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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #113

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #113

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A Doctor in the House?


"Is there a doctor in the house?"

Just about everyone, at on time or another, has heard this expression.

According to modern medicine, ALL healing comes from within.

According to the Readings, the House of God is the created body that houses the mind..,

...and the mind may enter within that house as it enters within its own consciousness.

This is HOW the mind enters within the House of God..

The mind simply enters the words that are corded or attached to anything that the mind is aware or conscious thereof.

Every human mind is conscious that it has a mind.

Therefore, when the mind enters the word mind that is attached or corded to the mind itself...,,

...the mind, is in effect, entering within itself or within its own consciousness.     

Now look and see what the mind sees when the mind goes IN the word mind that is corded to the mind itself.


The mind has just gone within itself and guess what is there?


There really is an MD IN the mind that is housed in the created body that is the source of ALL healing.



Knock, Knock on Words 


Jesus, the WORD made flesh, said that He is the DOOR and the DOOR will be open to you..,

...and you may go in and out thereof*

*John 10:9

Here are some block words that are as Doors that the mind may knock upon...,

...and may go in and out of that are signs that the mind is in attunement with His Pattern.


On earth as it is in heaven or here is there



He went to the cross (t)



The (L)ord was and is the WORD in this WORLD



this is his cross (t) of the WORD made flesh.



The physical born BRAIN is baptized with water



The GLANDS within the human body are (G)od's LANDS.



Knock on the DOORS of this CHURCH and they will be open to your mind ...,

...and (t)here you are.

CH  (U R)  CH






"As indicated here, we have an exceptional entity - in abilities.  

Not that there is such an unusual look, mien or manner, but in the innermost self - in its study - there may be the application in the chemical or in the mental and spiritual field of those truths, tenets or experimentations, that may startle the world...,

... if the entity first attains confidence in self, yet knowing that the confidence must rest in the wholehearted purpose and trust in the divine...,

...knowing that it is not of self but an opportunity to make amends for those shortcomings that have been a part of the its experience in the material world..., 

...when in those experiences in Atlantis ye brought death, destruction, sin and ugliness in many, many ways.
These ye must meet in self and these ye may meet in Him, who is the way, the truth and the light. 

 If the entity rejects this and takes to those things that may be for the gratifying, the satisfying of self's desires, self's vanities..., 

...woe be unto the entity not only here but in those experiences to come.
The entity was persuaded by the greater number that there was NOT the ability to conquer or to overcome.  

The name then was Japin.  

The entity lived through that experience regretting the rejections of those convinced within self by the Holy Spirit by God, just to be on the popular side for the moment.
The entity again and again regretted the declaration that the optimism of Caleb and Joshua was foolhardy.
Thus in the present there may be the warning..., not reject that thou knowest in thine heart, mind and soul, to satisfy a moment of gratification, of being popular, or being upon the popular side.  

But know that self is right, and that it is in
keeping with the divine within self.  

For there is within each soul, each entity, that image of the Creator which...,

...if there is the attuning of the self, the ego...,,

...the I AM..., the divine...,

...which may enable nothing to hinder the entity from accomplishing, attaining any position of power that is the desire of the heart.  

But use it aright.  

Forget not the declaration made by him whom ye rejected that led those people into the Holy Land...,, 

..."Let others do as they may, but as
      for me..., 

...I will serve the living God."
The entity was among the children of the
Law of One...,, 

...and yet allowed the sons of Belial to persuade the entity to gratify the desires of the body for the moment and to attempt to keep those things that had found bodies and yet might be educated by patience, by love, by kindness and long suffering, into
their relationships to the Creative Forces."

 *Reading 3463-1 

Echoed by the...,


The LIVING God is the Creative Forces within the human created body that the mind may attune with right now.



Edgar Cayce Readings-Jesus


According to the Readings, Jesus is the Pattern.

Is the Pattern for what?

Jesus is THE example for the mind to follow.

According to the Readings, the entity, the Word made made flesh...,

...reincarnated most recently with the name Jesus...,

...and was THE personality of God.

The Pattern that Jesus set was NOT the personality of an ordinary man named Jesus..,, 

..but the PERSONALITY of God, or the Creative force that emanated through the mind and body of Jesus as a channel for the manifestation of the SPIRIT, the PERSONALITY of God.

