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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #105

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #105

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The "Current" Cord of Letters


This is the "current" cord of letters that SHOULD flow from within just like...

..."There is a River".


It doesn't flow from within.

Why not?

The mind has severed the cord of letters from His Spirit..,, 

...and above is what has been handed down from generation to generation.

Even this cord, itself, is in block form.

Does any mind see any Spirit connected to the cord of letters above?

Again, re-view Revelation 1:8 and Reading 275-43 or page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

It is this Reading that reveals the existence of a severed cord, probably for the very first time ever.

When a person is born, how does it know if something has already been severed within itself?

It doesn't, and that is why no one else could possible make known of its existence..,,

...unless the knowledge was given from within, and through an individual in an altered state of consciousness.

It WAS GIVEN through the altered state of mind of Edgar Cayce.

The existence of a severed cord that can be re-paired by the mind itself...,, the most important information to ever come through the Readings.

The severed cord has been the missing link between the mind and His Spirit.

Now that the link has been found, the mind may re-pair its OWN cord of letters to His Spirit and the Link will be complete and the mind, body Spirit, and soul will be As One.

Here is what the spiritual aspect of the mind will find when it enters its re-paired Link.


The (L)ord's ink that flows like a river from within. 



Block and Open



When the spiritual aspect of the mind enters the word Block...,

...this is what it will find.


The mind has been locked out of the  Created (B)ody and (B)rain by the (B)lock consciousness that it created for itself so it could learn of itself.


When the spiritual aspect of the mind enters the word Open...,

..this is what it will find.


The mind will find God's pen that will allow the (L)ord's ink to flow.

This is how -- many different people, at many different times, were able to write His Book, the Bible.

They were all of one mind that corded its OWN letters to HIS Spirit and allowed those letters to flow from within.

That is the Pattern that Jesus presented for the mind as the builder.

Every mind may follow that SAME Pattern IF it is willing...,

...for His Spirit fulfilled every letter used to write the written law.





According to the Readings...

..."Know that thy Lord, Thy God, laughed even at the cross...Man alone in God's creation is given the ability to laugh."*

*Reading 2995-1 or Page 358 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


Here is an opporutnity to use that God given ability as the mind views a few play on words.


These comments come from test papers and essays submitted to science and health teachers by elementary, junior high, high school, and college students and compiled at the NEA (National Education Association) Life Sciences Symposium, Kansas City, Kansas. 

As the originator noted, "It is truly astonishing what weird science our young scholars can create under the pressures of time and grades." 

Please note that the original spellings have been left intact. 


"The body consists of three parts - the branium, the borax, and the abominable cavity. The branium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abominable cavity contains the bowels, of which there are five - a, e, i, o, and u." 

"Nitrogen is not found in Ireland because it is not found in a free state." 

"H2O is hot water, and CO2 is cold water." 

"To collect fumes of sulphur, hold a deacon over a flame in a test tube." 

"When you smell an oderless gas, it is probably carbon monoxide." 

"Water is composed of two gins, Oxygin and Hydrogin. Oxygin is pure gin. Hydrogin is gin and water." 

"Blood flows down one leg and up the other." 

"Respiration is composed of two acts, first inspiration, and then expectoration." 

"The moon is a planet just like the earth, only it is even deader." 

"Artifical insemination is when the farmer does it to the cow instead of the bull." 

"Dew is formed on leaves when the sun shines down on them and makes them perspire." 

"A super saturated solution is one that holds more than it can hold." 

"Mushrooms always grow in damp places and so they look like umbrellas." 

"The pistol of a flower is its only protections agenst insects." 

"The skeleton is what is left after the insides have been taken out and the outsides have been taken off. The purpose of the skeleton is something to hitch meat to." 

"A permanent set of teeth consists of eight canines, two molars, and eight cuspidors." 

"The tides are a fight between the Earth and moon. All water tends towards the moon, because there is no water in the moon, and nature abhors a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight." 

"A fossil is an extinct animal. The older it is, the more extinct it is." 

"Equator: A managerie lion running around the Earth through Africa." 

"Germinate: To become a naturalized German." 

"Liter: A nest of young puppies." 

"Magnet: Something you find crawling all over a dead cat." 

"Momentum: What you give a person when they are going away." 

"Planet: A body of Earth surrounded by sky." 

"Rhubarb: A kind of celery gone bloodshot." 

"Vacuum: A large, empty space where the pope lives." 

 "Before giving a blood transfusion, find out if the blood is affirmative or negative." 

