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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #114

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #114

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Elope arkroc


To the physical aspect of the mind, elope is simply the activity of running off and getting married.

To the spiritual aspect of the mind that goes within the word elope attached to elope..,

..this is what the mind may find.

The beginning and ending are the same that matches, or is in attunement with, Revelation 1:8.


There is a pole from one point of view.

There is another pole when two of HIS letters are moved and re-versed.

This is an exact match to pole shifts mentioned In the Readings.

Within the church or created body, the Creative Force is, and is at, the Positive Pole.

The mind is, and is at, the negative pole within the created body.

That is WHY everyone says that we should TRY to think positive. 

According to the Readings...,

...there is much more to the mind than simply trying to think positive.

The mind has the opportunity to BE positive.

The mind itself has the natural ability to literally transform and move itself from the negative pole at which it was born to..., the positive pole within the created body.
The will power OF the mind is simply the switch that can connect the mind to the awesome power of the Creative Positive Force WITHIN the created body.


By allowing the mind to re-turn the letters, it has been using..., the builder of its OWN consciousness..., the Creative Force within..., that the Creative force may THEN manifest the Christ Consciousness THROUGH the mind and body of the individual.

The mind will know if manifestations are taking place...,

...for the mind will begin to see signs WITHIN the words being produced from within its own mind AND body..., it attunes itself to His Spirit that is the Creative force or Ideal.

Tingling sensations may also begin to be felt in head and forehead.

This is tingling is the halo or light that is often depicted around the head.

The Readings DO state when the mind of SELF is transformed, it becomes its angelic SELF

The mind will also probably begin to see puns or plays upon words as it unfolds this new angelic mind that is ever ready to be born within the mind itself.

The (pun)s are like (nup)s or nuptials that take place when the mind exchanges vows or vow(el)s with the Creative Force.

e and l are His Letters that represent (L)ord 
(E)arth pLane of the created body.

When the force of the mind makes the exchange with the Creative Force, the polarities begin reversing as the manifestations are made.

As Spiritual words, formed BY Spiritual letters, are being processed through the mind and body...,

...the mind begins taking on the nature of the Positive Pole of the created body.., likes beget likes.

The Spiritual words themselves, although Spiritual and alive AS they are produced...,

...become as etched in stone once the manifestations have taken place.

That is WHY the letters of the words must be re-moved again by the mind to seek and find His Signs along the way within the words so that the mind may stay on "tract", no pun intended...,

...but there it is.

Just allow the mind to re-view Revelation 1:8 and then return the mind's OWN letters back to His Spirit...,

..and then ALLOW the mind, as the builder, to begin using them HIS Positive point of view rather than allow the mind to continue to come from its OWN negative point of view.

It is very easy to let go of the e-go of the mind of Self.

Simply return what the mind of Self has "soul" possession of, HIS letters, and re-turn them to its Maker.

There is another pun that just seems to appear.





The Biblical story of the bridegroom and the ten waiting virgins is emblematical of the ACT of love and elopement of HIS SPIRIT and and the MIND that has prepared itself for His Coming.*

*Matthew 25:1

When the mind is prepared to enter into the word elopement that is attached to elopement..., will be ABLE to take UP its OWN cross* (t)...,

and follow* His consciousness, rather than its own, in its very own words just like this.

*Matthew 16:24


His cross (t) is the positive pole that the mind of men (human beings), as the builders...,

..may take UP and MOVE to the other (elop) or pole that is from HIS point of view from within that is at the beginning of the word.

e being the (e)arth plane of the created body.

THIS is ACT of love and elopement between the Spirit.,

....and the mind that has prepared itself for the marriage.

The mind AND His Spirit unite As One within the created body that the Readings describe as the real church or temple of the mind, and its constant companion, its soul.

The ACT of love and elopement within is very simple, yet very profound.



Re-cording the Mind to His Spirit


According to the Readings the mind is BOTH physical and Spiritual.

Here is WHY it is possible that the mind may be both.

BOTH the Spirit and the mind share the SAME tools that each use to develop its OWN kind of consciousness.

Those same tools are symbols called letters that may be moved into words that form thoughts called consciousness.

When the mind moves letter symbols as its OWN...,

...the mind develops a born physical consciousness called Self consciousness.

When the willing mind moves letter symbols as...