Jesus, the Pattern even said that the Words he spoke were not His but of the Father within Him.

If Jesus was the PERSONALITY of God...,

...then what was the FATHER of His PERSONALITY?

It was the what the Readings call God, the Creative Force, the SPIRIT of God.

Jesus even said that the Words He spoke were Spirit and came from within Him.

Therefore, IF the mind is willing to follow the Pattern that Jesus established..,

...then the mind must set the conscious personality of itself aside...,

...and enter into the Pattern of the personality of the SPIRIT of God established by Jesus.

Ho does the mind do that?

Easier then the conscious mind may think.

Simply allow the mind to return what the mind has been using to build its OWN self conscious personalty mind within to HIS Spirit within the created body..,

...and THEN begin to use them from His Point of View.

And just what is them?

Them is the symbols called letters that were as the SPIRIT of God what was WITH God in the beginning...,

... until the human mind took them for granted and used them as its OWN.

That is WHY the Spirit of God keeps repeating that HIS SPIRIT is letters in the Book of Revelation.

The Bible talks about gifts of the Spirit.

What greater gift AND sacrifice could the human mind give TO HIS Spirit WITHIN.,

.then the letters that it has used to build its OWN Self conscious mind personality?

This would truly be  the one gift that forever will keep on giving...,

...for the words of the mind will begin to follow and emanate from within..., 

...and the mind will begin to take on the Pattern of His Personality rather than its OWN,

This is HOW Self sets aside self that is described in the Readings.

This is also HOW Self may become as a little child of God as it enters within.

Here is the SIGN that the mind understands the Pattern when the MIND MOVES the letters as His...,

...which allows His Spirit to move and emanate from within...,

..for the mind has re-corded its OWN letters to His SPIRIT.  

Self may easily become (S)elf...,

...a little child of God very much like a (S)piritual elf.





Every time each individual soul enters this earth plane...,

...that soul begins to develop a new consciousness unique to that soul.

As the soul mind never forgets...

EACH new ADDED consciousness is called a personality...,

..and the sum total of ALL the personalities that the soul has gathered within the earth plane is called the entity or the individuality of that soul. 

That sum total of ALREADY learned consciousness is recorded and stored in the conscious soul mind that becomes the...

...subconscious mind of the soul's current personality, as the conscious mind, as the builder...,

..continues to add more consciousness to its present personality that is again stored within its subconscious mind...,

...that is the conscious mind of the soul.


According to the Edgar Cayce Readings...,

...the created body is a Pattern* of the soul...,

...and therefore it is the created body that contains the TOTAL recorded consciousness of the soul from the very beginning.      

*Reading 262-95 on page 244 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

This is WHY the Readings state that the current personality or consciousness of the mind should enter WITHIN its own created body.

The Maker, God, the Father is the Force WITHIN the living created body that the mind may enter WITHIN and be As One with. 

The BIG mysterious question is...

...HOW does the mind do that?

The answer is simple and allows the mind to be born again.


IF the mind is able to comprehend that ALL the consciousness that is has ever collected was formed by the MOVEMENT of symbols, BY and within the mind...,

...called in today's terms, letters...,

...IF the mind is willing to concede that the LETTERS that it has forever MOVED,..., its OWN..., build its OWN SOUL conscious mind...,

...are literally..,

..have been, and ALWAYS have been, As One with the SPIRIT of the Maker..., 

...THEN the conscious mind may enter within its OWN subconsciousness or soul conscious mind to be As One with the SPIRIT of its Maker...,

..for the conscious mind has liberated itself by making the correct Revelation* and attunement to the consciousness of HIS SPIRIT...,

...rather than remain blocked into its OWN SELF consciousness.

*Revelation 1:8

As Edgar Cayce would have said, "See?"



Gone fishing,


See you Wednesday.

Remember, you ARE able to go in and out HIS door. Go (A)head and practice with your mind and a (O)pen.

Even if it is a screen door.



Cast out the (n)et..., the (n)egative n


LOOK for (c)hrist


R is His movement symbol for the (r)ive(r) that flows from within.

(s)ee is HIS (s)pirit that the mind will see in its OWN opened words as the mind opens them as if they were hinged to a door.
