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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #103

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To the physical aspect of the mind...,

FISH is the block word attached to FISH.

FISH will never change. FISH is FISH.

To the spiritual aspect of the mind that enters the block word FISH...,

...this is what it may find when it MOVES the letters as HIS.




(I) (S)elf


(H) together As One


This is THE IDEAL that the mind may seek as it enters within the block words that have formed the parameters of its physical consciousness...,

...but have blocked its spiritual consciousness. 

(S)elf is the Self who has entered Self by entering into the blocked word Self that was attached to Self and became as a little child.

This (S)elf is going to FISH for a few days.

The Pattern said it is okay.*

*John 21:6

See you Sunday.







This is a word that helps form, and is part and parcel, of the physical consciousness.

According to the Readings, the mind should enter into its OWN consciousness.

What is its OWN consciousness?

It is the WORDS that form its OWN consciousness.

Block is one of those words.

IF the mind enters into the word BLOCK, it must move the letters.

This is a movement of letters.

(B) (LOCK)

The mind has entered and unblocked the word BLOCK.


... the mind has first acknowledged that the letters are attached and re-corded to HIS Spirit ...,

...Spirit will move accordingly...,

...and in response to the letter movement by the mind as the builder, and the active Force.

His Spirit, being the Creative and Reactive Force.


As the physical aspect of the mind may see~~~,

~~~as the mind OPENS and ENTERS its OWN consciousness through its OWN BLOCK words~~~,

~~~it will FIND the LOCK that OPENS the (B)rain and and the (B)ody~~~,

~~~so that the Mind, Spirit,  Body, and Soul, may re-cord and manifest As One Voice~~~,

~~~that flows like a river~~~through the MOVEMENT~~~,

~~~of HIS letters by the mind~~~,

~~~ from WITHIN the created body.


Less of Self and more of (S)elf which matches the conversion process stated in BOTH the Bible AND the Readings.   


Sword arkroc


(59/M/Longwood, Florida) 7/3/00 1:06 am

When the physical aspect of the mind sees this word..., sees only the block word sword.
When the spiritual aspect of the mind opens this block word..., may see this (S)piritual word.

(S) word

Two may be As One according to the Law of One, remember?

The spiritual aspect of the mind, acting as the builder, may also follow His Pattern and add His letter symbol S at the end as it was in the beginning.

That Part of the Pattern is Revelation 1:8. 

This is a perfect match to His Pattern in Luke 22:38.

"And they said , Lord, behold, here are two swords, And he said unto them, It is enough."

The Word was (S)pirit in the beginning.

The Word then returned as flesh to set forth the Pattern.

The Word then became (S)pirit, and is (S)pirit in the ending

If the word was Spirit...,

...then the letters that formed the Word that became the Pattern were also Spirit.

This statement is a perfect match to Revelation 1:8 that Spirit states...,

..."I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending....,"

These symbols, ( ), also fit the Pattern of two swords being enough to open the words that have blocked the physical conscious mind from entering the spiritual aspect of the mind that may retrun itself to His Christ Consciousness within the now opened body.

Born children are only taught to move letters that are only corded to physical things and not to Spirit that was within Adam in the beginning.

Born again children are taught to re-move the letters corded to physical things and cord them to His Spirit that will be as in the ending.
Alpha being emblematic of the Spiritual letters used in the beginning within Adam...,

...and Omega being emblematic of the Spiritual letters used by Adam, as Jesus, as the Word made flesh, as the Christ Consciousness in the ending.

Both Alpha and Omega are emblematic of the natural law of Spiritual letter symbols that flow as words from within. 

The written law, handed down from generation to generation,, does not flow from wihin, and has fulfilled its role n the unfoldment of the human mind,

This and future generations are beginning to understand the natural law that was with Adam in the beginning and are beginning to follow that law.

Take UP your cross (t) and follow Him in Spirit within your own unblocked words and see the signs along the Way.

U C, without (G)od the word is Sin.

With (G), the Sin becomes unblocked, and the spiritual aspect of the mind will see Si(G)NS along the way.

U C, (G) covers the SIN with a SI(G)N. 