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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #11

To the physically trained mind...

tradition dictates that Self will go to a physical building created by a human being...

...called a church...

...and read Scripture that has been  forever fixed in a certain written form.


IF... this is as far as the mind will go...

...the mind, as the builder, has cmpleted has about 50% of the work needed to be done... order to complete the mission of its soul becoming AS ONE with the Ideal, the Creator, the Creative Force WITHIN.

STEP ONE OF THE SOUL'S DESTINY for its attached mind to GO to a physical building called a church... if that church was a trade school...

..and study Scripture as if the Scripture was a hand-book... the mind will have some thing of a trade when it completes the school.

"Study and know the relationship to the Creator...

No better hand-book may be used than Scripture itself."*

*Page 193 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


When the mind has learned the hand book to a certain "degree", no pun intended... is now ready to take another step... the right direction... applying the tools of its trade... the mind becomes a journeyman by taking the next step...*

...WITHIN the real church of its own body.**

*Page 110 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

**Page 192 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

The composite human mind of the  composite human race... just now beginning to enter step two in its unfoldment process...

...of entering WITHIN the real church of its own body.

It is WITHIN this church WHERE the tools of its trade...

...are literally for one WITH the carpenter's son WITHIN.

Step one provide the mind WITH tools of the trade... that when the mind does enter WITHIN... will have tools to trade.


The tools of the mind and of the Spirit are Letters.

The letter tools of the physical mind are NOT Spiritual.

The Letter tools of the Spiritual mind of the Creative Force OF the Created ARE Spiritual.

letters are the tools that the mind has at hand...*

...when it enters WITHIN and exchanges them with the Creative Force WITHIN.

*Page 13 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

This exchange of the tools of the trade WITHIN literally transforms the mind into a Spiritualy attuned mind according to His spiritual Pattern.

Here is something that the physical mind has never seen before until right now.

From the point of view of the physical mind...

...WITHOUT a trade of tools...

...the word...  

...has NO movement and is as etched  in stone.

From the point of view of the physical mind...

...WITH a trade of tools...

.and goes WITHIN...

...the word... abe to move...

...for the mind is now able to move His letters from His point of view WITHIN...

...for now the Creative force, or the spirit and the mind are AS ONE.

Here is HOW the word tools look when viewed from the movement WITHIN.


Allow the mind to refresh its memory of a few verses His Scripture Hand Book...*

*Revelation 1:8

*Revelation Chapter 21

Did the mind find a little (S)piritual loot perhaps?


On the level of of the physical mind...

...The words emanating from WITHIN Edgar Cayce were...

...and "still" are...

...often challenged.

The problem is that the physical mind...

and "still" is...

...coming from the point of view of the SELF conscious mind.

The Voice emanating from WITHIN Edgar Cayce...

...was NOT...

...coming from his own Self point of view of the "personality" of Edgar Cayce.

The Voice was of Spiritual attunement and came from the Creative Force viewpoint WITHIN.

In essence, it would be more correct to say that the teachings emanating from WITHIN...

...were more of the personality of RA...

...then of  Edgar Cayce who set the personality of his Self aside.

In fact, if the conscious mind did view Edgar Cayce as RA...

..the mind might find it somewhat easier to make attunement WITHIN.

There is no defense to the material presented in this club.


Because it comes from the viewpoint of TRUTH from WITHIN the created body.

This club follows this Pattern of Truth established by Jesus...

...and confirmed by the Edgar Cayce Readings.

His book, the Bible, and the Readings literally witness each other in TRUTH.

There is no defense against the   Spiritual Truth tha emanates from WITHIN the created body.

The mind of the created body has always emanated AS ONE from the point of view of TRUTH.

Every physical Self conscious mind ever born...

...except one...

comes from a viewpoint somewhat less than the viewpoint of TRUTH of the  mind of the created body.

That is WHY the physical mind is usually at a variance with the Spirit WITHIN.

That is WHY the physical mind must be born again to re-learn from the point of view OF TRUTH from WITHIN...

...and only the mind of each and every Self, may or may not, allow that to happen.

The Spiritual mind WITHIN...

...and the physical mind of Self shall never meet...


...Self leaves the personality of  Self...

...and transforms itself to the individual called (S)elf.

Is it difficult to allow the mind to be born again?

Only as difficult for the mind to re-learn its ABC'S from His point of view.


April 30, 1999

Q- What great change, if any, is to take place... the earth... the year...

...2000 to 2001 A.D.?

A- "When there is a shifting of the poles...


...a new cycle begins."*

*Page 448 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

When the physical mind hears this information emanating from the  Spiritual Voice WITHIN the Created body mind of Edgar Cayce... immediately thinks...

...oh, oh..

...the North pole and the South pole of the earth are going to shift around...

...and cause all sorts of problems on earth.

Hmmm. but what is this...

... OR...OR...OR...

...a NEW cycle begins.

Could this statement sort of be a Jonah and the whale sort of thing?

Heed the warning of this Reading.

" not make the mistake...

as has often been given through these channels...

...of attempting to DISCERN Spiritual interpretations with a material mind...

...nor material interpretations with a Spiritual mind...


...same is signified...or state of being EMBLEMATIC..."*

*Page 2 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

As just stated...

...the human conscious mind is asking questions from a physical point of view...

...and is literally receiving responses from a Spiritual point of view. 

There is no match up...

...of understanding...


...there is an emblematic connection between the two types of minds.

Maybe there will be no physical earth pole shifts...


...A new cycle does begin.

And just what is that new cycle.

IT just might cycle of the human mind going WITHIN to re-cycle AS ONE with the Creative Force into everlasting life...

...rather than...

...continuing to remain in the cycle of reincarnation... a earth that will someday...

...most assuredly...

...WILL pass away.

The time has come when the poles of the mind and created body will begin to re-verse...

...according to the Pattern verified by the Voice emanating from the Created body mind of Edgar Cayce.

From WITHIN the earth plane of the created body...

...the word poles is viewed as...

...(S) ELOP(E)

When the poles of the mind and body are re-versed WITHIN...

...A (S)piritual (elop)(men)(t)... 

...or marriage takes place.

The word (elop)(men)(t) is the...

...EMBLEMATIC SIGN of the pole shift...

...between the mind and Created body that is formed from the vibrational elements of the same Created earth.

One Way or another way, the physical mind will most assuredly...


...feel the effects of a pole shift...

...either from WITHIN...

...or from WITHOUT.

It is that simple. It is that profound.

April 30, l999

A more appropriate spelling may be the word...


When the conscious mind leaves itself... may literally take on a (S)piritual HEADING...

..TO (WARD)...

...with the IDEAL... 


Self sheds the person, or personality of Self... order for the individuality of Self to become as one with the will of the Father WITHIN...

...the desires of the personality of self must be put aside... that the will of the individuality called the entity may become As ONE with the Father.

This pattern of activity is the very Pattern that Jesus presented and Edgar Cayce followed.

The DESIRES of the personality of Self...

...oppose the WILL of the individuality of the soul.*

*Page 166 of the Cayce Companion

This comparison...

...and confrontation...

...between desire and will...

...exactly fit the Pattern of Spiritual Words WITHIN His book...

...  the 23rd Psalm and the Lord's Prayer.

"thou shall not want" and "thy will be done".

It would do "well" for the physical mind to remember that desire relates to Self...

...and...will... relates to (S)elf, or to the Soul of Self.

"When the foundations of the earth are broken up by those very disturbances...

...can the mind of man comprehend...

...NO DESIRE... sin...


...but the glory of the 
Son may be...

...MANIFESTED... his life?

Is this not a new heaven...

...a new earth?"*

*page 449 of the Edgar Cayce companion.

Is this not HOW one must be born again? 


Re: The Sphinx

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 30 1999
8:39PM EDT

"With the storehouse (where the records are still to be uncovered)...

...there is a chamber, or passage from the right forepaw to this entrance of the record chamber, or record tomb."*

*Page 419 of the Edgar Cayce Companion
There are probably records there...

...but the Spirit of even those records is NOT there.

The Spirit is WITHIN the living human Created body.

The Sphinx is EMBLEMATIC of the UNFOLDMENT of the Created body... the mind that becomes Patterned after the Law of One God.

The Sphinx literally guards the "peer-A-mid" until the mind is prepared.

The mind is now prepared.

According to the Readings...

...the seat of religious SPIRITUAL thought of SPIRIT...

...has MOVED over and through the... 

...the Created physical planet called earth... 

...just as it MOVES through the physical Earth...

...often called the human body. 

Right now the Egyptians might as well put their minds at rest...

...for the seat or center of the Spiritual thought MOVEMENT is located in Virginia Beach.*

*Page 240 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

As the human mind progresses in its attunement to the Creative Force WITHIN...

...Spiritual signs will appear in words to the seeking mind.

...(Virgin)(i)(A) (B)each is a perfect match...

...for the unfold(men)(t) of the birth...

...of the immaculately conceived Christ conscious mind...

...out of the physically conscious mind...

...often called the (B)rain in (each) of us.

When the mind goes WITHIN words to seek Patterned matches...

..."after His kind"*...

..and THEN finds such matches...

...the mind is literalLy following His Spiritual light WITHIN...

...and making attunement with Same.

*Genesis 1:11 

Edgar Cayce set self aside... the personality of the High Priest Ra...

..could direct the mind WITHIN... to lead the soul to its true destiny.

If the physical mind...

...thinks this is "hog wash"...

...than let that mind read from His Patterned Book...

...about the herd of swine that ran down the (mount)ain and drowned in the sea WITHIN.*

*Mark 5:11

The Sphinx in Egypt has no nose.

The human living being has a NOSE.

The Spirit is so close...

...its MOVEMENT is even literally reflected in the movement of word NOSE.

(W)atch (t)his (M)atch.


(t)he MOVEMENT of the SON...

...the Word made flesh...

...WITHIN the (E)arth of the human Created body.

It is that simple. It is that profound.

The EMLBEMATIC Spiritual center of the Planet Earth is NOW in Virginia Beach.

The TRUE Spiritual center... the temple...

...WITHIN the Created body of every living human being.


It would do the physical mind "well"... get a copy of His book, the Bible...

...and re-view the first part of Genesis from a different point of view.

In the beginning Adam was talking to God.

Where was God?

According to the Readings God was WITHIN the Created body of Adam.

Adam was literally communicating not TO himself...

...but to...WITHIN himself.

The communication was Spiritual and was emanating from WITHIN.

This IS the natural Law that Jesus set the Pattern for and Edgar cayce followed.

THEN Adam began to listen to communications that were originating from WIHOUT his Created body.

They were originating from a snake.

Now, after they did what the snake suggested, they knew they were naked.

Now, the mind must remember...

"Nothing is by chance."*

*Page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Is it possible that the words emanating from the (S)nake were...


*Page 2 of The Edgar cayce Companion.

of (S)piritual nakedness?


That is EXACTLY the entire essence of the Pattern of atonement Adam  made as He returned as Jesus.

That is Exactly why ALL minds are born into sin.

Everyone is born into Spiritual nakedness.

Every mind FIRST begins to learn from WITHOUT.

However, everyone automatically enters into a created body called a church...*

*Page 192 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

...that literally houses the mind so that the mind MAY be born again.

How does a mind be born?

It simply moves letters around as its own... build itself a mind of self consciousness. 

How does the mind be born again?

It simply takes those very same letters...

...goes WITHIN...

...and then moves them around from His point of view WITHIN.

When the mind moves His Letters WITHIN...

...guess what happens?

The mind and his Spirit are as re-corded WITHIN...

The mind and Spirit are again in attunement...

..for as the mind moves His Letters...

...the Spirit will make "A" corresponding move.

Actually the letters have ALWAYS been AS One with the Spirit, or Creative Force WITHIN.   
That is EXACTLY why the mind must be born again.

It must make the immaculate conception itself... the builder...

...and re-cord those Letters WITHIN.

Moving His letters from WITHIN and with Him...

...allows the mind to free (S)elf from Self...

...because Spirit may pass through things of matter...

...such as the building (B)locks of the...

... the Self born mind.     


Re: The Right Paw

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) May 2 1999
11:58AM EDT

Thank you for the kind remarks.

If the mind, as the builder, follows His Pattern and goes WITHIN...

...and begins to move letters as His...

...the information from the chamber of the "Right Fore-Paw" just sort flows out like a river from WITHIN.

Here are the SPIRITUAL words that are EMBLEMATIC of that very Pattern.

"How knoweth this man LETTERS having never learned?"*

*John 7:15 

This is what the Jews were saying about Jesus as he was reading Scripture at the age of twelve in the temple.

"Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is NOT mine, but his that sent me.

IF ANY man WILL do his WILL, he shall KNOW of the doctrine, whether it be of 
God, or whether I speak of myself.

He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is TRUE, and no UN-RIGHTeousness is in him."*

*John 7:16

No Pun intended, but James and John sort of "left" their physical "Fore-Paw"...* they could follow Jesus, the 

... and His... 

Spiritual "Right-Fore-Paw"

*Matthew 4:22

These words are EMBLEMATIC of following the Pattern...

...and going WITHIN the chamber of the body to be AS ONE...

...with the Right Fore-Paw.

To the physical mind that is unwilling to go WITHIN...

...there is no (move)(men)(t) to the word PAW.

It has been as etched in stone according to the written Law.

Here is the Pattern.

Spiritual Words are Created by the Creative Force of the Father...

...and may MOVE and emanate from the right "Paw" WITHIN...

...but when they "leave" the Created body...

...they become AS ETCHED in stone...

...Even the words of His book, the 

This is HOW Moses received God's Words through the movement of His "Right Paw"...

...and became as etched in stone...

...once the words left his physically Created body.

This is HOW Jesus Spoke Words of Scripture.

This is HOW Words emanated from Edgar Cayce's body when he set Self aside.

IF...the mind is willing to follow the Pattern...

... and take UP its own cross (t)...

...His Letter t...

...that is EMBLEMATICAL...

...of Adam returning, as Jesus...
and fulfilled every LETTER of the LAW written in stone...

...and return ALL of the mind's Letters to the Father WITHIN...

...Words will begin to emanate from WITHIN...

...for the mind and the Spirit WII THEN be AS ONE with His Letters. 

The cross is EMBLEMATIC of His Letter t...

...that He...the Patterned returned to...

...and by fulfilling the cross... 


His Spirit, once again, became AS ONE...

...EMBLEMATICALLY with the Letters that form the words from WITHIN.

That is WHY the statement in Revelation 1:8 is (t)(here).

Revelation 1:8 IS the immaculate...


...conception of the mind. 

Allow the mind to...

...take "UP" as a sacrifice...

...every letter the mind has been given as its own...

...and return them to the Father WITHIN...

...and then allow the mind of (S)ELF... watch the Words flow like a river from WITHIN. 


To help the mind FIND that which was lost...

..let it look at the end of page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The words re-corded here provide the Master Key for even the existence of human life.

These are the very words that will allow the mind to turn around and go WITHIN.


The destiny of the soul... for the MIND to re-cord... the severed cord that it never knew...

...even existed...

...until now. 


..."thy WILL be done in earth as it is in heaven."*

Matthew 6:!0

According to the Readings the earth is the human created body and heaven is WITHIN the body.


When the the mind allows the will of the soul to return WITHIN to become again AS ONE...

...this is the word that is as the EMBLEMATICAL sign of the re-union of Heaven and earth WITHIN...


The words there and here are AS ONE according to the Pattern of His WILL.


This is the sign of His being AS ONE with the cross...



This is the sign that all "things" including letters...

...are as "His" because he was AS ONE with the cross (t).



This is the sign that He...

...the WORD made flesh...

...the Lord...

...was IN the world and the world knew Him not.*

*John 1:10

...the (L)ORD was IN the WORD... is that sign...



Here is the "sign" that...

...with (G)od...

...the orginal SIN of the mind wandering away from (G)od, the Father...

...has been re-corded WITHIN. 

This is the sign of re-cording of  that sin WITHIN... (G)od, the FATHER WITHIN.



When re-cording WITH God...

...sins are literally transformed into His signs along the way.

That is EXACTLY HOW the born Self is able to be born again... simply following the signs...

...when the individual (S)elf becomes transformed...

...and separated from the personality of Self.

 Allow the mind to notice that (S)elf also fits His Pattern of becoming converted as a little one like a child... order to enter WITHIN.*



Because (t)he (L)ord is hidden WITHIN (t)his CHI(L)D.

An even greater sign is that the (L)ord is even hid WITHIN the word HID.

They are AS ONE...

...and the hidden manna for the soul. 


According to the written "Law of Webster" that has been handed down from generation to generation...

...this is virtue.

"general moral excellance... ...goodness... right action... ...thinking ...  effective power or force... the ability to heal or strenghten."

No "menshun" of flow or movment.

Virtue literally flowed out from WITHIN Jesus, the Pattern, and many were healed.* 

*Mark 5:30
*Luke 6:19
*Luke 8:46

The word virtue when viewed from the physical mind without...

...has NO flowing movement that Jesus perceived.


Because the words emanating from the "Law of Webster" are from WITHOUT, and are as written in stone and...

...because the words emanating from the Pattern, Jesus were flowing from WITHIN.

This is the sign of the MOVEMENT of virtue from WITHIN.

...(VI)(RTUE)...(TRUE) (IV)...

Virture is the Power of the Spirit MOVING as the true (I V)...

...or Vine through the open channels of ALL the created bodies and healng takes place. 

"I am the true vine"...*

*John 15:1
"I am the vine, ye are the branches..."*

*John 15:5  

The connection between the vine and the branches is...




...and the healing force is the movement thereof from WITHIN... the T-R-U-E  I-V.

No association or experience is by chance.*

*Page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


"Pilate saith unto him, what is truth?"*

*John 18:38

Pontius Pilate was literally looking at...

...and literally talking to...

...truth and did not even know it.

When Jesus went to the cross...there was one who witnessed Jesus being crucified.

Her name was Ruth...she was the natural born sister of Jesus.*

*Page 209 of the Edgar Cayce Companion  

Ruth was next to Jesus at the cross (t)...

That is the (t)ruth.

One of the reasons that the physical mind cannot see truth is...

... that its mind is blocked by a very small word WITHIN the word truth that the subconscious mind as learned all to well.

The word is rut.

The mind sort of gets stuck in a rut trying to see truth.

Pontius Pilate couldn't see truth for the matter of the body blocked it out his view.

Pilate never learned to go WITHIN.

The truth of matter is always WITHIN the matter.

It is the essence of matter.

The mind can only find it by GOING WITHIN its own created mind and body...

...and re-cording the cord that severed the mind from the truth of the Father WITHIN.


The Readings state that Jesus is the Pattern.

The Readings state that the human mind is the Builder.

The Reading state that the conscious mind may build... a consciousness called Christ... allowing the mind to  follow the Pattern...

...and enter WITHIN its own created body.

The Readings state the kindgom of heaven is WITHIN the created body.

The Reading state the temple of the living God, the Creatve Force, the Ideal, the Lord... WITHIN the created body.  

The Readings state that IF the mind makes an adjustment, or attunement... may enter the created body and re-cord to its Maker.

The Readings state that IF the mind DOES decide to take the FIRST step WITHIN...

...the NEXT steps will be given... 


The most important directions EVER GIVEN for taking that FIRST Step WIIHIN...

...are re-corded in the Readings.

The seeking mind may find the directions for the PATTERN of the FIRST STEP...

...on pages 110 and 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

It is right here, where the mind, as the builder, may begin to build towards the Christ Consciosness...

...that is WIHIN the kingdom of heaven...

...that is WITHIN the human Created body. 

The mind must FIRST know SOME things about the Pattern before it can build by following the Pattern.

For instance, one must become as little child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven WTHIN.*

*Matthew 18:3

For instance, one must know that  the Spirit stated that He IS Alpha an Omega.*

*Revelation !:8

For instance, one must know that one must deny himself, and take up its cross and follow Him.*

Matthew 16:24 

All of this information is WITHIN his Book called the Bible.

Ii is not necesaary to know a lot about His Book...


...because He IS the Pattern...

...His New Testament...

...His Book of Reveation...

...and His Book of Genesis...

...that describes His eariler life as Adam...

...would be nice to know so...

...the mind may then be more effective in building WITHIN His Pattern.

After all, it is this very Pattern that is the created body that literally houses the mind.

It would be nice to "know its Way  around WITHIN the house. 

Ok... allow the mind to "brush" up on the Pattern of Jesus a little bit...

..and allow the mind to read and re-read pages 110 and 111.

IN the next few days...

...seeking minds are going to learn some of the...


that were GIVEN to some minds that have already entered WITHIN.

These NEXT STEPS are directly "Relative" to HOW the mind re-cords to the Maker WITHIN. 

These NEXT STEPS are also "Relative" to HOW the mind altars its own vibrations to match His vibrations WITNIN.

That process is called...


Allow the mind to stay "tuned"