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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #110

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #110

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The Pattern Comes together


*Matthew 10:20

"the words that I speak unto you, THEY are SPIRIT, and THEY are LIFE."

*John 6:63

"Howbeit when he, the spirit of truth, is come, he will GUIDE you into all truth:

for he shall not speak of himself..."*

*John 16:13

"the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself : but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works."*

*John 14:10


Now, allow the mind to consider this.

Jesus, the Pattern is stating that the WORDS that He speaks are SPIRIT and they are LIFE and that they come from the Father within Him.

Thus, the words Jesus the Pattern spoke are SPIRIT...,

...and are DIFFERENT from the words spoken by others who spoke coming only from themselves.

Now, if  the WORDS are SPIRIT, then the letters that FORM those words must also be SPIRIT.  

He was the WORD made flesh was He not?*

*John 1:14

Now, allow the mind to go to Revelation 1:8 that verifies that HIS SPIRIT is letters...,

...and letters were SPIRIT  "in" the mind in the beginning and will be SPIRIT "in" the mind in the ending.

Now, allow the mind to go to John 1:1 that states that in the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was WITH GOD, and that WORD WAS GOD.

G-O-D were the Spiritual letters that were WITH GOD in the beginning.  

Look what the development of the mind did with THOSE letters in between the beginning and the ending.

The mind simply severed that short cord of the letters of SPIRIT, G-O-D, from GOD and took them as its OWN..., 

...and even added 23 more that are "still" now void of SPIRIT.

That is HOW the mind has wandered from HIS SPIRIT.

When the mind dis-corded the letters of HIS SPIRIT, the SPIRIT has remained "still" within the mind...,

..and no pun is intended.


Allow the mind to enter the cord of letters called the alphabet that it now uses to produce its own words.

It will find HIS Spiritual letters are "still" within that cord.

Here is the spiritual sign that is NO accident.

In the cord of letters that the mind uses TODAY as its OWN, and "still" void of SPIRIT...,

...G is the 7th letter in that cord....,

...O is the 15th letter in that cord...,

...D is the 4th letter in that cord....

The total positioning is exactly 26...,

..the exact SAME total of ALL the letters that the mind uses today.

A coincident?

No. Nothing is by chance to the spiritual aspect of the mind.

The SPIRIT of G-O-D that was with GOD in the beginning has NEVER changed.

It is the mind that has changed...,

...and  moved away from HIS SPIRIT by taking HIS letters...,

...A-voiding them as SPIRIT...,

...and using them as coming from themselves rather than as coming from the SPIRIT of the Father within.  

If the mind is willing to re-cord the letters to HIS SPIRIT WITHIN...,

...the mind, the soul, and HIS SPIRIT will become as One.

The law that is ever present: Like attracts like, like begets like, remember?



Genesis 1:11  


These are Spiritual words that are part of HIS Pattern. 
"...after HIS kind, whose seed is in IT-SELF."* 
*Genesis 1:11 

These are Spiritual words that are emblematic of the SELF conscious mind that has a seed of HIS Spiritual Consciousness within itself. 


The Essence of the Bible and the Readings.



The essence of the entire Bible is the  Spirit of God informing every mind WHERE it is ... 

..HOW every wandering mind may literally follow His Spiritual Pattern...,

...and return to His Spirit As One...,

as WAS the relationship in the beginning.


The essence of the Readings simply presents a clearer picture of WHERE the Spirit is and HOW the mind may return.

The mind must remember that the Bible is composed of Spiritual words.

An emblematic transformation of these words must be made in order to be presented to the physical aspects of the conscious mind.

Edgar Cayce knew how to alter his mind in order to make that emblematic transformation..., that every  mind could receive a better understanding of HOW and WHERE the mind should go to re-cord to His Spirit.

That is exactly WHY the name of the ARE has RE-SEARCH in its name and WHY the ARE formed...

..SEARCH FOR GOD groups to take another look at the Pattern of Jesus that is presented in the Bible... following the emblematic guidelines presented in the Readings.

The Readings set out the parameters for the search and all the mind has to do is to seek and find within those parameters.

This club simply exists to say, hey, turn around and look WITHIN...,

...and here is a Passage Way IN according to the Bible and the Readings.


Connecting the Mind to His Spirit


According to the Readings, the mind is the builder and the ACTIVE force...,

...therefore it is the responsibility of the mind to attune and re-cord and connect to His Spirit...,

...and NOT vice versa.

The reason is that the mind has been given free will..., 

...and His Spirit will only allow the connection to be made IF the mind is willing.

It is the mind that must make the preparations for the connection to be made.

There is an interesting passage in His Book, the Bible, that addresses this situation.

"And Jesus said unto him...,

...the foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests...,

...but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head."*

*Matthew 8:20

It is the mind that must prepare the place for Him to lay His head.

How does the mind do that?

The mind takes the first step within to seek His Spirit called the Creative Force that is within the created LIVING body.

How does the mind do that?

The mind enters its own created body...,

... through its own consciousness.., 

...and it does that by entering through the blocked words that have formed that consciousness.

Blocked words are formed by letters that are unable to move according to the written law for the mind that is now in the form of the Law of Webster.

Phooey, says His Spirit who fulfilled the letter of the law.

The letters may easily be moved by the mind according to the Spirit of the Law...,

...IF the mind is willing to cord them to HIS Spirit rather than to physical objects that have no movement of their own.

The physical born mind simply learns to cord letters into block words and attach or cord or connect them to physical objects.  

These words that the mind THEN uses are void of Spirit to the developing  conscious mind.

Thus, the mind that is developed is  physical.

When the mind is born again...,

...and unfortunately this is NOT being taught YET...

...the mind  learns to detach the words corded to physical objects by loosening and moving the letters of the word connected to the object.

The mind THEN enters the word and continues to move the letters into the Pattern that it has learned in His book, the Bible.

Again here is a very simply movement by the mind that moves a block physical word into His Pattern that he was As One with the cross.

The physical block word "the" becomes the opened word (t)he

His Spirit within the created body recognizes that the mind and body have made the correct move and His Spirit will begin to respond in kind by moving to rise and meet the entering mind.

It is all very simple, yet it is all very profound.



The building Blocks of the Mind

July 25, 2000


The building blocks of the mind are words that are attached to physical objects that the conscious mind has corded them to.

An example is the word bird.

The born mind has learned to attach the word, with the letters b-i-r-d, to a bird itself.

Bird becomes a block word..., etched in stone...,

...and is ALWAYS corded to the bird itself.

This is the cording process of letters that are blocked into words that are the attached to things so that the mind may develop Self Consciousness.

The bottom line is that the mind uses these symbols called letters to allow itself to find itself to be different and separate from everything else.

For instance the word J-o-h-n corded to John is separate from the word b-i-r-d corded to bird.

That the word J-o-h-n corded to John is also separate from the word B-i-l-l that is corded to Bill.

That the word J-o-h-n corded to John is also separate from the word G-o-d that is corded to God. 

The point is...,

...for the mind to FIRST know itself to be itself..., must FIRST separate itself from everything else including the Word G-o-d that was the Word that was with God in the beginning. 

When the born mind cord these blocks of words to things that it sees with its eyes..., is building a physical consciousness that literally blocks the mind IN itself by the very words used to build that consciousness that allows Self to become aware of Self.   

Jesus, the Pattern, the Word made flesh, enters the world...,

...and states that He is the WAY for the mind to break through that Self built consciousness and enter into His Consciousness.

His consciousness is called the Christ Consciousness.

The difference between the two "types" of consciousness..., that the LETTERS of the block words that are as etched in stone...,

...and used by the conscious mind...,

... are NOT corded to His Spirit.   


This causes the conscious mind to wander from His Spirit...,

...for its letters that produced the words that produced the thoughts are NOT corded to...,

..but are SEVERED from His Consciousness that is Spirit.

That is WHY His Spirit states that His Spirit IS letters in Revelation 1:8 that is directed to the mind.

That makes sense if His Spirit fulfilled the letters that the mind has been using to build its OWN consciousness by using the letters as void of His Spirit.

Once the mind does come to the conclusion that the letters it moves are His... may THEN re-cord them to the Pattern of His Spirit....,

...which is the Pattern set before the mind by Jesus, the Word made flesh .


As the Readings have so stated...,

...Jesus is the Pattern...,

...Christ is the Power...,

..WHEN the will power of the mind...,


... re-cords to the awesome will power of the Spirit of God that resides "still' within the living created body.

Once the mind, as the active force, cords to His Spirit...,

...His  "still" Spirit will begin to move and manifest itself, as the mind, the body, and His Spirit are now corded together As One.

The existence of a severed cord is described in Reading 275-43 on page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

As the mind re-cords its OWN letters to His Spirit within...,

...His Spirit senses this movement from within...

... and the vibrations of His letter symbols re-set the severed cord as they now begin to move.

It is very much like a train that begins to set down HIS "tract" in front of itself...,

as the engine is like the active force of the mind...,

...that moves along.the Pattern set by the Word made flesh...,




The Pattern of Three Measures of Meal


"The kingdom of of heaven (within) is like unto leaven, which a woman (the mind) took, and HID in three measures of meal, till the WHOLE was leavened."*

*Matthew 13:33

Here is how the Pattern of this parable may relate to the mind.  

Manna is the bread that is food for thought for the mind.

Manna is the WHOLE bread loaf of letters or symbols that the mind uses for thought.

Here is that bread loaf of letters.


WITHIN that bread loaf of letters are three measures or letters that WILL leaven the whole loaf.

These three letters contain the Spirit, or leaven, that was with God in the beginning.

The three leavening agent letters are G and O and D.

These letters of His Spirit WILL leaven the whole loaf of letters that the mind uses...,

...IF the mind is willing to mix its OWN letters in with His leavening agents that were with God in the beginning.

 Here is the point of the parable.

G and  O and D were symbols of the Spirit that was with GOD in the beginning.

The mind took those symbols as its own...,

...severed them from His Spirit...,

...added 23 more letter symbols to its mind that are also void of His Spirit.

IF the mind will just re-view Revelation 1;8...,

...and make the connection between His Spirit, His Letters, and the mind...,

...the mind may then leaven the whole loaf of its letters with G and O and D.

This leavening process will allow His Spirit and the mind to RISE together..,

...and manifest AS One mind from within. 



 I Shall Not Want


"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."*

*The 23rd Psalm of David the King

These key words are very important in His Pattern.

According to the Readings, it is the mind of Self that must move away from Self.

IF the mind of Self should decide not to want the letters that Self has used as its own...

...THEN the mind of Self could move away from the consciousness of itself.

The mind of Self has taken His letters symbols for granted and...,

..without forethought...,

...has never considered the possibility that there may be HIS ownership to the symbols or letters that the mind moves as its OWN.

Self is I.

I shall not want includes the letters that the mind of Self uses as its own.

This coincides with Revelation 1:8 that the Letters DO belong to His Spirit.

Also according to the Readings....,

..."KNOW, the earth and ALL therein is the Lord's. 

ALL thine OWN is LENT thee, NOT thine but LENT thee. Keep it inviolate"*

*Reading 2622-1 on page 370 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 

ALL must include the letters that the mind uses as its OWN and that is WHY Revelation 1:8 exists.

It is only the WILL of the mind of Self that has the ability to take Revelation 1:8 at its face value...,

...and acknowledge that the letters that the mind, as the builder, moves are His.

When that happens, His Spirit begins to move..., the mind THEN begins to move the letters as corded to His Spirit.


The mind and His Spirit were designed to move together As One in the beginning will move together As One in the ending.


The conscious mind probably just missed an important SIGN in a word in the above  paragraph that represents the beginning and the ending. 

Here is that sign.




The Pattern and the Stone



"ROLLED the stone from the well's mouth"*






for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and ROLLED back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.*

*Matthew 28:2


The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner:

*Matthew 21:42 


Here is the Pattern of the stone that the mind may wish to consider.

When the stone is rolled away, the Spirit of truth, water, is allowed to flow FROM within.

Remember how the Readings stated that it is the MIND that is the builder?

Here is the stone that the mind rejected.


Here is that SAME stone that is broken and rolled away by the mind so that the stone becomes the head of the corner or cornerstone.


(one) to the cross (t) -- His (S)pirit


will allow the mind, as the builder, to attune to His (S)pirtual (tone).
