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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #102

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The Cord The MInd The Body The Soul

June 25,2000


The Readings have often stated that the mind is the builder.

There are a few words in the Readings that, perhaps, most everyone has overlooked. 

It is often stated in this group that mind should enter its own body and consciousness and re-cord to the Spirit within.

This process of recording or building is based on these words in this Reading.

"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...,

...for the RAISING of that from WITHIN of the Creative Forces..., it arises along that which is set WITHIN the INNER man as that CORD of life that once SEVERED...,

...may separate...,

...does separate...,

...that balance between the MIND. the BODY, the SOUL"

*Reading 275-43 or page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


A SEVERED CORD WITHIN the inner man.

A CORD that word ALLOW the Creative Force, or Spirit or the Word made flesh, to rise.

Because the possibility of of severed cord has never been brought to light before, no one could possibly be aware that a cord even existed.

If every human being is born with the cord severed, how would anyone even know about the existence of a cord that was already severed?

It is like being born with a telephone within, but never knowing it because the cord of wires was already cut by the physical aspect of the mind.

How does the mind re-pair the severed cord.

It simply re-"pairs" the letters it is using as its OWN to HIS Spirit within.

Those building or re-pairing directions are taken from this...,

"Follow that known in thine OWN PRESENT."

and what is that?


Here the Reading gives vowels as the  example of letters that make up the cord.

And what are vowels?

Vowels just happen to be the  MOVEMENT letters of the alphabet.

The entire alphabet is the STRING OF LETTERS or CORD OF LETTERS that the mind needs to re-pair within.

This is the CORD that the mind severed from the Creative Force within.

The mind, as the builder, and its "soul" purpose for its entrance into a physical created body within this earth plane..., to re-cord its mind to the Creative Force within the created body.

The mind simply needs to re-turn the letters that form the cord within and then begin to MOVE them from HIS point of view.  

The Spirit will then rise from within for the cord has been re-stored and re-corded by the Active Force of the mind.

As the mind takes the letters within, do not forget to pass them through the horns of HIS altar within for that is where the letter transformation takes place just like...,



U C...,

(t)he letter t, and ALL the letters the mind uses as its OWN...,

...are HIS CORD of LETTERS..., all things were given unto Him...,

 as He, the Pattern, the Word made flesh..,

...sacrificed Himself at the cross (t).

The cross is not only the symbol of Christianity, it is a letter symbol (t) of HIS Christ Consciousness that every mind may become As One with.  



The Irony of Building


According to the Readings, the mind is the builder.

According to the Law of Webster, building is both a noun and a verb.

In one case, building is viewed as an immovable structure, and in the other case, it is viewed as constructive movement.

The irony is that when the physical conscious mind does the building, the building literally blocks the the mind.

How come?

The physical conscious mind builds with blocks of words that produce blocks of thoughts that produce a blocked mind.

How come?

From its physical birth, the mind has learned that letters are as set into words that are as stones or blocks.

"Thou shall not move these letters that have been set into block words that provide meaning for the mind."

How mean is that?

That is the written law that the physical mind has been taught to follow since birth.

But did not the Pattern, the Word made flesh, the Holy Spirit, FULFILL the letter of the Law?  
IF He did, and He did, then would not it be a little wiser to follow the Spirit of the Law rather than the letter of the Law?

Is that not the reason that Adam, as Jesus, returned to this earth plane?

The letter of the law, the Law of Webster, has been handed down from generation to generation.

If the mind has any doubt, allow it to look up a few words and see how they are handed down, and are often changed along the way to suit the mind itself.

No WONDER the mind has WANDERED as like in the desert for 40 years.

How stable are hand me down definitions?

As the Readings have emphatically stated...,

...there is One Ideal that the mind can turn to for direction.

That direction is within, and away from the letter of Law...,

...and into His Spirit that has fulfilled every letter used to write the Law.

All the mind has to do is to take in the letters used to write the Law (26 in all)...,

...and cord them to His Spirit according to the Pattern set by Him, and THEN began MOVING them, as the builder, from within.

Now the spiritual aspect of the mind will begin to build with words that flow like a river...,

...and the words are not as blocks that have previously blocked the physical aspect of the mind from entering into the spiritual aspect of its mind...,

...where it can build from within...,

...according to the natural law that was in effect in the very beginning.




"Mind in itself, then, is both material AND spiritual.
As may be seen by the reference to those here, to those that are students, to "What Is My Ideal?"  

Here we find it expressly given that it...,

...the IDEAL...,

....must have its inception in..,

...from and with that which is an unseen FORCE...,

...or in that we may worship as a GOD.
Mind, then, may function without a form or body.  

Hence we will give, at this particular portion of this, that as an outline of those conditions, experiences or manifestations
that may be had by the mind irrespective of the body:
 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  How?
The MIND of God MOVED, and matter, form, came into being.
Mind, then, in God, the Father, is the builder.  

How much more, then, would or should Mind be the builder in the experience of those that have put on Christ or God, in Him, in His coming into the earth?  

For as He has given..,

.... "Let that mind be in you which was in the Christ, who thought it not robbery to make Himself equal with God," but living in materiality in the earth, in matter, as a body..., 

...but with the Mind, with the thought, with the manifestations of a Creative Force all together.
That ye think, that ye put your Mind to work upon, to live  upon, to feed upon, to live with, to abide with, to associate with in the mind...,

...THAT your soul-body becomes!  

For if the Mind dwells upon the spiritual things, then it follows that it becomes what it has dwelt  upon, what it has lived
 upon, what it has made itself a portion of.  

But if the Mind dwells upon self-indulgence, self-aggrandizement, self-
exaltation, selfishness in any of its forms, in any of its variations...,

...then it has set itself at variance to that First Cause.

 "Let that mind be in you which is in me, that as I abide in the Father and ye abide in me, we may be one with Him,"...,

...which is the Destiny of those that love His coming."
262-78  3/3/1935

Echoes from the
