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The Purpose of the Readings



Recently, there has been concern over allowing public access to the Readings online. 

There should not be any concern.

According to the Readings, when the mind enters WITHIN its OWN consciousness, the next steps are given from WITHIN.

The only thing the mind needs to learn is HOW and WHERE to enter WITHIN that will allow the next steps to be given from within.

There is a virtual jungle of words in this world that suggest that the mind do this or the mind do that to find the Ideal within...,

...and that jungle includes thousands and thousand of words given in over 14,000 Readings by the altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce.

IF, someone had cleared a true pathway through the jungle...,

...would it not be easier for the mind to follow that path than trying to find its OWN way through the jungle?

The mind does not need 14,000 Readings to reach the Ideal.

The mind does need the Pattern described in those Readings to guide it through to the Ideal WITHIN.

B. Ernest Frejer has compiled that pattern for the mind to follow in The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Mr.Frejer has ALREADY set the pathway for the mind to follow.

It is the SPIRIT of GOD that is the Ideal that the mind is seeking for the benefit of tis companion, its soul.

HOW and WHERE the mind may go to find His Spirit has been ALREADY set before the mind.

Mr. Frejer took that first step for the mind.

IF the mind is ready, able, and WILLING..., will find the pathway entrance in the compilation called "The Edgar Cayce Companion."

U C, The words within this compilation are truly a companion to the altered angelic mind of Edgar Cayce.



Purpose of Life on Earth


The acronym for these words is P.O.L.E.

This acronym is directed to the human mind.

The Readings talk about earth changes and the swifting of the poles.

The Reading also describe the human body as the temple of God, and that the human body contains examples of ALL the forces within the universe.

The Readings also describe that the will of the mind, Self, and the will of the Creative Forces, God,  are opposing forces.  

The born mind is at the negative pole (-)..,

...and Creative Force is at the positive pole (+).

The negative pole of the mind swifts toward the positive pole as it enters within and makes attunement to the positive pole.

Likes beget likes. Remember?

The positive pole then begins to shift and moves, and manifests, as the two poles become As One positive pole.

The two forces, the Creative Forces AND the Active Force of the mind...,

... in essence..., in what is called the natural law that was ACCORDING to God and the Spirit of God, Adam, in the beginning.

The physical aspect of the mind is conditioned to see physical signs of shifting poles of the earth itself.

The human body is created from the elementary forces of the earth.

The spiritual aspect of the mind knows that the signs are found within its OWN consciousness that is formed by the movement of words that are formed by the movement of letters.

Those signs are WORDS produced by the mind, as the builder, that makes the transformation from its own negative polarity to His positive polarity.

The purpose of Life on Earth  (P.O.L.E.)..., to allow the mind to shift its polarity, its will..., be As One with the will of the created body...,

...while it it is literally being housed within that created created body..., that direct attunement may be re-corded within.





From the physical aspect point of view this is POLE...,


This word will never change. It is blocked from change according to the written law.

From the spiritual aspect opposite point of view of the mind that has entered within this is the word POLE...,


If the mind should follow Revelation 1:8 that is His Pattern of letters that the mind should follow...,

...then there should also be an E at the end of the word..., there is in the beginning of the word.

There is...,

...and that NEW word sign is ELOP(E).

ELOPE is exactly what is in the Pattern when He comes for the mind that is prepared for His coming consciousness.*

*Matthew 25:1



the, this, and that


Here are three little words that the born mind learned at an early age as a child.

Each of these words are attached to something that the physical aspect of the mind cannot see.

And what is that?

Each of these words are emblematically attached to blocks that weigh the mind down and prevent the mind, itself, from moving.

Why because each of these words are as  blocks etched in stone according to the written law.

Because it is against the written law to move these words, the mind is unable to move itself out of its own consciousness.

However, Jesus the Pattern , the word made flesh, fulfilled every letter that is used to write ANY written law used by ANY mind. 

Every letter used and moved by the mind contains His Spirit.

IF the mind acknowledges that fact.., 

...THEN when the mind moves the letters of the blocked words that CONTAIN His Spirit..., 

...His Spirit will MOVE accordingly.

Here are some examples of blocked words whose letters may be moved according to the Spirit of the law rather than the written law that is as in stone.

the  (t)he  he was one with the cross (t)

(t)his   Follow his cross (t)

(t)HA(t) Alpha and omega-- letters that are emblematic of the beginning and ending.

