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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #100

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #100


The Wine is Mine


IF ALL the letters the mind uses are His, then, from His point of view....

...the Wine is Mine.

UC, in Spirit, letters are able to MOVE as the are corded to Spirit rather than to be bound to things that the physical mind tied them to.

The letter W that is always viewed as W may easily be view as M from His point of view that comes from within.

Water is the universal symbol for truth.

Here is HOW you find the truth of matter which is water.


The t's, or crosses are as As One according to the Pattern of taking up our t and following Him.

His letter M may be easily moved and re-versed to His W.

The mind has just found water, the truth within matter

When the letters are used as His, the truth flows as water from within.

Remember, Jesus, the Pattern, and the woman at the well?



Hs Letter W


When the physical aspect of the mind sees the letter W, this is exactly what it sees, W.

When the spiritual aspect of the mind sees His Letter W. this is what it may see as it follows the Law of One...,

...where two or more may be As One yet to or more.

It may see two V's As One.

Many times, Jesus the Pattern, prefaced His Spiritual Words by saying verily.

When the two V's are joined As One, they witness each other in truth as the W is the first root letter of the symbol of truth which is water.



Take up your cross and follow Him


These words are definitely part of the Pattern.

These words are Spirit and emanate with from within the Pattern Jesus.

So HOW does one follow one in Spirit?

It is easy for the spiritual aspect of the mind.

It is impossible for the physical aspects of the mind.

Take UP and follow are movement words called verbs.

The picture that the physical mind sees when it hears the Words above is to literally use the physical body and mind to take up a cross and follow him.

Can the mind see Spirit? Hardly.

Can the physcal aspect of the mind see letters that may be Spirit? Yes.

The picture that the spiritual aspect of the mind sees is a little different.

The basic difference is that the Words above emanate from the Word made flesh and physical words emanate from flesh that makes the word.   

In Spirit, Words emanate from within the open mind and are moved through and out the opened created body by the attuned mind moving from within and in accordance with the Spirit of the created body.

In essence, the cross that the physical aspect of the mind sees...,

... is His letter (t) that the the spiritual aspect of the mind sees. 

According to the Readings, the mind is BOTH physical AND spiritual.*

Readings 759-12 and 1593-1 or Page 83 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. 

According to Jesus, the Pattern, spiritually spoken Words are Spirit and Life*

*John 6:63

Maybe that is WHY Spirit states in Revelation 1:8 (for the mind) that the Spirit is letters.

No one can deny that Letters are the roots of words.

To the physical aspect of the mind, letters ARE nothing more than roots of words.

To the spiritual aspect of the mind, letters are Spirit, and are corded to Spirit, and when the mind moves these letters, the Spirit will move.

Watch this spiritual movement that exactly matches His Pattern of words of taking up one's cross (t) and following Him in the mind's own words.


Here the spiritual aspect of the minds of men have just taken up their cross (t) and are on the move following HIS Pattern in their own previously blocked word called movement.

( ) and ( ) and this ( ) also form the symbols of vibrations that attune the mind to His Pattern.

When the symbols are As One, they sort of look like this  ((( ))).

Looks like the symbols for sound waves maybe?







It is the opinion of this writer that the following specific words within the Readings get shifted around and watered down by some of those charged with preserving the Readings.

Here are the specific words relating to only ONE Ideal.

You decide if the One Ideal gets watered down.

"The most important experience of this or ANY individual entity is to FIRST know what IS THE IDEAL spiritually."*

*Reading 357-13 or page 45 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

"There is ONE IDEAL--that -- which manifests in the earth in the Christ-Jesus.

That should be EVERY entities Ideal physically mentally, materially..."*

*Reading 2533-7 or page 46 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


Going to repeat this next one three times just to get it set straight in the mind.


"Study to show thyself approved unto God, THE Ideal."*

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, THE Ideal."*

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, THE Ideal."*

*Reading 2283-1 or page 47 of the Edgar Cayce Companion


"...All men may have the SAME IDEAL..."*

*Reading 3976-8 or page 46 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The Readings make it perfecty clear that for the mind, GOD and the Spirit christ-Jesus is the ONE and ONLY IDEAL for the mind.

There is no other.

The other so-called ideals are simply ideas that are used as goals for the mind of Self.




Now watch how the word IDEAL gets shifted around and watered down to fit the physical aspects of the mind...,

...rather than have the mind attune itself to the ONE Ideal.

These are parital qoutes from the ARE headquarter web site.

(Notice How the Readings state One Ideal yet, here often, the word ideals is used.)

"Perhaps one of the most frequently mentioned principles in the Edgar Cayce readings is the concept of "ideals,""

(Concept all right, the One Ideal is the immaculate conception.) 

"The readings recommend writing down our physical, mental, and spiritual ideals." 

(How many times can you right down GOD?)

"Yet, Cayce made it clear that the importance of working with ideals..."

(Again is there more than One Ideal?

(Is the Ideal being watered down here?)

(Take a look.)

"In simplest terms, the intention of an ideal is the motivating influence that undergirds why we do what we do." 

(What does that mean?) 

"Whereas a "goal" is something attainable, in Cayce's terminology, an "ideal" is really a motivating pattern that guides our lives." 

(a, or would THE Pattern be better?)

"It's not something we're going to pick up and fondle like a prized object; rather...,'s more like the rays of the sun...,

 that can warm our face as we're pointed toward it-you can't help but know when you're looking at it head on!" 

(Can the mind be As One with the Rays of the sun?)

"What may be surprising from the readings' perspective, however, is that everyone works with ideals, even if it's unconscious." 

(Again, switching from ONE Ideal to ideals)

"Since ideals shape our very lives, our experiences, even who we're becoming, then, by definition, they must be extremely important.., 
...,But Cayce went even one step further. Oftentimes, people were told:" 

(Now the true point is being made.)

"Then the more important...,

...the most important experience of this or any individual entity is to first know what is the ideal---



"Not only is it very important, it is the most important thing we can do."

(The explanation the ONE ideal should have stopped here.)




(Again here comes the wandering)

"First, know thy ideal-spiritually, mentally, materially. Not so much as to what you would like others to be, but what may be YOUR ideal relationships to others! For he that is the greatest is the servant of all-as the law of cause and effect." 

Reading 1998-1

"How Can I Work with Ideals?" 

(Again the shift is away from, the ONE Ideal of  God to other ideals.)

"The challenge of working with ideals seems to be one where we're encouraged to move beyond simply a personal intellectual exercise to one where we're able to strategically map out how our ideal will affect our interaction with OTHERS, ourselves, even our surroundings." 

(What about working with God, THE Ideal?)

"Many individuals have found that the key to making a spiritual ideal practical in their material lives is to work with a frequently mentioned concept in the Cayce readings: 

Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, and the physical is the result."

(Forgot one little detail) 

"The WORDS I speak, THEY are spirit and THEY are life.*

*John 6:63  

"The first step is to take a sheet of paper and draw three columns. Label the first, "My Spiritual Ideal"; label the second, "My Mental Attitudes"; and label the third, "My Physical Activities."" 

"Although we're encouraged to choose a challenging spiritual ideal," 

(GOD is challenging?)

"it's recommended that the spiritual ideal we choose be something we can understand, work with, and see progressively manifesting in our lives."

(THE spiritual ideal we can choose?. Wonder what Reading that is in?)

(So therefore, should the mind alter the One Ideal to fit the physical aspect of the mind rather than alter the physical aspect mind to fit the ONE Ideal?)

(Now again, the mind is led back on focus.)

"Ultimately, a spiritual ideal is the highest "spiritual" quality or attainment that we could hope to have motivating us in our lives right now." 

("a" spiritual ideal? Thought there was only ONE spiritual Ideal.)

(Right Now, So why not focus on the ONE Ideal, right now.?)

(Again on focus, but then the mind is directed away from the One Ideal).




"For some, this might be the pattern set by Jesus, for others it might be a quality such as "love." In order to really begin working with ideals," 

"However, we should choose that quality or attribute that is currently missing or lacking in our own life in our relationships with others." 

(Thought the ONE Ideal was what is missing?)

"For example, perhaps we may find that we need to be more "patient" or more "forgiving" or more "understanding" in our interaction with other people." 

(Maybe it is the ONE Ideal that we need.)

"Ideals grow and change as we do, so it's important to pick something with which we can really begin to work." 

(What is wrong with picking letters that the mind ALREADY knows HOW to work with..., enable the mind to reach the One Ideal, the WORD made flesh, the Pattern for the mind to follow?)

"For this exercise, let's say that our spiritual ideal is currently going to be "forgiveness," so forgiveness would be written under the first column labelled, "My Spiritual Ideal."

(God just got reduced to forgiveness and the mind is going to continue to use block words..)

"Under the second column, we need to begin listing "My Mental Attitudes," those attitudes which will help build that spirit of forgiveness into our relationships with others and with ourselves."

(Again the mind is encouraged to use block words.)

(What happened to the relationship with God, and are we not supposed to Set Self aside?)

"Each one of our smaller ideals is a portion of something greater that we wish to become, but perhaps is out of our immediate reach in the very beginning." 

(It is out of reach when the One Ideal is broken up into little pieces called ideals.)

(Again the mind is directed back to the One Ideal)

"Ultimately, there is One Ideal." 

"Although the readings encourage us to choose a personal ideal, they also assert that there is only one Ideal."

(What is a personal ideal if is not THE ONE Ideal?) 

(The physical aspect of the mind is already well aware of physical minded ideals.)

(It is the physical aspect of the mind that needs to FOCUS on the One Ideal so that the mind may develop the spiritual aspects of its mind to match the One Ideal.

(Again, here the mind is being directed towards the ONE Ideal.)




"One individual was told, "There is ONE way, but there are many paths." (3083-1)" 

"In essence, what this suggests is that each of us is moving toward an "ultimate ideal." 

"Whether we want to label that ideal "perfection" or "Christ Consciousness" or "God Consciousness" or whatever term we're personally most comfortable with...

...the ultimate ideal...

... is the highest spiritual attainment possible." 

"However, each of our smaller ideals (such as "love" or "service" or "kindness") can really serve as steps or building blocks toward that highest ideal." 

"The world, as a world...has lost its ideal." 

(The One Ideal, perhaps?)

(No wonder---when the mind is focused on kindness iiself, or service itself, rather on the One Ideal itself.

(If service, love, or kindness, in itself, are building blocks called ideals, no wonder the mind is blocked from the ONE Ideal, Itself.)

(These so-called other ideals are only part of the Pattern, the ONE Ideal, that the mind needs to follow.)   

"Ideas vs.Ideals" 

"Although each of us might have different ideas, plans, or goals about how things should be done, the readings advise that-in spite of all our differences-we can share a common why." 

(A common why? Should not why be the One Ideal that All men may have IN common WITHIN and share?)
(Again reference is made to the practice of putting "a" ideal before the mind rather than the ONE Ideal.)

"As we work with a conscious ideal, not only is our direction made more clear, but the ideal becomes a living, breathing portion of who we are at a soul level." 

"An ideal is like a personal tapestry that we create one stitch at a time. It can be worked with and ironed out and toiled over until the end result is something we can proudly share in our interactions with others." 

(What about sharing with God, the ONE Ideal for the mind?)

(The aim of this writer is not to be critical, but, hopefully, to point out the confusion that the word...,


...that is used in the context of the Edgar Cayce Readings..., far different than the multiple ideals expressed by the physically aspects of conscious minds.)



What the mind loves to do


The mind loves to draw things to its point of view and that includes the ONE Ideal.

That is not supposed to be the way it works.

According to the Readings, the mind is to attune itself to the Ideal and not the other way around.

According to the Readings, the mind is leave Self, the point of view of Self, and attune itself to the Creative Force within which is called God AND the Ideal in the Readings.

Think about the mind moving into His Christ Conscious point of view rather than trying have His Christ consciousness move  into the aspect of the physical conscious mind.

Your mind may easily fit into His Pattern of Consciousness, but no way will His Pattern of Consciousness fit into the mind that is not born again a little differently.

You can do that by learnng to use YOUR letters as His like (t)his.

Have a good weekend and, really think about maybe it IS possible that you may move your mind to God within...,

...rather than trying to have God's Creative Mind move to your physical consciousness.

Free will Remember?

According to the Readings, your mind is the ACTIVE Force.

You, your mind, makes the first move within.

Then the Creative Force, the Re-action will occur.  

New wine needs a new container.

See you Monday,





This is how the physical aspect of the mind views the word welcome.


The physical aspect of the mind has been taught to see only this block word.

As the block word is reflected back to the mind, the mind continues to be blocked.

As the mind continues to be blocked, the body continues to be blocked.

According to the Readings, the mind is the builder.

What are the basic tools of the mind?

26 letters.

Block words that the mind has not yet learned to OPEN...,

literally block the mind in its OWN Self consciousness.

According to the Readings, Jesus is the Pattern for the mind to follow.

According to the Bible, Jesus was the Word made flesh.*

*John 1:14

Did the Word, made flesh move?


IF the word moved, then the letters of the Word also moved.

That is the Pattern to follow.


IF the letters are HIS, and the mind acknowledges that fact and..., 

...THEN the letters are moved as HIS..., 

...the Spirit moves from WITHIN...,

...for the cord of letters of the mind has been corded to HIS Spirit and the mind Is RESET.

This is HOW the spiritual aspect of the mind enters its own SELF consciousness...,

OPENS the word attached to that consciousness...,

...that OPENS the mind...,

...that opens the body...,

...that allows the mind to enter within to the Ideal that is God, the Creative Force, the Spirit, the Lord.

To the spiritual aspect of the mind, this is WELCOME.


(L) being the first root letter of the Word Lord, that was the Word made flesh whose Spirit dwells within.

When the mind, as the builder, moves letters that are in accordance within HIS PATTERN...,

...His vibrations respond through the opened mind and body...,

as ATTUNEMENT has been made.


Much discussion was just presented on the word IDEAL and HOW the mind, as the builder, should work with this word. 

As was presented, the physical conscious mind works ONLY with the blocked word IDEAL.

Here is HOW the spiritual aspect of the mind will work with the word IDEAL.

It will first enter the word.


The mind sees for itself, I DEAL

The question now is, who is talking?

Is I DEAL, Self doing the leading..,

...or is it the Lord doing the leading?

Now watch as the mind moves the letters according to the Pattern that the mind should take UP its cross and follow Him and the first shall be last the last shall be first.

I (D)EA)L)


That matches His Pattern of taking UP your (t) and following Him.

The I of Self becomes the I of the Lord.

Watch HOW the spiritual aspect of the mind deals with IDEA.

The physical aspect of the mind has plenty of IDEAS generated by itself that it calls IDEALS...,

..but the spiritual aspect of the mind has only ONE IDEA that it calls the ONE IDEAL.

That ONE IDEA is this...,


The ONE IDEA(L) is the immaculate conception of ONE IDEA that emanates from WITHIN and NOT pondered from without.

The Immaculate conception of Mary took place WITHIN Her OWN mind.

Mary is also part of the Pattern for minds to follow.

Here is the IDEA.

Here is the Pattern of the Word made flesh...,

...the Immaculate conception.

Here is the ONE IDEA(L)...,

...that is the Spirit...,

...that every mind may cord directly to...,

...and within its own OPENED mind and OPENED body.

It is HOW the mind DEALS with words and letters of those words...,

...that is the key that that will OPEN the mind and body to His IDEAL Spirit within. 

U C, the physical aspect of the mind may not even open OPEN for it is against the Law of Webster.

Watch HOW the spiritual aspect of the mind follows the Spirit of the Law instead of the written law and opens OPEN.

( O) (PEN)


O is the universal symbol of completeness and there is a PEN.


Maybe words may be written with a pen from within.



I am the door


These are the Words spoken by Jesus, the Pattern.*

*John 10:9

If Jesus is the door...,

...then who or what OPENS the door?

It is the mind that is ACTIVE FORCE that opens the door.

What does the door OPEN to?

It allows the physical aspects of the mind to enter into the spiritual aspects of the mind that opens and enters into the spiritual glands or centers of the created body.

The mind, as the Active Force, then literally unites with the Spirit or the Creative Force...,

...and that re-union is called the Christ Consciousness.

No pun intended, but the free will of every mind has the window of opportunity, while the mind is housed IN the living created body, to act as the "skeleton" key that will open the door.



Why the word Ideal


First, one thing should be made clear.

When many people refer to the Readings...,

....they often say Edgar Cayce said this, or Edgar Cayce said that.

It was NOT the PERSONALITY of Edgar Cayce saying anything.

In order to give a Reading, Edgar Cayce had to set the personality of his physical conscious mind aside so the spiritual aspect of his mind could move into attunement with the Creative Forces within his created body, and then reversed the process so that words would be manifested from within.

According to the Readings, when the mind shifts, so to speak, into the spiritual attunement, that mind is called the angelic self.

Therefore, it was the angelic self of Edgar Cayce that enabled the Readings to be manifested and NOT the personality self of Edgar Cayce.

The key point to remember is this.

A transformation of the physical conscious mind that is corded, or attuned, to the Pattern must take place BEFORE manifestation of words from within is able to take place.

The angelic aspect of Edgar Cayce's mind was well developed, most assuredly, even before he entered this earth plane as Edgar Cayce.

As the Readings have stated, nothing is by chance, and the Readings given were not by chance and that includes the word Ideal.

The spiritual aspect of Edgar Cayce's mind had a definite purpose in using the word Ideal to describe Spirit, God, Lord, the Creative Force, and Holy Spirit.

What was the purpose?

To direct the mind to a word that reflects the workings of the mind and how the mind should work, as the builder, following the Pattern set by Jesus.

The first four root letters of Ideal just happen to be IDEA, and ALL IDEAS originate WITHIN the mind.

Therefore, the essence of the Readings is to allow the mind to focus on itself, and HOW it may re-cord, or attune, or transform itself to the Creative Force that is the essence of the created living human body.

While every mind is housed in a living created human body, it may begin to start  now the transformation process that is very much like becoming a little child again and learning to manifest words...,

...this time...,

...from His Point of view that is within.

U C, it was the movement of (RA) that entered this E(AR)TH again, as EDG(AR)..., establish the new application of the continual unfoldment of the mind...,

...through the establishment of the (AR)E...,

... to the true Ideal perception of the mind in its relationship of its own mind, body, and soul to the Creative Force, God, that is already within the mind and body waiting to be re-corded and manifested.

Every mind may begin and may begin right now.

The mind may (S)(t)(AR)(t) by taking UP its own t, or cross, and following "the" cross, or t,   as His (S)pirit.

Then when the mind enters within its own consciousness formed by its own words..., will find signs along the Way that match His Pattern to show that the mind is heading on the proper course.

(t)his is (t)he (W)ay that  (t)he mind (M)ay see signs through (t)he (move)(men((t) of letters within words that (t)he mind may (M)atch and (W)atch according to His Pattern.   

WORD(S) literally become two edge (S)WORD(S), when both the spiritual and physical aspects of the mind work in attunement to manifest the (S)pirit.



Conversations with God


These words seem to be popular today.

Maybe the transformation of the physical mind of self to the angelic mind of self, as describe by the transformed mind of Edgar Cayce, is finally beginning to catch on.

The Readings not only describe that the mind may have conversations with God, called the Creative Force or the Ideal in the Readings...,

...but HOW and WHERE the mind may transform itself to allow the conversations to take place.

Again, nothing is by accident to the spiritual aspect of the mind.

The physical aspect of the mind will see only this block word.


The spiritual aspect of the mind may see this word.


con   with 

vers  verse
A   His letter symbol for together As One

tion   shun.

In essence, when the physical mind enters within the block word that has literally formed a building that has blocked its own consciousness,,,,

...the mind becomes transformed as it transforms the blocked word into a open word that fits His Pattern.

For an example, how can any physical mind have a conversation with God?

It cannot.

Why not?

Because the physical mind continues to view conversation as a blocked word.

Likes attract likes: likes beget likes.


Look even closer at the word the mind is entering within to unblock.


The first seven root letters match the first seven root letters of conversion.

Conversion is like being transformed or converted.

Remember the story about the Pattern, Jesus, and one must be converted to one As a Little Child?

Look at the next root letter of this word,


This is His key letter symbol of the Law of One that two or more may be As One, yet two or more.

Now look at His letter symbol t

This is His letter symbol for the cross. 

Now look at ion

This part of the word is pronounced as shun.

Now look at the Law of Webster to see the blocked word ion.

ion is the Latin word for Way. 

Now look what happens when the mind, as the builder, OPENS the blocked word ion..,

... and adds His letter R...,

... that is His letter symbol of movement like as in there is a (R)IVE(R) that flows from within that is a match to the beginning and ending.

The block word ion is opened and  transformed into the blocked word iron.

iron may then be opened to (i)(ron) and then transformed to (nor) (i).

Nor I fits the Pattern described in the Bible (The Lords Prayer)...,

...and matches the suggestion in the Readings that Self should set Self aside.

Remember likes beget likes.

Opening and unblocking the words of the physical aspect of the mind...,

...opens and unblocks the mind and when that happens...,

...the created body opens...,

...and the Creative Force or Sprit begins its movement from within and the re-union or re-cording of the mind and Spirit begins As One.



"Speaking From The Heart"


This a commonly used phrase that people express when they speak from an emotional point of view.

They speak from the Heart.

Do they really speak from the Heart?

To the physical aspect of the mind, Hearts do not speak.

They are simply pumps that move blood.

