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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #10

The Can Opener

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 24 1999
9:39AM EDT

Allow the mind to imagine its mind as a can opener. 

Allow the mind to imagine its body as a can. 

Allow the mind to imagine its mind as can opener that does not have any cutter, or blade, on the opener. 

Allow the mind to then move the opener around the can. 

Allow the mind to see that that can will not open...

...even though the opener made a complete cycle around the "lip" of the can. 

This is the EXACT pattern of WHY the human mind cannot open the "lip" of the human body. 

It doe not have the cutter, blade, or (S)word to (O)pen the body...* 

*Matthew 10:34 

The attunement of the mind to the Spirit WITHIN... the (S)word... 

...when placed WITHIN the "can opener" of the mind... the two edge (S)word... 

...which is then moved in a NEW cutting cycle... 

...around the "lip" of the can... 

...the can will then open easily. 


The minds of (S)elves, as little children...

...partake of...


...can of HIS alphabet soup, all (t)he time.


The Imaginative Forces

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 24 1999
9:38PM EDT

"The lyden, or "closed" gland...
is the keeper--as it were --of the door...

...that would loose...

...and let either passion...

...or the MIRACLE be loosed... enable those seeking to find the Open Door, or the Way... find EXPRESSON in THE imaginative forces in their MANIFESTATION in the sensory forces of a BODY:

...whether they be in the finger tips that write... eyes that see... voice that would speak... "*

*Page 248 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

This is HOW the finger tips of (S)elves will go WITHIN the imagination of the mind.

They will follow His Pattern and go 
WITHIN the word imagination.


When Self (i) goes WITHIN the body formed from (e)arth...

...imagination becomes...

...image nation

...i becomes as one with the body e.

To the physical mind...

...i always becmes before e...

...according to the Law of Webster..

...Except after c...

...that stands for (C)hrist in the attunement of the mind of (S)elf.


The image Nation

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 25 1999
12:23AM EDT

When the Law of One is applied to the two words...

...image and nation...

AS One word WITHIN...

as the single (i) eye of (S)elf moves WITHIN...

...the two words become One Word called...


When the mind becomes Patterned "After His kind"*...

*See Genesis 1:11...

..the children of God...(S)elves...

...become the image nation...

...that is the (G)race of God.

It is that simple.

It is that profound. 


"And God SAID...,

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 25 1999
10:25AM EDT

..."Let US make man in OUR IMAGE, after OUR LIKENESS...

...and let them have dominion...over ALL the earth.

So God created man in HIS own IMAGE... the IMAGE of God created he him...:

...male and female created he them.


And the...LORD...God...formed man of the dust of the ground...(Earth)...

...and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life...;

...and man became a LIVNG SOUL.


Out of the ground...(Earth)...,

the ...LORD GOD...formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air...;
and brought them unto Adam to see...

...what he would call them...

and whatsoever Adam called every LIVING creature...

...that was the name thereof."

================================ *

The above information is WITHIN Chapters One and Two of Genesis.


WITHIN the Natural manifestation of creation...

...The Lord...

...the Spirit of the Word of God that formed Adam...

...must have NAMED Adam...


...then Adam...

...with the Same...

...connecting CORD of Spirit of the Lord WITHIN...

...manifested that Spirit of the Lord to name all other living creatures.

The names and the creatures were connected, or corded, together... the Spirit of the Lord God THROUGH ADAM.

Adam severed that cord of connection with the "free will sword" of his mind.*

*See the most important advancement in religious thought... the last two thousand years on page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

When the word Sword is used from the physical point of view of the mind... is the pattern of HOW the mind severs the Spiritual cord WITHIN.

When the word (S)word is used from His Spiritual point of view of the mind from WITHIN...

...the connection has been re-corded...

...for the mind of Self has returned ALL of His letters WITHIN that were used to name everything. 

In order to name anything, and everything, letters must be used.
When the mind of Self returns His letters WITHIN...

...the mind of Self is literally transformed in the process.