...they were of the Creative Force or Spirit WITHIN the created body...,

...the mind becomes born again in His Spirit and the mind begins to take on His Spiritual Consciousness called the Christ Consciousness.

As the Readings have stated...,

Likes beget likes.

Notice the big IF regarding the mind's willingness to move the letters as His.

WHAT the mind, in its continual unfolding process, has not yet fully comprehended is that the letters it has been moving as its own were NEVER its own.

In the beginning, just as is stated in John 1:1...,

...letters were the Spirit that was WITH God.

The ESSENCE of the original sin of Adam was that HE TOOK the letters as His OWN and the human race has continued to follow "suit" or THAT pattern ever since...,

and no pun is intended.

That is WHY it is often stated that we are born INTO sin.

It is the mind from birth that is GIVEN letters symbols to use as its OWN to learn Self Consciousness.

The bad news that the letters were never granted to anyone to simply GIVE away.

Everyone assumes that there is NO Spiritual attachment to them and simply gives them out as spiritually naked tools for the mind to use as its OWN.

This is exactly what has been happening over the past 2000 years.

The good news is... 


...the mind re-views Revelation 1:8...,

... it will see that His Spirit is the letters that the mind is NOW using as its OWN.

In the beginning the letters were symbols of Spiritual communication between Adam and the Creative Force WITHIN His created body called God.

Adam severed the relationship between God and himself as he took the letters as his own.

This severed relationship was also part of God's plan for it enabled Adam to learn to be conscious of himself.

Once Adam had learned that lesson of self consciousness, he remembered that he could return to the Father, God, within His created body.

That is WHY the Readings state that
Adam WAS born again as Jesus...,

...who the Readings state IS THE Ideal Pattern for the mind to follow.

Adam WAS born again as Jesus to present the second part of the Pattern that will complete the unfoldment of the mind...

...that will allow the mind to return the Creative Force, God, within its own created body by incorporating within its OWN mind...

...Revelation 1:8 that the letter symbols it moves are Spirit and are His. 

If any mind doubts the validity of the  words above...,

...then that mind most certainly will continue to "suit" itself...,

...until another "type" of thought is forthcoming...

...and the mind is born again.

No puns are intended.



His Words Seldom Quoted 


Here are Words of Jesus, the Pattern, that preachers seldom quote.

Why not?

Because, at first glance, they sound very negative.

But are they?

"THINK not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

For I am come to set a man at VARIANCE against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

And he that taketh NOT his cross, and followeth after me is not worthy of me.

He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."*



Here are those Words again.

"THINK not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

His Words emanated from His Spiritual Mind and created body...,

..and sword is NOT a physical sword but  (s)piritual words like this word...


"For I am come to set a man at VARIANCE against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."

It is the MIND of the man that Jesus, the Pattern will set in Spirit and at variance from the man's relatives who have not yet learned of (s)piritual words...


"And a man's foes shall be they of his own household."

The man's foes are that are within the house of his mind and created body are the blocked words that have led to the development of the blocked self conscious mind that prevents the mind from entering into His Spiritual Consciousness. 

"He that loveth father or mother MORE than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter MORE than me is not worthy of me."

However, the mind may certainly love both EQUALLY.

"And he that taketh NOT his cross, and followeth after me is not worthy of me."

This is the cross that is Patterned after Jesus, the WORD made flesh, that the mind may take UP...


Here is the most common three letter word in the English Language...


....that WHEN the mind enters within this blocked word that is part of the mind's physical consciousness ... will find a sign of His Pattern.


"He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."

He that finds its OWN self consciousness must be willing to lose it...

...and he that loses his OWN self consciousness for HIS Christ Consciousness will find everlasting life.

This exactly what the Readings describe as setting self aside. 

The mind may go in and out His Door of Consciousness by allowing the letters that the mind moves to be BOTH physical AND Spiritual rather than merely physical that the mind had learned to move...


... it was born.

C and E being the Pattern of the (C)hrist (E)ntrance that will cover the SIN that every mind is born into.  





According to the Law of Webster that is the current written law for the physical aspect of the mind to follow....

....evolution.... unfolding, opening out, or working out. A MOVEMENT that is part of a series or pattern.


...A person who accepts the principles of biological evolution.

The word evolution is a blocked word that is as written in stone according to the written Law of Webster.

There is to be NO MOVEMENT or unfolding of letters within this word or any other word in the Law of Webster for that matter.