"To remove dust from the eye, pull the eye down over the nose." 

"For a nosebleed: Put the nose much lower then the body until the heart stops." 

"For dog bite: put the dog away for several days. If he has not recovered in several days, then kill it." 

"For head cold: use an agonizer to spray the nose until it drops in your throat." 

"To keep milk from turning sour: Keep it in the cow." 





According to the Readings, everyone may have the SAME Ideal.

That SAME Ideal is to allow the mind to attune to the Creative Force, HIS Spirit, within.

Also according to the Readings, everyone may have their OWN ideal, but everyone may have also have that SAME Ideal...,

...being that the mind is BOTH physical AND Spiritual according to the Readings.

Here are the physical aspects of minds that have with their OWN IDEAL.


Warning---This is a block word according to the Law of Webster...

...The physical aspect of the mind is not allowed to enter within this word.


The spiritual aspect of the mind, is able, and WILL enter this word because it knows that HIS Spirit has fulfilled ever letter of this word. 

Likes beget likes, remember?

Not only will the spiritual aspect of the mind enter this word, it is also able to move letters around that will fit HIS Pattern.

(W)atch (t)his (M)atch (Move)(men(t)




As the physical aspect of the mind first realizes that it IS ABLE to enter words, it first finds itself DEALING out the letters as its OWN.

As it moves the letters around , it finds I, or Self, doing the leading.

When the mind reverses direction and enters within, it finds HIS Spirit is Leading self or I.

This is HOW the next steps are given from within.

This exactly matches HIS Words of taking UP your cross (t), within your mind, and NOT LEADING...,

...but FOLLOWING Him from within.*

*Matthew 16;24


Does the mind think it may be possible that HIS Spirit, within..,

...would rise to the occasion of a mind, as the builder...,

...who thought enough to move its OWN letters, within, and as HIS, as HIS Spirit suggested in Revelation 1:8?





According to the Law of Webster, this is the "deafinition" of the block word AIDS.

(A)cquired (I)mmune (D)eficiency (S)yndrome...

...a condition in which an acquired deficiency of certain leukocytes, especially 't" cells, results in a variety of infections, some forms of cancer, and the degeneration of the nervous system: caused by a virus which infects "t" cells and is transmitted by bodily fluids, especially sexual secretions and and blood.

Warning--The physical aspect of the mind is not allowed to enter this word.

The word is blocked, and therefore the blocked physical aspect, or consciousness, of the mind is prevented from entering this word. 

However, watch what happens when the spiritual aspect of the mind enters this word.



DAI(S) -- latin for table a platform raised above the floor at one end of a hall or a  room, as for a THRONE, seats of honor , a SPEAKERS stand, etc.

(S)AID  (S)pirit  AID


According to the Readings, the body is the temple of the Creative Force, not the  destructive Force, called God.

Within the body temple there is a throne called the holy of holies.

"Enter within the holy of holies within thine own consciousness"...

...(and aids is certainly a word that falls  within that consciousness)...

..."turn within": see what has prompted thee."

"And He has promised to meet thee THERE."  

"And THERE it shall be TOLD thee from WITHIN thy steps thou shall take day by day, step by step."*

*Reading 922-1 or page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. 


Here is the Ideal point to ponder.

According to the Readings words reflect certain vibrations, just as Abram was changed to Abraham to reflect his new vibrations.

It may be possible for the mind itself to change the destructive vibrations of AIDS to constructive (S)AID vibrations of the Creative Force...

...WHEN it transforms its OWN letters to HIS Spiritual Symbols or Letters that the mind may THEN move.

(S)piritual AID.


It does fit the Pattern of when the centurion told Jesus just His Spiritual Word would be enough to heal his servant.*

*Matthew 8:6

Likes beget likes, remember?

The transformation of letters, according to His Pattern, is a transformation of the mind, according to His Pattern.

The transformation of the mind, according to His Pattern, will OPEN the glands within the created body temple...

..and the transformation within the body will begin to take place as the Creative Force begins to rise from within.

Likes beget likes, remember?



With God



Hi Dudley, and welcome,  what a recovery story, and noticed your favorite quote...,

"With God, all things are possible."*

*Matthew 19::26

GOD is a block Word that is within the consciousness of the physical aspect of the mind, yet separated, or veiled, from the mind itself.

Here is how the mind may enter the block Word God.


Once the mind is within (G)OD...,

..the mind may move the letters that are THINGS that are as HIS rather than its OWN. 

