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My Beer Page

My Beer FAQ:

Is beer nice to drink?


What is the Reinheitsgebot?

The Reinheitsgebot, or German Purity Law, is considered to be the oldest food law in the world and has been in existence since the year 1516. Issued by Duke Wilhelm of Bavaria, this strict edict permits the use of only Barley Malt, Hops, Yeast and Water - strictly no additives ! This law, which has been passed down over the ages to uphold the highest standard of quality beer, was issued to prevent brewers from using additives in beer, in order to disguise unpleasant smells and tastes which developed as the beer aged. The integrity and excellence of beer is protected.

What ingredients is added to SAB beers?

"Natural sugar" is added to Lion Lager.

SAB augments the naturally occurring sulphur content of beers to act as an anti- oxidant (often referred to as preservatives).

Enzymes are added to ensure consistency. The SAB employee said alpha- and beta- amylase were added where these did not occur in sufficient amounts in the brewing process. Botha said SAB brewers "supplement ... enzymes to ensure the right amount for the particular brew".

A substance named "NEB" was added to boost the staying power of the foamy head. Botha said: "To prolong the life of the beer foam and provide that all- important white `head' in all conditions, SAB's brewers, once again when necessary, add a natural extract of kelp."

Caramel was added to correct colour.

Hangover Tips:

Hangover tip no 1:

Eat some vitamins (vitamin B complex will do the trick, but the others don't hurt, expecialy the antioxidants to slow the damage of alcohol's byproducts.) and drink lots of water before you go to bed or crash.

Links to Beer Websites:

Southern African links:

African Beverages, Brewing and Wine Industry.
South African Breweries
Namibia Breweries

Beer Brands available in South Africa:
