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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #101


Genome Project Complete 


(59/M/Longwood, Florida) 6/23/00 4:33 pm
From USA Today 06-23-2000 (cover story)

"Cracking the human genetic
code --- a 10-year effort involving thousands of scientists worldwide--is essentially complete, and the door to the future of medicine has been thrown wide 

The milestone in brief

The announcement

"Scientists have finished a genetic blueprint of the human body.--one of the holy grails of biology--that is referred to as the Book of Life." 

What does it look like?

"It is a STRING of LETTERS representing the four substances called nucleotides that make up EVERY gene:

Adenine the letter A

Thymine the letter T

Guanine the letter G

cystonine the letter C


The four nucleotides are always paired.

G with C

A with T

The order in which the pairs are arranged determines the genes function.

These gene sequences can be hundreds to millions of pairs long."

The whole genome contains about 3.5 billion such letters." 

The significance

"Knowing the sequence of LETTERS that make up all DNA in humans OPENS an
era which the most fundamental causes of disease can be understood and targeted treatments can be developed."
In perspective 

It looks like the body may contain a bunch of letters after all.

Noticed HOW the physical scientists deliberately attached or CORDED LETTERS to the physical things called the nucleotides.

It appears scientists are moving closer to figuring out HOW to use of letters WITHIN the human body...,

...except that they continue to totally ignore any attachment of letters to Spirit.

The Bible has already stated that Spirit is life and is letters*

*Revelation 1:8

The Readings have already stated that the SpIrit is WITHIN.

These pair of letters may have presented a better picture of the everlasting life that the scientists are striving for.

B with C BC

A with D AD

They also represent the first 4 root letters of the 26 letters of the alphabet moved by the scientists in order for them to think.

It makes one wonder who is trying to copy who.






Symbols Meeting Self

According to the Readings, one should leave itself, so that Self may attune itself to Spirit.

Take a look at numbers that are symbols.

Numbers are symbols that are corded to groups of letters.

Is there any connection or cording to Spirit when numbers are corded to letters?


Here is the block word one.

Here is the symbol 1 that is corded to the block word one.

Does the mind see any Spiritual connection here?


In fact, symbols reflecting blocks of words draw the mind even further from Spirit and closer to Self as the mind cords things that are reflective of Self.

In this "encasement". no pun intended, the number and block word that it represents helps encase the mind further into itself.

Likes beget likes remember?

In Revelation 1:8, there IS mention that letters are Spirit.

There is NO mention that numbers are Spirit. 

Now take a look at 666.

According to the Pattern, His Book, the Bible, Revelation 13:17

"and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark...,

...or the name...,

...or the number of his name."  

Ok, what is the number OF, or corded to, his name?

It is 666.

Then what is the name OF, or corded to, his number.

That name must be six six six.

Is there any Spirit here?


Allow the spiritual aspect of the mind to enter SIX.

There is His letter S for Spirit

There is His letter I for Self

There is His Letter X for No.

There is no connection between Spirit and Self.  
According to the Pattern, His Book, the Bible, Revelation 13:18.

"Here is wisdom . Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. "


Names are formed by the movement of letters by the born physical conscious mind.

The mind, itself, then took certain combinations of letters, and corded symbols to them to re-present these combinations known as numbers.

Numbers are a creation of the born self conscious mind of MAN, and draw the mind away from the Creative Force, the Spirit of the WORD made flesh, that is within.

ie,  Time is an invention of man measured in numbers.

From the physical conscious point of view, the emblematic number of going away from God is 666.

The word number is another blocked word to the physical conscious mind of Self.

Watch what happens when the spiritual aspect of the mind moves the letters of this word.



The mind becomes a little more numb.

Here is numb according to Law of Webster.

First,  the mind cannot help but notice the the letter B, which is the first root letter of Brain and Body and is SILENT in this word.

The definition of numb

"weakened in or deprived of the power of feeling or moving, DEADENED."

According to the Pattern, Jesus, the WORD made flesh, Spirit is words that are formed with letters and are life. 

The first four root letters of numbers indicate a little deadening of that life.

Alpha was in the beginning with God..,

...a number, as a symbol of letter combinations, was not.


Just an after thought, did you notice in Revelation 13:17 that  says that one couldn't buy or sell?

Didn't say a word about trading, did it?

Go "A head" and trade your OWN letters for HIS, as tools for the trade.

Mr. 666 will never know it...,

...for he is not corded or connected. :)





Take a look at this irony.

The common perception of the devil to the physical conscious mind is like this.

His outside is red.

He has two horns that protrude outside His head.

He has a tail with the end looking like an arrow pointing away from its body.

According to the Readings, the mind is suppose to venture within its created body where worship is to take place.

Within the body the color is red, blood red.

Within the body, should be the horns of the altar that are Patterned after the altar in His Book of the Old Testament.

The devil is just the reverse of what the Readings are saying the mind should seek.

Now look at the word devil.

Form the opposite view from within, the word DEVIL just happens to be viewed as LIVED.

Does that match His Pattern in His Book?


Spirit is life and lives.

The DEVIL LIVED and is dead.

Let the dead bury the dead. Remember?

"But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury the dead."*

*Matthew 8:22

The devil is dead in Spirit for it worshipped things outside it own body...,

...and even promised all things to the Pattern of Jesus, if Jesus would worship him.

The devil made no attempt to re-cord to the Creative Force within.

Jesus, the Pattern, (s)ought ought to go within and re-cord, as evidenced by the Words spoken by the Father from within Him.





To the physical aspect of the mind, this is time--time.

To the spiritual aspect of the mind that has moved to the viewpoint from within, this is time--emit.

emit is the process of manifesting words  from within..,

...when the mind attunes itself to the Creative Force within.

time is the movement of numbers that are corded to and moved by physical objects, and are not corded to Spirit.

emit is the movement of letters from within by the mind that has corded them to Spirit.  





The physical aspect of the mind sees space and thinks of the stars as even the heavens.

The Readings state that heaven is within the same body that houses the mind.

The Readings also state that the Spirit,  or the Creative Force, or God, or the Maker is within the created body.

The Bible also states that Jesus, the Pattern is the Way. 

If the mind and heaven are already within the same space, then there really is no such thing as space to the spiritual aspect of the mind.

This could very possibly be true, because look what may happen when the mind enters into space.



IF the mind should follow His Pattern, which is the Way, then the beginning of scape should be as the ending.

Alpha and Omega. The beginning and ending. Remember?

Here is the beginning to match the ending.



By entering within, the spiritual aspect of the mind overcomes the concept of space...,

...and transforms space into an escape, the Way, and from the bondage of the mind that has been corded to the things of the physical external world.

The mind is born to be corded to the physical and may be reborn to be corded to His Spirit so that it may remove itself from the entrapment of cyclic reincarnations into the physical environment of the earth plane.