A and H being his two symbols that represent the Law of One and witness each other in truth.

Remember HOW Abram's name was opened and A and H were moved into his name to produce the name of ABR(AH)AM?

In essence, the written law, now known has the Law of Webster will only produce a mind whose consciousness is blocked into its own physical consciousness. 

When the mind acknowledges that His Spirit has ALREADY fulfilled EVERY letter used to write that written law...,

...then the mind may move the letters as His...,

..and the mind will move out of its own consciousness and into His consciousness, called the Christ consciousness.

Likes attract likes, remember?

The mind, as the builder, may transform its own likeness to His likeness when it transforms the letters it has moved as its own to his letters that are filled with spirit, His spirit.

IF any mind thinks this is ridiculous, then watch this movement of letters that suggests that men take UP its own cross and follow Him.


Nothing is by chance to the spiritual aspect of the mind.





To the physical aspect of the mind LOVE is always viewed as LOVE.

To the spiritual aspect of the mind that goes within.., 

...the word LOVE is viewed from the opposite point of view and is viewed as EVOL.

THEN if the spiritual aspect of the mind, as the builder, applies the Pattern revealed in Revelation 1:8...,

(EV)OL may easily become (EV)OL(VE)...,

...and that is exactly HOW the mind unfolds..., evolves towards the Ideal.

Allow the mind to look right in the middle of the word EV(OL)VE.

There are His symbolic root letters for (L)ord thy (G)od.


According to the Readings...,

...GOD is LOVE and LOVE is  

What greater act of LOVE can there be than allowing the mind to return the letters it has used as its OWN..., the One God, called the Creative Force within...,

...and then allowing the mind to move those letters as IF they were HIS which they are?

Would that not allow the mind to move into attunement with the Ideal?

Within the light of this information...,

...allow the mind to re-view the Readings...,

...and the Pattern presented in Revelation 1:8. 



The Irony of the Word Hood


According to the Law of Webster...,

...Hood--A  covering for the head and neck and, sometimes, the face.

Take a look at these physical words.


Everybody seems to be covered with a hood.

Maybe that is why everyone must be born again so that the hoods may be lifted.

Remember how a little child is literally born with a opening in the top of its skull but it soon closes over. 

According to the Readings it is the mind that must unfold and open.

Tough to do when it is covered by a hood and taught by parenthoods and even priesthoods.

It is really ironic how the words in the Law of Webster are used compared to the Patterns in the Bible. 

Even the word ironic, itself, is ironic.

The Pattern of not my will Father, but yours..., a perfect match to the transformation of an (i)ron will to a will of  nor(i).



The Cord of Letters



" I am Alpha and Omega , the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord..,

...which IS, and which WAS, and which IS TO  BECOME, the almighty.*

*Revelation 1:8

These words have become a stumbling block to many minds who have tried to interpret them with the physical aspect of their minds.

Alpha and Omega is EMBLEMATIC of a COMPLETE cord of letters that every mind uses. 

His Spirit WAS, IS, and WILL BECOME the cord of letters used by the mind.

It is the mind, itself, that severed the cord, and took the letters of the cord as its OWN.

Any revelation is a revelation to the mind.

This Revelation states that HIS SPIRIT, "I AM",  IS the cord of letters that mind has been using as its OWN by severing HIS Spirit from that cord.*

*See the severed cord in Reading 275-43 or page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The mind, through its OWN free will, and as the builder,  may restore that cord by simply cording the letters to the PATTERN of His Spirit rather than to the physical objects that it learned to cord the letters to after the child was FiRST born.

It is the MIND that must be born again to use and move the letters of the cord as HIS rather than its OWN.

When this happens , the mind will move away from its OWN Self consciousness and move towards His consciousness, called the Christ Consciousness.

His Spirit has never changed. 

It is the human mind that has changed, and changed often to suit itself, just as Adam did.

His (OWN) are (NOW) (WON). 

It is (TIME) to (EMIT) words from within as the mind moves the letters of the cord as His rather than its own.



I Am The Door


Jesus, the Pattern said..., 

..."I am the door: by me if any man enter in , he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." *

*John 10:9

If Jesus is the door...,

...then who OPENS the door?

First the mind must figure out where and what the door is to open and enter in.

There is no way the physical aspect of the mind can open the door because it cannot see the door to open. 

