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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #106

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #106

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From Physical Me to Spiritual We



Going from Me to We is simple when the mind is allowed to follow the Law of One that is part and parcel of the Spirit of the Law.

In the letter of the law, letters are not allowed to move.

They are as etched in stone for the development of SELF consciousness.

To allow Self to know itself and to be itself, is to allow Self also to develop a free will.

With the free will well established in the developed mind of Self, it is hoped by the Father, God, the Creative Force..., 

...that the mind IS THEN WILLING to take the NEXT step in the unfoldment process..,

...and enter within its own consciousness and created body to become AS ONE with HIM.

Here is the block word Me that the physical aspect of my mind has learned that I cannot open and enter.

From the Readings I have learned that, in deed, letters within words may be moved by the mind to raise the Spirit and re-cord to the Spirit within*

*Reading 275-43 or page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

When the mind carries its OWN letters in for transformation...,

...they literally float on a sea of truth within.

In essence, the letters have overcome the gravity of the situation of being as written in stone..., HIS Spirit has ALREADY fulfilled every letter used to write the Law.

Again this is the block word Me.

As ME goes within ME like this (M)e...,

...(M)e may be easily turned to (W)e.

Just as the first root letters of (Spir)it indicate spiral and turn..,

...letters now corded to HIS Spirit will also spiral up as they are turned by the mind as the active force..

This is the process of manifesting from within. 
As further evidence of the conversion and movement of M to W..,

M is the first root letter of (M)atter.

W is the first root letter of (W)ater.

Water is the universal symbol of truth.

This is how Matter is transformed into Water according to the Law of One.


The physical aspect of the mind has NOW learned that it may enter its OWN consciousness by entering into the words that formed that consciousness.

Here the mind, AS THE BUILDER, enters into Matter like this -- (M)a(tt)er.

The M is then turned into the W.


The two t's are then As One as the mind  follows HIS Spirit, and Pattern, of taking UP its OWN cross and following Him As ONE.



Matter has just been turned into truth and that is the truth of matter that is within.

Matter being the created body...,

...and the truth is the Creative Force within...,

...that will flow.. "there really is a river that flows from the well within".





The hand is an extension of the created body through which the flow of words may be manifested.

The essence of the created body is a POSITIVE Force called God, or the Creative Force, as God is referred to in the Readings.

Allow the mind to enter the block word hand.


As the mind casts out the n which is the first root letter of (n)egative...,

...this is what the hand had.

The hand had, and was corded to the created body that allowed the manifestation of words to emanate from within and through the hand that it had.  

In essence, the hand is transformed, by the mind, from a negative to a conforming positive instrument that is in accordance with the Positive Creative Force.

As the mind begins to transform itself to be As One with the Positive Creative Force within...,

...the mind opens the body that opens the hand, as the mind, as the builder, moves into attunement with the Creative Force within the created body.

The entire transformation process begins by the willingness of the mind to dislodge itself from its OWN use of block letters...,

...and to re-turn the letters, as His,  and then cords them to His Spirit that is with the created body.

That is also the born again thing.  

It is the mind that may be born again with an additional spiritual consciousness that is literally born out of its own physical conscious mind.   

The mind, as the builder, does that by simply learning to use its, previously thought to be, its OWN letters, in a new way...,

...HIS Way.






We all know that in order to have life, blood must be circulating through the body.
What many may not know is that the A.R.E. has followed the same Pattern regarding circulation through the body known as its members or membership.

Most of the Readings were give to people who came to Edgar Cayce because of health related problems.

The A.R.E. documented these cases and the remedies that were suggested that would improve their health.

These documented records were then offered freely to the members to review as they could then be circulated through the membership.

A document of this type was called a circulating file and still may be available to its members.

The use of a circulating file most certainly extended the quality of life to many individuals.

Now here is what is interesting.

The physical conscious mind sees two words LIFE AND FILE..,

...and normally would never connect the two.


Because the words have been "blocked" and corded to two different things by the physical consciousness of the mind. 

Allow the mind to enter within the blocked word LIFE and add a little movement of circulation and this is what it may find.




Allow the mind to enter within the blocked word FILE and add a little movement of circulation and this is what it may find.




The essence of LIFE is the movement and circulation of His Spirit.

The mind WILL know it and WILL manifest the movement of His Spirit when it re-cords the letters it moves to His Spirit.

