No Cabbages Allowed
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Many a year has this page been up, and not once has its creator addressed the noble cabbage, the vegetable it so carelessly claims as the subject of its title. I ask you, is this fair? Four years have I maintained this title, and many years prior to that had the inside joke from whence it came been hibernating in my mind. Now that I have forgotten the true origin of the title, I think it only fair to pay my respects to the cabbage, and to offer an appology to all of cabbagekind. Cabbages have been exiled from my page for far too long with no explanation. So, lacking said explanation, I shall welcome cabbages here with open arms, and also provide links to other cabbage-friendly sites, in the hopes of rectifying the crime I have been committing for all these years.

The humble cabbage has noble chemical merit. The juice from red cabbage turns pink when mixed with an acid, turns green when mixed with a base, and remains purple when mixed with a neutral substance. What a chemical canvas!

Established in part to support the activities of PDA, the Cabbages and Condoms Restaurants offer a pleasant dining experience in several locations around Thailand. Not only do the restaurants offer excellent food, but they also promote the health and safety aspects of condom use in a fun and amusing manner.

Trust your kraut to the experts. Jake & Amos kraut and cabbages will add tangy flavor, crunchy texture, and color to your plate.

Over the hill and through the forest, hiding just above and beyond the shores of Puget Sound, is NO CABBAGES B&B of Gig Harbor, Washington. When you are ready for some peace and quiet, your haven in the woods is waiting!

Since the dawn of time, cabbages have been every tyrant's preferred instrument of torture. When we talk of torture, many think of the Spanish Inquisition, but believe me, those racks and thumb-screws were nothing compared with what some people have done with cabbages.

just cool beyond expression

Sit while I sing you a fanciful song,
Which tells of the cabbage's lore.
It's not that exciting and not very long,
For the cabbage is often a bore.

Three weeks of attacks by apartment grown cabbages has struck terror in the hearts of New Yorkers and cast a pall on home agriculture. What seemed at first to be simply "urban legend" has now been conclusively proven to be the horrible truth!

Great Links That Will Make You All Further Doubt My Sanity

Nathan's very cool web page.
The Poorly Drawn Lamp page, which no life is complete without.
Erick's crazy insane website that even I can't understand.
Kathryne's wonderful page
Matt's equally wonderful page
Take the weirdness test
Cabbage Page!!!
The Men Suck Page...very amusing
A wonderful nugget of genius from the minds of people nut unlike myself
Anti-cheeze hamster freedom page
Douglas Adams Quote Directory


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