...the physical Self returns and becomes a child, again, of the Lord God WITHIN... re-cording once again WITHIN its Created body.

SELF simply attunes itself the Pattern of His Letters WITHIN the vibrations of the created body.


This is the sign of His Pattern...


This is the sign of the transformation of self to a child of God.



These are (t)he Vibrational Horns on His Altar...

...WITHIN the image nation of the mind...

...that the mind of Self's own letters are passed WITHIN and THROUGH for re-cording...

...( )...

...( )...This is the sign of His Book the Bible.

...( )...The Bible is (t)he Master thesis...

...or Parent thesis of the Pattern's parents...

...and the Pattern for the parents of every...


...( )...This sign exactly matches...

...the Law of One...that two or more may be as one...

...Just as the Father, the Creative Force, and the Son are AS One WITHIN.

The Virgin Mary parallels...


...out of the mind of Self...

...Self may bring forth an immaculate conceived child called...


IF...any mind thinks it cannot conceive...

...allow that mind to to re-think...

...the word...

...(t)he...from His Point of View...



The Father and Mother of Every Soularkroc
(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 25 1999
5:13PM EDT

The Father of every Soul is the Creative Force that... 


... and houses in a Created body... 

...the Soul known as Self... that the Soul may "see"... 

...and reflect upon it-Self... 

...while it is WITHIN the earth plane. 

The Mother of the Soul is... 


...of the Created Self of the Soul... 

...that "sees" the reflection of its created body of itself... 

...that is also the reflection of its Soul. 


From WITHIN the MIND...the Mother... 

...the MIND... 

...of the Self... 

...whose body is a reflection of its Soul... 

...may spring forth an immaculately conceived MIND... 

...that is Patterned after the Father, or the Creative Force WITHIN... 

...that literally houses that very MIND... 

..that is able to conceive NEW
MIND of (S)elf out of the MIND of Self. 

The Father and Mother of the Pattern, 
Jesus... literally the Pattern... 

...of every Father and Mother of every Soul... 

...whose MIND is the Mother that is willing to conceive on her own... immaculately conceived


...that is AS the Son who returns to the 
Maker, or Creative Force WITHIN... 

...often called The Father,
thy Lord, thy God. 

The (S)elf conceived child of the MIND as a Mother returns to be AS ONE with the Father WITHIN. 

It is that simple. 

It is that profound. 


Mind Over Matter M.O.M.

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 26 1999
7:12AM EDT

The Pattern of setting the soul free from the encasement of matter begins with the mind.

The Mind of the Virgin Mary is the Pattern that established that the mind may produce another mind out of itself...

...that has the ability to overcome 

The seed of that NEW mind...

...that is in the mind of Self... like an acorn.

That acorn seed is the acronym for...

MOM is the most stirring and emotional word in the English Language.

From WITHIN OR FROM without matter, the word MOM may be viewed from either direction.

Spirit MOVING in space becomes Matter.*

*Page 174 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The Natural Law is for the mind to open the channel of the Created body... that that the Creative Force, or Spirit WITHIN that body may manifest or pass through the SPACE WITHIN that channel.

This is HOW Mary conceived Jesus.

This is the Pattern Of HOW the mind produces a mind that will pass through space WITHIN...

...and manifest itself THROUGH the encasement of the matter of the human body.

This HOW the mind overcomes the encasement of matter. 

The Spirit is given a channel to move WITHIN for the Way has been...


by the mind of Self.

The mirror image of mind over matter is a walk on water.

...MOM / WOW

The Pattern of MOM Mary conceived the Pattern of Jesus was generated...

...(F)(R)OM the vibrational movement(R)...

...of Spirit of the (F)ather WITHIN... response to the attunement of
Mary's mind to the Spiritual mind of her created body. 


The purpose of human life on earth is to allow the mind to open, or unfold...

so that it may attune to the Creative Force...

...that literally built the body that houses the mind.

The body is the manifestation of the soul.

The human MIND is capable of opening not only itself...

...but the very body that houses the Creative Force WITHIN.

This is WHY thou shall NOT kill is part of the natural Law.

The soul is here to "altar" into  attunement, via the mind, of the vibrations of the CREATIVE Force...

The soul is NOT here to "altar" into attunement, via the mind, of the vibrations of the DESTRUCTIVE Force.

The planet earth carries the vibrations of Creation.

The flesh and bones of the human body are part of that Creation as they are formed from the elements of the Created earth.

The vibratons of the human Created body were diectly CORDED to the mind of Adam.

Adam had direct communion or communication with the CREATIVE Force WITHIN...

...because, in the beginning, his mind and created body were in perfect attunement.

They were AS ONE which is according to the Law of One.

This attunement IS the natural Law.

Adam broke that natural Law when he severed the cord to the vibrations of the Creative Force WITHIN...

...with the free will power of his mind.*

*See page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The free will of the mind decides whether or not the soul moves closer to...

...or farther from its Maker when it is in the earth plane.

When the first few pages of His, the Pattern's Book, the Bible, are re-viewed...

... the mind will see that Adam NEVER addressed the Creative Force WITHIN by any name.

That is EXACTLY WHY the Readings refer to that WITHIN as the Creative Force.

As the human mind first began to unfold PHYSICALLY... took on more and more of His Letters and used them to fulfill its OWN desires.

The names given to the Force WITHIN have ALL... one form or another...

...have become stumbling blocks to one human being or another.

The vibrational characteristics of a human body are very much the same.

IF the little free will power of the mind moves its own letters into the Vibrational Pattern of the Creative Force...

...the mind will begin to take on the power of the Creative Force as it moves into that attuement.

That is why the names are insignificant and become as stumbling blocks to re-cord to the Creative force WITHIN.

It is the movement of His letters WITHIN that is the Power.

In the Bible, His Book, nearly everyone has missed the most important verse ever written.

Revelation 1:8

"I am Alpha and Omega"

"the beginning and ending"

In the beginning...ALL the Letters were of the Spirit G-O-D...

...and WAS the Spiritual Force that WERE the G-O-D-S that formed Adam.

As the unverse expanded so did the number of His Letters.

In the middle between the beginning and the ending...

...the minds of Selves of the human race took His Letters as its own.

In the ending when the mind returns His Letters...

...the mind will then be in attunement again with the Creative Force.

In the ending...

...the 26 stumbling blocks of the minds "OWN" Letters...

...will be re-corded WITHIN to 26 stepping stones...

...that are as His Vibrational Letters of communion WITHIN.

It is that simple.

When the mind decides to go WITHIN...

...simply allow it to take ALL of His letters in too...

...for then He will know that the mind will know His Voice...

...and then (t)he mind may go in and out of His Door at will.


"The human body is the Temple of the Living God...

...a tabernacle for the soul"*

*Page 110 of the Edgar Cayce Companion


"The human body is a pattern... is an EXAMPLE of ALL the FORCES of the universe itself".*

*Page 244 of the Edgar Cayce Companion 


WHEN the soul passes...THEN...from the physical body... soul body)...

...THEN constituted...

...with those atoms of thought...

...(that are mind)...

...and are of the Creative Forces a part,...

...and THEN we have the soul body...

...WITH the mind...

...the subconscious mind...

...which NEVER forgets...

...and is THEN as the conscious mind of the soul body...:

...the SPIRIT...

...or superconscious mind...

...being that of the subconscious MIND of the material body."*

*Page 245 of the Edgar Cayce Companion


As the mind can readily see...

...WHEN the mind is connected WITHIN..., the mind of Edgar Cayce most certainly was...,

...words take on a rather continuous flow just like...

..."There is a River"


When periods are placed...


...the flow of words...

...they act as stepping stones... the mind may slow down the flow of His Letters for understanding.

The PERIODS between '58...



...are these... 

...stepping stones WITHIN.