Again, just allow the mind to re-view Revelation 1:8...,

...and see HOW His Spirit is related to letters that may be moved by the mind. 



tuition and intuition


Tuition is the cost of going to a higher school using the mind's own free will.

(In)tuition is the cost of giving of giving up that free will to do the will of the Father and learn from within.

Self free will is the school of hard knocks taught according to the Letter of the Law.

His will is the school of "Knock and it shall be OPENED unto you..."*

*Matthew 7:7

...and the NEXT steps will told you from within as taught by His Spirit who has already fulfilled every letter used to write the Letter of the Law.*

*Reading 922-1 or page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.



The Mind as the "Union" Builder


According to the Readings the mind is the builder.

It is the builder, but most builders have a difficult time trying to build something it has never seen before.

The mind, as the builder, hopefully, will build TWO projects during its life time.


The first project comes with a set of plans that the mind may easily follow and build upon.

The first project is for the mind to develop its OWN Self consciousness..,

...and the plans to do that have been set before the mind by it parents and teachers.


The second project does not come with a specific set of plans, but according to the Readings...,, 

....Jesus is THE Pattern set before the mind to complete the second project doing the life time of the mind.

Before the existence of the Readings, who would ever consider Jesus to be a Pattern? 

How does the mind find the Pattern of Jesus to build on?

The mind will look in the Bible that describes His Words and Deeds.

Here is where the real builder differs from the sidewalk superintendents.

The sidewalk guys read the Bible, know many of the verses, and THEN try to live according to the Words set before them.

Why they have difficulty building is that they are trying to follow the letter of the Law that has ALREADY been set in stone by OTHER builders.

The mind that is the real builder, will take the Pattern of those words set in stone..., its OWN words by entering into them...,

...and THEN trying to match them to HIS Pattern.

It is in this way that the mind becomes a co-creator, according to the Pattern, and not simply a sidewalk superintendent bystander.

Knowing the Pattern is Good.

But trying to follow it as the Letter of the Law is, for all practical purposes, impossible.

But IF the mind will simply match the movement of letters within its own words to His Pattern..., may easily follow His Spirit that has already fulfilled every letter used to write the Law.
Blessings from the Builders "Union" :)


Jesus is the Pattern


According to the Readings, Jesus is the Pattern that the mind may use as a guide as it unfolds and builds itself into His Spiritual Consciousness, the Christ Consciousness.

The Pattern is found in the Words of the Bible. 
The Pattern is as etched in stone, as the words of the Bible themselves are as etched in stone.

The Pattern "will" not change.

It is the mind that may change into attunement with the Pattern..., 

...and it is the "will" of God that the mind does make that change through its building activities.

If any conscious mind "thinks" it is more intelligent than the created body that it may attune or cord itself to...,

...then that mind definitely will have another thought coming someday.

The enormous POWER of the Creative Force WITHIN that many call God or Spirit is just waiting for the mind to make the re-cording connection.

Revelation 1:8 states that there IS a connection that may be made.

Reading 275-43 on page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion states that the  connection may be made.   

The Readings also state HOW the connection may be made.

It is only up to the will of the mind, as the builder, to make that connection IF it is willing.

It is the natural law and the will of God that the mind WILL make the connection.


IF the mind, itself, refuses to make the connection, then the mind of Self will only continue to measure itself by itself...,

..,by literally and continually bumping into itself.


IF the mind makes the connection, Self will move away from Self...,

...and take on the consciousness of its Maker from time to time .., they will be two...,

...yet As One...,

...according to the Law of One.


This is also according to the Readings that the mind may be BOTH physical AND Spiritual.




We Must be Born Again


Just about everyone has heard these words and have more or less taken them for granted.

But what if, what IF, the real reason that everyone must be born again..., that we ALL have been born with a DEFECT that we never even knew existed.

We all ARE born with the same defect and that defect has been reported in the Readings.

That defect is called a severed cord and is described in Reading 275-43 on page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

This severed cord is the reason why Revelation 1:8..., 

...that is directed towards the mind..., 

...even exists.

This Revelation allows the mind to be born again, so as the builder, it may re-pair or re-cord this defect, or severed cord, that we are ALL born with.

The real irony of this defect has allowed the mind to literally "defect"  itself away, and keep itself away, from its Maker WITHIN the created body.

The purpose of life is for the mind to be re-born so that it may re-pair and re-cord to the Maker of its created body and soul WITHIN.

Why re-cord to and within the created body?

