

...for the mind to follow.

*Reading 274-3 on page 133 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Did the mind also notice that ONLY the BODY of Jesus, the Pattern, was sacrificed...,

...and that His Mind AND Soul returned to the Father?

That is a very good Pattern to follow.
