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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #111

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #111

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Uniting the Mind with its Soul and Maker.


The first question to ask is WHERE is the mind and the soul right NOW?

They are WITHIN the living human created body.

Next question to ask is where is the Maker or Creator?

The Creator and its Force is also WITHIN the LIVING Created body and is the Force that keeps repairing or healing the LIVING created body.

According to the Readings the created body contains ALL the forces of the created universe itself.

According to the Readings, the name of the Forces of Creation is God.

Jesus, the Word made flesh, as the Way, or as the Pattern of Way for the mind to follow...,

...called those Forces that were referred to as God...,


By example, Jesus, the Pattern, showed HOW the mind may re-connect to the Father WITHIN.

The body is the manifestation or reflection of the soul that is connected to creation through the Creative Forces or Spirit of God.

It is the mind of Self that has broken off this triune connection...,

...and it is the mind of Self that may restore the connection to its Maker, the Father, the Spirit of God, the Creative Forces within.

How does the mind do that?

Both the mind and the Forces of Creation use parts of the same operating system.

Those parts are symbols called letters and the movement thereof.

The symbols are set in the inner human created body as the Spirit of Creation...,

...and the Spirit of creation may be manifested WHEN the mind RE-CORDS its so-called OWN letters As His symbols that have been set within and THEN begins to MOVE them according to the Pattern that the Word made flesh has set.

WHEN this happens, the Creative Spirit is able to manifest itself through its created body and attuned mind of the personality of the individual Self....,

..because the mind and the Spirit of the created body and soul are now As One.



A Little Child


According to the Words of Jesus, the Pattern, one must become as a little child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Also according to Jesus, one must be born again.

Nicodemus had a difficult time understanding these words because His MIND was coming from a physical point of view.

The mind of Jesus was coming from a spiritual point of view from within.

According to the Readings, the kingdom of heaven is within the mind AND created living body.

It is the MIND that Jesus was talking about.

It is the physical MIND that may be born again spiritually as a little child.

It is the MIND OF SELF that simply needs to re-learn its ABC's from a spiritual point of view from WITHIN.

Here is HOW SELF enters the mind of SELF through letters to become a spiritual child.

SELF becomes (S)elf...,

...a mind born again like a...

..A spiritual child-like elf.



Beyond the Crossroad


Jesus, the Pattern for the mind to follow. advanced the human mind to the crossroad of religion

It is AT this crossroad that the mind becomes aware it is born in sin and that  He died for that sin.

What is the sin?

That the mind has led its constant companion, the soul, away from its Maker to wander off on its own.

The Pattern is the Way for the mind and soul to return.

The problem with organized religion that the focus remains AT the crossroad of His death for the sin.

That is not what Jesus, the Pattern had in His mind for other minds to follow.

Jesus, the Pattern, shows the Way BEYOND the crossroad that allows the mind to pass into His spiritual consciousness, which is not death, but continuous life. 

His Spirit, which is THE Spiritual Force of creation that includes the human created body..., within the living created body and that the mind may directly connect to His Spirit while the body is alive.

According to the Reading, the human created body is the temple of the soul.


Because that is where the Force of Creation, His Spirit resides.

That is the "soul" purpose of WHY the soul enters a human body.

The mind takes this "soul" opportunity for granted, and uses the body for its own self interest and purposes.

As the readings state, the body, that is His temple, is only LENT to Self so that Self may learn of His Spirit that is WITHIN the living Created body.

That is why the Jesus, the Pattern says to  take UP, don't plant, your own cross and follow Him into His Spirit that resides right now in every living human created body.

His Spirit is THERE.

His Spirit created and maintains very living created body for a "soul" purpose.

EVERY mind may make attunement for His atonement right THERE within its own mind and created body right NOW.

No human being will every build a church as great as the living human created body.

And guess what, the mind and soul is already WITHIN this church built by HIS Spirit.

Only the free will of the mind can make the decision to unite with the Power of His Spirit within this church.

His Spirit will not force His will on any mind..., it is the mind that must take the first step within just as is stated in the Readings.

Once that step is taken, hold on tight for the ride is nearly unbelievable, as the mind and His Spirit begin to move hand in hand from within as the two great powers unite from within to produce His  manifestations.



The Messengers' Message


The First Messenger was Jesus, who brought the message of.....

....."follow my SPIRIT and return with me to our Father. 

The human mind feels and senses that there is something to all this, but cannot quite grasp the understanding of the Pattern's Words. 

The reason is that the conscious mind thinks it is fully developed, but it really is not.

That is exactly why Jesus said that one must be born again.

It is the MIND that must transform itself from a flowering bud to a flowering  flower. 

The physically conscious mind is like a flower bud that just needs a little water (truth) to open itself in full bloom. 


The Second Messenger was Edgar Cayce who followed the Pattern of First message and reported back through the Readings that...

...not only may the MIND follow His Spirit.., 

...but here is HOW the mind, itself, is literally able to do that.

The Readings ARE like a river of truth that flowed from within Edgar Cayce that provides the water (truthful directions)...,

...that will OPEN the budding MIND to a full fledge flower that will thrive in the light of Father's "Son" from within.

That is exactly why Jesus called His OPEN MINDED disciples....

....friends and not buds. :)



Using IDEAL to Open the Mind


According to the Readings, the Word Ideal may be used by the mind in two different ways.

According to the Readings, the mind is BOTH physical AND spiritual.

According to the Readings, every mind may have many different physical goals or ideals that it may want to reach.

However, it is every mind that may have  One IDEAL that it should try to reach.

That One IDEAL is His Spirit within the Created body.

Why did the voice that emanated from within Edgar Cayce use the word IDEAL rather than Father, Christ, God, or Holy Spirit?