Because the Creative Force that is the essence of the created body..., the Force behind all of creation..,

...and the mind and soul have window of opportunity to directly re-cord, or attune, to it while they literally housed within the created body...

...but not directly corded, or attuned, to it. 



What is the severed cord?


The severed cord is a "string of vibrational symbols that BOTH the Creative Force and the mind had in common in the very beginning. 

That string today is called the letters of the alphabet that the mind uses today...,

...and that is WHY Alpha and Omega are mentioned in Revelation1:8 as being HIS Spirit.

After the beginning, the mind "took" the string or cord of letter symbols as its own..,

...and thus the cord was severed with the Spirit within the created body.

All the mind has to do is to ACKNOWLEDGE that the cord of letters it has been using as its OWN belong to the  Spirit within...,

... and then the consciousness of the mind will begin to move into His consciousness as the mind begins to move the letters as HIS rather than as its OWN.

Now, when the mind move the letters, as the builder, the Spirit also moves in accordance...,

...for they are now corded together As One.



The Puzzle Parts of the Pattern.


The Pattern is like a puzzle whose parts the mind has to find for itself.

Even "seek and ye shall find" is one of the puzzle pieces of the Pattern.

That one may be found in Matthew 7:7.


Another puzzle part of the Pattern is found in Genesis 1:11.

"...after his kind, whose seed is in itself."

God, the loving Father, made sure that no one would be lost forever..., WITHIN the conscious mind...,

...there is a seed of His consciousness, after His kind, that is WITHIN every mind itself..,

and ready to be developed by the mind itself, as the builder.


Seek and ye SHALL find the complete Pattern...,

..and THEN begin the building program using HIS Pattern as your guide..., you enter within your OWN consciousness..., entering within your OWN words...,

...looking for, and building on, HIS Pattern WITHIN those words.



The Mind as a Mom


According to the Readings, the mind may be BOTH physical AND spiritual.*

*Reading 759-12 on page 83 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The mind is born to develop a physical consciousness of itself by learning that it is different from everyone and everything else.

Once the mind is mature enough to know itself to be itself..., has the innate ability to produce a Christ Conscious mind out of its own physical mind.

How does the mind do that?

The mind makes the immaculate conception that the letters it has been moving to build its OWN consciousness are NOT really its OWN...,,

...but are HIS symbols that are to be used from within the created body and corded to His Spirit, the Creative Force.

(Again, re-view Revelation 1:8 to see the connection between Spirit and letters.)

The immaculate conception is that the mind is still the active force.., 

...but now it will move the letters that are as corded or connected to His Spirit, the Creative Force.

As the mind NOW moves the letters as HIS...,

...HIS Spirit will move accordingly...,

...for the mind and Spirit are NOW corded together and are moving As One.

Thank you Mother Mary for also being part of the Pattern for the mind to follow.





According to the Law of Webster, this word is an adjective of or serving as an emblem.

According to the Law of Webster.., 

...emblem -- a visible symbol for a thing, idea, class of people , etc.

This is what the Readings have to say about emblematical.

" not make the mistake, as often been given through these channels of ATTEMPTING to discern SPIRITUAL interpretations with a MATERIAL mind, nor MATERIAL interpretations with a SPIRITUAL mind...,

...UNLESS same is SIGNIFIED by that of the incident, accident, or state of being IS EMBLEMATICAL...,

...or of any activity that is of the nature that REPRESENTS a condition -- see?"*

*Reading 288-27 on page 2 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

If the mind does not quite see, maybe this will help.

Both the material, or the physical, mind  and His Spirit share the SAME symbols called letters that form words.

It does not matter what language is used...,

...both the mind and the Spirit within the created body share the same symbols.

The problem for the mind is to KNOW that when the mind is in Spiritual consciousness the letters are symbols that represent His Spirit...,

and when the mind is in its OWN SELF physical consciousness...,

...the letters are emblematical symbols that represent its OWN Self.

In order for the mind to move back and forth from materiality to spirituality..., emblematic transformation of the symbols, by the mind, must FIRST move back and forth between His Spirit and the material mind of Self.   

Again, that emblematic transformation that must FIRST take place to be here yet there.., like this.


As the mind may see, the word "there" has just been opened and the key letter of the word has just been "altared WITHIN to move the mind from here to (t)here.





According to the Pattern, Jesus, one must become as little children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.

According to the Readings, the kingdom of heaven and the holy of holies is within the created body.