To the spiritual aspect of the mind that enters within, one may speak from the heart if the words that emanate match His Pattern.

Allow the mind to enter the word Hearts that is corded to Hearts.

The mind may enter the word by moving the letters As His...,

...which OPENS the word..,

...and then looking for His signs within the Open word.

Here the mind is going to to perform a little OPEN Heart surgery on some Hearts.


H re-presents His letter symbol for the Law of One.

There is the ear to (H)ear the vibrations of (s)pirit

There is His letter symbol t that is the cross.  

There is His Letter symbol s that is (s)pirit.

U C, when the physical aspect of the mind acknowledges that His cross IS also the letter symbol t...,

...the mind is then able to transform itself to the spiritual aspect of the mind.

Just as the Readings have stated...,

The mind is both physical AND spiritual.

Not only that, but here is a sign that the mind may be here and there..,,

... or physical and spiritual, at the SAME time.

Here is the movement of His letter symbols by the mind, WITHIN a blocked word, that will produce that sign.


This is HOW the mind may be here and there at the same time.



Destroying The Craving Force


Any craving force generated by an 
INANIMATE object, and instilled into a human being, may be destroyed by its very own power.* 

*arkroc 1998 



The unhindered unfoldment of the human mind is the Ideal purpose of human existence on this earth plane. 

The unfoldment is greatly hindered if a craving force is drawing the mind away from its intended purpose. 

There is a very simple, yet profound statement in the Pattern, the 23rd Psalm of the King James Bible...,

..."I shall not want". 

IF the above statement is true, then a craving force is very much like a thief in the night to the intended design of the human mind. 


The human mind has the God given ability, will power, and responsibility to literally turn the force of craving upon itself to destroy itself with its own power. 


Both the human mind and the craving force share a commonality. Both are basically conversion factories. 

In order for an inanimate object to enter into the human body and mind, it must go through conversions or transformations. 

As some of these objects are withdrawn, or withheld from the body and mind, they will leave a craving force deeply rooted in the mind. 

This unseen, very real, very powerful force has brought the will power of some of the world's greatest minds to its knees. 

The human mind and body is also a conversion factory. Its existence is based on its ability to convert all kinds of objects or things for its own use. 


There is a force at the disposal of the human mind that the craving force will wish it had never heard of. 

That force is called ANGER. 


Anger is the most powerful force that the human mind and body may release and direct to an object on the earth plane. 

Its power comes from its ability to be very easily RELEASED from the body and mind and DIRECTED to a target. 


Will power is the power behind all power as it decides, what, where, when, and HOW any conversion activity will occur. 

Will power simply has the unique ability to FIRST convert every force of craving into a force of anger, and THEN RELEASE AND DIRECT that force to any desired target. 

IF will power will simply convert, release, and direct the force back to where it originated, it will, in deed, destroy the craving force with its own power. 


In the beginning, a mind first bothered a cigarette. It moved the cigarette. 

The mind never thought that a cigarette, would, in turn, bother the mind. 

Soon, the mind and the cigarette developed a bothering relationship. 

As they continued to bother each other, the relationship was given a name. habit.

 The mind decided it did not want to be bothered any more by the cigarette. 

But the cigarette kept right on bothering the mind with its craving force. 

The human mind never made a binding agreement with cigarette to keep bothering each other, but the cigarette acts otherwise. 


The human mind decides to make an agreement not to bother a cigarette, and that the cigarette is not to bother the human mind, just for a day or so. 

The test will prove that the cigarette will bother the human mind BEFORE the human mind bothers the cigarette. 

The test proves that the cigarette is a cheat and a liar, and that it is definitely addictive. 

It also proves that the mind is truthful and can keep an agreement, and that the cigarette is a liar and cannot keep a simple agreement. 

It is at this crucial MOMENT of revealed truth that the human mind may convert that craving force into a force of anger and direct it right back to the cigarette itself. 

For every craving that the cigarette gives the mind, the mind may convert that force and release it to the cigarette as an equal force of directed anger. 


"I told you not to bother me any more damn it!" 

The mind and body then proceed to pulverize a few cigarettes and continue to verbally slam the cigarettes at the very MOMENT of EVERY craving until the craving force destroys itself. 


The mind directly confronts the craving force itself, exposes that force, turns the force around, and destroys the force with its own power until it becomes powerless forever. 

In essence, this is really a case of mind over matter, and HOW a little force like will power may destroy a giant force like craving. 

Remember the Pattern of David and Goliath?