The voice may have used this NEW word as a stepping stone for the mind...,

...rather than the other words that have  often times re-presented a stumbling block to the unfoldment of the mind.

Every word used by the mind, whether in terns of thought, spoken or heard, become very SENSITIVE to the Spirit within.


Because His Spirit has already fulfilled EVERY letter MOVED by the mind to receive or send thoughts produced by words that are formed with letters...,

...His Letters.

Even the words God, Holy Spirit, Christ, Father become INSENSITIVE to the Spirit within...,

...because the letters have been blocked as in stone with NO thought by the mind of  any DIRECT attachment to His Spirit as it moves the letters of these words.

This is WHY Jesus, the Pattern stated these words:

"Many will SAY to me in that day, Lord, Lord have we not prophesied IN thy name? And IN thy name have cast out devils? and IN thy name done many wonderful works?

And then will I profess unto them, I never KNEW you: DEPART from me, ye that WORK iniquity."*

*Matthew 7:23-24

That is Also WHY His SPIRIT made the Revelation TO the MIND that it IS Alpha and Omega.*

*Revelation 1:8

This is the simple equation that will enable the Spirit within to KNOW the mind...,

...that has literally blocked itself without...,

 ...from re-uniting to His Spirit within.


The movement of His Spirit within equals the movement of letters that the mind has re-corded to His Spirit.


Here, again, is the word IDEAL that will prove the truth of this equation.

This is How the physical conscious aspect of the mind views the word IDEAL.


The word is etched as in a block of stone.

The mind will not, shall not, and must not move the letters of this word...,

...because it is part of the Letter of the Law for the mind,  NOW called the Law of Webster.

Now watch what happens when the spiritual aspect of the mind MOVES the letters corded to His Spirit that has ALREADY fulfilled the Letter of the Law that the mind HAS literally BLOCKED itself into.

First, the mind will enter INTO this word which is against the Letter of the Law like this...


Then, the mind WILL MOVE the letters that is against the written Letter of the  Law like this.


The mind has just moved a word etched in stone that has been completely void of His Spirit to a word that exactly matches the Pattern that Jesus presented.

And pray tell, exactly WHAT Pattern is that?

I lead, "follow me".*

*Matthew 16:24

If any mind may thinks that the Lord's  Spirit within is INSENSITIVE to that movement by the mind...,

...then that mind will have another thought yet to come.



An IDEAL Quote within the Readings


"The ways of the Lord are only hard to those who have set themselves in IDEAS.  
Let the IDEAL of the Christ guide thee.

For He hath given His promise..,

... "Take my yoke upon you, and LEARN of me."  

In THIS Knowledge of Him, thy Savior, as thy companion, the way becomes easy, the burden becomes light.

For as He hath given, take not thought or fret thyself not concerning tomorrow, looking not back but ever upward, onward, into the face, into the love of the Christ...,

...And ye will find His presence giving thee strength for the daily conditions, the daily disturbances.  

And He will keep thee as in the hollow of His hand.  

For as He hath given, 

He hath given His angels charge concerning thee...,

...but the Christ has given, "I - even I - will be WITH thee."  

Then trust in Him, for this is indeed Knowledge."*
*Reading 262-98

As echoed by the



The Light for the Mind



Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying...,

"I am the light of this world: he that follow me shall not WALK in darkness, but shall have the light of life."*

*John 8:12

"The WORDS, I speak unto you, they are SPIRIT, and they are life."*

*John 6:63

"God is SPIRIT: and they that worship him must worship him IN SPIRIT and in truth."

*John 4:24


"Enter into the holy of holies WITHIN thine own consciousness: turn within: see what as prompted thee.

And He has promised to meet thee there.

And there shall it be TOLD thee from WITHIN the STEPS thou shall take day by day, STEP by STEP."*

*Reading 922-1 on page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


In summary:

The Readings state that the MIND should enter where? 

WITHIN its own consciousness.

How does the MIND do that?

The MIND enters WITHIN its OWN block  words that have formed its OWN consciousness. 

Here is where he has promised to meet thee there.


Above is the sign that the MIND has just entered there to be here..., it has just acknowledged and taken up its own cross (t) and begins to follow Him in WORDS of SPIRIT.

When the mind enters within the words of its own consciousness...,

...the letters, themselves, that are THEN   moved by the mind...,, 

...are transformed into light for the mind...,

...for HIS letters will now show His signs along the Way from WITHIN as the letters themselves ARE Spirit, His Spirit.*

*Revelation 1:8

Here are a few examples when the MIND goes (t)here.

When the MIND enters within the block word "mind" that is firmly attached to the MIND itself..., is what the MIND may do.

The Mind may cast out the letter n for it is the first root letter of the word (n)egative.

The MIND is now attached to the word  mid.

As the MIND now turns from without to within as suggested by the Readings...

...mid becomes the word word sign dim.

As the MIND takes the next steps WITHIN...,

...the MIND begins to WALK in the Light of His Spiritual letters emanating from WITHIN.

This is what the MIND will see when the MIND begins to enter WITHIN and walk in the steps of the word LIGHT that is attached to light itself.   

Here are the steps of LIGHT

(L) Lord

(I) Jesus, the Pattern
(G) God, the Father

(H) the symbol for together As ONE

(T) at the cross

In essence, when the dim mind enters within its own block words of its own consciousness...,

...the dim mind will begin to brighten as it begins to see His signs in its very own words.

The movement of His letters by the mind...,

...generates and manifests His true light for the mind.  

Here is  "the" light starter kit for the mind.


He DID go to (t)he cross (t)..., that the MIND may follow His LIGHT in WORDS of SPIRIT.