To the spiritual aspect of the mind the door is very easy to find and to enter in.

This is that door-- door

The door is HIS letters that form the word   door which are  d o o r.

Remember, the Pattern was the Word made flesh..

Remember that the spiritual aspect of the mind has corded ALL its own letters to His Spirit which are the letters the mind uses.

As the mind opens and moves the letters attached to the word door, His Spirit will move accordingly.

Here is how the spiritual aspect of the mind may enter His door that is formed with His letters.


The mind has just entered in.

Now according to the Law of One that states two or more may be As One, yet two or more..., 

...the mind, as the builder my do this.


Now, according to the Pattern that the first shall be last and the last shall be first...,


...may become a spiritual rod.

Remember the rod Moses had at hand?

Remember the rod in David's 23rd psalm?

Here is the point to remember.

The physical aspect of the mind uses letters as its own to form blocks of words that are attached to physical objects.

Door is a perfect example.

To the physical aspect of the mind, door is a block word attached to a physical object.

This physical object, attached to the block word, literally blocks the mind from entering in.

In fact, block words block the mind into its OWN consciousness...,

...and block the mind from moving into HIS consciousness. 

Likes beget likes remember?

Blocked words beget a blocked consciousness.

In the very beginning, the Word G O D was with God, remember?

Has any one physically seen the Father, God?  


Why not?

Because G O D  is the Creative Force and is Spirit.

The word G O D  that was with God in the beginning was the Spirit OF God.*

*See Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1

Again see Revelation 1:8

This SPIRIT was made flesh in Jesus, the Pattern, the WORD made flesh.

There is one thing that BOTH the Spirit and the mind have in common. They are symbols called letters.

Re-Read Revelation 1:8 and see if letters are not Spirit.

Then take a look at the block word door in the Law of Webster and see if they is any mention of His Spirit related to door.

Why not?

Because the letter of the law that has been handed down, has been severed from His Spirit.

There are two laws in effect for the mind.

There is the letter of the law..., known as  the Law of Webster that is designed ONLY for the development of the physical aspect of the mind.

Once the mind has reached physical maturity in the letter of the law..., may begin to open itself to His Spirit of the law.

U C, His Spirit fulfilled EVERY letter that is used to write the letter of the law for the mind...

...that is the builder...

...that uses LETTERS as the tools of its trade.

Again, re-read Revelation 1:8

The mind may even want to re-view the tools of its OWN trade, its OWN alphabet.

Find the positions of the letters G and O and D in that cord of letters.

Total them.

A coincidence that they equal exactly 26?

According to the Readings, nothing is by chance to the spiritual aspect of the mind.



The Altar and the Alter


Most every church or temple that a person enters into has an altar.

According to the Law of Webster....


...a raised platform where sacrifices or offerings are made to a god, an ancestor, etc...

...a table or stand used for sacred purposes in a place of worship, as the Communion table in Christian churches.

According to the Readings the church is within the human body and mind.

Is it not somewhat ironic that Edgar Cayce had to alter his mind in order to enter within his own consciousness?

His mind was altered through hypnosis.

The real question is WHAT did the hypnosis do to his mind?

It had to have "altered" the way that he thought.

Now going back to the altar in the church.

Is it possible that Edgar Cayce sacrificed and made an offering of the letters of His mind at the altar within so that another voice could use them from within?

It makes perfect sense that this is the process that occurred within the mind and body of Edgar Cayce.

By giving up the letters he used as His OWN, he gave up himself to a higher consciousness that is within the created body.

In order for the conscious mind to enter a higher consciousness, a transformation or alteration of the mind must first occur.

It is apparent that hypnosis triggered the transformation within Edgar cayce.., 

...but the actual transformation had to be a sacrifice of letters to another power of consciousness that processed the letters through alteration of his mind that had moved away from itself.

This is the Pattern of the mind of Jesus who said the Words He spoke were of the Father within Him and were Spirit.


The point to be made is that the mind is very capable of altering itself by itself.

No drugs or outside stimulates are needed.  


The mind needs only to alter the letters that it has used as its own by sacrificing and offering them on the altar (  ) to the Creative Force, God, within its own consciousness.

The mind will then began transforming itself,  because likes beget likes, remember?

Here is a very simple alteration of letters of a very simple word that fits His Pattern to a "t", no pun intended. 

the is altared and altered to (t)he.





According to the Law of Webster it takes over 400 words to define mind.