Thou shall not MOVE the letters of this word.


How ironic that the word evolution is defined by the written Law of Webster as a MOVEMENT of unfolding or opening out....

...when it is against the written Law of Webster that the letters of this word shall never be moved? 

Allow the mind to see what happens when the mind simply breaks the letter of written law...,

...and follows the SPIRIT of the Law...,

...and OPENS and UNFOLDS letters of this word that is as a blocked word etched into stone.

(evol) (u) (tion)

Look closely at this OPENED and UNFOLDED word that NOW becomes a sign of HOW blocked words prevent the mind from this...

...the (love) (u) (shun)...

...that is the love that emanates from within when the mind follows His Spirit...,

...and opens the words that will open the mind to His Spirit...,

....for the MOVEMENT of His Spirit is the movement of His Letters by the mind that literally applies His Spiritual Words that are stated in Revelation 1:8.



A Word with the child


From a point of view within the adult physical mind...,

...the above words sound like the child is about to get a talking to.

But, from the Spiritual point of view of the adult mind that is born again like the mind of a little child, there really is...,

..."A Word with the Child."

And what might that Word be?

That Word is child.

The word that is ALWAYS with a child is the word child.

The word corded to a child is ALWAYS child.

Just like the word Self is ALWAYS corded to Self.

And Just like the word mind is ALWAYS corded to mind.

Words like child and Self and mind are blocks of letters that form block words that never move and are ALWAYS corded to the objects or things they represent.

When the block word mind is corded to mind, the mind also becomes blocked for...,

...according to the Readings like begets like.*

*Reading 541-1 on page 36 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.   

Watch what happens when the born again mind of a child opens and enters the blocked word child that is attached to the child itself.

The CHILD opens and enters the block word CHILD like this....,


Now the Spiritual aspect of the child's mind will look for HIS Spiritual signs within this word.

There is HIS letter L.

The letter L being HIS first root letter of the (L)ord.

Now look where the child has SOUGHT AND FOUND the Lord.

Not only was the (L)ord found within the child itself...,

...the (L)ord was even found within the word hid that was hidden within the word child.

Does that sound like the holy of holies that the mind should enter that is within itself that is descibed in the Readings?

It should because within the within of Self is there His Spirit is at.

And by the child going within itself...,

...the born again mind of the child simply confirms that fact.

Here is one more sign of confirmation.

When Self enters the word Self that is ALWAYS corded to Self...,

..this is what the mind of Self will see.

(S)elf.....a (S)piritual child-like elf.

This is HOW the mind may enter within its own consciousness.

It simply enters and opens the words that heretofore have been firmly corded to the consciousness.

When the mind, as the builder, opens the corded blocked words...,

...the mind itself will open for like begets like.

WHEN the mind itself opens and breaks THROUGH its own blocked consciousness...,

...the created body also THEN begins to open up for like begets like.

The whole process is very simple IF the mind knows HOW to enter its own consciousness...,

...and then IF it is willing to take the FIRST step within THROUGH any of the words of its OWN consciousness...,

... and just as the Readings state*...

...the next steps will be given from within.

*Reading 922-1 on Page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

The next steps will be revealed WITHIN the words that mind has just opened up.

Allow the mind to see the word corded to this.

Here is that word.


Allow the mind to enter the blocked word.


Allow the mind to see that (t) is his.

This is the cross (t) that the MIND should take UP and follow so that the mind may be (t)here and here at the same time...,

...which also confirms the statement in the Readings that the mind is BOTH physical and Spiritual.*

*Reading 759-12 on page 83 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.



"There is a River"


This is by far the most popular book ever written about the life of Edgar Cayce.

There is a certain ring or aura of truth that surrounds this book.

One of the reasons may be the title of the book itself.

.........."There is a River"...........

What does river have to do with this book?

A lot.

It was at the river where Edgar Cayce would often go and read the Bible.

It was at the river where Edgar Cayce had a spiritual experience with an angelic like figure.

It was at the river where Edgar Cayce proposed to his future wife Gertrude.

But there is even much more to the word river than the physical conscious mind may see at first glance.

From within the altered conscious mind AND body of Edgar Cayce there flowed a seemingly never ending river of words that formed into thoughts of information. 

This is evidenced from the very long length of the sentences that often emanated from within him.

A river is also like a movement that never ends, 

It just keep flowing like that which was mentioned in the Bible where Jesus met the woman at the well.

"But the water I shall GIVE him...,

...shall be IN him...,

...a well of water springing up into everlasting life.*

*John 4:14 

Does not that sound a little like the PATTERN that emanated from within Edgar Cayce?

There is even more of Jesus, the Pattern, that is represented WITHIN the word river. 

Allow the mind to look at the beginning and ending letter. 

They are the same.

That is a match or attunement to the Pattern stated in Revelation 1:8.

Now allow the mind to look at the letter R itself.

Does the physical aspect of the mind see ANY movement in this letter?


However, the spiritual aspect of the mind DOES see movement that HAS taken place WITHIN this letter.


The spiritual aspect of the mind knows that ALL the letters the mind uses are His and are Relative to Him...,

and therefore the letters are also Relative to each other as there As One with Him.

B is HIS FIRST root letter of created (B)rain and (B)ody.

When the created (B)rain and (B)ody become open by the will of the mind...,

...the everlasting flow of living words formed of HIS letters will begin to commence from within.

Now hold on tight because HIS Letter R is Relative to HIS letter B...,

...for R re-presents the opening of B...,

...which, again, is the FIRST root letter of the created (B)rain and (B)ody.

Just as Jesus, the Pattern stated...,

...the Words he spoke were SPIRIT, and were of His Father WITHIN Him.

In essence, the Words Jesus spoke WERE Relative.

Not only were the words Relative to each other, the letters of those words were Relative to each other....,

...and ALL the emanated words and letters witnessed each other in truth for they were Relative to each other.

The letters that the physical conscious mind has been using and moving as its OWN...,

...ARE Relative to Him and belong to Spirit of the Creative Force, our Relative, our Father, God...,

...that is WITHIN every LIVING created human body.

That is the essence of Revelation 1:8.



Good Mo(u)rning and Hell-lo


It is truly amazing to the spiritual aspect of the mind...

...what wonderful, positive and productive thoughts the physical aspect of the mind, by itself, is able to produce.

These greetings alone should be a red flag that signifies that the physical conscious mind might be in need of a little attunement or adjustment.



Heaven Hi


This greeting might be a little more appropriate rather than Hell-lo.

Yet even this may be a little misleading.

The physical conscious mind usually refers to heaven as being high up in the sky or space somewhere. 

The heavens is most always considered as the starry universe by the physical conscious mind.

But, according to the Readings that emanated through the altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce...,

...heaven is NOT exactly where the physical conscious mind "thinks" that it is.

According to the Readings...,

...the kingdom of God is the entire created universe...,

...and the kingdom of heaven is WITHIN a segment of the created universe called the living human created body AND mind.

Heaven Hi is appropriate for that is where the mind may reach the Higher Consciousness that is WITHIN every living human created body AND mind.

Heaven Hi is a little inappropriate because..., order for the mind to reach the Higher Consciousness within...,

...the mind...,

...according to the Readings must, ironically, lower or slow down its own vibrations.

How can the mind do that?

It may simply do that by slowing down the vibrational movement of letters it uses to form words.

How can the mind do that?

By simply opening the words by using the tools of parenthesis to open them to look for His signs within the mind's own words that it opens.

This is the tool ( ) that the mind may use to do that.

This ( ) is parenthesis to the physical aspect of the conscious mind.


This is parenthesis to the spiritual aspect of the mind.

parent thesis 

The spiritual aspect of the mind knows that when it takes UP its OWN cross (t) and follows Him, the crosses become As One Cross.

Thus, His parent thesis, which IS the Bible, easily becomes paren(tt)hesis or paren(t)hesis, as the two words come together at the cross (t)...,

...which is an exact attunement of the mind to the Pattern of Jesus, the Word made flesh, returning to the Father at the cross.

In essence, when the mind uses the tool of the trade ( ) to transform or trade  its OWN letters WITHIN to His Spirit..., lowers or slows the vibrational rate...,

...of now HIS letters...,

...that moves the mind into attunement with His Consciousness.

Also in essence, the mind effectively leaves the mind of Self just like this to become as a little one in the kingdom of heaven WITHIN...,




Many ideas and ideals One Ideal


The Readings often refer to ideas and ideals.

The Readings also refer to the ONE Ideal.

"Man may not have the same idea.

Man, ALL men MAY have the SAME Ideal, not the one idea."*

*Reading 3976-8 on page 46 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Exactly what is that One Ideal?

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, THE IDEAL."*

*Reading 2283-1 on page 47 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

And exactly what and where is God?

According to the Readings, God is the Creative Force within the created mind and body. 

The PHYSICAL aspect of the mind certainly has the ability to conceive all sorts of ideas...,

...and certainly has the ability to set   before itself all kinds of ideals that it would like to reach.

"The most IMPORTANT experience of this or ANY OTHER ENTITY is to know what IS the Ideal...,


*Reading 357-13 on page 45 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

 Right here is where the ARE organization, itself, may be leading the mind somewhat astray from its ONE IDEAL GOAL. 

The official position of the ARE organization is for each person to more or less set PHYSICAL ideals before itself as practice..., that it may THEN be prepared to set the SPIRITUAL Ideal before itself.

To this writer, the ARE approach, probably unintentionally, directs the mind AWAY from it most important work of WHY the mind even enters this earth plane.

And that work is to attune itself to the Ideal Creative Force WITHIN the mind and created body of the individual.

The PHYSICAL aspect of the mind has spent its entire life working with ideas and ideals.

It ALREADY knows HOW to conceive them.

The soul purpose of the mind, and no pun is intended, as it enters the earth plane, is to attune itself back to God..,

...or as the Readings state. the ONE IDEAL that already exIsts WITHIN the mind and created body.

Every mature physical mind does not have to practice with other ideals in order to attune to the One ideal.

In fact,  the practice of using the physical aspect of the mind to practice forming ideals that are OUTSIDE of itself...,

...simply draws the mind FURTHER away from the ONE Ideal that is Spiritual, and is WITHIN the mind and created body.

The Readings reflect that the physical conscious mind continually stumbles over the block words that have formed its physical consciousness.

That is WHY the Readings, in many instances, use NEW words such as the Creative Force and Ideal rather than words that the physical conscious mind has learned such as Christ.

These NEW words are like stepping stones that help the mind overcome words that have often times become as stumbling blocks.

As an example, allow the mind, for just an instance, to look closely at the words Idea and ideal.

Does the mind see any difference between these two block words.

It should, for one single letter separates the two words, the letter L.

To the physical aspect of the mind that wants to practice using an ideal, this is what that aspect of the mind will see.  

It will only continue to see the block word ideal.

To the spiritual aspect of the mind that is reaching for the Spiritual One Ideal, this is what that aspect of the mind will see. 

It will see the movement of HIS Letters and word ideal will become unblocked...,

...and the word will become HIS IDEA(L).

That idea is the immaculate conception WITHIN the mind of the (L)ord that literally follows the Pattern set by Mary...,

...and is an exact match to the Revelation* for the mind...,

...that HIS Spirit IS the Letters that the mind has MOVED and used as its OWN.

*Revelation 1:8



Meditation-An Easier Way?


Maybe there is.

If Jesus is the Pattern and the mind is the builder as stated in Readings...

...there may be a much simpler way for the mind to slow down and clear its thought process than meditation.

According to the Readings, it is the mind that must leave itself and enter WITHIN its own consciousness and make attunement with the Creative Force WITHIN.

This is sort of the goal that meditation has been trying to achieve for years and is even referred to in the Book of Psalms within the OLD Testament.

When the mind considers the Pattern of Jesus which is set forth in the NEW Testament the Bible...,

...The Pattern states that one must become as a little child in order to enter within the kingdom of heaven.

According to the Readings, the kingdom of heaven is WITHIN the created body and mind of the individual.

Here are the possible problems.

Has ANYONE EVER seen a little child meditate?

Never. They can hardly sit still for a moment.

As the adult sits very quietly in meditation, the adult tries to empty out ALL its thoughts and tries to listen to that little "still" voice WITHIN.

First of all, the adult mind has accumulated a zillion thoughts over the years that it trying to empty out.

For the mind to empty ALL those out is an impossibility in itself, and no pun is intended.

Second of all, who has ever heard a voice that is "still"?

That also is an impossibility.

Here is a solution that solves the problems presented by meditation that not only is possible...,

...but will probably done a lot more in the foreseeable future.

Instead of the adult mind trying to empty out a zillion thoughts it has accumulated within is mind...,

...WHY NOT allow the mind to simply empty out ALL 26 letters that it has  moved around to form every word...

...that formed every one of the thoughts that it has accumulated?

If the adult mind did that..., 

...would not that be like becoming a little child again in order to enter within?

Is that not HOW the the mind of the born child FIRST learned to think and gather its thoughts in the first place.

The mind of the born child was simply GIVEN letters, as its OWN, and learned  to move them into words and those words were then moved into thoughts.


The mind, as the builder, has been very busy moving letters, that it has taken for granted to build its OWN Self conscious mind.   

Just as the Readings state..., 

...every mind should give the following words utmost consideration.

"KNOW, that the earth and ALL therein is the LORD'S.

ALL thine OWN is LENT thee, NOT thine but LENT thee. Keep it inviolate."*

Reading 2622-1 on page 370 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

This ALL must include every letter that the born mind has been using as its OWN.

This may answer the question of HOW and WHERE the mind may empty out those letters that it has moved to create all of its conscious thoughts.

The adult mind may simply transform, through acknowledgement, that the letters are HIS...,

...and start learning to move them again AS HIS...,

...and from HIS Point of View which may be found in HIS Pattern which may be found in the Bible.

The adult mind as never been taught to   consider that there just might be a very unique relationship between its "OWN" letters and the Spirit of the Lord that is that small voice WITHIN.


This is sort of like the revelations to the mind learning the truth about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy.

The real surprise and Revelation for the born adult mind is that those letters that it has been moving as its OWN all these years simply need to be RE-CORDED to HIS Spirit.

That is the born again process for the born mind...,

...and IF that born mind is willing to empty out its "OWN" letters...,

...simply allow that mind to SEEK out and   ponder Revelation 1:8 very closely...,

...and it will FIND exactly WHERE to  return the letters it "thought" were its own.

According to the Readings...,

..."The LAW that is EVER present..., attracts like: like begets like.*

*Reading 541-1 on page 36 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Also according to the Reading...,

...the mind is BOTH physical AND Spiritual.*

*Reading 262-80 on page 43 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


IF the born mind continues to move letters as its OWN..., simply will remain in its OWN physical Self consciousness.

Whenever the born mind is willing to  move the letters as His..., will move away from its OWN Self conscious mind and enter into HIS Consciousness..., like begets likes.

In essence, this Revelation allows the  adult physically born mind to go in and out His Door at will because it has been born again as a little child of God.



Setting The Ego Aside


WITHIN the created body and mind is the Creative Force that the Readings state is another name for God.

According to the Readings, the physical born conscious mind may attune to this Force IF it is willing to put its Self aside.

According to the Bible, the Spirit of God is letters.

Would not God WITHIN respond favorably to the mind that LITERALLY tuned and corded the WORD ego that is corded to the ego..., the Pattern of the One God WITHIN?

Take a look HOW the mind may make that attunement by moving its letters as HIS.


Add the (N)egative (N) to reveal the truth  that the word ego IS a stumbling block for the mind.


move HIS letters


the EGO is GONE

move HIS letters again


find His first root letter of the word (G)OD  

move HIS letters again


move HIS letters again 


The mind has just TRANSFORMED and  set the EGO aside to be AS ONE with the ONE GOD WITHIN..

The mind may re-new and re-cord its relationship to the Creative Force WITHIN by moving and playing WITHIN words using HIS letters.

As a foot note to encourage the mind in the direction of this application...

..allow the mind to look where HIS letters G-O-D are positioned in the 26 letters the mind moves to express its thoughts.

In the beginning, according to John 1:1...,

... there was the Word that was WITH God and was GOD.

The SPIRITUAL letters that formed that Word were G-O-D.

in essence, G-O-D are letters of HIS Spirit.

Look at the location of these three letters in our present day alpha thru Omega, or presently known as the alphabet.

G  07 

O  15

D  04



The positions of G-O-D is the exact sum total of ALL the letters used by the mind.

A coincidence?

According to the Readings...,

...NOTHING is by Chance.

These three letters, as measures of meal, will leaven the whole loaf of letters moved by the mind and even leaven the mind itself...,

...IF the mind is willing...,

...for like begets like.

Again, the Revelation for the mind is that the letters the mind has been using as its OWN...,

...ALL have a relationship to HIs Spirit...,


...the mind is willing to make that acknowledgement