Thus, the mind  without (G)OD, or away from being within (G)OD...,

...the physical aspect of the mind sees only the block word GOD and the block word SIN as they are etched as in stone and cannot be moved according to the written law.

With (G)od, and in the Sprit of the law, all THINGS are possible, and the mind will see the unblocked word SI(G)NS along the way in its very own words.

With (G)od, SINS are transformed to SI(G)NS along the WAY.

Here is an example of a simple block word that shows the physical aspect of the mind is separated, or veiled, from God.


Here is that same word unblocked by the mind that sends the mind out of its OWN Self consciousness...,

...and into HIS Spiritual Christ Consciousness.

(t)he -- he went, and was one, with the cross (t).

These (move)(men)(t)(s) are the NEW applications of the same religious thoughts that the Readings have brought forth...,

...that will allow the mind to take the next step in its unfoldment process towards the ONE Ideal, the Christ Consciousness.

The directions ARE in the Readings...,

...and may be found...,

...IF the mind is willing to be the builder..., 
...and do the action word within the ARE.

And what word is that?

This is how the mind enters the ARE.


The action word is (R)e-search.

Allow the mind to (R)e-view the (R)eadings.

R is His movement letter as in "There is a  RiveR".

Allow the mind to take notice of how important are the words discern and emblematical are in bridging the gap between the spiritual and the physical.*

Reading 288-27 or page 2 of The Edgar Cayce Companion





According to the Law of Webster it takes about 170 block words to define self.

Then from self-abasement to self-worth there is about another 150 self-something or other words to define such words as self-image and self-pity.

The point to be made is that the Law of Webster has certainly corded and bound  a lot of block words to self.

According to the Readings...,

... "Self-glory,self-exaltation, self indulgence becometh those influences that become abominations to the divinely in each soul: and SEPARATE them from a knowledge of Him."*

*Reading 1293-1 or page 167 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The mind must remember that the law of Webster is the law for the physical aspect of the mind.

It is the law the helps the mind of self learn that is itself because it is different from everyone and everything else.

It is the spiritual aspect of the mind that must break the bondage of words tied to self that allowed self to develop its own self consciousness.

Here is the key block word that binds and blocks self within its own self consciousness.

The word tied to self is SELF.

Here is HOW the spiritual aspect of the mind, following th spirit of the law, discords itself from SELF...,

...and cords SELF to his Spirit as a little child that is according to His Pattern.*

*Matthew 18:3

SELF becomes the little (S)piritual child-like (S)ELF.

Also according to the Readings...

...Yes--through thy angel, through thy SELF that IS the angel,--does the SELF speak to the ideal?*

*Reading 1646-1 or page 9 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

SELF WILL speak to the ideal...

 ...IF... FIRST transforms itself to its angelic (S)ELF through the transformation of its OWN letters to HIS...,

...which will OPEN its OWN blocked consciousness to HIS consciousness that is within.





According to the Law of Webster this is ISRAEL

Hebrew-- literally contender with God --- sara to wrestle + el, God --- Bible Jacob, so named after wrestling with the angel.
Genesis 32:28. --- Jewish people, as descendants of Jacob --- country between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan.


According to the Readings this is ISRAEL

"ISRAEL is the chosen of the Lord, and that His promise, His care, His love has not departed from THOSE who SEEK to know His way...,

...that SEEK to see His face...,

...that would draw nigh unto Him.

This IS the meaning, this SHOULD be the understanding to ALL. THOSE that SEEK are ISRAEL.

So Abraham mans call: so Israel means THOSE who SEEK. How obtained the supplanter the name ISRAEL? For he wrestled with the angel, and he was face to face with the SEEKING to know His way."*

*Reading 262-28 or page 196 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 

"FOR THOSE who SEEK are indeed ISRAEL,  and ISRAEL indeed is ALL who SEEK,

Meaning not those as of the children of Abraham, but of EVERY nation, every tribe, every tongue -- ISRAEL of the Lord! that is the FULL meaning of the Lord. "*

*Reading 2772-1 or page 196 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Hmmm, Well Mr. Webster, your meaning certainly falls somewhat short of the FULL meaning of ISRAEL that is presented in the Readings.

Let's allow the mind to enter the block word that Mr Webster has given us that has been handed down from generation to generation...,

...and is against the written law enter..,

..and see what it may SEEK and find.



Hmmm, ...ARE... Don't they have SEARCH For God groups all across this world?



Hmmm. was not Edgar Cayce a reincarnation of the high priest Ra?




I   self  

S  Spirit

R  movement

A   together As One 

E   earth plane
L   Lord




Entering SEEKER




According to the Law of One... "But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first."*

*Matthew 19:30

Re-seek is the same as re-search.

Re-search the Readings and the mind will find its true destiny.

That is THE IDEAL for search for God groups.

That is the IDEAL for EVERY mind.

It is ALL there...,

...and the mind may be well off to, first, understand the implications of the severed cord that is one of the major (KEES) to reaching the Ideal.

This (S)piritual KEE may be found in Reading 275-43 or on page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.





According to the Law of Webster who has blocked this word for the development of a Self conscious mind...,

...DEATH...The act of dying; PERMANENT ending of all life in a person, animal, or plant.


According to the Readings...

..."Death hath NO sting, NO power over THOSE that KNOW the Resurrection...

...The Resurrection brought to the CONSCIOUSNESS of man that POWER that God had GIVEN to man...,

...that may reconstruct, resuscitate even every atom of a physically sick body..., 

...that may resurrect even every atom of a sin-sick soul..., 

...may resurrect the soul...,

..that it lives on and on in the glory of a resurrected, a regenerated Christ in the souls and hearts of men."

*Reading1158-5 or page 223 of The Edgar Cayce Companion
Hmmm Mr. Webster, your use of the blocked word PERMANENT somewhat differs from what is implied in the Readings regarding your block word DEATH.

Ya know Mr. Webster, there is a very interesting word that just precedes your block word DEATH in YOUR Law Book for the conscious mind.

The word is DEARTH.

According to you this blocked word .., a scarcity of food...any scarcity or lack.

Mr. Webster, have you ever heard of the hidden manna?  Maybe not.

Please allow the mind to enter your blocked word DEATH.


Well, well.  Look here. There is the word eat right in the middle of your blocked word death.

Is it not kind of ironic Mr. Webster, that your block word  DEARTH should immediately precede your block word DEATH and the only difference between the two words is the single letter R.

Look what happens Mr. Webster IF you ALLOW the mind to enter within your block word DEARTH like this.


...and THEN move a few letters as IF they were His and corded them to His Spirit.


Mr Webster, THREAD is very much like the word CORD that the Self conscious mind severed from His Spirit using blocked words that have been handed down from generation to generation that are NOW firmly established in YOUR law book for the mind.

According to the Readings Mr. Webster..,

..the Pattern is Jesus,  the WORD made flesh.   

Is it not possible Mr. Webster that the hidden manna (food) is stored within your blocked words that you will not allow the the conscious mind to enter within?

Mr. Webster, it is YOUR blocked words that the mind has used to build is own Self consciousness.

If the mind cannot enter within those blocked words, it cannot enter into the consciousness that was formed by those block words.

Mr. Webster, the Readings state that the Self should be set free from itself.*

*Reading 1538-1 or page 32 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Mr. Webster, you have conveniently blocked your book into 26 sections..., for each letter of the alphabet that the mind uses and moves to form its OWN SELF consciousness.

It would be nice if you would, at least, acknowledge that, as each letter is presented, that  it is used to ONLY write the letter of the law in this book...,

...and that the Spirit of God, the WORD made flesh, has ALREADY filled every letter used to write this law book....,

...and use Revelation 1:8 as your reference.

Thank you for your consideration. 



LIFE, Mr. Webster?


Here are the words, spoken by the Spirit of God that eamanted from within the Pattern, Jesus, the Word made flesh.

"The WORDS I, speak unto you, they are SPIRIT, and they are LIFE.*

*John 6:63


Are YOUR blocked words SPIRIT and LIFE Mr. Webster?





This is how the physical aspect of the conscious mind views the block word WRITE.


This is how the spiritual aspect of the mind that has learned to enter its own consciousness by entering into the block word forms handed down.., 

...and are now in the law book for the mind called Webster.


W being the first root letter of water that is the universal symbol of truth...,

...and rite is the ritual transformation of letters that may take place within.

R is HIS movement letter that is the symbol for opening B the first root letters of (B)rain and (B)ody.

Sounding of the word write is rrrite.

To the physical aspect of the mind this sounding is nothing. 

To the spiritual aspect of the mind, the re-cording of the R by the mind to His Spirit will definitely rrraise the vibrations of His Spirit within so that the mind may begin to (w)rite in Spirit from within.

Did you know that God was pronounced Gorrd at the time of Ra Ta in Egypt?*

*Reading 436-2 or page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

By the way, is it not, again, a little ironic that a "web" sort of traps and blocks its prey? 