What is really interesting is that mind is derived or handed down from the Greek word menos which is spirit or force.

Sound familiar to the Spirit and Force the mind is suppose to attune itself to as suggested in the Readings?

Whatever meaning, and how mean is that, the Law of Webster gives to the word mind, this we know for sure.

The word mind is the block word mind.

The letters of this word are as etched as in stone, and it is against the Law of Webster to move the letters of this word.

The word mind will always be mind, unless future generations change the word to suit their OWN needs.

But even then, thou shall not move the letters of the word itself because it is against the written law.

But what about the Spirit of the Law?

Did not the Spirit fulfill every letter used to write the written law?

So, does that mean if the letters can't move, then neither can Spirit?

That's about right to the physical aspect of the mind.

According to the Readings the Spirit will rise up from within.

Therefore, Spirit must be corded to the MOVEMENT of letters within by the mind, as the active force.

Again, re-read Revelation 1:8 to see the relationship between letters and Spirit.

And, by the way, Alpha and Omega just happen to be the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet.    

Now watch how the mind follows the Spirit of the law, rather than the letter of the law, and enters into itself.

Here the mind enters into mi(n)d.

The mind is now going to cast out the letter n which is the first root letter of (n)egative.

The mind is now mid

It is already midway to the creative positive force within.

Now watch as mid turns direction and heads within.

The mind is now dim.

The mind is beginning to see some light that comes from within..


The letter of the law FIRST allows Self to become aware of Self.

The Spirit of the law THEN allows Self to leave Self and become as a Spiritual child that is As One with God like this....,







Here is another interesting block word in the written Law of Webster.

It is against the law for the mind to move the letters of this word.

They have been set as in stone.

But, according to the Spirit of the law...,

...where the mind my seek and find...,

...the mind will move the letters of this blocked word to open the word.

When the mind opens a blocked word, it opens the Brain and Body that is housing the mind while the mind is in the earth plane.

Likes beget likes, remember?

Here is how the mind opens Brain.


How ironic.

There is the water that is poured over the head in baptism.

Is the physical aspect of the mind making an attempt to open and unfold the mind?

Again, nothing is by chance to the spiritual aspect of the mind.

Remember How the Pattern, Jesus ask John to baptize Him? 

Water is the universal symbol of truth that flows from within when the (B)(rain) and (B)ody are open.

Now because the mind has moved into Brain...,

..allow the mind to take even a closer look.


There is B, His first root letter symbol for (B)ody and (B)rain.

Then comes R that represents movement of the opening of B.

Then comes A that represents that the mind and body are As One yet two.

Then comes IN where it all happens.

Then even IN may be opened.

(I)(N)  Not I Lord, but your will be done.

(N) being the first root letter of (N)egative.

In essence, when the mind ventures in, it unblocks the words by entering into the words and loosening the letters of those words...,

...and re-cording the letters of those words to His Spirit.

It then moves the letters into position that will match the Pattern that He set before the mind.

When the mind finds a match, the vibrations of spiritual manifestation will be felt throughout the mind and body.., His Spirit begins to rise according to the attunement made by the mind as the builder.

Likes beget likes, remember?

It is the mind that opens the brain and body by opening the block words that have formed its own blocked consciousness.

It is the mind that will open the dam that (A)dam created as the pattern for the mind to follow to develop an awareness of himself or themselves. 

It is the mind that may follow Adam, the WORD made made flesh, who returned as Jesus, to set the Pattern and re-cord  straight. 

If the mind is follow the WORD, then the letters of the WORD must also move.

And guess whose job it is to move the letters IN?

Could it be the mind...,

...that is the builder?



Letters Attached to Blocks


These block letters are the tools that the physical mind learned to move to form block words as a child..

Likes beget likes, remember?

Block letters form block words that form block thoughts that form a block mind. whose consciousness is blocked in itself.

Maybe that is where the term block head comes from.

At any rate, leaving a block mind consciousness is difficult to do when physical minds keep insisting that the letters "still" be corded to blocks.

If any mind has any doubt about letters still being corded to blocks, simply allow that mind to look at its key board.

Does any mind see any Spirit corded to those letters?


The letter of the law is "still" in effect...,

... and His Spirit will remain "still" until  the blocks are removed from the letters ...,

...and His Spirit is corded to the letters by the mind as the builder...,

... and then MOVED by that mind.