The stepping stones...

...or the Pattern of His 40 year periods...

...are as the stepping stones WITHIN...

...that enable the mind to unfold... step or period at a time.  
Just as the Bible parallels the unfoldment of the body and the superconscious mind...

..."There is a River" parallels the unfoldment of the body and the mind of the body of Edgar Cayce.

If any mind doubts the validity of the above statement...

...let that mind go to page '58...

...and THEN let it go to page '98...

...and THEN let it see all the periods in between.

The two Major Events in the Life of Edgar Cayce just happen to be found on those two pages.


IF that is not enough...

...let the mind go to page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

This page literally uncovers the missing link of the severed cord...

...that links the mind, the body, and the soul.

A coincidence that it just happens to be found on page 111?

"Nothing happens by chance."*

*Page 44 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


"The SPIRIT and the soul is WITHIN its encasement...

...or its temple...

...WITHIN the individual--see?

With the arousing then of THIS IMAGE... rises along that which is known as the Appian Way...

...or pineal center... the base of the brain...

...that it may be diseminated to those centers that give ACTIVITY to the WHOLE of the MENTAL and PHYSICAL being.

...IT rises then to the hidden eye in the center of the brain system...

...or is FELT in the forefront of the head, or in the place just above the real face...

...or bridge of the nose, see?"*

*Page 104 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

These are not merely IDLE words emanating from the body mind Of Edgar Cayce.

The are words of the IDE(A)L emanating from WITHIN.

The minds of (S)elves know that...

...They have raised the image of the Ideal WITHIN...*

..and have felt the tingling sensations around the head area.

*Page 103 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Many physically mature minded adults make attempts at meditation...

 and fail to achieve the goal of becoming AS ONE with the IDEAL.


Because they fail to follow...

...or are unwilling to follow...

...the PATTERN of going WITHIN.

And exactly WHAT is that Pattern?

This is that Pattern.

In order to enter WITHIN...

...the MIND must become tranformed to one of that of a little kid...

...or child.*

*Matthew 18:3

It would do the mind and soul very "well" to get out His Book...

...look up this verse...

...and keep it on "hand".

This is LITERALLY the Pattern...

...for the mind... the builder to follow.

Has any mind EVER seen a little child sit still...

...even long enough...

...even to begin to try to meditate?


The IDEAL purpose of meditation is correct.

The purpose is to empty out the thoughts of the mind...

...and restore the mind with thoughts of the IDEAL...

...which is the glory of the Son that may be manifested in the mind of the individual's life.*

*Page 449 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The image of the IDEAL is a thought.

Thoughts are things.*

*Page 84 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Therefore the image of the IDEAL is a thing.

The mind, as the builder, moves and  uses letters as the tools of its...


Ths is HOW the mind of Self persnality...

...empties out the mind of Self...

...and re-stores...

...the mind of (S)elf... a little child...

...with the image of the IDEAL.

It will simply empty out ALL the Letters the mind has been moving as its own...

...and simply replace them with Letters from the Point of view of the IDEAL WITHIN.

In essence...

...instead of trying to empty the mind of every physical thought...

...the mind simply empties out ALL the Letters that formed those thoughts.

Why empty out a zillion thoughts...

...when the mind may simply empty out 26 letters that produced those zillion thoughts.

Letters are THINGS that form the thoughts...

...Letters are the tools of the trade of the mind, as the builder.

The mind of the child simply trades in its tools of the trade...

...for His tools of the trade WITHIN.

The Spirit WITHIN did say He IS Alpha and Omega did He not?*

Revelation 1:8

When the mind... the builder... a little child...

...MOVES His Letters in its mind...

... the Creative force  of his image rises from WITHIN...

...and the child partakes of individuality...

..rather than the personality...

..of SELF.*

*Page 103 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Simple for a child who moves away from the personality of Self.

Very difficult for the adult who is unwilling To remove the mountain that the Self Ego has entrapped itself in.

It is that simple. It is that profound.