Now for a few observations about a child.
Have you ever tried to play peek-a-boo with a little child?

Hope so, for the child seems to instinctively to know how to play by the smiling expressions on the child's face.

The point being that hide and seek or seek and ye shall find is part of His Pattern.

Why such a game?

Because of the free will of the mind.

God's will -- will not be forced on anyone..., it is up to the mind to take the first step and THEN the next steps are given from WITHIN.


Now take a look at this.

This is truly remarkable.

It has already been stated, that by the mind opening and entering into words..., may open and alter its conscious mind and enter WITHIN its OWN consciousness.

Here the mind, acting as a child, will enter the word attached to the child to see if it can seek and find the Lord.

Here the mind enters the word corded to CHILD and that word IS CHILD.


There is the (L)ord hiding in the word CHILD...,

...and not only that...,

...the (L)ord is even hiding within another word that is hiding within the child.

Look again and the mind will find that word just happens to be HID.

It is sort of like the (L)ord, the WORD made flesh, is hidden within the holy of holies of the name CHILD.

According to the Readings, names do carry the vibrations of the things the symbolize.
In essence, allow the mind to become as a little child...,

...and then...,

...enter the holy of holies, like this, through the name attached to CHILD which is CHILD.

As the mind enters through here...,

...the mind will find...,

...the (L)ord.



David and the Pattern


"But he said unto them, have ye not read what David did, when he was an hungered, and they that were with him;

How he ENTERED into the house of God, and did eat the showbread, which was NOT lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests?"*

*Matthew 12:3

The Pattern is that David and his men BROKE the letter of the written law....,

...entered WITHIN the house of God and ate the showbread, that according to the written law, only the priests could eat.

Matthew12:3 are Spiritual words that physical conscious minds try to interpret with the physical or material conscious aspect of their minds.

Many minds hear the following words every Sunday.

The preacher will read Matthew 12:3 and will immediately say...,

..."in other words".

Which means "in other words" from the physical conscious point of view of that preacher.

That preacher just took Spiritual words and attempted to attune them DIRECTLY to his physical conscious mind.

According to the Readings, it is the mind that must attune to HIS Spiritual Pattern and not the other way around.


Because the mind may change on a moments notice...,

...but His Spirit will never change.

Let 12 preachers read Matthew 12:3, and the mind will receive 12 different interpretations.

No wonder there are so many religions and so many physical religious buildings.

They have ALL been built around the point of view of physical conscious minds.



Allow the mind to remember how the Readings emphasized that emblematical transformation must take place BEFORE interpretations may be made.

According to the Readings, which emanated from the emblematically altered mind of Edgar Cayce.., 

...the house of God is the human created body.


Now here is what is interesting.

The word showbread is a Spiritual word that emanated from within the Pattern Jesus.

This is the word showbread that the physical, or material, conscious mind is familiar with.


This is a blocked word that the Law of  Webster has ATTACHED and CORDED to the bread itself.

There is NONE of His Spirit attached to this word as far as the physical or material conscious mind is concerned.

The letters of this word are blocked into position and shall not ever be moved according to the Letter of Law for the mind that is now in the form of Webster.


Now watch How the Spiritual aspect of the mind WILL enter into, and open, this word, which is unlawful, by moving letters it has NOW re-corded to HIS Spirit.

The mind may do this because HIS Spirit has fulfilled every letter used to write the Law.

In doing this, the mind has made the emblematical transformation so that the mind may move into His consciousness...,

...for now the letters moved are directly corded to His Spirit rather than to the physical bread itself.

Here is the blocked word SHOWBREAD.

Here the mind OPENS the word by moving HIS letters to seek HIS Pattern within.


The mind just did what is unlawful according to the Letter of the Law.

What the mind did do was follow the Spirit of the Law WITHIN its own consciousness that is WITHIN its created body.

Now for the EMBLEMATICALLY correct interpretation of SHOWBREAD that will match HIS Pattern.


(HOW) the (B)rain and (Body) (READ) (S)piritually from WITHIN.

In essence, the showbread is the symbol or emblem of the hidden manna or Spiritual essence that is within words that are attached to physical things.

As the physical aspect of the mind transforms, emblematically, the letters it moves as its OWN to HIM...,

...those very letters, emblematically, transform the mind into His consciousness.   

Remember this:

"The law that is ever present:

like attracts like: like begets like."*

*Reading 541-1 on page 36 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.  
